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SINDAY ; ) Day 5 Short Erotic Stories

One day out of the year you can sin withour fear

By LB Harpdog Creator Of BampiresPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Some fantasies are welcome by people. How about we reverse this one for tthe ladies enjoyment. Shall we.

DAY 5 Short Erotic Stories

Chapter 5 BUS part 1

It was the last trip of the night. I was the driver of the party bus. Many beautiful women all around… I dropped most of them off at their destinations. There were three beautiful women left. The sexiest one was 45 years old she reminded me of Jessica Alba, except with a little more thickness in all the right places. Then were 2 more, one was 26 years old and the other was 32 years old. There was a bachelor party that had ended that night, and these ladies were tipsy. I saw how hard it was to for them to make it to the party bus.

Being the gentleman I am, I carried the 32 year old to the house when we arrived, and set her inside with the key. I helped the next one, 26 year old walk to the house, she was in high spirits, and feisty. Then I helped 45 year old out of the bus and asked her can she make it in ok? Miss 45 swayed a bit and I caught her and leaned her against the bus… and decided to walk her into the house just to be safe. She buried her head into my neck then licked me. She said I smelled like yummy vanilla bean. I was shocked at first and then turned away a bit so that she would stop licking me. Until, she grabbed a handful of my privates.

I knew she was tipsy, and just laughed it off, because I didn’t want to offend her. So I politely removed her hand and just smiled. Her breath was strong of alcohol, and yet she was able to carry on a conversation with no slurred speech. So I made my way up to the house. And walked her in and set her on the couch. This house was big and beautiful. And I can tell she had money. She mentioned that she owned a company, and it did very well.

45: Are you done for the night?

Driver: Yea, just gotta go back and inspect the party bus, then go home.

45: The night is still young. Stay a bit and have at least one drink with us, please…

Driver: It’s late and you women are all beautiful, but I have to work tomorrow. I would stay and party, but We all might get a bit to comfortable .

45: Awww! We just want to have fun. I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a big tip if you just stay one hour and hang with us. What do you say?

Driver: Hmmm I don’t know.

45: You were so good to us. I must repay you for your kindness. (Her eyes grew soft)

Driver: ok…. Fine, but I want a really nice tip. Let me text my boss.

45 smiled and disappeared into her room to change. 26 smiles and asked me different kinds of questions to keep the conversations going. 32 sat up on the couch and was getting better from her tipsiness by the minute. 32 seemed to be sobering up. 32 leaned in and sniffed my neck and asked

32: Wow you smell good, what cologne do you wear?

26 was curious to smell me also, moved over to the couch next to me, sat down and did the same. She leaned in to take in a deep sniff.

26: Wow you do smell good and sexy, women must desire you a lot. What is the name of that cologne?

Driver: Rochas cologne… I can’t get it in stores, I order it online.

Now both women are on either side of me really close, and my pants develop a bulge. But not out of desire, but because of where their hands were on my thighs. Then I heard the door open. 45 come out. She is wearing some nice silk pajamas, and it accentuated her body very well. Her figure was heavenly. So I sprung up suddenly off of the couch. The ladies got a glimpse of my bulge in my pants. 45 looks down and smiles.


45: Wow nice size, you must make some lucky lady very happy.

Driver: Thanks, Well I had a girl, but we grew apart.

45: What would you say if I paid you to, Play with us?

Driver: Oh, umm well you ladies are all very beautiful, but as attracted as I am to you, I would have to decline. What would my boss think If I were to play with the clients? I should probably go.

45: Hey we still have time to talk, plus you still haven’t had one drink yet.

Driver: It’s ok, I’ll be fine, plus I still need to drive home.

45: One drink won’t kill ya. Hey 26, get him the special drink to see if he will relax, I will show him around the house, take him on a tour.

26: Okay ill bring it to you when it’s done (she had an angelic smile)

The tour began on the main floor. This house had 7 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 4 bathrooms, and a huge basement which is any man’s dream man cave. Then as we were entering the basement, 26 arrived with my drink, and she had changed into a night gown that was just above her thighs, but long enough the cover her private parts. Then 26 encouraged me to taste it. I did, it was a sweet wine, and I love sweet wine.

26: How does it taste?

Driver: Pretty good, what brand is this?

26: Its Piere Me Amor, I remember you telling me on the bus you like sweet wine.

Driver: Thanks, this is some pretty good stuff.

26: Do you want just a bit more?

Driver: Sure but not too much, I don’t want to have to sleep over tonight

26: (laughing) And, that would be a bad thing how? (She giggles)

45 continued her tour of the basement. Now we come to the last room in the house. She opens the door and turns the light on. I was absolutely shocked and excited. My bulge came back. As I looked around, there were floor to ceiling adult toys. The many kinds like what you would see at an adult store. I walk in and inspect, looking around the room. I see a nice soft padded table with straps for wrists and ankles. Then the room goes dark. They shut off the light asking if I would like to test out the table.

Driver: Hmm Really? I don’t know. You ladies might take advantage of me. (chuckling hard)

45: Hey Ill pay you Double the tips to play with us and lie down.

Driver: Ok, fine, you win. What do you have in mind?

45: It is a fantasy where we can tie you down and we can have our way with you.

My body starts to betray me as my pants grew a bulge. Then 45 smiles and caresses me gently.

45: Ladies we can play tonight. Here are the rules.

1) safe word is construction.

2) Pretend we drug you and you awake on the table.

3) After we are fished, you can tell no one ever about tonight.

4) Each lady will do as she pleases with you ok?

5) This is a forced fantasy ok, So if you don’t consent you are free to go

Driver: Umm Ok. (Excited to be able to be in a fantasy with no control. So I strip and laid down on the table and start to enter my fantasy as they tied my body down.)

I wake up, lying on the table my head spinning. My wrist and ankles are tied. My clothes are on the floor and my body is open for these women to see. As they hear me move… all 3 come into the room, wearing nothing except an open night gown exposing their beautiful bodies. This is every man’s dream, being abducted and used as a piece of meat. I start to struggle as I realize what happened. I know screaming won’t help. The walls are padded so if you are fucking hard and screaming, no one will hear you. So I plead with the women.

Driver: Why are you doing this, you can have any man you want?

32: No.. not really we can’t have you … right? We wanted you ever since we laid eyes on you tonight.

This is going to happen. Three sexy women, one night of pleasure, so lay back and enjoy.

Driver: I love my girlfriend, I can’t.. please you gotta let me go. I have never cheated in my life. (I pretend to have a girlfriend for a more realistic scene.

26: It’s not cheating if your forced … right?

26 was standing by my feet. She rubs from my feet to my kneecaps. I started to rise. Blood starts to flood to my manhood. I feel her hair creeping up my leg following her warm kisses of torture. I close my eyes, trying to stop my erection. I think about my girlfriend, about how she would feel if she found out. It’s no use, my body is betraying me… my hearts not in it, but a woman’s touch is a man’s drug, even if you are resolved to not go through with this situation I’m in.

32 joined her standing on my right side. I feel a warm sensation, as her tongue is circling my nipple making it hard, and sensitive. I had gotten chills from both spots where these ladies are teasing me. I felt their hair fall around the warm sensation of her tongue. Covering my view as to what they were doing. On the other side of me, I feel finger nails … lightly and gently swirling around my other nipple. Making my manhood that betrayed my hard.

46 dragged a trail of tingling sensations from my nipple down my abs which are flexing from her touch, carving out the muscles I work hard to maintain. Down to my rod of pleasure I feel her nails reach its destination. My head is spinning, the pleasure is intense, and oh so good. Then, I feel her touch, her nails rake across my scrotum, making my man hood sway like there is wind in the room. My breathing is like short bursts of air, the touch of all 3 women touching me. I felt like I had been eaten alive, by desires. The desires that only I had shared with my girlfriend.

I’m startled again. A warm, wet, and rough sensation swallows my cock. All the way down to the base of my shaft, with expert lips. My whole body tense up, every muscle in my body is tight with pleasure. I look down it was 45, who’s lips feel soft as silk, wrapped around my cock. I close my eyes, trying to think of the woman I love. Then I feel her tongue, wiggling side to side against my hard blood filled cock. The sensations from all three women started to overwhelm my senses. My mouth is open gasping for air, my hips had thrust on its own, and I felt my body building with what seems like fire, escaping my pores.

Then I feel it, my cock, hard as a rock ready to explode in 45’s mouth. 45 feels it to, and with expert hands, she skims my balls lightly right at the perfect time. She withdrew her mouth, grabbed my shaft, squeezed it tight so as to not let my cock explode, and licked my cock, just the tip, then let go.

To be continued…

This had always been a fantasy of mine. To be controlled and used by more than 1 woman. But we all have some fantasies right. Would you like to see how it ends? Would you be willing to share with other people this story? Well if you enjoyed this story so far. Share the link. But now let’s get ready For Day 6 of our SINDAY ; ) shall we.

If you like this story, there are more to come. Just search LB Harpdog and see all of my short erotic stories. Some are wild and others are simply insane. Search for my other ebooks in online stores like TIME TO PLAY Series, also MIND NIGHT BLUE Series. Check out SPORT OF ROMANCE, The guide to Romantic ideas to make love to her heart.

This is Day 5 of my SINDAY stand alone stories, Go Back and read Days 1 - 4 before you continue, to feel the kinky mind of LB Harpdog


About the Creator

LB Harpdog Creator Of Bampires

When you want to escape this world by reading. I have created a world that will suck you in and give you a taste of what Bampires have everyday. 33 days of SINDAY will spin your desires. Enjoy your free reads.


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    LB Harpdog Creator Of BampiresWritten by LB Harpdog Creator Of Bampires

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