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Women should try to build a good relationship with sex.

Relationship without sex cannot work well.

By Wilson ChineduPublished 4 months ago 6 min read

Sixteen things a woman should do in order to maintain a healthy sexy live with her husband or partner.

Its clearly obvious that any cordial relationship especially between a woman and her husband depends much on sex satisfaction. In many domestic misunderstanding, its either that the man cannot match his responsibilities or the woman is not feeding the man well in the bedroom. The problem in most cases is not that each of the partners cannot perform his or her duties well but in most cases ignorance or lack of understanding of the right thing to do is where the problem comes from.

Here I am going to talk on what the husband and wife should hold onto in order to make sure things are working well.

1. Many women dress up well for the public to admire them but they don't put as much effort as possible to dress up well for their husband to admire them in their bedroom. Lady, your number one audience is your husband, A man takes much action on what he sees. Look for those transparent night dresses and put them on in the bedroom or if possible let your bedroom be your Garden of Eden, remove all dreeses and become like Eve,

2. Tell your husband what you want on bed. Many women complain that their husbands don't give them good and enjoyable sex , yet they do not express what they want their husbands to do sexually to them. Woman, your man doesn't read minds. Sex satisfaction does not come by only penetration.

3. Many women are shy in bed, largely because of their low self esteem making the husband feel as if he is forcing a sexual encounter with her since she comes off as disengaged in the act. Lady work on your self esteem, it directly affects your sex life.

In some cases the environment may not be conducive for the act, Children are close-by or neighbours can hear or understand what is going on, Try to create a conducive environment where you are free to scream at the top of your voice while enjoying the act at the climax.

4. Many women do not praise their husband's performance in bed even when he is good. Lady, the more you talk well about his penis, the way he touches you, the way he licks you etc; the more he wants to please you. Work on his ego. Also make sure that during the act you let him know that he is doing it right, you are really enjoying what he is doing by moaning or speaking loudly in toung. Call him all the sweet names on earth

5. Many women belittle or even take their husbands for granted, you cant talk down at him with disrespect and expect him to give you great sex. Lady, when you undermine him and talk to him as if he is not a man because he doesn't earn "enough money", he has failed in his goals a few times; you are killing his ego and making him weak in everything.

6. Many women are inactive during sex because they think it is the husband's role to lead in sex. So she lies in bed, lifeless, passive and bored expecting him to do all the sexual heavy lifting. Lady, try sometimes to make sex advances to your husband, Arose his interest, During the act, dont just lie on the bed like a log of wood, participate actively to make the act great because the more great it is the more he wants more.

7. Many women think that complaining and nagging will get a man to do the right thing. What they fail to realize is that it only leads to the man repelling the woman, he will struggle to desire to kiss her and touch her. She will drain him. To get a man to do what you want, inspire him, compliment him for the good he has done so far. Talk more of the good things he is doing and less of the bad things. Its not that he is above making mistakes or offending you but try to be polite in talking to him. Stop nagging because it will worsen the issue,

Then in bed, he will pursue you because he feels safe with you

8. Many women though they do not have sexual intercourse with another man, they are emotionally unfaithful. They engage another man or men in intimate discussions and chats as they wonder why the husband is angry at this. In some religion or traddition a woman is not supposed to engage in discussions or chat with another man unnecessarily. This annoys the husband and makes his feelings put off.

9. Many women complain that their men are talking too much about sex, they tell them off. When the man tones down on the sex talk, the woman complains and becomes insecure doubting whether he still finds her sexy or maybe he is seeing another woman outside. Your husband talks too much sex if he loves you and if you turns him down he may put his eyes outside,

10. Many women use sex as weapon. During an argument, they employ silent treatment and start denying him his conjugal rights. Soon, the man gets used to living without her sex and suddenly she is the one who desperately wants sex just to prove to herself all is well in their marriage but the damage is already done or if its a man who cannot stay long without sex the wife has created him opportunity to look for sex elswhere.

11. Many women do not observe good hygiene. When the weave stinks, armpits smell of sweat and the vagina area not well maintained; he will struggle to have sex with her. Some women have a very bad irritating smell that can make a man not to have erection, Lady, stay clean,

12. Many women, especially conservative or Christian women view sex as dirty or things of the world and so they don't fully release themselves or give in to it, even in marriage. This is because perhaps they grew up being told "NO SEX" that they fail to realize sex is Godly and God's gift to nourish and sweeten their marriage. Lady, God created your body for pleasure with your spouse.

13. Some women think of their ex and still have great love for him and as a result sex with their husbands is not enjoyable.In this case whatsoever their husbands do to please them cannot go down well,

14. Many women don't know how to say no to their husband. Lady, even when you feel you are not in the mood for sex because of your monthly periods, you are sick, your mood is low or you're tired; don't just brush him off. If you will not give him sex still make him feel loved. Cuddle with him, kiss him, have an intimate pillow talk, tell him you love him, tell him he will get some hot sex when he wakes up; do not make him feel ignored.

15. Many women think that the best thing they have to offer is great sex and so they do not work on themselves, their attitude, their character, their dreams and individual progress. They only concentrate on getting tips on how to be sexy, how to twerk, how to squat, how to keep the vagina tight and not content to grow their mind, their business, their spirit. Eventually the man grows tired, drained and feels empty with her. A man needs more than a few hot minutes in bed. Remember that a great sex depend on the state of the mind, A man that does not have a great mind cannot perform well sexually.


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