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Searching for the "O"

"I have never had an orgasm" she whispered

By Lahori LadyPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Searching for the "O"
Photo by Claudia Soraya on Unsplash

“ I have never had an orgasm,” she whispered.

It was a week before her second wedding anniversary. Zunaira had invited her close friends for tea at home. The afternoon was getting along quite nicely until the topic of sex somehow sneaked its way into their conversation. The girls tittered and laughed coyly, commenting on their husband’s insatiable appetites, until finally, Zunaira let her deepest disappointment slip.

The room suddenly fell silent. Consumed with a strange sort of embarrassment, she couldn’t look up.

“ If we are all being honest here, let me confess as well. It took me quite some time to finally climax. It is still sort of hit and miss for me ” Sara spoke up.

Sara was Zaunaira’s oldest friend. They had almost been inseparable since childhood. Both of them married the same year, but frequent visits had mellowed since then.

“ Oh my god, what is wrong with your men,” retorted Aleena. Zunaira had met Aleena in college, they had become close friends since. She was the spirited one of the lot, and getting in trouble was not something that would ever hold her back.

“ I am absolutely mortified. Pehlay kyon nai kuch bola?”. She glared at Zunaira.

Zunaira finally looked up. She didn't know why, but she felt like crying at that moment. Like all teenagers, she had dreamt of the perfect man, and of course, the mind-blowing, body-igniting sex she had read about in romantic novels. Where climax would take the women to another dimension, and they would supposedly be suspended in a dreamy nothingness of pleasure. Zunaira absolutely adored her husband Ali. He was kind, affectionate and they got on splendidly well, despite theirs being an arranged marriage. But sleeping with him was another story. There were no loving words whispered in her ear, no caressing of her tingling privates, and the most foreplay they had was some kissing and him fondling her breast, after which he would move into her and be done after a few thrusts. She felt a little guilty, that perhaps she was being ungrateful. Ali was a good man, and wasn't sex something that would just fade over time?

Zunaira sighed. “ What was the point? I read online that a lot of women don't climax and it's absolutely normal. Maybe I just can't.”

“ There is absolutely no such thing. Your man is doing something wrong!” Proclaimed Aneela, sipping some tea. “ I can't believe you stayed shut all this time”

Zunaira and Sarah exchanged looks, and shrugged.

“Sara, what finally made you come?” Aneela asked, dipping her biscuit into the tea.

Sara laughed nervously, keeping silent.

“ Come on yaar!” said Aneela between bites of her biscuits. “Let’s be open about this. Nothing you say will leave this room? Ok?”

This seemed to have made Sara feel slightly better. She toyed with the edge of her laced dupatta.

“I think it was the lube,” she said in a small voice.

“ AHA! Excellent. Tell us more.” Aleena enthused. She reached for another cookie from the trolley.

Sara gave Aneela a pleading look, and Aneela glared back.

“ I think it makes everything feel smoother, and it makes me less tense.”

“ Very Good! Very Good!” Aleena said with her mouthful. She then turned to Zunaira. “Didn’t we get you lube in your wedding night pack?”

Zunaira thought for a minute. “ I think so. We may have tried it once or twice, but, I um.. am pretty wet as it is, so I don't think it was really required.”

Aleena shook her head. “ This is not right yaar. Didn't you talk to Ali about this?”

Zunaira felt uncomfortable and guilty discussing her marital bed situation with her friends. She looked down into her teacup, regretting her earlier slip. But it was too late, the damage had been done.

“ I mean he asks me if I am ok, afterward. Look, it's not a big deal, really.” She relented.

“Yaar you need to tell him! How would he know if you keep mum? Men are not mind readers. And desi men are especially tight-lipped about this stuff.” Aleena said, reaching for a last cookie, but then stopped herself.

Zunaira sighed, and glanced at Sara, who seemed extremely interested in her dupatta’s lace.

Aneela eyed both her friends and rolled her eyes in exasperation.

“ You guys! Look at you acting like inexperienced 16 year olds. We are grown women. Women who know their bodies and what it desires. If we have sex, then we deserve that it gives us something good, and not just a pregnancy. And Damn it if we need to lead the horse to the water ourselves, so be it!”

Zunaira began to giggle at Aneela’s outburst, and Sara followed suit, until all three of them began laughing hysterically.

“ I love you yaar Aneela,” Zunaira chimed. “May we all have the same determination for good sex like you.”

“ Ameen!” Sara laughed and finally got up to nibble on some samosas.

“ I think” Aneela said whilst pouring some ketchup atop her samosa, “ We would require the services of Auntie Nilofar.’

“ Who?” asked Zunaira

Aneela cast her a cheeky look and winked. “ You’ll see” and she proceeded to bite into her ketchup-laden samosa.


Zunaira lay in bed scrolling through her phone. Today was their second anniversary and due to some meetings, Ali couldn’t make it home for the meal Zunaira had painstakingly prepared. Her mother-in-law had affectionately patted her back saying that they could always reheat it and revamp the recipe and serve it for tomorrow’s dinner.

Zunaira knew Ali’s job had late hours sometimes, but she had requested him a week ago to keep the evening free, as she had planned to cook for him herself, rather than her mother-in-law, who was usually the one to prepare meals.

She had spent the entire day preparing the sweet and sour chicken, sesame crispy fish and stir-fried egg rice. For dessert, she had planned to go out for ice cream. And obviously, there would have been sex at night.

Zunaira looked at the time. It was almost 10:30 p.m. She considered watching something, but decided against it.

A light pitter-patter caused her to look away from her phone. It sounded like rain. Zunaira absolutely loved rain. She promptly went and opened her balcony window and took in the earthy smell of rain and wet sand. The drizzle was slight, so she stepped onto the balcony relishing the feel of the featherlike water drops.

There wasn't much of a view from her balcony, just the neighbor's wall and a side alley by their house, but Zunaira enjoyed the atmosphere of the dark and the drizzle.

She gasped jumping out of her skin when she felt two arms wrap around her from behind.

“Ali, my god you scared me.” She began to turn to see him but he held her in place.

“I am sorry Zunaira” He said, as he still held her, drawing her closer to his length.

“ It’s alright. I know you couldn’t help it.”

Ali planted a butterfly kiss on the side of her neck. Zunaira jumped at the touch, and a sense of sweet pleasure began to unspool within her.

“Ali, the neighbors will see” she whispered.

Ali chuckled lightly, “ So let’s give them a show then”

Zunaira giggled, as Ali trailed soft kisses down her neck. She was feeling lightheaded, and also a bit excited as they were out in the open and Ali was being uncharacteristically bold.

His tongue touched her skin in tiny bursts making the kisses moist. Slow, light and moist. The drizzle, the fresh air, Ali’s closeness, and his mouth on her neck made Zaunaira feel as if her mind was being enveloped in a thick sensual fog.

Ali then proceeded to nip her earlobe, sending a tingle down her neck. One of his hands slid under the front of her shirt and cupped her breast, as he nibbled on her ear.

A soft whimper escaped Zunaira’s lips. Ali’s thumb flicked at her nipple causing her to shudder. Ali held her against him tighter, squeezing her breast.

Still in a haze, Zunaira turned around to face him. His arms still encircling her, she could see that he was in his work attire. Black pants, and a black collared shirt. He was looking at her with blatant hunger, causing something to stir within her. Ali had never been so obvious with his desire before. Feeling bold herself, she buried her hands into his hair and pulled his lips to hers.

Already heady with his earlier touch, Zunaira lost herself in his taste. A small part of her knew that it was probably going to be over soon, but she wanted to enjoy this.

Ali slid his tongue into her mouth, and she melted into him as her insides tingled wildly. He pushed her till her back was touching the railing of the balcony. The drizzle has turned into a light rain shower but she didn't care. Someone could be watching them, and that made it more exhilarating.

Ali broke off the kiss, and dragged his lips to her neck. Zunaira threw her head back giving him all access. His soft kisses and nipping were causing her to lose all coherent thought. He had never given her neck so much attention and it felt wondrously intimate.

Zunaira clutched onto his hair as his head moved lower. He nuzzled between her breasts, inhaling deeply. Amidst her haze, she felt him unbutton her shirt.

“Ali…” She managed.

With one last kiss at the base of her neck, Ali stood up. His black hair was damp, and his glasses were speckled with raindrops. He took her hand and led her inside the room, shutting the window.

“Let me undress you Zunaira.” he whispered.

Slow and deliberate, he took his time unbuttoning her shirt. Zunaira suddenly felt shy, but at the same time, she didn't want him to stop. Something felt different about him. Good different.

Her shirt slipped and fell to the floor. He then hooked his finger in her pajama and swiftly pulled it down, leaving her completely naked. Zunaira could feel him taking her in with her eyes. He had never stared at her so blatantly. He stepped closer, cupping her hips and pulling her towards him. She could feel his hardness through his pants, and she daringly thrust herself against him, causing him to thrust back and he squeezed her hips.

Zunaira reached up to remove his glasses and toss them aside. She then fumbled with his shirt and finally removed his pants until he too was without a stitch of clothing. His erection jutted forward, asking to be touched. Zunaira encircled her palm around his girth, causing Ali to shudder at her touch.

“Zunaira… my girl” he whispered.

Before she knew it, Ali had whisked her and planted her on the bed, crushing her mouth between his. His kiss was urgent, and Zunaira responded in kind. Her heart thudding in her chest, and mind drugged, she relished the feel of his naked skin against hers.

Breaking off the kiss, Ali took her nipple in his mouth, teasing it and flicking it with his tongue. An electric thrill shot through her and each flick caused her to whimper. She gasped as he gently bit on the delicate tips.

“Ali….” she breathed, as he moved to do the same to her other breast, and she shuddered as his tongue encircled her erect nipple.

A throbbing, need pulsed in her womanhood. She violently gasped at Ali’s fingers parting her folds. He touched and explored the wet skin, slowly feeling her. For the first time.

“So so wet my darling” Ali croaked, as he parted the inner lips, spreading her oozing wetness and caressing her. Zunaira’s mind spun in slow motion with the movement of Ali’s hand. Ali played with her lips, caressing and probing. The sensation of his fingers was giving her intimate pleasure. It signaled a need. A need for more.

Zunaira cried out, when Ali’s thumb flicked the little nib, causing her body to shudder. Ali paused.

“ Zunaira, are you ok?” he rasped.

Zunaira nodded, unable to speak. She had never felt such tactile pleasure. Her body was sensitive to every touch, and a need throbbed within her, intensifying with every passing minute.

“Ali, I need you inside me” She managed. Ali was on top of her in an instant. He nipped at her ears.

“Take me inside you Zee” he murmured.

Zunaira was torn. She wanted him inside, but also knew that it would all end too quickly. He continued to nuzzle her neck, making her lose all coherent thought. She was loving all this tactile pleasure and intimacy.

A deep groan escaped Ali, as Zunaira gripped his manhood and gave it a gentle squeeze. She then slowly led it to her throbbing insides which were slick with desire.

Upon entering her, Ali remained still a beat, and began a slow rhythmic motion. This was unlike his hurried thrusts she was accustomed to.

He moved. Slow. And deep. Zunaira couldn’t think straight. The teasing was too much, and her inside swallowed him, as she wrapped her legs around him. She met him with every deep move. A force began to build inside of her, magnifying with every rhythmic thrust. Ali quickened his pace, and she moved to match his, enveloping him inside her. She was near. Near what, she wasn't sure, but she could feel something unfold until finally, her body shook as wave after wave of sweet tremors moved through her. A cry tore from her throat and she exploded within. Ali continued thrusting, fervent urgent until his body shuddered in hers, again and again, until he heaved in a deep gasp. His body stilled and he collapsed on top of her.

Zunaira lay spent beneath him. Feeling deliciously languid, she drifted off.

Ali begrudgingly moved aside and gathered her limp form into his arms.

“ Zunaira? Baby are you alright?” he murmured.

“Mmmm?” Zunaira cracked open one eye to see a concerned Ali looking down at her.

“ Was…was it too much today?”

Zunaira snuggled closer to him. “ It was perfect Ali.” She smiled. And she meant it.

“ I guess I owe you two years' worth of this” He squeezed her. “ And I admit, I am looking forward to it” He nipped at her ear lobe.

“Excellent!” Zunaira slurred, blissfully lax. She felt Ali’s body stiffen.

“I…. I am sorry Zunaira. For our past…erm… endeavors. I honestly believed it was something you didn't like too much….and I tended to just… keep it to a minimum.”

Zunaira wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “ I should have also been more open about how I felt. But I guess, I don't know, I supposed I felt a bit shy about it.” Her voice came out hoarse.

“ Today was …. I actually felt we connected sexually - it was incredible Zee. I can’t wait until next time” he said, as he playfully cupped her breast.

Zunaira giggled, until a thought occurred to her. “ What made you change your approach today?”

Ali chuckled, as his thumb circled her nipple. “ Auntie Nilofer”


About the Creator

Lahori Lady

These are the steamy stories of Lahore's lascivious ladies. The stories which no one tells you. Come over and have a read for yourself.

When I am not writing steamy stories, I write a thought or two, and I post here, to share with you.

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    Lahori LadyWritten by Lahori Lady

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