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Women masturbating, Pimply activist Fredrika Winsten to spend the beggary fabulus with himself and a blogger Eino Nurminen facilitates stress by trunk - make you yourself a health

Reality can surprise - this is how a woman really masturbates

By Sarfraz HussainPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
How To Masturbate (Female Masturbation)

Would you like to ease your anxiety, raise your self-esteem and fall asleep more easily? Try masturbation, because masturbation is a healthy act! Pimpi activist Fredrika Winsten says how has learned to love himself. For Eino Nurmisto, the gay boy blogger of this village, a handjob is a kind of stress toy or the best entertainment.

“ Sex ” turned ten this summer, but now it’s time for a jerk, which is the time to learn to make love to yourself.

Masturbation is safe sex at its best. In addition, it has positive effects on our health. One of them, for example, is the reduction of anxiety.

Namely, studies have found areas in the brain that activate and deactivate, that is, as if going off during arousal and orgasm.

The areas that regulate motor and hormonal activity are activated when aroused. And just before and during orgasm, activity in the prefrontal cortex and tonsil, in turn, decreases.

- The almond nucleus is central to emotional reactions such as fear and anxiety. In other words, people become dumber but less anxious when masturbating and especially during orgasm, says Annika Gunst, Ph.D., and authorized sexual counselor.

Experienced experts Fredrika Winsten, 31, and Eino Nurmisto, 29, have found that masturbation can be both a stress and a self-escape, but at its best, it’s cheap and good entertainment that has helped them find their limits and let go of fear.

Pimpi activist Fredrika has masturbated from child

Masturbation Erotic Bare Legs Realdoll Doll

Pimpi and Menkka activist Fredrika Winsten's sex life is accompanied by exact design. She follows her menstrual cycle closely and is suitable for sex dating with herself for ovulation days.

It is not obvious to me to arouse or want sex. Sexuality is not a constantly alive and pulsating force in the black, and therefore scheduling sex is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Fredrik’s long-term relationship ended a short time ago and now he wants to focus on finding a connection with himself better.

She has decided to abstain from sex with others, but instead, masturbation is an important part of her recovery from recovery and self-acquaintance.

Sex dating marked on the calendar was already part of Fredrika’s relationship and now a relationship with herself. The plan allows peace to focus on the rest of life and lust grows after menstruation towards ovulation day by day.

Then the body tingles a little. It’s nice and yet you don’t have to react to it because I know there are pet festivals ahead in a few days. Outside of that, I might only masturbate to the point that the folds can be counted with the fingers of one hand.

For Fredrik, masturbation or being with himself has also been associated with many different stages throughout life.

I've been masturbating all my life. I don’t remember life without it. I have also had so many sharp parents that I am not punished or disgraced for that.

In childhood, it has been very pimply and the cattle is a small child to intervene all that what I think about sex today. As teenagers, all things of love have tinted masturbation.

During the first relationship, masturbation was left out for a long time. The start of partner sex was such a big change that there was no room for masturbation.

Masturbation has also been a way for Fredrik in relationships to find ways to make love that feel good to him. On the other hand, masturbation has also served as a balancing factor in relationships where desires have not met with a partner.

When my partner has wanted more often than I do, masturbation has been a bit of a thing like being able to eat chocolate ice cream without sharing it with anyone.

Masturbation has helped to perceive one’s own boundaries

In this moment and stage of life, masturbation has even had a turning point for Fredrika. Summer celibacy has reinforced the experience of self-love.

It has increased the feeling of peace with the fact that I have enough and I have a good time. I have a way of starting to get outside approval and silence the pain after the divorce, but now I won’t let that happen, I’m just with myself.

The most important thing is the fact that masturbation is not just masturbation, but making love to oneself, has been the presence, according to Fredrik. It is only possible after he has gone through certain uncertainties in his head.

Of course, I have had to go through the silly question of whether my body is desirable and sexually capable. It’s a bit of the same thing as the question of what a bikini body is. Well, that's the body you wear a bikini over!

The presence has previously been disturbed by, among other things, the visual content or equipment consumed by Fredrika during masturbation. When he has given up watching porn, for example, the connection to his own body has been found in a whole new way.

Porn and certain tools were a way for me to get away from reality with myself for a while. But now with celibacy, I pamper myself when the invitation comes and I’m just with myself. It’s kind of a personal booty call.

Fredrika describes herself making love as a very bodily experience.

Masturbation does not apply only to genital organs or pimp, it is the whole body experience that includes all the feet.

At that moment, I let my controlling and future-planning analytical mind go off. I focus on what is to be with myself in a relationship that I touch my own body and preparing for the rest of the body for the last place to go to a pimpy.

Through active presence training, Fredrika has also found her limits for future relationships.

He feels that the quality of self-pampering has changed significantly with his own “summer celibacy”. Experience has brought uncomplicated self-knowledge and thus self-esteem.

- It becomes a funny domino effect. It has been much easier for me to figure out what kind of sex I want for myself and what kind of partner I would like. Crosses release in a funny way. I feel like I can’t be so taken to thinking that as long as someone is close by.

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Eino Nurmisto: Stress can manifest as constant hand job

Photo: Tommi Parkkinen / Yle

Eino Nurmisto, a blogger and author titled as the nation's number one gay man , recognizes that masturbation can be a way to literally relieve pressure.

If I have stress or anxiety, then it easily manifests as constant handjob. It’s a bit like a stress toy to make you feel a little more relaxed.

However, Eino has understood that the constant need for handcuffing means that too much mental weight has accumulated and the matter needs to be clarified.

When you are doing well, there is so much hurry and so much to do that you don't even have time to think about handjob and then when you don't work and there is a lot of anxiety, you don't change your mind.

Handjob and watching porn freed me from fear

Although the need for masturbation can sometimes be due to stress, Eino has a good relationship with herself and masturbation.

Through masturbation, among other things, she has learned to accept different nuances of her own sexuality, as handjob moments have often been associated with watching porn.

Through porn, I have come across different ways of having sex and sometimes wondered if there is anything wrong or wrong with it, if you like BDSM (sadomasochistic sexual fetishes), for example. When I came across that catalog, it somehow felt inappropriate and unhealthy.

Accepting one's preferences has taken Eino years of process. One eye-opening experience was Susanna Paasonen's special course focusing on pornography at the University of Turku. Among other things, with the help of that course, Eino understood that fetishes are ok.

Having seen that the same videos have been watched by millions of people, I realize that I am not the only one who likes them. It has strengthened my perception of myself and freed me from fearful states about my sexuality.

Eino considers it important that a person is able to communicate with himself and reminds him that handjob is cheap entertainment.

It's the best shit. Black it is a sign of a good man that is a jerk, not a bad man.

Everyone already knows sex heat, this summer is the time for body heat! Masturbation has been studied as a health act

Although relatively little research has been done on the health effects of masturbation, researchers have already found indications that masturbation can improve health in a number of ways.

At least these four health effects have been studied in various studies:

1. Reduces stress and improves sleep quality

During arousal and orgasm, the body secretes the calming and pleasing hormones dopamine, oxytocin and the neurotransmitters endorphins.

“One American study reports that stress relief and calming were the most common reasons for masturbation in women after sexual pleasure,” says Annika Gunst, a doctor of psychology and authorized sexual counselor.

In addition, masturbation can help you fall asleep and sleep again has a positive effect on stress

2. Relieves pain and improves resistance

The hormone oxytocin and the neurotransmitter endorphin, which are secreted during arousal and especially during orgasm, soothe and possibly also relieve pain.

Pain can be relieved during masturbation, even if you do not have an orgasm, as oxytocin is excreted by contact alone.

Surveys have shown that masturbation works as a way for some people to relieve menstrual and migraines, as well as various chronic pains, but orgasm is quite important, because then endorphins and oxytocin are especially secreted, Annika Gunst says.

Masturbation can also improve resistance. At least in men.

One study looked at men's blood counts after masturbation and found that the number of leukocytes, or white blood cells, had risen. In particular, the number of natural killer cells was elevated.

Their tasks include identifying and destroying cells in the body that cause, for example, a viral infection. However, further research is needed on the impact of this on disease prevention.

3. Can prevent diseases

Masturbation may alSome studies show that those who masturbate often are less likely to develop prostate cancer. On the other hand, these results are not quite clear, which means that there are also studies in which this connection has not been found, Annika Gunst reminds.

Masturbation can also be beneficial for heart health.

One study has found indications that orgasms could prevent death from coronary heart prevent cancer.

4. Raise self-esteem

Various masturbation exercises to get to know your own body are common tools in sex therapy work. And no wonder, as they are believed to improve attitudes towards one’s own body.

  • Studies have found that masturbation is associated with better self-esteem in women, but in these, the cause-and-effect relationship is not always clear. That is, it may also be the case that women with better self-esteem masturbate more often.
  • On the other hand, the attitude of the media and the surrounding society towards masturbation affects self-esteem.
  • One American study found that videos, where a man masturbates, were viewed negatively, but videos, where a woman masturbates, were viewed positively.
  • Such an attitude can harm self-esteem, but masturbation is a good way to get to know your genitals and become more comfortable with your genitals, Annika Gunst, Doctor of Psychology emphasizes.

Reality can surprise - this is how a woman really masturbates

Masturbates, The reality is much harsher.

Vibrator to sing, and towards fast enjoyment!

Erotic catalogs are full of women in their delicate lingerie and perfect makeup touching themselves in the most special positions. Sadness, therefore, produces for you, men, disappointment: the reality is a myth more boring.

Even though women’s magazines call for it, few can prepare for their self-indulgence session in an hour. Take a bath by candlelight or grease your body completely slowly, caressing. Or prepare “mentally” for this great moment.

Masturbating is (or at least should be) part of a normal week, as is going to the shower or gym - you can’t make it to either number now. Roughly described, the thing goes so that now the mind makes and/or has the opportunity, so aids highlight and towards satisfaction!

In connection with sex with a partner, the importance of warm-up and foreplay is emphasized, but when masturbating, a woman also goes fairly directly to the matter. I don’t think just anyone, for example, rubs a naked self on his face or breasts to “warm-up”. Watching porn, of course, helps to get in the mood, but often it is not needed either.

water. However, the most popular is probably the Vibrator, which makes the one-way ticket to the top the fastest of all. If you have enough endurance and feel, you can get a stunning set by combining porn, dildo, and vibrator. But few, too, groan or moan loudly.

I hope I don’t latest anyone’s nap, but “sweaters down, vibrator for the clitoris and five minutes of tremor towards the top” is probably the most typical female masturbation session. The speed of satisfaction comes precisely from the fact that it is possible to target the arousal exactly correctly and without interruption. That pounding look on the same point with a face is hardly what any porn consumer would be able to stare at with great enthusiasm. But that's the reality!

It is therefore pointless to wonder that women living in a relationship also prefer masturbation in addition to other sex in the same way as men. It brings quick relief from pressure without having to think of anyone else.

sexual wellness

About the Creator

Sarfraz Hussain

I am a professional journalist and I work as a writer and reporter in a national newspaper. The purpose of my life is to help people. Useful Tips on Health Care to Improve the Lives of an Ordinary Man.

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