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Tree Hugger

Nature's best moment

By Vitoria WadePublished 8 months ago 5 min read

Late one night, drunk and hot from dancing, you meet David in the park.

“Oh! Hi David”, you say suavely. “What are you doing here?”

“Eric is that you?” he replies. “What are you doing walking through the park alone? You’re asking for trouble this late”.

“Yeah, I know”, you admit. “Anything could happen. For instance, I could get stripped naked and tied to a tree”.

“Exactly”, he agrees. He has first-hand knowledge of this, because, at this precise moment, David is completely naked and tied to a tree. His arms are stretched back around the trunk, with his wrists bound on the opposite side. The fragments of moonlight that penetrate the canopy illuminate his torso in artistic ways. Fortuitously, one such fragment banishes the darkness from his lower regions, highlighting his cock to dramatic effect.

“I’m guessing your friends did this?” you ask, approaching him and making no effort to hide the fact that you’re taking in the full view.

“Yeah. It’s complicated”, he sighs.

“If my friends left me tied to a tree in a public park with no clothes on, I’d be looking for new friends,” you say, now within touching distance. Your eyes glance downward.

“I know. I’m lucky it was you who found me.” David notices what you’re looking at. “Hey, it’s cold,” he explains defensively.

“Uh huh,” you murmur skeptically.

“I’m a grower!” he protests further.

“Is that so?” Things look just fine to you, but you’re fascinated by the idea that there’s room for improvement.

“You’ll have to take my word for it.” He’s starting to sound wary.

“What if I want to see for myself?” You make a show of licking the tip of your forefinger, then touch it to his chin, gently stroke it down his throat over his Adam’s apple, over his chest, lower and lower, dipping into his navel, then lower, almost reaching his patch of trimmed pubic hair, and then you pull away, just as David’s penis twitches.

“Eric?” His voice is tinged with uncertainty, and you also sense a warning there.

“Yeah?” You press yourself to one side of him, your hip making full contact, and start toying with the hair between navel and groin, twisting and gently tugging.

“I didn’t think you were that kind of guy”, he finishes.

You kiss his neck, inhaling his aftershave, then nip at his ear with your teeth. “What kind is that? The kind that would do this?”

David winces as you pinch his nipple between your fingers. “Aww fuck. Not you too”.

You smile, then turn your back against him, grazing his cock with your ass. Your cotton pants are reasonably thin, and you can feel the shape of his skyward-pointing manhood pressed between your buttocks and his stomach. You wiggle from side to side, working the length of his rod into your butt crack, feeling it throb, thicken, and stiffen.

Feeling daring, you tug down your pants and grind your thong-clad bottom against his crotch, feeling bare skin on skin. His prick feels silky and warm against you, but now it has a core of iron. You hump up and down against him. A slight breeze betrays the presence of wetness on your ass. Precum, no doubt.

You twist to face him. David is breathing heavier now, the rise and fall of his chest exaggerated by the position in which he is bound. His cock thrusts outward and curves upward, with a slight bend to the left. You wonder if that reflects his politics. The tip glistens in the moonlight.

“Yes, it seems you are very much a grower”, you observe.

“Told you”, He replies, maybe slightly prideful. “Now can you untie me? Someone else might come past”.

“In a minute”, you promise. “I’ve got to do something about this first”.

You reach down and take his prick in your hand, squeezing to feel the outer resilience around the rigid core within. Then you release it, seeing it bob, and gently cup his balls in your palm, feeling their weight inside their silky purse. His muscles contract and you feel his testicles rise as his dick jumps.

“Woah there boy”. You grab his cock to calm it down, but judging by David’s groan you might’ve had the opposite effect. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. You begin stroking, gripping firmly but not too tight, feeling the delicate sheath of skin sliding back and forth. A well-aimed drop of spit provides some lubrication, as does rubbing his precum around his knob with your thumb.

David closes his eyes and sighs. You place kisses around his neck and chest, making sure he can feel your hair brushing against him and your warm breath on his skin. His nipples are pebble-hard, only partly from the cold. You flip and tweak them, all the while jerking his prick at an ever-quickening pace.

“Eric”, he sighs. “Oh god, Eric”.

“You can worship me properly later,” you reply, scraping down his body with your fingernails before grabbing his ball sack again, gently caressing while the other hand continues its expert action. It’s all in the wrist.

His breathing is getting more rapid now and his balls are starting to rise. You place your lips close to his ear and very gently exhale, whispering, “Are you going to cum for me, David?” Your tongue works its way into his ear canal, and you start scraping his scrotum with your nails.

David’s buttocks tighten as you tickle his taint. “Oh jeez,” he groans, and you feel his prick pulse as warm seminal fluid and its tasty payload starts to erupt from within. You keep jerking him, causing multiple gooey white strings to fly through the air and drop to the ground, draping across the blades of grass and all silvery in the moonlight, like naughty Christmas tinsel.

“Arghhh!” he cries, almost in pain, as you milk him for every last drop. Finally, he drops his head. You’ve defeated him.

You stand back and survey your handiwork. David’s knees have given out and he’s mostly suspended by the tightness of his arms stretched back around the tree trunk. His cock is still mostly hard, and there’s a stringy drip forming at the tip of his engorged purple knob.

You reach out and clean it off with your finger, then smear it across his chest. Then you turn and start to walk away.

“Hey, you’re not going to just leave me here, are you?” he says plaintively.

You stop and look back. “Well, if I untie you and take you home, what’s in it for me?” you ask, your mercenary streak in full view.

David makes eye contact and replies slowly and deliberately. “Eric, if you untie me and take me home, I’m gonna fuck your fucking balls off”.

You ponder for a moment. “So, my balls are actually going to come off?”

He nods. “They might even explode”.

“Hmm”, you hmm, pretending to consider his proposition while idly fondling his scrotum.

“Eric!” he pleads.

You’ve tortured him enough, so you permit yourself a wide grin. “It’s a deal!”

lgbtqsexual wellnesssex toyserotic

About the Creator

Vitoria Wade

There is inspiration in everything we do in life, and writing is no different. Writing erotic fiction has helped me explore myself on a deeper level. Being able to expand on desires and enabling me to see my true desires in an other light.

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    Vitoria WadeWritten by Vitoria Wade

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