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Sex Advice

Gurl I know the Dick good but is it worth it?

By Genesis GonzalezPublished 3 years ago β€’ 4 min read

I'm an 18 year old girl that is well was sexually active. I've had 3 sexual partners and listen they were all different. I lost my virginity at the age of 16 and the guy I lost my virginity to, girls lets just say I could've waited. Although I'm here to give some advice based on my experience.

So when I lost my virginity, I lived on a college campus for the summer because I was in a program. I was talking to this guy for about 6 months now and we were about to become official. All my roommates were having sex and bragging about how good it was and how they could do it all night. So I was wanted to do it too so, I told this guy to pull up to campus at about 11 o'clock at night because I was horny and he had just got off of work to. I came downstairs in little booty shorts, a crop top with no bra, and my furry slide. I hoped in his car and we parked in the far back corner of the parking lot. We did it in the car and it was HORRIBLE. There was no space for anything, trust me we tried. Got a couple thrusts in but it just wasn't happening, so what he did was he fingered me and I sucked away. Plus I was a young girl and yes I shaved but left a little bit of hair because hair is healthy for the vagina

My advice to you is... If a dude can't get down on you because of hair and your just there because he wants you to pleasure him. GIRL GO! You are better than that and you fucking a child not a MAN, A CHILD. There's a big difference.

So a couple months past and it's the start of a new school year. I was talking to this new guy and we would always meet up inna halls just to kiss and to touch up on each other. Listen I'm a curvy girl so some boy only really wanted to feel up on the booty. But the booty is a privilege. So we decide to meet up one day and just chill honestly. So he came to pick me up and we went to his house. I already knew what was going to go down and it went down. But this time it was good and he left me wanting more. Did it for hours and hours and it did get hot but it was worth it. Then after that we would always do it after school and it was a good thing going. Until is parents found out so that stopped. Luckily I always had a game plan if I were to ever get caught.

My advice to you is... If a dude aint suppose to be doin that you know fucking, having sex, getting down and dirty. DON'T DO IT GIRL. He ain't the only one getting in trouble so are you especially if you not suppose to be doing it too.

So I took a break from having sex and now its 2020 and Corona happened. SO that delayed my break even longer. I was at home doing online school horny as EVER. Until the world opened back up but with restrictions. I got a new job that was farther than my old one and I have a religious mom. Like very religious, like she don't even want me dating a I'm 18. She doesn't know that I'm sexually active well was and well get to that inna second.

But listen I was friends with this dude that is about 3 or 4 years older than me. We were good friends for years and that was because he was friends with my sister, so I was like a little sister to him. Until him and my sister stopped being friends and everything went to pieces. A couple months past by and me and this dude start talking again asking me how I've been and all this other crap. One night I was horny and re-posted a picture of a horny couple on my insta story when I meant to put it on my close friends but I didn't. So he slid up talking all nasty to me, talking about what he wanted to do with me and all this other crap. Not gonna lie it turned me on. So we met up one night and did it in the car and he had space plus he has tinted windows. LISTEN WE GOT DOWN AND DIRTY FOR HOURS. It was the best dick I had ever gotten but something happened while we did it, THE CONDOM BROKE. To answer the questions yes he did finish in me twice.

I kept my composure while in the car on the way back to my car and but once I got into my car I freaked and I did not have fifty dollars for a plan B. So I took it like a champ at least I thought I did. My period didn't come for a month and two weeks. I was stressed like badly. Kept taking pregnancy test week after week and it was horrible. I was really stressed like really stressed, couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. Until Ms. Aunty flow decides to show up and bam I got my period.

So my advice is... IF you broke DO. IT. WITH. CAUTION. and make sure that condom fits him. As a matter of fact LADIES go buy your own condoms for him to wear because I later found out he tried to trap me. There was a hole in it and the whole got wider and he kept pounding me and BAM IT BROKE. SO LADIES BUY YOUR OWN CONDOMS FOR HIM TO WEAR. Also be careful really BE CAREFUL.


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