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Waking Up To Furry Porn

Story about a guy that just can't sleep because of his roommates

By E.J. MonesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I woke up really early that morning. 3:00 AM. Since my friends, Nora, Rami, and Kevin were still up watching porn. No, it wasn't regular porn, it was furry porn. Which is some fucked up shit in my opinion. They mostly watched for the gross factor of it, but they thought it would be funny watching a bunch of people having sex while wearing animal costumes.

I feel dirty that I even willingly joined them for a minute. It's not like I'm some pervert or anything, I was just curious to see what they were seeing.

I ultimately was disappointed with what they watched, even more so for remembering it. Two people in a cow costume having coitus while waiting for the cake to bake. I remember how upset Kevin was when they didn’t eat the cake post-coitus.

Unfortunately for us, I left the door to our hotel room unlocked and in came four of Nora's friends. I remember the gasp Nora released when she saw them enter our room. I remember the sound Nora’s laptop made when you hastily closed a laptop.

"Why is the door unlocked?" Margaret asked us as she gave the doorknob a wiggle.

"I think it was me. My bad. Sorry, I was really sleepy and I just wanted to sleep,” I told everyone.

"Hi! Can you guys please leave!" Nora politely asked her friend.

Thankfully they left the room. But they had a room several steps next to us. We were doing a school assembly thing so people from our school were in the same hallway as us.

I attempted to fall back asleep to no avail as my three friends talked about more stuff that are not safe for work.

I decided to just walk around the hotel since I am already awake. Maybe I could sleep on the couch next to the lift.

As I made my way to the lift I saw Nora’s friends approaching.

“Hi Nathan!” she said.

“Hi Shifra!” I said.

"So, Nathan, were they watching porn in there?" Shifra asked me, curious on what was occurring right before they opened the door.

A lady with them, Susan, took notice of my blanket/snuggie. "Woah, I really like this blanket," she said to me.

I thanked Susan for her compliment before switching my attention to Shifra. I had no idea what to say because I just want to sleep but I can't sleep. "I cannot confirm nor deny any claims of what might or might not have occurred while in the room. I can only say I was awake while in the room," I said calmly.

Shifra pouts with disappointment. "Aww, I was hoping you would have something salacious to tell us."

To be honest, I am enjoying the amount of female attention I am getting. Also, I really wanted to tell these people what happened in that room but I feel I'll just be violating some kinda code. So I attempted to let it be known through my body language and vocal tone that they were watching porn.

Shifra was smart and knew we were watching porn. "So were they watching porn? You can tell us, Nathan. Everyone will be very impressed that you were so brave to watch porn," she said in a flirty tone.

I looked around and noticed that we're alone.

"Were they watching porn, tell us Nathan."

"Honestly, who doesn't watch porn?"

Everyone nodded in agreement as if I had said something profound. Although Susan hesitated for a second to nod with them.

And just like that, they were all satisfied with my answer.

I don't know why watching porn is considered a brave act but I'm assuming that it's some kind of an inside joke between them since everyone started laughing.

That night, I ended up sleeping in the room that belonged to Nora's friends.


About the Creator

E.J. Mones

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