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The Teleporter Part 6


By Kelsey ReichPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
The Teleporter Part 6
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

There weren’t any lights on the next night as Joe slipped into Katie's backyard. With gloved hands he tried the back door. Locked. Joe pulled a lock pick from his pocket, letting out a yelp as he was suddenly wrapped in tentacles, his pick bouncing into the darkness. The limb constricted around him, like a python with prey.

Maybe he could sweet talk it, “Woah! Hey, I’m a… friend of Katie's.”

The constricting stopped, a tentacle pulled Katie's old phone from Joe’s pocket. There was a new message from Teleporter to read.

“Katie is mine.”

Great, a monogamous tentacle monster is going to crush me if I can’t figure a way out of this, Joe thought, “Yeah, I know you love each other. I just wanted to return her phone, say hello. I swear that’s all.”

The tentacle wrenched him backwards, Joe screamed. A light burned his eyes. The air smelled different. He screamed again, his vision clearing enough to reveal writhing tentacles all around him. The tentacles didn’t tighten, but they also weren’t loose enough for him to give into his flight response. Not like he had any escape route.

“What are you going to do with me?” Joe stammered.

One of the tentacles rose before his face, holding Katie's phone again. A video was playing. It was Katie, the leather mask on, tentacles all around her as she writhed and moaned in pleasure. Joe didn’t know he could get an erection while fearing for his life. A tentacle brushed against his crotch, the touch making him harder.

Joe swallowed, “Well, this is a… um… first.”

The tentacles had released his arms. Almost like it wanted him to be more comfortable. Joes wasn’t sure what to do. The video of Katie continued to play, he really liked listening to the sounds she made. Joe licked his lips, “Um, Teleporter? Could I talk to Katie? We can get this whole thing sorted out…”

* * * * * *

From her bedroom, still cuddled up to Teleporters largest tentacle, Katie was confused to hear her phone ringing. She was even more confused when she saw her old phone number on the screen, “Hello?”

“Uh, hi, Katie?” Joe said on the other end, still wrapped in Teleporters grip.

“Yes? Did you find my phone?”

“Yeah, and I’d really like to return it to you before your boyfriend strangles me—”

Katie furrowed her brow. She hadn’t told anyone about Teleporter, “My boyfriend?”

“Teleporter!” Joe gasped as the tentacles constricted, “Trying to kill me!”

Katie gave the large tentacle next to her a slap, “Teleporter! Let the man go!” Then to the man, “Where are you right now?”

“All I see are tentacles.”

“Put him in the living room,” Katie told Teleporter. She hung up, pulling on a sweater and pajama pants before running down the stairs. Katie didn’t recognize the tall, dark haired man. She apologized profusely, “Teleporter has never done anything like this before.”

Joe rubbed at his arms, grateful his erection had vanished as he passed Katie her phone, “Certainly a first for me as well. You… Don’t remember me, do you?”

Katie shook her head, “No. Sorry.”

“I’m Joseph, but call me Joe,” he said, putting on his best smile as he lied through his teeth, “We used to go to school together. It’s okay though, I’m sure I’ve grown a lot since middle school.”

She squinted at him, she had known a Joseph in middle school, but couldn’t recall what he looked like, “Wow. That is… weird. I’m sorry, I really don’t remember.”

This feels awkward, Katie thought, what are you supposed to do when your alien lover almost kills a guy you used to know? Just say thank you and goodbye?

Joe cleared his throat, “Um, you know, Katie I… I learned how to edit videos in college. More of a hobby now but I saw your videos.”

Her skin immediately flushed, “My videos.”

He coughed, “Your porn videos.”

Katie's hand flew to her mouth. A tentacle appeared, partly wrapping around her waist in a comforting motion. Joe kept a straight face, but he knew he had his in as he continued, “Yeah, very hot. Maybe I could help you out for a small percentage? Not to brag, but I’m a bit of an entrepreneur. Marketing, small business, you know.”

He tried not to struggle as a couple of tentacles wrapped around his wrists. The woman stroked the tentacle at her waist, she still looked embarrassed, but he could tell she was thinking his proposal over. Then Katie said, “Okay. If you can keep everything about me anonymous and make our videos viral, I’ll cut you in.”

“It’s a deal,” Joe tugged against the tentacles which reluctantly released him. He shook Katie's hand. She smelled of sex.


If you enjoyed this bit of fiction, please support my work with a heart and check out the rest by clicking the owl! As this is an early draft, I’d appreciate constructive criticism. Let me know what you thought on FB, Twitter, or Insta @akelseyreich.

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Written by Kelsey Reich on July 2/2021 in Ontario, Canada.


About the Creator

Kelsey Reich

🏳️‍🌈 Life-long learner, artist, creative writer, and future ecologist currently living in Ontario.

Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and buy me a coffee @akelseyreich!

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