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Venemous Huntings - Chp 3

Chapter 3

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 16 min read
Venemous Huntings - Chp 3
Photo by Gwen Mamanoleas on Unsplash

For the 1st 2 chapters go to:


As the vampire shut the bathroom door, Vixen retrieved her purse. Pulling out the items secreted inside, she replaced the makeup. Pulling the quilted comforter from under the fluffy pillows on the king size bed she laid across the cool sheets, sliding the other two items from her purse under the pillow.

In the bathroom, Armando pulled out the drawer under the sink and removed a metal box about the size of a pack of cards. Retrieving a small key from his right pocket he unlocked the box and pulled up the top. There, on a bed of tissues, rested a set of snow white fangs. Reaching in, he stroked the smooth porcelain. These were the greatest idea I ever had. Molded, fitted fangs with a hollow chamber. He shivered as he once more recalled the spasming horror of the last goth chick he had brought here – the eleventh in as many months.

Willingly the girl had surrendered her body to him. She had gone from thrashing in the throes of ecstasy as her orgasm overtook her, to fearful anticipation as he had revealed the gleaming fangs sprouting from his gumline. Still, secure in the knowledge of the gift of immortality to be bestowed, she had willingly bared her neck to his bite. As the fangs had pierced the tender skin of her neck by the pulsing carotid artery he bit down with that extra bit of force required to release the liquid held in the hollowed chambers inside. Black mamba venom flooded into the girl’s bloodstream. As she felt the first tingle her eyes had widened. Even as the venom coursed through her system, racing to her heart, she had reached to caress his face whispering “Thank you.”

Armando had watched, savoring every delicious moment as slowly the paralysis had started to set in as the venom worked its insidious way through her bloodstream to her heart and lungs. Dominica had continued to stare at him as the life slowly bled from her eyes. When she had tried to scream, he had covered her mouth with one hand and continued to gaze into her eyes as the light of life seeped from them. Stupid vampire wannabe’s. Willingly dying in my arms at the mere promise of eternity. Well, eternity they get, just not how they had hoped. Dominica had been number eleven and Vixen would be a delicious twelfth. Each time was that much sweeter, that much more thrilling. It was definitely best if he managed to ejaculate just as he released the venom into their soft throats. Separate fluids racing into their bodies. The life creating fluid of a man’s seed racing to it’s penultimate date with destiny as voracious liquid death simultaneously rushed through the pulsing bloodstream. Life and death in their purest forms mingling as life and death coexisted in the infinite cosmos.

Checking the mirror once more, he made sure the red tinted contacts were still properly inserted. Sliding the fitted fangs securely into place, he ran the tip of his tongue over the needle sharp points, experiencing a thrill from the danger. Yes! Once a month like clockwork. Just like a woman with PMS: only in this case it was that Post Murder Shiver he craved ceaselessly. One quick swipe over rumpled hair, and the vampire serial kille r headed back into the other room where the fox hunt was about to reach it’s ultimate conclusion. Tally ho!, he thought, suppressing a chuckle at the joke lurking just under the surface of that thought.

As the sexy vampire came out of the bathroom, Vixen stretched out on the luxurious softness. Body turned away from the approaching sexy demon, Vixen looked back over a bare shoulder. Smiling coyly, she patted the mattress next to her. Armando padded silently across to the bed, never removing his smoldering gaze from the luscious curves of her body. He could feel the sharp pressure of the fangs nestled in his teeth, the danger adding an extra thrill to the jolt of electric excitement he felt as he neared the culmination of tonight’s hunt.

Gliding onto the bed, he drew the warmth of Vixen’s body to his. Molding the curve of his body to fit around her own, he gently nestled her buttocks into the curve of his crotch. Nuzzling the creamy smooth skin where the shoulder met the neck he felt the pressure of his throbbing penis straining against the taut loveliness of Vixen’s shapely derriere as she pushed back gently into him. Sliding one hand along the curve of her backbone, Armando grasped the clasp of her bra strap and, with a smooth dexterity that bespoke lots of experience, easily undid the hooks with two nimble fingers. Vixen moaned lightly and lifted her torso helpfully as the vampire slid the bra over her shoulders and off. The coolness of the air conditioning struck her sensitive nipples causing them to peak and throb gently. Squirming, she grazed the rigid peaks across the soft cotton fabric of the pillow causing a tingle of want to radiate out. Turning slightly she exposed her firm breasts to the hungry gaze of the vampire.

Lips continuing to nuzzle at the top of her throat like a starving puppy seeking sustenance, Armando cupped the lush fullness of a ripe breast in the palm of his hand. Stroking her flesh with a molten trail of liquid fire he slowly wound his tongue across a creamy smooth landscape. Reaching the base of the hill he climbed, his tongue stopping every inch or so to admire a particularly gorgeous part of the panorama. As he reached the apex of the hill he grazed the circle of an aureole with just the tip of his tongue before suddenly sucking in the nipple like a drug addict getting his fix.

As her nipple was engulfed in a bed of hot liquid fire, Vixen struggled to maintain a level of clarity. Waves of wanton desire crashed across her body, beating the shoreline of her resistance into submission like a tsunami. Brushing her fingertips across the hairs on his hard chest, Vixen slowly traced a line down to the hole of his belly button. With just the sharpened edge of one slightly uneven fingernail she traced the edge of the depression. The minor pain from the jagged edge caused him to suck in a sudden breath. Smiling at the effect, she allowed her fingers to explore slightly lower. An exceptionally brave index finger wormed its way under the waistline of Armando’s pants. Feeling the blunt tip of a hard shaft throbbing against the cotton material of his underwear, she gently teased it with the pad of her finger.

As the blast of pure scintillating pleasure exploded across him from the tip of his straining member Armando groaned. Redoubling the pressure of his suckling on Vixen’s delicious breast, he ran his hand across her taut stomach to the clasp at the top of her pants. Taking the material between thumb and index finger he pulled the snap apart. Grazing the lacy material of her panties he moved on to the zipper. As the metal whirred on its path he slid his hand into the open vee at the center of her being. Cupping her mound through the sheer silken material he could feel the sharp little prods of the curly hairs surrounding the warm moistness of her vagina. Moaning with pure abandonment, Vixen raised her hips to allow the vampire better access. Smiling, Armando raised onto his knees. Grasping the waistband of her slacks he peeled her like a fruit. As he slid the pants from the ends of her pointed feet he sat back to admire her sheer beauty. Indeed a fruit, juicy and ripe for the plucking.

Taking a breath in an attempt to calm the racing of her heart, Vixen sat up. Tentatively she stroked the bulge in Armando’s crotch. A quivering shaft of rounded hard flesh jumped against her palm. Rubbing her hand over his hidden member she reached the top. Unbuttoning his pants she unzipped them. As the zipper inched its way down in minute increments she avidly watched the appearance of his straining manhood where it stood in sharp relief against the material of his boxers.

Swinging his legs over, Armando stood by the side of the bed, the center of his open crotch at her face level. Licking her lips, Vixen leaned from the edge of the mattress and slowly pushed his pants down past his knees. His thighs were nicely muscled, the taut skin pale. As his pants dropped to the floor the vampire stepped out of them. Grasping the cotton of his grey boxer briefs, the ravenous young woman pulled them down to expose the rigid pulsing object of her desire. “Mmmm,” she moaned as his eight and a half inch pole came into full view. Reaching out she cupped the pendulous sack containing his balls in one hand. Feeling their weight, her thumb stroked the warm skin at the base of his dick where the thick vein which ran up its length began. “Oh God,” he moaned. Releasing his scrotum, the lusciously hot girl leaned back on the pillows. Patting the pillow next to her head she caught the slightly musky whiff of his balls, the remnants of his scent clinging to her palm. Raising one knee to create an arch with her leg, Vixen licked her lips. Her tongue bar was just visible as she stroked her lips with the moist tip, her gaze locked to his.

With one seeking hand the vampire pulled out the drawer on the end table. Questing fingers located a small foil packet there and extracted it. Pulling the rectangular package to his face, he ripped it open and extracted the rubbery, smooth, lubricated prophylactic. Moving the open end to the tip of his rigid shaft he slowly rolled the cool latex down its length. Can’t be leaving too much DNA behind.

“I thought vampires couldn’t have children,” Vixen said, the lilt at the end of the statement making it a question.

“Another myth my dear little huntress. We can indeed father children. Unfortunately, the results of a human woman being impregnated by vampire seed tend to be rather gruesome for the woman.”

Leaning over, Armando once more took a taut nipple between his front teeth, careful to avoid the venomous fangs to each side. Placing one arm on each side of her head he climbed back onto the bed, his body poised above hers, the rigid hardness of his penis just touching the sensitive skin at the bottom of her crotch.

As the hormone overridden, wanton young woman arched her back, the vampire leaned to one side. Stroking the skin along her side he left a heated trail to the silken material of her sheer panties. Grabbing the thin material he tugged them down, his tongue following their path as they glided along the curves of her body. Passing her knees he paused to dance his tongue across the ticklish spot behind one kneecap, eliciting a moan of pleasure. As her panties slipped off her feet, followed by Armando’s questing mouth engulfing her right big toe and gently suckling it, Vixen reached down to stroke the top of his head. Curling her fingers in the softness of his hair she gently pulled.

Feeling the tug on his scalp, Armando raised his head. As his gaze passed over the beautiful sight of her newly naked and moist mound, he drank in the smell as well. Her juices were flowing rampantly, the heady perfume of feminine desire filling his nostrils. Tearing his gaze from her hairlined beauty, he met her eyes. Fear and anticipation warred in her eyes, the desire obviously winning out as she smiled tentatively.

Gliding back up, his tongue tracing a new path of explosive fireworks along every screaming nerve, Armando gently parted Vixen’s thighs. Two fingers spread the lips of her vagina, stroking the labia. The tip of his seeking tongue first stroked one lip and then the other, sucking the length of soft flesh between his front teeth, before it found and licked at the bump at the top of her womanhood. Against her crumbling will her body spasmed, raising her back into a bridge. One hand reached around to stroke the full mounds of her gorgeous derriere. Sucking her clitoris between his teeth he nibbled gently at the heart of her womanhood. The cloyingly overpowering scent of her flowing juices filled his nostrils as she pushed her crotch into his face.

Once again Vixen grasped a handful of dark hair and pulled. Armando slid up, allowing her to guide him as he devoured each inch of creamy delicious flesh along the way. When he was once again poised above her, her beauty spread below him, his pulsing hard maleness just nudging at the lips of her hot and ready pussy, she opened her eyes again. Arching her buttocks, she felt the lips of her womanhood part as the tip of his steel hard dick slid inside her molten womanhood. Unable to contain himself any longer, Armando pushed downward in perfect tandem with Vixen’s upthrusting loins.

As his full length of rock hard male flesh filled the void between her thighs, causing her every nerve ending to scream with undeniable electric pleasure, Vixen slid one hand under the pillow beneath her head. Grasping the rounded tube she felt there she caught and held the vampire’s rapturous gaze. “Please. Turn me. Take my blood and make me a vampire,” she pleaded.

Slowing his rhythm for a moment he caught her hungry gaze. “Are you certain? An eternity as a blood drinking monster?”

“Yes! I’m sure. Please do it.” Her breath came in ragged gasps as she fought to control the impending orgasm building in her vagina.

Struggling to contain his rampant lust, aware of the danger of biting his own lip with the venomous fangs nestled securely to each side of his front teeth, Armando grinned. This luscious young woman would give him whatever he wanted solely for the promise of an eternity of night. Whatever he asked was there for the taking. Just like all the others. So pliable. So simple and willing. As he focused on the mounting pleasure he felt from the delicious friction of his hard shaft plunging in and out of the soft, hot, liquid moistness of her cunt, he bared his teeth.

As the hard maleness of him drilled in and out of her hot pussy, Vixen held her focus on the vampire’s mouth – the obvious source of danger. As his body went suddenly rigid for that split second, denoting his rapid ejaculation of millions of little sperm into the confines of the condom encasing his member, the vampire bared his teeth exposing a gleaming sharp set of fangs. As his face bent towards her neck she pulled the hand grasping the hard tube from under the pillow.

As his face approached her own, she closed her eyes, held her breath, and depressed the button at the top. A cloud of mist enveloped the vampires face. Excruciating pain exploded in Armando’s eyes as the pepper spray engulfed his face. His throat burned with molten lava as his larynx sucked in a cloud of liquid agony. He gasped for breath from a throat suddenly on fire. Jerking back uncontrollably, Armando felt a twinge as his neck popped. Gasping spasmodically, he suddenly realized with horror that his tongue was bleeding. Coppery tasting blood filled his mouth from the twin holes in his tongue where the venom filled fangs had pierced it, releasing their virulent poison into his system. Jumping back he struggled to maintain his footing. Already he could feel the lethal dose of black mamba venom entering his bloodstream, making its way inexorably to his pounding heart and gasping lungs.

“You crazy bitch!” he screamed. Just as he lunged back toward the bed where Vixen was sitting up, watching him wide eyed, her hand came back from under the pillow. A small metallic object was nestled in her palm. Through the blur of tears filling his screaming seared eyeballs, he saw the open barrel of a tiny .22 caliber pistol. Too late he tried to jump to one side. A blast of pain tore into his shoulder as blood exploded from the small hole suddenly marring the skin there. Stumbling back, Armando fell to the floor, the plush carpet muffling the sound of his fall. As he felt his muscles tensing with the onset of paralysis from the snake venom, the serial killer looked up at the voluptuously naked, beautiful form of his killer.

Rolling off the far side of the bed from where the vampire lay, Hazel retrieved her purse. Keeping the tiny .22 magnum pistol handy she removed the last item from her purse. Opening the drawer on the nightstand she retrieved the ever present King James Bible nestled there.

Stepping around the end of the bed she carefully observed the still slightly struggling form of the vampire where he lay. A small pool of blood was accumulating from the crimson trickle streaming down from the open wound on his shoulder. Agony and terror were now warring in his tear stricken eyes. The colored contact in his right eye ball had slipped to one side making it seem like he was slightly cross-eyed. The pulse in his pale throat jumped sporadically. Carefully Vixen kicked at one rigid foot. His leg jumped slightly in response but it was obvious that he was no longer truly capable of independent movement.

Clutching the bible and other item in one hand, the pistol in the other, Vixen squatted. Her naked knees just brushed the skin on the bottom of the vampire’s feet. “Does the name Dominica mean anything to you? That’s okay, you don’t have to answer. You see, my best friend disappeared about a month ago. Her body was found in the swamp about ten miles from here. You dumped her like a load of garbage for the animals to chew on.”

Stroking the barrel of the pistol with her pointer finger, she held the killer vampires terrified gaze. His struggle to speak only managed to elicit a slight gurgle. “The official cause of death listed by the coroner was death by poisoning. Black mamba snake venom to be precise. I assume that’s what you had in the chambers of those fangs? Quite clever actually.”

“You see the police came to me with questions after Dominica was found. You see, her final phone call was to me. You should have checked for a cell phone. It was quite an interesting call by the way. I told the police that I didn’t know anything other than she told me she had met some cute guy at a bar.” Moving the hand which still gripped the pistol, the naked young woman slid the cool metal of the barrel over a rigid nipple. “While that was in essence true, they never knew what all else she had told me. You see, Dominica was always convinced that ghosts, werewolves and other supernatural creatures actually existed. To include, of course, vampires.” A pink tongue circled drying lips in an effort to moisten them as she held the gaze of the dying murderer. The smell of copper and iron from the bullet and the blood mingled in her nostrils, now overlaid with the stench of feces as the dying vampires bowels let loose.

Wrinkling her nose at the stench of fresh shit, Vixen said “I’ll have to apologize to the maids. I’d hate to have to clean that up. In any case, Dominica told me that she had met a real vampire. A guy with pale skin and red eyes. Apparently a handsome vampire with dark hair. Nicely built. She said she was going to convince him to turn her into a vampire so she could live forever. She also told me she was in a hotel room with him at that very moment.” Capturing and holding his fading gaze again, Vixen said “I tried to convince her to get the hell out of there. But, she wouldn’t listen. She believed your nonsense. I’ve been looking for you ever since.”

Poking his foot hard with the barrel of the pistol, Vixen checked for response. The skin turned whiter for a moment then refilled slowly with blood. “You should do something about the pulse in your neck. Maybe a layer of fake skin covering the carotid? Your heartbeat is a bit obvious. Also, your skin is way too warm for a vampire. Still and all though, I have to admit you do tell a smooth story. I almost believed you myself. And, in that case, just to be finally certain I brought one more item.” Setting the bible aside she raised up the sharpened piece of wood nestled in her hand. Tent stake from Home Depot. Ninety-nine cents plus tax. What do you think?” Reaching her hand under the edge of the bed she retrieved the ball peen hammer she had hidden there while he was in the bathroom. Grabbing his big toe with one hand she yanked sideways. Satisfied with the lack of response she set the pistol aside and clambered up his nude body, sharpened wooden stake in one hand, hammer in the other.

Armando’s member had shrunk to its three inch long flaccid softness. The sperm filled condom lay draped there - forlorn and vaguely pathetic like a too large raincoat left on after the sun has come out. Thick white liquid ran in a small trickle down the outside of his thigh.

Squatting, her dripping vagina adding feminine juices to the damp puddle on his thigh, Vixen placed the sharpened point of the stake over Armando’s heart. Raising the ball peen hammer she watched the last dying light of life as it slowly faded from the eyes of her friends murderer. “This is for Dominica you fuck!” The circular flat head of the hammer struck the stake dead center with full force. As blood erupted from his chest, spattering naked breasts and torso with gore, the last light of life fled from the serial killers eyes. Blood and viscera dripped from a distended nipple to join the mess of offal on the carpet. “One less fucking murdering vampire asshole,” she said.

Leaving Vixen behind with the dead serial killer, Hazel Fleming cleaned up, dressed, and left the hotel.


About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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    Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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