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Wedding Rendezvous

An Erotic Short Story

By D.Von ParkerPublished 4 years ago 15 min read


Rachel had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. She lived next door when we were kids and we even roomed together in college. So it was no surprise when she asked me to be her bridesmaid. I was actually relieved to hear that it was some sort of a family tradition to have the sister be the maid of honor. A maid of honor was expected to give a speech and that was not my cup of tea, especially not in front of that many people. Her husband to be, John, was the son of an oil tycoon, which meant that this would be a very big and elaborate wedding.

They treated us to everything. Expensive meals, a spa day, the works. I felt like a princess and I wasn’t even the one getting married. Rachel chose beautiful silver sequined dresses that had a pale blue silk tulle outer layer for all the bridesmaids. Each one just a little different style but all matching in color. Mine was strapless with a sweetheart neckline that showed a little more of my breasts than I would have normally cared for. It was full length with a silky wrap that fit tightly around my waist. But the most beautiful thing of all was the rhinestone jewelry set that matched the dresses. Of course the jewelry was to be returned after the reception but it still made me feel very decadent.

As I stood at the front of the church, waiting for the ‘here comes the bride’ tune, I scanned the crowded pews. I was aquantented with a few but most of the people in attendance were strangers to me. One face in the crowd particularly caught my eye. A handsome man in a tux with a chiseled jawline. His dark eyes met with mine and a slight grin creased the corner of his mouth. I could tell I was starting to blush but our eyes were locked and I could not break away. My heart rate was increasing. It could have been nerves but I don’t think so. He had a strange hold on me. Suddenly everyone rose to their feet, turning to face the back of the church. I was snapped from my trance, losing sight of the man in the sea of people.

When the ceremony had ended, Dave, one of John’s best men, presented his arm and escorted me down the center aisle. Dave was an attractive man, he had been very polite and just a bit flirty, to which Rachel had warned me. Despite his charm, my eyes searched for the man that I had seen earlier to no avail. Not that it would have done me any good. Perhaps he would attend the reception, perhaps even ask me to dance. My heart fluttered a little just thinking about it.

“Ever been to a wedding this fancy?” Dave asked, once we were at the back of the church.

“Nothing quite like this,” I said laughing.

“I knew they were rich. But they really went all out.”

“It was beautiful,” I replied.

“Yea,” he said, glancing quickly at my chest. “For sure. I bet you were glad she didn’t have you wear some crazy neon orange dress or something?” He said, knowing that I had caught him looking.

I laughed, looking down at my dress with my hands on my hips.

“I am. She has good taste. I was never worried.”

“You look amazing by the way,” he said with his hands out, as if presenting me.

I think he was giving himself an excuse to look me up and down, which I actually didn’t mind him doing. It was a nice compliment coming from a man that I’m pretty sure was ten years younger than me. I twisted my hips back and forth, making the tulle float around me.

“Thank you. You look very handsome as well,” I said, tugging at his lapel as if to straighten it.

He smiled and was about to say something else but was cut off.

“Everyone in the wedding party, this way. Time for pictures.”

“That’s us,” Dave said, again offering his arm.

I took it, squeezing his large bicep before lacing my arm into his. He was trying hard and I was probably blushing. He was a full head taller than me, so I had to crane my neck to look into his lovely blue eyes.

“You’re such a gentleman,” I said bashfully.

He only smiled as he led me out to where there were limousines waiting to take us to the receptions venue. If it weren’t for the shofer, I’m sure he would have opened the door for me but he did offer his hand, which I took, to get in the car. We rode with the other bridesmaids and I could tell one of them had also peaked Dave’s interest. I could see why. She was built like a runway model, tall, thin and very beautiful. Where as I was an average height with more of an hourglass figure.

Once we arrived at our destination, Dave again took my hand to help me out of the car.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, giving him a cute grin.

I looked around and felt like I was in a fairy tale. We were in a large circle drive, paved in stone, with a fountain at the center. Perfectly manicured landscape sprawled as far as I could see. The building looked like an enormous old English mansion and there seemed to always be someone to open every door. Behind the mansion was an expansive garden and lush green lawn that led down to a large pond. I got a bit of tour since the photographer took us from one place to the next all around the grounds. It was a magical place, perfect for photos.

When the photographer was finished with us I went inside to find most of the guests had arrived and were mingling in the great hall. I scanned the room for the man from the church. Who would skip out on this? Surely he would show.


She was easy to spot in the crowd and not just because she was one of the bridesmaids. I took in every curve of her small hourglass figure. Her long, auburn hair fell in waves on her bare shoulders. It was hard not to notice her breast as the exquisite rhinestone necklace sat upon the excess that bubbled out the top of her dress. A matching rhinestone bracelet sparkled as she brushed her hair behind her ears, revealing the beautiful earring beneath. The set must be worth a small fortune. I had noticed that all the bridesmaids wore a similar set, so they were likely provided by the newlyweds. No surprise, considering how elaborate the whole event had been.

I had to at least introduce myself to this woman. Casually I made my way over to her, watching her as she scanned the room, as if looking for someone.

“Excuse me,” I said, bumping into her subtly.

She turned to me, her emerald green eyes sparkled as I reached out, placing my hand on her arm.

“I’m really sorry miss…” I apologized, fishing for her name.

“Oh, it’s alright. I’m Naomi,” she said, extending her hand.

I gently took her soft hand into mine, taking a moment to examine the fine bracelet, then placed a kiss on the top of her hand. She smiled, shifting on her feet.

“Pleasure to meet you Naomi. I’m Emeric.”

“Likewise,” she responded, blushing. “I had better join the bride and groom,” she said, motioning towards the head table where the wedding party had started to gather.

“Of course. Don’t want to keep them waiting,” I said, finally releasing her hand.

I stood and watched as she made her way through the crowd. She looked back to see if I was still watching. I did not look away. She grinned and quickly looked back to where she was headed.

“That’s an amazing woman,” I muttered to myself.

I continued to watch her as the meal was served and the wine started to pour. When she finally located my table, I noticed she would look my way frequently. I was going to have to ask this woman to dance. She had everything I wanted.

After the toasts and speeches, the bride and groom took to the dance floor. It was almost time for me to make my move. I went to the bar to get a bourbon to steady my nerves. As I sat at the bar, I searched the crowded dance floor until I had spotted her.

Shit. One of the groom's men had already made a move and was leading her to the dance floor. I decided to let her enjoy a dance with him. I would try on the next song. But to my disappointment, they continued to dance into the next song. I finished my drink and headed out to the dance floor. A slow song, perfect.

“Mind if I cut in?” I asked with my hand out, sure she would take it.

They both looked at me with opposite expressions. Hers was a beautiful smile. Where his was more of a look of annoyance but I most certainly did not care.

“Not at all,” he said, seeing Naomi place her hand into mine.

I placed my hand on her hip and gently pulled her in close. There was no resistance as she stared into my eyes, pressing her breasts into my chest. The sparkle of the numerous stones caught my eye again.

“That is a beautiful necklace,” I said. I’m sure she thought I was just staring at her tits. I honestly wasn’t... mostly.

“Thank you. But it’s not mine. Borrowed from our hosts I’m afraid,” she said with an exaggerated frown.

“It is an unnecessary accessory for a woman as beautiful as you,” I said, laying it on thick.

She turned her head shyly, but only for a moment. “Thanks. And that is a fine tux.”

“Had to blend in at such an extravagant affair,” I replied, puffing my chest up slightly.

“You wear it well,” she flirted, giving me a wink.

“And I’m sure you look stunning in anything… and nothing,” I said, picturing her body underneath the dress.

She laughed and again turned her head away, her cheeks blushed red. “You are a bold man, Mr. Emeric.”

“Only when I see something I want.”

“Oh, I see. And what is it that you want?”

“To kiss you.”

“I’m not a public display kind of girl Mr. Emeric,” she said coyly.

“Then perhaps we should get some air. I hear the gardens in the back are like no other.”

“They are beautiful. But they will be cutting the cake soon, don’t want to miss that.”

“After then?”

She smiled. “Sure. Meet me by the pond.”

“I will be there,” I said, as the song came to an end. I took a step back still holding her hand. I bowed, lifting her hand to my lips. “Enjoy your dessert, Naomi,” I said, giving her a wink.


He released my hand but I did not want him to let go. Our dance left me aroused and I wanted his body against mine again. He was like no other man I knew. Okay, so maybe weddings make me a little horny… and wine… and hot guys in tuxedos. But there was something about him, I couldn’t wait to see him again.

The rest of the evening flew by as I anticipated meeting with Emeric again. Bouquets and garters were thrown. I watched the bride and groom rub cake into one another's face. Then, as I was enjoying my cake I saw Emeric exit the door that led out into the gardens. A grin rose at the corner of my mouth as I thought about his lips on mine. Hoping no one would notice my absence, I made my way to the back door.

Once outside, I saw that there were a few people outside. Mostly smokers, but no one seemed to have ventured too far from the door. I casually strode through the garden area that skirted the pond, hoping to not draw any unwanted attention. The sky was clear and my eyes were starting to adjust to the moon lit night.

“I was worried you wouldn’t come,” a voice said, making my heart race.

“Of course I came.”

He took me by the hands, pulling me into a more secluded area, where the plants hid us from everyone's view. Pulling me in close, he held my waist firmly in his strong hands and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before he leaned in, pressing his lips into mine. His hands came up my sides and ran along my arms. Lifting my arms into the air, he took both of my wrists into one of his hands.

“What are you doing?” I asked, as he tied my wrist and fastened them to a low hanging branch.

“Shh. I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered into my ear.

My heart was racing as a blend of fear and arousal coursed through my body. His hands caressed my skin making me shiver with excitement. His hands made their way to my neck, wrapping all the way around them. Next thing I knew, I felt my necklace slide off my shoulders and he slipped it into his jacket.

“So, you are just going to rob me then?” I asked as I subtly worked at my bindings. That's when I noticed he had already taken my bracelet.

“Perhaps,” he whispered.

Gently, and with skilled fingers he removed my earrings, brushing against my cheeks lightly as he did so. He kissed me again and my arousal snuffed out the fear.

“I could just scream you know,” I warned as he pulled away from our kiss.

“Why would you do that? You said it yourself. These do not belong to you. Besides, we are just getting to the fun part.”

“What fun would that be,” I said, hanging onto every word.

His nimble fingers traced my collarbones, slowly gliding down to the sides of my breasts. A moan involuntarily escaped my lips. He gave me an evil grin, knowing I was not going to try to stop him. I could feel the heat from his breath on my lips as his hands continued around me. Holding the back of my dress with one hand, I could hear him unzipping my dress with the other. Releasing his hands, my dress fell down around my feet.

He took a step back and looked me up and down hungrily. My breasts were fully exposed thanks to the inability to wear a bra with my dress. A thong was the only thing left between me and whatever else Emeric had planned.

His hands roamed my body as he circled around me.

“Ahh,” I moaned softly.

“Shh. We don’t want to attract any unwanted attention do we?”

I shook my head, biting my lip as his hands came around, squeezing my breast. He pushed himself firmly against me. I could feel the bulge in his pants press against my ass. His lips nipped down my spine while his hands made their way down my stomach, then into the waistband of my thong. Pulling them down, I felt his finger brush past my eager slit.

“Sorry. I have to be sure you aren't hiding anything else,” he said.

Circling back in front of me he ran his hand across my thigh. I widened my stance to allow him to explore more and he did not hesitate. His fingers slid through my wet folds and he slipped two of them inside me. I exhaled heavily, trying not to make too much noise.

“Find anything you want in there?” I asked coyly. “Maybe you should untie me and I can give you something really special.”

He slowly removed his fingers and reached into his pants pocket, removing a knife and flicking it open. My heart pounded as he reached up and cut the bindings on my wrists, folding the knife back closed and returning it to his front pocket.

I stepped in close to him staring into his eyes as my hands began to undo his belt buckle. His cock twitched beneath the silky slacks as I unfastened them. With one fast tug, they were down around his ankles. He was so caught up in the moment that he did not realize I had his knife. I stood quickly, pushing the blade to his throat.

“I’ll take these back,” I said, pulling my jewels from his coat pocket. “Now strip. I think it's only fair,” I said, pointing the knife at him and stepping back still completely naked.

He complied to my command, starting with his jacket, tossing it onto a nearby bench. Smiling, all while staring me in the eyes, he loosened his tie and removed his cufflinks.

“I’ll take those,” I said, holding my free hand out.

He placed the gold cufflinks in my palm, then continued by unbuttoning his vest and shirt. Those too were tossed to the bench. I bit my lip, looking over his chiseled body and dark tanned skin. My eyes lingered as he had done to me while he stood, waiting for my next demand.

“Those too,” I said, pointing with the knife.

Pulling his black boxer briefs down slowly, I watched mesmerized. The first thing I noticed was that he was well groomed. I liked that. Then his shaft came into view, inch by inch. I liked that even more. He paused before the tip came into view, then with a quick jerk, he pulled them down far enough for his thick cock to spring free.

I pulled my gaze away, staring up into his eyes. We both smiled, knowing what the other was thinking.

“That was so fucking hot,” I said, tossing the knife on the ground and walking to him.

He quickly kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him and diving my tongue into his hot mouth. His strong hands grasped my round ass as he positioned my body until he was rubbing himself through my wet folds. Moments later, he had found his mark and he pushed himself inside me. Unable to stop myself, I moaned loudly as his cock filled me entirely.

“Shh,” he chuckled. “Someone will hear us babe.”

I doubted that, since the music was playing and we were pretty far away from the hall. I tried nonetheless, but he felt so good. His muscular body in a passionate embrace with mine. His hands strong arms, pulling and pushing my body back and forth, impaling me on his substantial rod.

He carried me a few feet and began to lower me to the ground. I clung to him tightly with my arms and legs, unwilling to not have him remain inside me. My bare back came into contact with the lush grass that was slightly wet from the dew that had started to form on it. He took me by the wrists again, pinning them on the ground above my head. With steady, hard thrusts, he plunged himself in and out of my throbbing pussy. My eyes rolled back and I exhaled a long moan as an intense orgasm washed over me. He continued pounding me hard as my walls clinched hard on his length. Moments later he let out a series of low grunts and I could feel his hot seed flood into me.

“We are so bad,” I said panting, as he pulled himself from my come soaked pussy.

“It was fun though,” he replied, digging through his jacket.

He gave me something to clean myself up with and started getting dressed again. I slipped my panties back on and stepped into my dress.

“Can you zip me up?” I asked, holding up the front of my dress.

I put my bracelet and earrings back on as he zipped me back up. Finally I put the necklace back on. Emeric pulled my hair to the side and fastened the clasp, then placed a gentle kiss on my neck.

“Mmm. More when we get home?”

“I knew I married you for a reason,” he said chuckling.

We returned the reception hand in hand and paused on the patio for one more kiss.

“Turn,” he said, making a twirling motion with his hand.

I turned around and he grabbed me by the shoulders.

“Just a piece of grass,” he said, plucking it out and brushing my hair with his hand.

“Ready to go back in?” I asked, smoothing out my dress.

“Think anyone noticed we were gone?”

“Let's find out,” I said, as we stepped back inside.

Thank you so much for reading my story. Your support means a lot to me and will allow me to continue creating new content in the future. So if you enjoyed it, please support me by giving it a like or sending a tip.

Have a horny day! -D.Von Parker


About the Creator

D.Von Parker

Stay at home parent trying to help support my family.

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    D.Von ParkerWritten by D.Von Parker

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