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Soothing pleasure - erotica

Part 1

By Yogesh SawantPublished 6 days ago 15 min read
Soothing pleasure - erotica
Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash



d with joy as her husband, Jason, put his foot down on the accelerator and their rented open top convertible streaked down the highway. The view of the surrounding hills and open plains was exhilarating.

The married couple had been in the USA for nearly two weeks and had enjoyed a superb holiday visiting Nashville and Memphis. Now they were motoring through Louisiana, heading for their final stop at a New Orleans hotel, before flying home.

It was then that fate struck in the form of a metallic banging noise from the engine. "Shit "growled Jason, as he slowed the car to a crawl. "That's just what we don't want."

Julia put her hand to her brow in despair and it was then that she noticed a little sign at the side of the road. "Look" she cried out, "Walkersville, two miles down that minor road......maybe there will be a garage there."

Jason paused and thought about it in the heat of the noon day sun. He tried his mobile phone, but, there was no signal. There was nothing and no one in sight. It was their only option. So, he turned the car around and slowly headed up the narrow local road. Hopefully, they would find some help soon.

The car bumped along the uneven surface and the Montello's wondered if it would hold out much longer. It seemed to be going slower and slower as they progressed, towards the small town ahead. Jason knew the car wouldn't last much longer.

An encouraging road sign indicated that civilisation was not far away. Unfortunately, with the car just crawling along, it was unlikely they would get there.

Then, just as they reached the outskirts, they saw a ranch house with a swimming pool out front. and, what looked like the owner sprawled out on a hammock on his patio.

"Hey look, signs of life," cried Jason. "Maybe that guy can help us?"

"I could sure do with a cold drink."

"Me too," admitted Julia, as she covered up her burning shoulders. "Man, it sure is hot out here."

They stopped the car and got out. Jason went ahead and rang the bell at the gate. Then he shouted to get the dozing man's attention.

"Hi there.....sorry to disturb you, but, can you help us....we've got trouble with our car."

It took a while, but, eventually, the man got to his feet and shuffled down the path towards him. He was big and ugly and was carrying a shotgun.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growled, as he opened the gate. "Get the hell away from my property"

Jason quickly explained to him about the car and the trouble they were in. As he spoke, Julia came anxiously forward and smiled. "Please help us," she added.

There was silence as the man stared at Julia's pretty face, blonde hair and attractive figure. Slowly, his frosty demeanour started to melt. He stroked his bearded chin, and then smiled. "Sure I'll help you" he grinned. "Come on in, y'all."

His earlier antagonism was forgotten, as he heaped his hospitality upon them. Soon, they were sitting in the shade of his porch, sipping cold drinks and engaging in pleasant conversation. Randy, as they came to know him, was soon on his mobile, arranging for their car to be picked up for repair and insisting that they stayed the night at his house.

As they talked, Randy, repeatedly stroking his beard, was slyly appraising the attractive 28 year old English wife sitting opposite. What a superb body this one has, he concluded, as he feasted his eyes on her long legs and shapely figure. Definitely fuckable.

"Can I use the bathroom?" asked Julia, getting to her feet and interrupting his lewd thoughts.....

"Sure you can honey," said Randy, getting up awkwardly and feeling his cock stirring into life. "I'll show you where it is."

Then he led her inside the house and indicated where it was. "It's just up the stairs and the first on the right."

He stayed and watched her climb the stairs in her mini skirt. He hadn't seen a pair of legs as good as that in a long while. No Siree. He stroked his goatee beard again and grinned, an evil little plan had formed in his mind. It would be a shame if he couldn't get his hands on a lovely woman like that in exchange for the kindness he was showing them. Hell, he could feel his cock getting hard with just the thought of it.

When Julia came back outside, she could see that Randy had wheeled out a keg of homemade whisky and was pouring out a drink for Jason. "This is the best moonshine in Louisiana," he assured them. "My version of Southern Comfort, only stronger."

"Little lady, would you like a drink?" He asked.

But Julia hated whisky and declined. All she wanted was another cold drink.

And so they sat and relaxed on that hot afternoon, listening to Randy's tales about people and events of the local area. Jason continued to drink whisky and Julia sipped slowly at her drink.

"Don't you be drinking too much "she frowned, as Jason downed another glass of the moonshine whiskey. "You might be driving again soon with a bit of luck."

The reason for her optimism was that a couple of mechanics from a local garage had appeared in a pickup truck and had towed away their car. They had promised to get it back to them as soon as possible.

"Aww, now don't you go nagging your man" interjected Randy. "He's having a great time....aren't you boy?"

Jason's answer was to drain his third glass.

"Why don't you have yourself a little swim in my pool?" said Randy to Julia. "It's maybe just what you need."

Julia looked longingly at the pool. There was nothing that she would like better. Her bikini was in her suitcase, just yards away inside the front door.

"Go on baby; enjoy yourself," said Jason, with a slight slur in his voice.

Suddenly, he felt drowsy. "Maybe, I should have a lie down," he muttered.

"I told you"......began Julia, but Randy was already helping Jason to his feet.

"The guest bedroom is downstairs," he told them. "He can lie down there for a while. Maybe I'll do the same. Meanwhile, you get yourself a towel and enjoy your swim."

As the men disappeared inside, Julia looked around. It was so peaceful and quiet around here and not another living soul to disturb their privacy. She went in and opened her case; luckily her bikini was near the top. It was a colourful shade of green, but, it was oh so brief.

Somehow, here, at someone's private swimming pool, it looked positively indecent. But, the thought of a cooling swim outweighed her misgivings and she ran upstairs to change and grab a towel. Then, tiptoeing down the stairs, she bit her lip and blushed at the thought of being seen. Fortunately, Randy was nowhere in sight as she ran outside and eased herself into the pool. The cool water was bliss as it enveloped her lovely body. It was just what she needed.

Meanwhile, Randy, was adjusting his high powered binoculars, as he feasted his eyes on her bikini clad body. He had been ready when she ran outside and had got a real good look at her shapely figure and near naked body.

"Man, what a body," he drooled. "This dame has got it all; great legs, tits, everything."

He looked across at a snoozing Jason. He wasn't on the bed, but on the floor, with his wrist handcuffed to a radiator. There was plenty of time he thought as he watched Julia in the pool. That moonshine whisky was strong enough to knock people out for hours. Especially, if they weren't used to it. Now he had the bitch to himself and he planned to enjoy her.

Julia swam happily for about 20 minutes, before she lifted herself up onto the side of the pool. Then she dried off with the towel and looked around for a place to sunbathe. The afternoon sun was still hot, but not as fierce as it had been earlier.

As she put the towel down, a sound made her turn around. She was just in time to see a rope arcing through the air towards her. In a second it had looped over her, fastening around the waist. She was pulled off her feet. The breath had been knocked out of her and she couldn't manage a scream. Then Randy moved quickly, reeling her in until he had her tied and helpless.

"What are you doing?" gasped Julia, desperately. "Is this your idea of a joke?"

Randy picked her up easily and lifted her onto his shoulders. Then he marched into the house, as Julia continued her protests and shouts of alarm. Up the stairs he carried her and did not stop until he had thrown her onto his king size bed. Julia was now frantic with fright. "Jason, Jason" she shrieked.

"You're wasting your breath, honey. Your man is out cold downstairs and tied to a radiator. He won't be helping you any time soon."

Julia gasped with shock, not just at what he had just said, but at his release of the clasp on her bikini top. Her ample breasts spilled out and he chuckled appreciatively. "Oh my," he said admiringly, "now ain't they a fine pair for a man to get his hands around."

"Stop it at once," shrieked Julia. "The police will be informed of this."

Randy laughed until his big belly shook. "Feel free, my dear, to tell any damn soul you want, after I fuck you."

Julia was horrified. The idea of sex with this big ugly brute made her shiver in revulsion. She frantically tried to think of a way out, anything to avoid the fate which seemingly lay in store for her. Then she was pushed across the bed and her tiny bikini bottoms were pulled roughly down her legs. How she wished at that point that she had packed a one piece swimsuit for the holiday. Not that it would have stopped her would be rapist.

The beast in question was already taking off his pants and she tried to get off the bed and slip past him. Unfortunately, he was too quick for her and grabbed her arm.

"Not so fast little lady," he growled, "you and I have unfinished business to attend to."

After that, he tied her hands to the bedposts and Julia's last hope of escape had gone. She kicked her legs in protest, but Randy responded by lifting her up and smacking her hard across the bottom several times. She stopped the kicking as she sobbed in pain. "You brute" she hissed.

Randy sat on the bed and showed her his cock. It was quite thick and about 7 inches long. "See what I've got for you, baby," he grinned.

Julia groaned and closed her eyes. Where was her husband when she needed him? He was supposed to protect her from animals like this. Then she closed her eyes in despair, as Randy began to stroke and kiss her body at will........

Half an hour later, his hands were still feeling all over her body and he was still licking and kissing her.

His long tongue snaked out and flicked across her clit for the umpteenth time. Would the man ever stop? ...........But, slowly and methodically, he teased and tantalised her little sex bud as if he had all the time in the world. And, in between, he fingered and probed inside her vagina until his fingers grew slick with her juices. Then he eased his bulk upwards and kissed her reluctant lips. At the same time he was playing and squeezing her tits and tormenting the nipples until Julia cried out in despair.

"Please stop..... you.....animal," she cried desperately, but she knew only a gun to his head would make him stop now and there was no likelihood of that. And, deep down, she knew another truth, that all his lewd attention had made her pussy very moist, so much so, that it was desperate for penetrative sex, no matter whose cock was it might be.

And then the inevitable happened. Randy mounted her and pushed his big hard cock into her wetness. He grinned, maliciously, as he pushed it all the way in. Then, he lost no time in riding her, thrusting deep, over and over again.

Julia winced at the thought that her husband was only downstairs and yet they were both powerless to prevent this outrage. As she bounced on the bed at the ferocity of his violation, she blushed red with humiliation and shame. How could she be taken as easily as this? It was a nightmare.

Randy glowed with pleasure as he continued to fuck her. What a beauty she was, this curvaceous sexy blonde, his best conquest yet. Much better than the expensive sex doll he kept in the cupboard. They were designed for sex, but nothing on this earth could match the real thing. And this was the real thing; make no mistake about it. A class A, leggy blonde, at his mercy. He couldn't get over the feel of her, the smell of her, and, oh boy, that squelching, velvet pussy, that HIS cock, yes HIS cock was penetrating to the limit of its length.

He slowed his fucking down, hell, what was the rush? He'd be fucking the bitch all night, any which way he wanted and there wasn't a damn thing that she or her stupid husband could do about it. So he went on fucking her, enjoying every squelching thrust as he dominated her married vagina with his rampant manhood.

After nearly two hours of continuous sexual activity, he decided to have a break; after all, strong as he was, fucking and playing around was tiring work. Also, he needed sustenance for the long night ahead. So he wondered downstairs to his kitchen and fixed himself a chicken sandwich and a beer. As he ate, he listened to her pathetic little whining and sobbing which he could just make out when he stopped chewing.

"Stupid bitch," he said to himself. "I'm going to fuck the arse off her when I go upstairs again."

Just then, he heard the sound of a car honking outside. The couple's car had returned. He went to check on Jason, still asleep and took out the man's wallet. Removing a wad of cash he went outside to settle with the mechanics. It had been a straightforward repair and hadn't cost too much. He peeled off some notes from the wad to settle the bill, keeping 100 dollars back for a plan recently formed in his head.

Then as he made his way into the hall, he heard the husband start up with his moaning. "Julia, baby, where are you....are you alright...what's happening?"

Randy stood in the doorway and grinned, as he tormented his prisoner. "I'll tell you exactly what happening, dude. I'm fucking your wife upstairs is all... Matter of fact, I'll be fucking her all night. and she's loving it. Now what do you think about that?"


"So, shut the fuck up and let us get on with it."

Then Randy moved forward again and stuck the wallet with the remaining cash back into his prisoner's pocket. This he followed with his hard fist smashing into Jason's chin. As Julia's husband collapsed in a heap, Randy blew out his cheeks.

"Thank god for that," he sighed, "the guy was beginning to get on my fucking nerves."

Then, he climbed the stairs and stood in the bedroom doorway to survey the erotic scene which greeted him. Julia was completely naked and splayed out invitingly, awaiting his pleasure. She stopped sobbing when she saw him and he sensed she was about to launch into a pathetic splurge of whining and pleading.

"Stop," he warned her with a wave of his finger. Then he pointed to the cupboard. "In there, I have a nasty whip I use on the dogs. If you don't stop whining and do exactly what I tell you to do, I'll get it out and take the skin off your arse."

Her horrified look told him that she had got the message. He leaned over so his face was menacingly close to hers. "So, you are going to be a good girl .....and please me in every way.....aren't you?"

"Yes....yes...sir "she confirmed eagerly. "Please don't hurt me.....or Jason, please."

It went better after that; they got into fucking more like a couple. Her spirit seemed to have been broken for the moment and she was co-operating as well as he could have expected from her in the circumstances. As he fucked her, the bed creaked and groaned in protest. But he didn't stop; he was enjoying himself too much.

Half an hour later, he groaned and spurted his load of sperm deep into her married cunt. Julia closed her eyes and shuddered, as she thought of her poor husband imprisoned below. What would he think of her, lying here as another man planted his seed inside her vagina?

"Now you have to prove to me what an excellent kisser you are, no excuses accepted. Then, when I've recovered sufficiently, I'll fuck you doggie style."

"And later on, we'll try a few different positions. Good fucking positions. You'll enjoy it all, I promise you. I mean it's not every day I have a beautiful blonde at my disposal and with such an understanding husband allowing me to fuck his wife"

Julia looked on, wide eyed with despair, at his plans for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, she knew that there wasn't a damn thing she, or her husband, could do about it. Whether she liked it or not, she knew that Randy was going to use her body for sex for as long as he wanted.

And so, not long afterwards, Julia's body was bouncing, repeatedly, on the bed, as Randy started another attack on her defenceless vagina. His cock seemed to need no rest; it was always erect, always greedy for sex. He had her on top and in every conceivable position. And, try as she did to suppress her own desire, inevitably, her vagina seemed to lap it at all up. The squelching of their "lovemaking" seemed to grow louder and louder and she blushed in the dark with the shame of it.

And then, deep into the night, she found herself, perversely, thrusting back at his cock as the frantic rhythm of his fucking took all before it. By now, she had lost count of the times he had taken her; certainly, it was more than she could cope with. It just seemed like a red mist had taken over her brain as the intensity of raw sex invaded her senses. She forgot where she was and who she was with, as she bucked and writhed beneath her male conqueror. Every part of her female body strained desperately for the ultimate goal. Then a shudder gripped her and flooded through her loins as she frantically sheathed into his unrelenting cock. "Ohhh, yes," she cried, jerking and shivering into a shattering orgasm. Randy, meanwhile, grinned in triumph at her unforgettable shame as he too, climaxed, inside her.

Finally, they stopped for sleep. Much to Julia's relief.

All too soon, however, it was morning and Julia blinked and rubbed her eyes as dawn crept through the windows. It seemed she had hardly slept at all. Then, she groaned, as it all came flooding back. The unrelenting sex, the humiliations and the shame.

Randy was lying on his back and snoring loudly, his beer gut heaving, as he breathed through his mouth.

For another hour, she lay quietly at his side, not making a sound. She had endured enough from him to last a lifetime and she didn't want any early morning sex if she could help it. But then, he did wake up and to her great discomfort, sex was exactly what he had in mind. He started by kissing and feeling her all over, again, repeatedly. Then his fingers got to work on her defenceless bits, first her tits then her pussy. He would not be denied. Finally, he mounted her and started to fuck her again. "First of the day" he announced, as he climaxed with great enjoyment.

He fucked her again after breakfast and had her for a third time "doggie style" as he untied her bindings and made her kneel and spread at the top of the stairs.

By this time, Jason was awake and shouting obscenities, so Randy went down to investigate. This time he contented himself with gagging the guy with strong black tape. "I'm still fucking your wife," he told him. "So be a good boy and be quiet. After all, it's not every day she gets the chance of a seven inch cock jammed up her quim."

Young Adult

About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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    YSWritten by Yogesh Sawant

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