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Sexy Clips (Pt. 1)

I'm writing an erotic book and wanted to share some of the scenes.

By Hope TalbottPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

The two made it back to her apartment and went up to her floor. They continued small talk about her book and some of the other boring things happening in their lives.

“This way,” she led, for now.

When they opened the door she had half expected him to pick her up and throw her on the bed right then and there but he walked in and had a look around like a gentleman. She closed the door behind them.

“Man, I can’t even imagine how this place must glow under a blacklight.” Hands on his hips he chuckled and looked at some of her art she’d left on the table.

“Like a damn rave,” she smiled while kicking off her shoes.

It was actually really clean. Growing up under her aunt’s influence and then learning how gross a place can get without a dishwasher or washer and dryer, she picked up new habits from college. The reputation artists pick up about being cluttered and dirty isn’t always the case.

She walked over to him. No need for a grand tour, everything was in sight. He turned to look at her. Their eyes met and they both took turns looking at each other's lips. His strong hand grazed her cheek softly and landed on her neck, pushing some silky hair out of the way.

He looked in her eyes as he spoke. “God dammit, you’re beautiful.”

Her heart raced a little and a touch of redness ran across her face. “Stop being so perfect.”

Aiden leaned in, looking into her eyes as his hand slipped his fingers in between hers and kissed her, soft. His lips were full and warm against hers. Their mouths parted in unison as his tongue brushed against hers. He pulled her hand to his neck and let go so he could have both hands on her jawline. Her blood pumped hard from her heart as she found her hands grabbing him, wanting more. He tasted sweet from the tea from brunch and lust that boiled between them.

There was a knock on the door.

They parted slightly.

“Jessica?” Her mother’s voice rang with liquor.

Scarlett looked from him to the door. His eyes stayed put on her, memorizing every detail he could.

“If you’re in there, open this—” hiccups interrupted her, “door.”

Scarlett licked her lips, she could still taste him, then looked up into his eyes. Aiden’s heartbeat was so loud she could hear it where she was standing. His right hand grabbed her waist and pulled her into him, lips were immediately planted against hers. Their breathing was rapid against each other’s face. His hand held her neck hungry for her flesh. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started to pull it up. The cotton between them was too much.

The door was unlocked and the sense of danger was delicious. He slipped his hand under her shirt and ripped it up throwing her arms in the air and parting their lips for just a moment. She tugged at his shirt again and he pulled it off in one swift swoop.

Knock. Knock. Knock. “JESSICA?”

They ignored her as Scarlett got his pants unbuttoned and he unclasped her bra. When Scarlett went to pull the barrier down Aiden scooped her up by grabbing her ass and lifting it where he wanted it. Scarlett giggled and threw her bra. He kissed and breathed passionately on her neck and chest.

Hiccups. “Jessica, I KNOW YOU’RE IN,” hiccups, “THERE!”

Her legs hugged around him as he walked her over to the bed. They let go when he threw her down, she bounced a little and smiled up at him. Aiden meant business, he grabbed her shorts and thong and ripped them down her milky legs and over her feet.

Scarlett's phone in her pocket, now on the floor, lit up and played a little jingle in vain. There was no way she was taking any calls.

The sheets under her, now naked body, were cool and welcoming. He placed his hands on her calves and caressed his way around them then up her smooth legs. There was a flutter in her stomach that had never been there before. She was bare and naked, this level of intimacy was new.

“ANSWER YOUR PHONE!” She could hear the phone jingle but was too drunk to really be sure of anything.

He spread Scarlett’s legs so he could lay down in them as he kissed her abdomen ever so slightly. Her muscles flexed and relaxed as he tickled her with his lips and tongue down to her pelvis. Her hands found his soft hair and combed it in between her fingers playfully. She knew he loved his head getting rubbed. When he got to her slit he looked up at her before he started lapping over her lips.

Whimpers leaked from her pink lips.

His tongue went soft and slow over her lush petals. Aiden looked down at her silky smooth flesh and started kissing all around her. He nuzzled her bud as his hands started massaging her inner thigh. He was taking in every centimeter of her and not letting anything interrupt him.

Footsteps stomped away just outside her door. Scarlett almost felt bad. It was a long drive from where her mother lived to the city but the feeling wasn’t nearly strong enough to rip her away from Aiden’s touch.

She looked at him buried in between her legs. He was so tan and she was so pale, the sight made her want to paint it. She took several mental pictures for later. His eyes were so dark and full of joy, he loved fine dining. Scarlett knew he especially liked her nectar, he was the first one to tell her she tastes sweet and was so excited to have more of her.

His tongue explored around her before finding her berry again. He started playing with it with his tongue then thumb. He lifted up off her, wet-faced and wild-eyed.

Footsteps stomped back outside the door.

Aiden didn’t even flinch.

If she bursts in, she’ll probably learn not to.

He sucked on his middle finger while massaging her berry, getting it ready. As he stared at her he separated her lips. He pulled his long finger out of his mouth and coaxed it in her wet slit. He knew she liked it slow at first and had done this enough to read her body and what it craved.

Breath left her without her permission. Her head rocked back, her chest puffed up and she enjoyed the slow stretch he was giving her walls with this thick finger. He loosened her up with a few long pets against her g-spot before pulling out and coaxing in the second finger.

The doorknob rattled, “SCARLETT JESSICA WILDE, this door WAS OPEN?”

Scarlett’s eyes snapped open, as her mother burst through to see Aiden’s back and Scarlett’s legs.


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    Hope TalbottWritten by Hope Talbott

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