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The Pleasures Of The Flesh

By maryem maryemPublished about a year ago 35 min read
sex story
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

*** Author’s Note [Its a long story and I have decided it not to have parts but all merged into one in order for continuity. Its my first work. Enjoy] ***

Our families have been not in contact with each other for a long time due to living in different states. We’re Asians. Eventually, it was going to change as we have to attend an important retirement party of someone who lives in the same state as my cousin’s family lives. Talking about my cousin, the last time I saw her was 3 years ago. She was 5’4 tall, had small breasts around A cup, and overall what we call petite. Now she would be 21 in age. Meanwhile, I was 6 feet tall, medium hair waved back into a man bun, and overall nice athletic build, 25 years of age.

After 7 hours of driving, we finally arrive at her place. My father has come here multiple times due to the nature of his job and was aware of the locality where they live.

As soon as we exited the car, we were greeted by my cousin’s father and mother both in their 50’s. Welcome, and greetings were shared and we were soon hurried into their house. As I entered through the doorway, I was interrupted by someone, a grown female who I recognized as my cousin Patricia. Damn! She grew up a lot since I last saw her. Her height remained the same but her breasts had grown by a large amount. It didn’t sag but remained perfectly attached to her chest. If I had to guess, I would say she’s D cup now. And looking at her body she had nice curves that complimented her height and a nice plum-looking ass. If I had to describe her body in one word, it would be THICK.

With right amount of fat in her juicy thighs and slim waist and a beautiful face and jet black hair, she was literally the perfect female every man could dream of.

“Hey! You arrived. Welcome. Was the journey tiring” She said with a smile on her face.

“Yes, it was. Also, it’s nice to meet you. You’ve grown” I said as check her body out.

Making sure I was not acting like a creep, I quickly hurried myself into the house as she greeted my parents. The rest of the day was followed by an exchange of stories and things happening in our everyday lives as my parents and hers indulge themselves in it. I didn’t see my cousin after meeting her, as she had holed herself in her room preparing for a test that was scheduled for tomorrow morning. As night came, we dressed for the occasion and went to the venue. After a few hours, my parents said farewell to the person who had invited us on the glorious occasion and soon drives away towards my cousin’s house. As soon as I reached the room I was allocated to stay for the time of our stay, I quickly dozed off as the tiredness of the entire day befalls upon me.

The next morning I was awakened up quickly by my parents with a seriousness in their faces. As it turns out, one of our close relatives just had a stroke and was taken to a hospital. They stayed roughly 6 hours from here and my parents and cousin’s parents have decided to go visit them.

“Will it be okay if we tell you to stay here for the time being?” Patricia’s father said.

“It’s not safe for a girl to stay alone. And we would be happy if you could give her company. It will be a huge help for us”

“It’s okay. I understand”

“Thank you! We will be back after some days” her mother said.

As my consciousness fully came back, I saw as my parents and hers were already dressed and ready with bags to leave as soon as possible.

“Make sure to eat properly and clean the house,” Patricia’s mother said to her as she was also arriving to say goodbye to her parents. It seems they briefed her before me.

“Love you, See you soon,” Patricia says both to my and her parents.

“See you later,” I said to the people leaving in their car as they drove away.

Day 1

After saying goodbye, I had quickly hurried myself to bed and sleep. I have a habit of waking up late, so my behavior was not new to me.

When I woke up, it was 8:40. I had been sleeping for an hour and a half, surprised that I woke up early. Maybe it’s due to the fact that I’m sleeping in a new place that my senses have awoken me. I walked away from my room to the hall that connected the kitchen and other room, surprised to see Patricia packing away breakfast that she just cooked.

“Oh! I’m sorry. I tried to wake you up but you were sleeping like a log”

“Nah! That’s okay. You ready for college”

“Yeah! I have a test today. Anyways, I prepared some breakfast for you. Help yourself”

“Thank you for that. Wait, should I drop you” I said as I noticed our parents had gone away in her car. I always carry an extra key for our car, something that my father knew.

“No, that’s fine. It’s near here” she says as she moves towards the entrance of the house.

“I’ll see you later. Bye”


A few hours later, I dressed up and ate the breakfast she had prepared for me. Damn, it tasted so good that I was feeling jealous for her future husband, who would have the pleasure of eating this food every day. I searched for the house key and locked away the house. I’m self-employed and run a restaurant that cooks delicacies that most people would not get the luxury of eating. Few of our providers for food material were in this town, so I decided to meet them up and check out the city.

It’s 5′ O clock now and now I’m back at the house. As I relaxed, my parent’s call came and as I answered they told me that they have arrived and they plan to stay for around 5 days until the patient has been discharged from the hospital. As soon as I ended the call, Patricia came.

“Welcome back, How was your test? Did it go alright” I said to her.

“It was alright, I have another one scheduled for tomorrow.”

“Oh, so you should go prepare for that. Don’t worry about the dinner, I’ll handle it”

“Wow! You can cook”

“Yes,” I said

“Also our parents have safely arrived there and they plan to stay for another 5 days”

“Cool. I don’t get to live alone that much anyways. Thank you”

The rest of the day went normally as I watch television and later cooked dinner for her. She was too busy to even get out of her room to rest.

Day 2

I woke up early and cooked breakfast for her around 8:20 am. She came, ate some, some she took away in her lunch box.

“See You Later”

Now that I was home alone, I made sure to close every doorway so that no one could enter or see inside. I decided to go and do something that I never dared to do. I went to her room and looked at drawers. Her room was properly arranged and neatly cleaned and had a faint aroma of her, something that I have smelled when we were kids. After opening several drawers, I finally opened the one that I wanted. In front of me was a recently wore white panties with a white floral-like texture. The panties were so smooth that even Men underwear was like a scrubber to that. I put those panties near my nose, as I sniffed them. The panties had a faint smell of pee and vaginal fluid. My penis started to get erect just by smelling it. I took the panties away to my room and got naked as I prepare myself to masturbate using them.

The smell of her vaginal fluid mixed with sweat and pee was soo arousing that it almost felt like a powerful aphrodisiac.

“So that how you smell like,” I said as I continue to deeply smell her panties so as to put the smell into my memories permanently.

After smelling for minutes, I put the panties on my penis and gently stroke my member. The soft feeling of panties just increased the pleasure as I pushed panties in my hand surrounding my penis up and down. It didn’t take that much time for me to cum. I made sure that none of the cum should touch the panties or else she would know. After cleaning myself, I put her panties back in her rightful place, in the drawer that was exclusive to her panties. Soon, due to masturbating, I fell asleep.

Later, I continue to pass my time by contacting my restaurant and ensuring it’s working properly under my absence.

At 5’O clock, Patricia came back.

“Ahh! It’s finally over. Now I can relax back.”

“Really, should we order some food for the occasion,” I said

“Wait. Let’s order from KFC tonight. They have a new menu that I want to taste.”

“Of course, as you wish. And it’s my treat so order without any worries”

“Oh! Thank you”

“Now go and get fresh up”

She walks away to her room as I started feeling nervous about the deed that I committed today. Afterward, she came outside and was normal. It seems she is unaware of that.

We talked about things, how’s life, college, etc. And order the KFC menu that she wanted.

“There’s a movie that I want to watch, you okay with that,” she said

“Yeah! I’m cool”

She accessed the internet on the t.v and started the movie. As the movie started, I Went out and grabbed the food we just ordered.

As I looked at the t.v, the title of the movie rolled ‘The Handmaiden’. A Korean movie that I understood after watching the actors. We started eating and watch movies at the same time. Eventually, our food finished quickly.

“I’m full. I can’t eat anymore” she says while grabbing her stomach.

“You didn’t eat much”

“Yeah! I don’t eat very much”

We cleaned the room and sat as we resume watching the movie. Time was 9 p.m. Soon, a scene plays out where the movie’s female protagonist is in a seductive scene with the other actress.

I quickly moved my head away from the t.v onto the phone. Something, that every kid knows what to do when this kind of scene appears while watching movies with the family. Soon, I started to hear the rustling sound of clothes that I first assumed were coming from t.v but later realized it was Patricia that was the source of the noise.

She was wearing a white printed t-shirt and short jeans with her hair tucked away in a ponytail. I looked down to see what is causing the noise, to see her rubbing her clit from the jeans.

“What are you doing?” I said

“What do you think I am doing” looking at me seductively.

“You think I don’t know what you did to my panties today. I left it intentionally and checked it when I came back. It was clean but it had a foreign smell. Something like that of a cum”

“But I cleaned it,” I said.

“You’re bad at cleaning then.”

“You know how hard it is for a teenage female to live with her parents and never have sex with anyone. Its causes uncontrollable horniness, the desire to fuck. So are you going to do it? Or are you a pussy who only masturbates to used panties”

That was it. The moment she said that it was like a mental barrier has been removed. All the feelings of having sex overtook common reasons and I jumped over her.

“Let’s go to your room,” I Said. I grabbed her like a princess and carried her to her room and threw her at the bed. The bed had a soft mattress that landed on her delicate body without any pain. I grabbed my t-shirt and started to remove it, so did she. Soon we were both naked but the only thing that cowering us was our underwear.

“Do you recognize this?” She said while pointing at her panties.

“It’s the same one that you jerked off today. When I realized what you had done to it, I grew horny and wore it which turned me even more.”

“I thought you would take the initiative but didn’t, so I had to do it.”

“I’m glad you did,” I said as I moved forward in an attempt to kiss her. Our lips came in contact, as she put her tongue along with it too. We were smooching each other like lovers. Her lips were soft as a sponge and her smell that came from her nape even turned me on more. My penis started to bulge away at the underwear, trying to escape the fabric that is enclosing it to prevent lounge outwards.

“You’re so hard, it almost looks like in pain,” she said

“Can you take away the pain”

She stood up from the bed and pushed me onto the bed. She seductively laid herself onto my body and using her mouths removed my underwear only to get uppercutted by my penis.

“AHAHA,” she laughed as my dick punched her. “I always wanted to receive that,” she said while grabbing my penis like it’s her property and guiding it to her mouth.

“AHhhhh!!!!” I moaned as she swallows my 7-inch dick. While continuing to move her mouth up and down to please my cock, she continued to use her hand to grab my balls my massage them gently. It didn’t take long for me to reach the near climax. Who can survive that hot gentile lips tucking away at their cock up and down.

“I’m going to cum, leave it,” I said. But she didn’t. She continued to push up and down and sometimes left and right as to wring my penis. She can feel me reaching climax as I started reaching it which made my legs and my body tremble due to the sheer intensity of the pleasure she just caused. She grabbed my legs as a way to calm me down while she paused as my cum gushes into her mouth. I almost lost consciousness due to the pleasure I just received from her. As all the cum left my penis, she started to suck down it like a lollipop.

“Stop, I just came, I’m sensitive,” I said. But she continues to disregard me and enjoy her meal like she’s going to take all of my cum to the last drop.

“Yum!!” She tried to say while showing me her mouth opened for me to see my thick cum on her mouth. She closed her mouth and gulped it down like its the most delicious thing in the world.

“I hope that would not make me pregnant” She chucked away.

“That’s not how it works,” I told and laughed.

“I didn’t knew you had such a big cock”

“I didn’t knew you were such a slut, your boyfriend must be happy”

“I don’t have a boyfriend”

“What? Seriously”

“Yeah, I don’t have one. Also, I’m a virgin”

“You are joking, there’s no way that you just gave me the most amazing blowjob that I’ve ever had without ever having done that.”

“I practiced using dildo. Want to see?” She excitedly jumped away to go to the other corner of her room. Safely stashed away she took out a box and opened it bringing out a white transparent silicone 6-inch dildo. “I used this to practice. You don’t know how hard it is to not have sex with parents like these. The first thing they told me after joining college was not to engage in any sort of relationship.”

“But you can, they will not know,” I said

“I know that. I just started college and have not seen any potential guys out there.”

“With that in mind, I don’t mind giving you my virginity. To someone more experienced,” she said in an innocent yet seductive manner.

I quickly got up and ran to my room and find my purse and remove the condom that I safely tucked in it for situations like these.

“Where were you gone?”

“I got a condom with me,” I told her.

“Wow! That brilliant. As it’s my first time, I want you to take initiative and take my virginity,” she said while throwing away the dildo and laying herself onto the bed with her spine on the mattress. I took out the condom and put it on my already erect penis. I guided my penis to near her vagina but as she laid in the center of the bed, I grabbed her legs and pulled her near me towards the edge of the bed.

“AHAHAH!” She laughed. Her smile radiated her entire body with a flush. It doesn’t seem like she’s nervous, but more like excited to do it.

Her pussy was red and clit puffed up due to arousal. One can see it leaking juices almost clear in color. She had shaved her pubic hair recently all the way to the vagina. Her vagina lips closed like a leaf covering a forbidden fruit. I used my dick to open up the lips and continued to tease her vagina opening and clit with my condom-covered penis. Her vagina trembles in anticipation when my dick touches her clit as I continue until she begs me for it.

“Come’on give it to me. Please. Don’t tease me.. I can’t wait.”

Seeing her reluctance to not able to wait, I adjusted my dick and inserted it slowly first with the tip in towards vagina. “Tell me if it hurts or when you want me to stop”

“Go on” she says “I have a dildo remember. Its okay, I can take it”

Like a dam, with her words, I hastily inserted my dick unto her until I can feel my ball touching her skin directly. I was balls deep inside her, all 7-inches of it. I can feel her breathing heavy with her hands grabbing the sheet covering the mattress with a happy yet embarrassed face.

“I’ll move slowly” I said as I started doing what I just told her. Gently in and out as my dick opened up her vagina. God damn! She was tight. I can feel through the condom the inner finger like linings of vagina, the small heat it radiates over my cock as it completely encompasses it like a treasure. You can’t believe how wet she was. As I continue to pound her gently, I can feel the linings inside trying to stop my penis from getting out. Their soft tissue moving against my head of the penis as I try to pull away and accept it as I pull inside. My hands were positioned on her slim waist as I require it to move inside with ease. Along with that you can hear splosh splosh sounds as her wet vagina continue to make noises due to the sex were having.

Her hands opened, leaving the part of the sheet she was grabbing wrinkled, as she put her hands on her face. Even thought she properly covered her face with her hands, I can see how happy and embarrassed she’s looking underneath it and the feeling of pleasure her face radiates upon her. Seeing her like this, my dick became even more hard and increase sensitivity even though I’m wearing condom. She doesn’t say anything but enjoy the carnal pleasure we both were pursuing, the sense of having incestuous relationship with other only made the arousal more. The sound of my body striking hers with each stroke, the wetness of her pussy and our moan due to pleasure were the only thing that could be heard inside the room.

“Yes, yes.. I’m coming” she says as her pussy stars clenching way harder than before and so does her breathing starts to get heavy. “Stop” while putting her hands on my chest as she tries to stop me from moving. I gave her no attention and proceeded to move even faster. She continued to push away until her strength left her body. Her legs which during this time were bended, straightens themselves as her stomach started to clench. Her whole body started to shake in an unknown rhythm as she was now completely in a trance due to her orgasm. Thanks to that, it got even harder to move inside her. Soon, I feel pressure build up inside my own body. Few seconds later, her orgasm subsided.

“I’m also gonna cum” I said.

“Cum in my mouth” she said.

I quickly took my dick out of her, surprised to see how well she took my 7-inch dick in her as I removed the condom and climb the bed. She remained in the same position awaiting the arrival of the cock as I positioned myself on top of her while avoiding sitting on her. All my strength went into my thighs as I put my dick near to her face. She grabbed my dick and started sucking it like thanking for the pleasure she received from it. She was not embarrassed any longer but had a satisfaction on her face. The feeling of my dick skin directly touching her mouth precedes the feeling inside her vagina. I didn’t last much longer and came as hard as I can, the cum flew some in her mouth, some in her face but she holded it in fixature to avoid spilling any more cum as I saw her mouth getting filled with every last drop of my semen.

As soon as I was done, I jumped off to get tissues from the kitchen and when I came back, I saw her as she waited for me to see her gulping down the semen I just unloaded in her mouth. With an accomplishment in her face she moved her face foreword towards me as she was sitting in a frog like position and open her mouth to show that she had gulped down every single bit of it.

“Good girl” I said. While clearing her beautiful face of semen with tissues. Later, she went to bathroom to clean up and I cleaned myself using tissues. I was way tired to take a bath. I check my smartphone to find we were having sex for 3 hours. I dozed off, not even waiting for her, rewarding myself for the work that I did today.

Day 3

Its the third day. When I woke up, it was already 11 am. I was naked under the blankets which she might have given to me in the night. I went to the main hall to find it empty. She had gone to college.

“Teenagers are so energetic” I said as my body moves without and energy. I took a bath while remembering what happened the previous night. After taking bath, I went out to eat at a local diner cause I had no motivation to cook. Suddenly, a thought arises from my mind. How about I meet her when she’s off from college and go on a drive. You know, like having a small date. I spend my rest of time in gaming center as I played God of War.

When it was near 5 o’clock, I sent her a message that I Will be picking her up. Her college was one of the most distinguished university on the area. As soon as I pulled over, I saw her exiting the gate and enter the car.

“How was your college today?” I asked. She responded with “fine”. I started driving towards the outer area of the city. Her mood was neither happy nor angry. I supposed something had happened in her college but decided to not ponder over that. Few minutes later, she spoke.

“I don’t know how to say this, but what we did yesterday, I’m feeling that I made a huge mistake.”

“Wait? What?” I didn’t knew what to respond with.

“You’re my cousin brother, we used to play together when we were kids and we did something yesterday that we shouldn’t have. I was way into loosing my virginity that I forced myself upon you.”

“That’s not true. Both you and I are responsible for that. We both gave consent”

“Yeah, but we shouldn’t have.”

“I see. Its true we crossed boundary of our relationship and did something taboo. And I’m sorry for that. As an adult I should’ve behaved properly. Let, this just be a thing of the past and forget it”

“Yeah” she said.

I quickly drove back to her house as the situation between her & me was not good. I took food as takeaway from a Chinese restaurant for our dinner. The rest of the day, I didn’t see her, only except when She came out for dinner or for water. We didn’t say anything to each other after coming home. I felt that if I say anything, it will make our relationship much worse than it is. Let, time heal it away.

Day 4

It was Sunday, so no college today. Perfect, especially when situation was not good at home. I heard as she was talking to her mother and saying everything is fine and they’re eating properly. I decided to indulge myself in my work by contacting my staff to see how restaurant is going. Time passed away quickly without anyone of us saying anything.

It was 8 pm now. I looked inside the kitchen to find it empty, so I decided to cook so that I can get the chance of talking to her and to reduce the tension between us. 30 Min. Later, the food was ready and I went near her room to call her for dinner. As soon as I arrive near, I can hear a humming sound. I thought she might be listening to music but as came immediate close to the door, I realized it was the sound of vibrator. I didn’t knew what to do, should I interrupt her or surprise her. I couldn’t hold back and end up entering her room by opening the door. She jumped off as soon as she realizes that I was in the room.

“Wah! What are you doing. Have you been listening all this time. Get out!” She hurriedly grabbed the tower near her and covered herself.

“NO. I want to talk”

“NO. Get out”

“I will not go until you do not accept to talk to me afterwards”

“Please just get out”

I didn’t say anything. After a few more retorts she finally responds with an okay. That she is ready to talk. I went to the main hall and waited for her. Soon she came, dressed properly.

“Speak. What you want to say” she said

“Look, I know what we just did was not something that every other person does. And were both wrong on that one. But, we both were responsible for that what just had happened. Even though we try to forget it, it will still be there. But as time passes, we both will move onto our own lives. It will become a secret that we share. So, please don’t cause yourself even more worry” I told her. This time, she was calm and open to reason and she seems to understand what I just told.

“You mean its okay to feel like this?”

“Yeah! But we have to live on with it. And keep it a secret”

She giggled as hard as she can. “Why did I even hold myself off, if it can be reasoned that much easily?” She said to herself. She took a coin placed near the table and asked to choose head or tails. I responded with tails. She flip the coin in the air and it landed on her palm with tails on the surface.

“You win, I guess”

“Won what”

She focused on herself by pushing her face using her hands. All the worry she had seemed to have gone away with the conversation we just had.

She moved towards her room and paused at the door with her back towards me as she turned her face around and gave me the most seductive look she possible can and gesturing her index finger like inviting me inside.

“What the hell!” I said to myself.

I came inside her room and then she started to kiss me. While taking of my clothes. “Today, I will be the dominant, and you’ll be submissive”. She said as she unbuttons my shirt and jeans and got me naked. She threw my clothes outside and pushed me on to the bed. Moving her face near my penis, she uncovered the hidden treasure underneath the fabric and let out a huge moan…

“AAhhhhhhh!”. She started to suck my dick like there is no future. And man, did her experience just sky rocketed cause now she was deep throating me. She gagged a bit but continue to give me blowjob, sometimes pausing for air. I didn’t take long for me to cum inside her mouth once again but this time I came deep inside her throat. Sucking away my dick like a lollipop. She said

“We may as well do it for the remaining days we have left and then make it something we only had this time. You cant believe how horny was I all day, but the feeling of doing something taboo made me loose it out on you. I’m sorry”

So that’s what’s troubling her. “Should a dominatrix ask his slave his forgiveness, then I’m sure the slave would rise up and make her into her personal bitch”

She giggled and smiled, quickly positioned herself on top of my face and sat on it. “Should a slave be talking” as she put sheer weight of her body and thighs on my face and my mouth directly in her pussy leaking juices. I started to use my tongue to stimulate her clit and vagina as I tried harder to breathe. “MHHHHHhh!!!!” She can be heard moaning, lost in the pleasure swallowing her I feel her juices drip on me and they tasted salty. She started to use her hands to pleasure my dick but this time with more slowly and gently, like telling it that you have to work harder tonight. Few minutes later, she left the bed near the table which housed her safety stash and brought out the box which contained dildo, but this time she too out a bottle of lube and a butt plug, silver in color and with a heart shaped end fitted with a glass looking like diamond. She excitedly jumped over towards me and showed me her collection. “I want you to put this on my asshole, I want you to gape it. But remember, I’m the master”

“Yes my liege” I said as I stood up. She laid herself on the bed with her head in the bed while her ass positioned upwards thanks to her knees being in contact with the bed.

I tool the bottle of lube and started putting in her asshole using my index finger to gape it open. Damn, it was tight. It was using all of its pressure to keep it closed. But I was man in a mission, I continue to poke her ass with it and soon it gaped open to allow one finger inside it. “Ahhhhh!!!!” She screamed in discomfort. “Its okay, we wait”. I stopped for a few minutes and then resumed to loosed her asshole out. Soon she was able to take my second finger in it. With my goal accomplished, I put the Round part of the butt plug near her asshole and inserted it. I watched as it gapes it even more and soon swallowed it only to be stop by the end of the plug, What followed was the buildup and release of pressure as she orgasms after it, with her body shaking in pleasure. “Ah!! I’m coming with my ass”. Few seconds later her orgasms subside but her pussy is still ready to go for more.

“There, its done” as soon as I said she got up and kicked me down. She moved in cowgirl like position and swallowed my dick into her pussy.

“Wait! You have to use condom” I said worried I would make her pregnant.

“Its okay! Its my safe day, I also took pill so don’t worry. I wanted to feel your raw dick inside me” she said as she started riding my dick. The feeling of entering her pussy was now completely different than what I had experienced earlier that day. This time I can openly feel the texture, the wetness and the heat it radiates.

“Its my first time having raw sex” I said.

“You never did it raw before?” She asked. “No, me ex-gf never allowed it cuz she was scared of getting pregnant”

“Lucky you” she said as she increase the intensity at which she riding me. It seems her use of dildo did gave gave her experience at riding. While she twerked that ass her breasts were bouncing up and down and the sight of her slim waist with her breast just caused me to get more hard. “Ahhh! You’re getting harder”. I started playing with her breasts and her belly button which in caused pussy to tighten itself. We both were just simply lost in pleasure, fucking like animals, panting, moaning. In order for me to last longer I started counting in reverse to divert myself from the pleasure I was receiving, as some sort of self sacrifice to pleasure the one riding me and make her orgasm. Her body started to get tired as the effect of riding started to take toll on her. So I started humping her from below. She was not in any condition to retort back to me for defying her authority but not simply lost in control of pleasure like a bitch in heat.

“I’m coming”

“Me too, let come together” I said as I focused myself to come at the same time as her. And it happened. As soon as she came, he pussy contracted crushing my dick, which in turn made me also orgasm. Two people connected to each other with their sexual organs and orgasming. I unleashed my load into her pussy as I had no control over it any longer. She meanwhile, with her eyes closed and face lost in orgasm and enjoying the feeling of getting breeded by a man. She fall over on my chest with her pussy still connected to my penis. “Kiss me like I’m your lover” she said and I did. We kissed as I feel my cum gushing out of her pussy and dropping on my shaft. Soon, we both asleep in the position.

Day 5

I woke up to find my phone ringing. It was 10 am. I saw the bed was empty, the lights of bathroom were on, indicating Patricia was inside. I took the call and it was my parents.

“Hey, what’s up. Listen we have left the city and will arrive in around 6 hours. Don’t cook for us, we ate too much. We’ll see you later” and the call ended

Patricia came out of the bathroom naked and asked what was that about. I told her the rest.

“So they’ll be back at around 4. I thought we would have an entire day with us”

“Don’t you have to go to college and what are you talking about?” I asked

“I’ll be taking a day off. I was wondering, provided that our current relationship will only last until our parents are back. That we could do until we couldn’t”

“You serious?”

She reached towards me and grabbed my dick who was placid with all that action we had last night. “I want your thick cock to pump cum in me until no cum is left in your balls. I want it to impart its flavor in my vagina so much as that it can instantly remembers the flavor of your cock and make my pussy take on the shape of your dick. Come on, make me your your bitch, impregnate me and…”

My cock started to rise up after listening to the dirty talk she just game me.

“… I also you to fuck me in the ass” she said as she moved over and showed her asshole fitted with the butt plug I inserted yesterday night. I quickly lost all control over my reason and grabbed her ass and removed away the plug as her asshole remained gaped open.

“You know, that plug was in there since yesterday night, And I also cleaned inside of my ass just now. Not only you took my vagina and mouth virginity, now you’re going to take my anal virginity too.” She said with that seductive look on her face.

The first think I did was put my nose near her gaping asshole. The hole which throughout the night remained gaped thanks to the plug, not was showing itself like a pussy, but red in color. I smelled it to find a unique aroma that I never ever smelt. Something unique that was original to her. I may be the only one right now in the entire world to experience the body of the teenage girl named Patricia.

“Don’t smell it.” She said both nervous and embarrassed. Obviously, anyone would have the same reaction. I moved away my nose and started to lick the asshole with my tongue. I put my tongue deep inside her asshole and tasted the inner wall of her rectum. A sudden jolt sparked in me as I started to enter a completely unknown territory as most people would not even dare to lick the outside yet here I was proceeding to pleasure her insides with my tongue. She continue to moan with nervousness as she was also experiencing this the first time. As I continue to pleasure her, my dick reached it hardest point. Couldn’t hold any longer and I grabbed the lotion near the bed, emptied it on her ass and my dick. We were in doggy style, so she has give me complete control over her. I grabbed the base of my dick to make it even more hard, I inserted it. First the tip, then the shaft until I was again balls deep in her but this time in her ass.

“Congratulations, you just tool all of my virginity. Even my future boyfriend and husband couldn’t get the pleasure of taking any of my virginity” she said

I continue to ram my dick slowly in her ass until she ass became like a pussy and started to accept the pleasure it was receiving. “Fuck me harder. As hard as you can. Make me your fuckdoll” she screamed as her pussy jolts in pleasure. I started to ram her asshole like a bull in heat loosing all control and fucking it until she started to scream in pleasure.

“Oh yeah! Fuucck yesss… That’s it!!, more, more, more, more. Creampie my insides..” And then she gave a huge twerk and her entire body started vibrating like a fuckdoll. She came from her ass as she also started squirting. A white fluid mixed with white pee leaked out of her as her legs continue to shake. She was having problem standing as her legs were giving out but I held her so that she wont fall down. I removed away my dick from her asshole and proceeded to jack off with her still quivering due to her orgasms. Her eyes closed and flushed in pleasure. Soon, I reached climax and unload my cum onto her back. After regaining control over her body she moved towards me and started sucking my dick.

My penis which was just inside her ass was now in her mouth as she continues to wring out the remainder of the cum.

“Ahh!!! That was wonderful.” She says while making an ahegao face with her eyes reaching her top of her head. Damn, she knew me much better than anyone.

We both waited for a while to gain composure and then started to clean the room starting with her squirting fluid. It took half an hour to clean the room and make it look like the same as it was exactly on the day I arrived here. We threw dirtied sheets onto the bathroom and tissues into the garbage bin. I went ahead to cook us breakfast as we didn’t eat since last night, the food that I prepared rotting away, something I completely forgot about. While, she washed her clothes, toys and sheets. In an hour we were finished of our duty and checked the entire house to hide away anything unwanted like condoms or something other.

“Hey, lets take a bath” She said. She wen ahead and I followed her. Her bathroom was large fit enough for 2 people to bath together. We both washed each other. She had already cleaned her ass of my sperm back when she was cleaning sheets. All we were doing was to remove the stink of sex and sweat we were radiating meanwhile continue to touch each other in places so as to arouse them. Both of us knew, its not over. We finished bathing and got out. I wore a boxers and a shirt and started placing breakfast in plates. As soon as it was ready and placed in the main hall. She came out of her room, in a black short skirt with white leggings and a white overweight shirt with some unbuttoned buttons, which I recognized was mine. We started to eat while looking at each other, waiting for anyone of us to loose control and lunge oneself onto the other. The first one to lose was her, as soon as she finished, she moved down in the dinner table and started to relieve my dick out of the boxers. She started to suck on it once again using all her knowledge she had and gained over the course of days we experienced. As soon as I finished my breakfast, I looked under the table to find her sucking my cock and looking at me like a animal in heat. I positioned myself onto the tables and brought her out of the table and made her sit on my lap, pushing away her panties sideway, I pushed inside her pussy still great as prev. Night.

And then we fucked. Sometimes in the table, sometimes in her room, in the floor, in the kitchen and we did in any position we could think of. From the chair position, to the missionary, to the doggy, to the reverse cowgirl. There was nothing we could do to stop us. As our time of indulging in each other body was coming to an end, we both wanted to experience each other body as much as we can in the meantime. Both of us continued to reach orgasm but the feeling of end coming made our body and that of our sexual organs continue to pursue to its limits. I had came as much as 6 times since we started and I couldn’t count how much she came. We were just lost.

Feeling the sense of time slipping away, I looked at the clock in the hall to find it was already 3 o’clock. We were resting for a while as she was unable to take any much, neither I.

“Hey, its 3 pm. They are gonna be here around in an hour. I think its the end now”

“One last time. Please. After that we will end this..” She says as she drops herself onto the floor while moving her up ass up and down. We both were sweating heavily. The stench of sweat mixed with cum and vaginal fluid and pee can be smelled through the entire room.

“I want you to fuck me. I’m a cock hungry cow in heat and you’re my bull. I want you to destroy my pussy”

That was it, with the last energy I could muster to myself and praying to the Sex Gods, my dick rose up to do his duty one last time. With her face onto the floor and ass upwards and moved vertically upwards to her and inserted my dick onto her tight gaping asshole. And then I started fucking her like a bull on heat with every stroke inserting my dick deep inside her as possible.

“You know?” She said while I continue to pound her hard. She was not talking in a normal way, but in a much arousing way. “When your dick entered my pussy for the first time, it felt like a hot muscular rod has entered inside completely filling up my insides. With every stroke it sent electricity in my body as the friction between them continue to rise it up. An when you came deep in my pussy, I felt that as your cum completely filled my insides. And with that I got another arousal perhaps the instinctual nature of getting creampied and getting breeded took over.”

“Every girl becomes a bitch in heat when their pussy is taken by a men. And when you fucked my ass, your dick completely filled my asshole so much as it feel like I’m pooping. And when you continue to ram it on it, I feel thought my rectum as your dick goes in and out. The veins in your dick popping out due to pleasure and they in turn stimulating me. And as soon as you reach climax, your humping increases as a way of telling my ass pussy that its going impregnate me. I can feel your cock pulsating as it unleashes your thick cum onto my ass and fill me completely. And when you take out of my ass, the few drops of semen dripping out of me into my legs make me feel extremely happy that I am the one who made you came like this. So with that in mind, I need you to cum one last time and make me pregnant”

It was enough. I couldn’t hold any longer as I released all my cum remaining in my balls deep into her asshole. It felt so good that I almost lost consciousness. When, I was done, I removed it too see cum dripping out of her ass and a satisfied look on her face telling me Thank you for making me pregnant.

We cleaned afterwards and bathed again. Few moments later, our parents were back. Patricia ran towards her parents and hugged them tightly. As them moved inside the house, she came near me and said

“I’ll never forgot this moment. Thank you”. As she sneakily kissed me while our parents were inside. While she moved towards the house, I could see cum dripping out unto the legs.

“Hey, Patricia, You may want to look at your leg” I said to find her scared and flustered.


It has been 5 years since then. During that time, I married and now have a kid. Our whole family has gathered together for a celebration. The last time I saw Patricia was during my wedding. She was genuinely happy for me. As I continue to greet other family members, I recognized the body of someone who once I shared a connection with. I walked towards her and said..

“You know, you don’t get pregnant from ass”

“Are You Sure?” Patricia said with innocent smile.


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    MMWritten by maryem maryem

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