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The recurring dream of Arznet under a moonless sky

By zakariyahu abdulrasheedPublished 8 days ago 3 min read

Arznet's nightmare plunges him into a warped version of his African homeland. The savannah, usually alive with movement and color, is shrouded in an unnatural mist. The trees, once vibrant and full of life, are twisted, their branches reaching out like skeletal hands. In the distance, pale, ghostly figures flit in and out of sight, their forms indistinct and ever-elusive. The dream is eerily silent, the usual symphony of nocturnal animals replaced by an oppressive stillness. Occasionally, the silence is pierced by a distant, mournful wail from an unseen creature, creating a sense of foreboding. Whispers in an ancient, forgotten language swirl around him, carried by the mist, growing louder as he delves deeper into the nightmare.

Arznet is gripped by a profound sense of isolation and dread. The ground beneath his feet shifts unpredictably, sometimes solid, other times giving way like quicksand, keeping him on edge. With heavy air, laden with the scent of dry earth and something metallic, like blood, heightening his anxiety. The mist clings to his skin, cold and damp, almost as if it were alive. When he encounters the spectral figures, their touch is icy, and mist wraps around his skin, chilling and dampening, as though it possesses a life of its own. Draining, instilling a deep sense of horror and helplessness. The mist envelops his skin, chilling and moist, animated.

Initially, the dream is marked by a relentless search for an unnamed something, with a constant feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. As the nightmare progresses, Arznet stumbles upon poignant remnants of his past broken drums, a child's toy, a faded photograph each discovery intensifying his sorrow and longing. The landscape shifts to a desolate desert, and the whispers in the mist grow into a cacophony of voices calling his name, both accusing and pleading. He encounters other lost souls, spectral figures with hollow eyes filled with despair, who reach out to him, their touch cold and draining.

The nightmare culminates at the edge of a vast, dark chasm. Ground crumbles beneath him, and he teeters on the brink, feeling presence of something ancient and malevolent lurking in the abyss. The recurring nightmare is a manifestation of Arznet's deep-seated fears and unresolved emotions. The haunted landscape and spectral figures symbolize his feelings of isolation and loss. Whispers and ghostly figures represent unresolved guilt and the fear of being forgotten or forsaken. The dream reflects his subconscious struggle to come to terms with a traumatic event or a significant loss in his waking life. The nightmare's central message is existential dread - the fear of becoming a lost soul, disconnected from the past and unable to find one's way back to familiar life.

Unfortunately, Arznet, wakes up each morning drenched in sweat, his heart racing, and a lingering sense of dread hanging over him. His sleep is restless and fragmented, leaving him exhausted and irritable during the day. The dream's vivid imagery and unsettling sensations haunt him, making it difficult to concentrate or find joy in activities he once enjoyed.

His relationships and social interactions suffer as well. Friends and family notice his withdrawn and anxious demeanor, but he finds it hard to articulate the source of his distress. The fear of falling asleep and being drawn back into the nightmare leaves him in a constant state of unease. Determined to break free from the grip of his recurring nightmare, Arznet embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing. He begins by keeping a dream journal, meticulously recording each detail of the nightmare as soon as he wakes up. This helps him identify patterns and recurring symbols, providing clues to the underlying issues.

He seeks guidance from a local shaman, who interprets the dream's symbols in his cultural heritage. The shaman suggests that the nightmare is a manifestation of unresolved grief and guilt related to a traumatic event in Arznet's past. Through rituals and ceremonies, Arznet reconnects with his ancestors and the spiritual aspects of his culture, seeking their guidance and support. In parallel, Arznet starts attending therapy sessions, where he explores his emotions and experiences with a trained professional. He slowly uncovers buried memories and confronts the feelings of loss and guilt that have been haunting him. Through this process, he learns to forgive himself and find closure.

As Arznet works through his emotions and gains a deeper understanding of his nightmare, the dream begin's to change. The mist in the savannah start's to reveal glimpses of the vibrant landscape he once knew. The spectral figures become less menacing, and the whispers transform into voices of encouragement and guidance.

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Comments (1)

  • Golam Kibria7 days ago

    Write more stories like this

ZAWritten by zakariyahu abdulrasheed

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