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What To Do If A Condom Gets Stuck in the Vagina

Handling a Stuck Condom in the Vagina

By DingfooPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Our Co-Founder Dr. Sarah Welsh's extensive background in sexual health makes her an expert on sensitive topics many wonder about but may not discuss openly. In honor of Sexual Health Month, we're tackling an important issue - what to do if something becomes lodged in the vagina. Whether a condom, sex toy, or even a tampon, objects inserted in the vagina sometimes become difficult to remove. This uncomfortable situation is often left unspoken, but we're here to provide Dr. Welsh's guidance.

What to Do if a Condom Gets Stuck

In certain vigorous situations, if the size of your partner or toy is unsuitable, the condom may accidentally slip off and get lodged in the vagina. First, remain calm and follow these steps:

  • Urinate - This can relieve discomfort from pressure and prevent UTIs.
  • Get comfortable - Find a position that allows you to relax and easily insert fingers, such as standing with one foot on a stool, squatting, or lying on your back with legs raised and knees apart.
  • Gently retrieve - Carefully use fingers to locate and slowly draw out the condom. Ask a trusted friend for assistance if needed.
  • Seek medical help - If unable to remove or experiencing discomfort, see a healthcare provider. They can safely remove it.
  • Consider emergency contraception - If pregnancy is a concern, speak to a medical professional about options like the morning-after pill.

Don't hesitate to get help removing a stuck condom. During my medical career, I have safely retrieved many lodged condoms and other objects. The key is staying calm and getting medical assistance if needed.

What To Do If a Tampon Gets Stuck

Don't panic if your tampon won't come out or feels stuck. First, relax your muscles as tension can make removal harder. Find a comfortable position like sitting on the toilet or squatting. Take a deep breath and gently insert a finger to feel for the string, using a little lube if needed. Gently pull the string to remove the tampon if you can locate it.

If you can't find the string or have trouble removing, it's best to contact a healthcare professional, especially if experiencing:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge or smells
  • Pelvic or stomach pains
  • Painful urination
  • Fever
  • Vaginal itching, redness or swelling

If a tampon has been stuck for a while, get it removed. If you can't remove it yourself, see your doctor or go to emergency for evaluation. Tampons shouldn't stay in more than 8 hours due to toxic shock syndrome risk. If concerned, get checked even if it seems the tampon is gone - it's always better to be cautious and seek assistance.

What to Do if a Toy or Other Object Gets Stuck

Stay calm if a sex toy gets stuck in your vagina. This is common due to the strong vaginal muscles. Try gently squatting to encourage the toy to shift downward for removal. Bearing down as if using the bathroom can also create pressure to dislodge it. If these techniques fail, seek medical help from your GP, sexual health clinic, or A&E.

While curiosity and exploration are natural, prioritize safety during intimate activities. Avoid using household objects, as they may have sharp edges or break during use, causing discomfort or injury. Opt for reputable sex toy manufacturers designed specifically for safe pleasure.

Discussing stuck objects with a doctor may feel embarrassing, but they view it as a medical issue to resolve professionally. Their goal is ensuring your safety, comfort and wellbeing - not judgment. You have the right to advocate for yourself and communicate your needs.

Choose a doctor you feel comfortable with. Having someone you trust there, like a friend or chaperone, can provide reassurance. In the UK, chaperones are standard practice during exams. Speak up if you feel uneasy so they can adjust the exam to your comfort level.

Good communication is key. Don't hesitate to voice any concerns during appointments. Doctors want to support you and ensure a positive experience. With the right care and guidance, the situation can be resolved smoothly and comfortably.

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