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The Other Fox

YYH Kurama+OC

By Kira Lydia G.Published 5 years ago 8 min read

Kira had just moved to town. Starting a new school and knowing nobody at all was really hard on her. By now the weird occurrences from her other schools were following her, everyone was already talking about how she'd been the key witness to four major crimes just because she heard something and went looking. Most of the day went by before people got to talking, causing her to spend the first lunch of her senior year alone on the roof. Shortly after she'd began eating she heard voices.

"Geez, he goes to school here too and he's always late..."

"Shut up you idiot... we aren't alone up here," A shorter guy with black hair snapped.

"Huh... Shut up you shrimp, he had a new girl in class today... it might be her since there are already rumors..." the voice of one of her classmates said, she recognized that it was likely Kazuma.

"Sorry everyone. Do we have–"

"The new girl might be up here," Kazuma told the last that joined.

Kira stood and moved to go in, "Enjoy your stupid roof..."

Kuwabara blocked the door and smiled, "Oh come on! Be our friend!"

"Why would I want to when somehow two people who don't even go here are up here and can sense when there is a stranger in their vicinity? You can't even remember my name can you?" She huffed at the orange haired classmate who was a bit dumbstruck. Shuichi moved to take her hand and kiss it softly.

"I'm Shuichi, You're Kira right?" he asked. She froze and her expression softened.

"'re... a senior..." She giggled before blushing, then the others introduced themselves.

Kurama/Shuichi form

Kira left them with a quiet goodbye, her heart racing when Shuichi smiled to her. Once school was out, she raced home, aware of something strange in the town, like meeting them snapped a piece of a puzzle into place and it was just a little clearer now.

After she finished her homework, her mother came in with a snack for her.

"Are you okay honey? Was your first day alright?"

"I'm fine Mom... something here just feels strange I guess... could just be first day nerves still..."

"What do you mean strange Hon?" Her mother asked, sensing the change in her daughter's body chemistry.

"Like there are others like us... But I don't know how we're different..." Kira said, confused about everything she was feeling.

"Did you make any friends?"

"Just some guys.. I ate lunch on the roof.. Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara, and Shuichi."

Her mother nodded with a sigh. "Just be sure to make other friends than just boys okay? You don't want to get a reputation."

"Thanks Mom..." Kira huffed, rolling her eyes. Her mother left the room to speak with her husband, no knowing Kira's hearing had gotten better.

"Guess who she met today?"

"I heard, think she'll figure it out?"

"I really hope not... I don't want her to leave us..."

"Then we should tell her the truth first..."

"No... Kurama would feel her the second her secret awakens..."

"He wouldn't be a bad mate for her you know... if she does figure it all out..."

Kira heard the whole thing, the confusion taking over as she was trying to really think who Kurama was, because no one was introduced by that name. She would ask the guys at school the next day in hopes they'd be more honest with her. She found Shuichi and Kuwabara upon arriving in the morning.

"Hey do you guys know my parents or are you famous? Because my mom freaked out after I mentioned your names... and who is Kurama?" She asked as the two exchanged concerned looks.

"Kira perhaps we had better meet your parents and talk all together... it's all hard to explain without context," Shuichi said as the bell rang.

They went in and she was distracted all day as all the questions kept swimming around her brain. But the day finally ended, and her two classmates waited out front with Hiei and Yusuke. She came out after and winced.

"Are you alright Kira?" Shuichi asked and touched her back lightly. She still jumped.

"It's just a headache..." She said softly, but he quickly handed her a mint leaf.

"Chew on this... it should help a bit," The tall redheaded senior said, and she did as he said quickly. Something about him had her completely out of herself.

The four boys followed her right into her home and her father jumped to shake their hands, each sensing that her family was a weaker group of demons trying to blend in and live as humans.

"Nice to meet you boys, my daughter neglected to let us know you were coming over..." Her father said and her mother glared at Shuichi.

"You five can sit in the dining room while I put together some snacks." With this opportunity Shuichi went in the kitchen with her mother.

"You two haven't told her about what she is..."

"That is our choice and you cannot touch her or her powers will start to awaken."

"Mom! My hearing started getting really good yesterday... I want the truth," Kira whispered in the dining room, testing a theory. Her mother and Shuichi came in with the cheese and crackers.

"Kira... we didn't want you to find out... we wanted you to have a normal life..." Her mom said before putting an envelope in front of her. Kira opened it and read it; it explained what their family was and why they were hiding.

"You guys can take it from here since she'll be angry with us a bit," her mom said before leaving them.

"Okay this explains about me... but what about you guys?" the girl asked.

"Kuwabara and I use spirit energy as our main powers, I'm also part demon and whatever... Hiei is a full demon, not a fox though... he's complicated," Yusuke explained and she looked to Shuichi who was at her side.

"I am part human... I am a centuries old fox demon named Youko Kurama in... essentially a human host body. I will help you gauge your powers once you're fully awakened."

"So that explains why my parents are worried about you becoming my mate... wait I still don't know how to fully awaken my powers though..." She said, but the first part had Yusuke and Kuwabara feeling awkward.

"You'll either need to lose your virginity or almost die," Her mother said from the doorway in passing. This made her and all four boys blush.

Kurama let go of her hand and looked away just as she did, knowing that there was something between them he couldn't ignore.

"We'll get going so you can process all this..." They said after giving her their numbers.

They took some of the snacks, leaving her some, the boys thanking her parents for the hospitality before leaving. She took the snack to her room as her father handed her a tape marked Dark Tournament.

After dinner she texted Kurama, "Hey... Sorry that got awkward at the end... I really like you though... could we go out sometime?"

He read it and chuckled, "Of course, we don't have to be mates just because we're both foxes... but I was going to ask you the same... after school tomorrow?"

Kira squealed and sent him a smiley face before going to sleep.

She woke up and practically ran to the front gate, seeing him made her really happy today.

"I see you're feeling better about everything," Kurama said taking her hand before they had to go in. At lunch she came up to the roof.

"So my dad had a tape of the Dark Tournament... I feel really lucky that I was raised like a human... that was insanely brutal..."

"And not even the worst we've dealt with!" Yusuke told her as she sat by Kurama, taking out her little bento box lunch. Her new redheaded crush traded with her, having brought mostly fruit and sushi.

"We can share if you like," he whispered, and she blushed, eating half of each with him for a nice variety, saving the fruit in his for dessert.

They had to go back to class and she and Kuwabara sat to study until the end of the day. When it finally came, she ran to meet the other fox at the the school gate, he took her hand and smiled.

"Is coffee at a cat cafe a good date to you?" He asked. She nodded as his friends and others watched them walk off. They sat after ordering.

"Shuichi... I love this... thank you so much," She said, and he kissed her softly.

"Of course. So how are you liking our fair city so far?"

"I don't have a full-time tour guide yet so all I can speak for is school really... it's not bad though."

He laughed with her at this, and they talked and enjoyed the time. A few weeks later he took her to his home after school on a Friday and let her in, surprising her with a path of rose petals to his room. The light grey walks were dark thanks to some thick curtains, and the room was littered with candles which he lit before sitting her on his bed.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked.

With an anxious nod from her, he kissed her deeply and helped her strip, letting her pull him out of his clothes as well. Soon they were laying down naked and kissing, her hand exploring him, while his did the same. He reached down and began teasing her virgin hole with a finger, wanting her to relax. Soon Kira was moaning as he teased and rubbed every nerve just right. She looked into his eyes and whimpered readily. Soon he had the condom on, and he moved so he was standing, and she was on the edge of the bed.

He kissed her breasts and sucked on her hard little nipples momentarily before sliding in just enough she could feel it. The brunette was gripping him tightly as he pushed in further, then a small twinge of pain made her cry out. Kurama kissed her sweetly, reminding her it was okay, and soon she was using her legs to pull him into her. He moved in and out of the sweet girl slowly, tenderly, speeding up enough as Kira tugged his long crimson locks.

Kira arched under him and he kept her going until her first orgasm clamped down on him, milking him into filling the condom. He panted with her, and rubbed her until they could pull apart. He was kind and loving as he pulled back and carried her to the bathroom, setting her in the tub and running a bubble bath for her.

They did end up being mates, soulmates, and he loved her for many years to come.


About the Creator

Kira Lydia G.

I love writing even if I'm not great. I've lost almost everything else I care about...

I also write fan fictions! Check it out and come back to tip me if you like it!

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    Kira Lydia G.Written by Kira Lydia G.

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