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No Matter What

Vanessa is a witch conformed to her upbringing, but true love changes everything.

By Celestia MorellePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 41 min read

I had been pruned as a vessel for so long. When I was born my parents knew I would be special. At least that’s what they told me until they passed away when I was 12. They told me that at thirteen I would come into my witch powers and I would help bring our coven into the spotlight.

What that meant I never got to know because their deaths were so unexpected. A car crash, of all the mundane things. I was taken in by the coven collectively, our little village truly came together to help me, and I had never been more grateful. Which is why I didn’t hesitate to offer myself up as our next vessel.

The ritual was a secret, only known to those who had participated, my ancestor was one of them. I had been told stories of her bravery, but something went wrong. Humans had found out she went through the ritual, hunted her down, and killed her and her unborn child. It was tragic and the ability to have another vessel ritual wouldn’t be for another 300 years, which is where I come in.

All I knew about the ritual was three things, it had to be done on my eighteenth birthday, I had to be a virgin, and when the ritual ended, I’d be pregnant with a baby more powerful than my entire coven.

I was excited.

The good news about this day and age is that witches aren’t known and those who do know, are usually sworn to secrecy. We had made great moves as a society to make sure my go around would be safe. Up until the ceremony I had been able to go to a normal high school. During the last week of school my birthday just so happened to be on the last day.

“You good girl?”

I guess I didn’t realize I had been staring off into space at my locker when my best friends walked up to me.

There was Keisha, who was a dark skin girl that hated when someone got her name wrong. Jared, who definitely needed a haircut, but always made me laugh. Then there was Michael, my knight in shining armor, that had already started working as a police officer. His wife, (another best friend) was on bed rest, since she was pregnant. I call him my knight in shining armor because when we were 12 he saved my life. I had always wished we would end up together considering our long entwining past, but at 14 I accepted my roll as vessel, and he met his wife, Lacey. Lacey was a grade above us, with beautiful blonde hair and an amazing rack. I knew when I volunteered what I was doing, so I hardly felt bad about it, especially since they got married the second they were both eighteen and now she’s days away from giving birth.

I was happy for them.

“I’m okay, just ready for the week to be over.” I smiled sweetly at them as they talked about taking summer adventures and all the places we would go. I wanted to be honest, but as soon as I was pregnant I would have to lie and tell them I went abroad and then slowly I’ll lose touch and we’ll fall apart. That was the plan. I hated the thought, but I knew it was for the safety of a child I didn’t have yet. That’s all that mattered.

“Girl it’s only Tuesday!” Keisha whined.

“Yeah and Friday is our last day, speaking of that, you guys still down for an adventure Thursday night, for my birthday?”

Everyone except Michael gave a cheerful response but when I looked up at him he was talking on the phone, a pained expression in his eyes.

“I understand, thank you.” He turned to us and realized we had been watching him. “Lacey has gone into Labor, but my mom says she’s also started bleeding. I’ve gotta go guys!”

“Go Michael, be with your wife!” I said as we each gave him quick hugs and a thumbs up.

Watching him dash away and picturing how happy their life would be with their little one took my breath away. I wanted a child so badly, and soon I would have one, for the coven.

Classes were nothing but tests, but eventually I was on my way back to my little village. Humans called us quakers or simpletons, but we were anything but. Some of the elders did still wear the traditional clothing so I could see why they’d be confused, but our homes were filled with touches of modern society.

Now that I was older I had a small home of my own. It was like a studio apartment with a tiny porch on the front, but it was mine. Pictures of me and my parents and friends lined the walls, and as I rested my head on my loveseat I felt a cold chill run down my spine.

I awoke to the sound of a baby crying, or at least that’s what I thought it was until I came around enough to see it was my phone ringing.

“Hello? Vanessa are you there?”

“Michael??? What’s wrong?”

“Vanessa, I... I know you’re a really strong person, and I could just really use you right now. If you could come to the hospital for me that would be great.” I could hear how tired and upset he was, so I said the only thing I could do as his best friend.

“Okay, send me your location I’m on my way.”

Within half an hour I was meeting my best friend at the hospital with a blanket and a cup of coffee.

“You’re my hero.” He whispered, like he was afraid to talk too loud.

“What’s going on Mike? Where did your parents do? Is Lacey okay?”

He set his drink down and put his head in his hands.

“My parents left to get their stuff because they want to come stay with us for a while, but it’ll be a week before they’re back. Lacey gave birth a couple hours ago to a beautiful baby girl,” he paused like the words themselves were cutting at him, “but Lacey is having problems. She lost a lot of blood, something is torn, and the doc said she needs to sleep, but I’m so scared.” His voice cracked and my whole world broke for him.

“Hey you know Lacey is one of the strongest women on this planet, she just pushed a cucumber out of a straw, she deserves a little sleep.”

“Yeah I know you’re right I’m just worried, but look.” He brought out his phone and started showing me all the pics he took of his new baby girl. I had to admit she really was beautiful.

“Congrats on being a dad, Mikey. What’s her name?” I hadn’t called him that nickname in a long time, and I saw the way it made him smile.

“Eliana Lucille Barnes.” We smiled for another minute at the photos until we heard footsteps.

“Mr. Barnes, may I speak with you?” He nodded and I patted his back as I watched them walk down the hallway. I saw the Doctor shake his head slowly a couple times, and my heart sank as Michael began to sob. I already knew when he came back, but I hugged him tightly regardless.

“She didn’t make it, Nessa, how... how am I supposed to move on and take care of an infant by myself- I...” I pulled back to grab his hands and looked him in the eye.

“Mike you are not alone in this, you hear me? You know everyone will help you whenever you need it and as for moving on, you don’t have to. You can just keep her in your heart for as long as you want, you’re allowed to grieve.”

He continued to cry in my arms for a while until someone wanted to know if he wanted to see his little girl. He nodded and dragged me along.

“Thank you for coming Nessa. I was going to ask for your birthday, but considering how my world has been turned upside down today would you be her Godmother?”

I was so shocked I hadn’t realized I had shed some happy tears. “Yes of course, absolutely.” In the moment I hadn’t thought about how I’d have to abandon them in only a few short days, but I couldn’t think about that when my friend was hurting so much.

Somehow I was still able to sleep a little before school and take my tests, but tomorrow would be the last day I’d get to hang out with my friends and it saddened me.

“Nesssssiiiiieeeeeee.” I saw Keisha and Jared approaching and sighed in relief. I had barely seen them all day and was missing their positivity. They were two polar opposites, Jared looking like a skater boy and Keisha looking like an African Princess, but they were amazing friends.

“Hey guys.” I wasn’t sure if they knew about Lacey yet and I didn’t know if I should tell them.

“We heard the news. Thanks for being there for Mike.” I sighed in relief at Jared’s word but couldn’t find it in me to reply.

We did a small group hug and then went our separate ways home.

Most of the head witches were working diligently on the ceremony for me, since they were the only ones allowed to really know what was going on.

“V?” Someone asked, and I tuned to see my friend Alice. Alice and I are both orphans, although her parents simply dropped her off here at the age of three and no one knows who they were, but Alice is powerful, more so than most of the witches here.

“Hey future elder.” She smiles at the nickname because we both know it boosts her ego.

“You all right, friend?” Alice was about the same height as me, but other than that we were polar opposites. My hair was red, versus her white blonde, I had green eyes and she had brown, and to top it off she was thinner than me.

“I’m okay, just tired.”

“I still don’t know why you wanted to be among the humans to study but it’s almost over. Are you excited to be a mother?”

I nodded quickly my smile as big as my face.

“Have you thought of any names? There is a ninety percent chance it’ll be a girl, so at least that helps.”

We linked arms as we made our way to our little shacks, hers standing next to mine.

“I’ve always really liked the name Lyra, or maybe even Vincent, or Victoria. I don’t know. I feel like I’ll be able to decide better when they’re born.” She nodded liking all my selections.

“You know, I was thinking, maybe we could combine our houses? We’ve been friends for a long time and this way I can help you with the baby. I know the whole village is going to want to help you, but I want to offer myself as a live in baby sitter.”

I turned to look at her, truly look at her. This was one of my gifts that no one knew about. I could see people’s intentions and lies if applicable. I search for any trace of foolery and was relieved to find none.

“Yes, I would love that.” She squealed in happiness and began talking about all her renovation plans.

Even though Alice and I had been friends for years, I was still very aware that witches crave power. Due to that I hid a lot of my abilities, one is I can make myself disappear, I can make myself fly, and of course the Look, as I call it. I also had healing abilities but I was open with that for the sake of my coven. They might be power hungry, but they were still family.

Alice and I spent the night talking about baby things and she even started making a list. It was nice to get things set up and planned out. I loved making plans. My humans friends were very unaware of my being a witch, let alone my upcoming supernatural pregnancy, so I was happy to have Alice for the night.

School the next day was crazy, Michael was back, looking depressed but determined. He had got it worked out with the school to where he would take all his finals today and he wouldn’t have to come tomorrow for the graduation ceremony. It was optional anyway but most of us went for the sentiment. It made me a little sad considering I wouldn’t get to see him on my actual birthday, but I was relieved to hear he still wanted to go out with us tonight.

Finals were finally done, and tomorrow would be a small senior farewell celebration. Michael wouldn’t be attending, but I looked forward to being able to say my goodbyes appropriately.

My human friends and I started the night out at a local arcade and then we made our way to the mall. We shopped, laughed, ate a lot of ice cream, and my friends spoiled me.

I was really going to miss them.

Michael told us he had taken bereavement leave for the loss of Lacey and then once that was up his Parental leave would kick in, which they were giving him what a mother typically gets, since Lacey is gone.

It hurt my heart to not have her with us, but I counted it as a win every time Michael smiled. I felt content knowing he would get better, and that my friends would rely on each other.

I got home a little late and my friends all wished me a happy birthday even though I knew they were going to do it again tomorrow.

Sleep came with dreams about babies crying, confusion, and an overall sense of panic. I awoke with a sweat, nervous about the day and sending a small prayer to the moon goddess that everything would go smoothly.

On my way to school I got a call from Michael. He was frantic and I could barely make out what he was saying.

“Mikey what’s wrong???”

“Come to my house please.”

I hardly understood what he was saying but I hung up and quickly made my way over to where we had played a lot as kids. Before my parents passed away we lived a normal life in a house not far from where he resided. We had grown up together, which is why for so long I figured he was my soul mate.

For witches we bond with one soul, forever tied to that other being until the end of time. Most of the witches these days aren’t bonded due to the fact that it’s common your soul mate comes back as a human, to which they didn’t like to mingle.

Some times witches give in, because the bond is not something to take lightly, and if your soulmate stumbles upon you again, it’s hard to resist. However when I agreed to be the vessel, I put a spell on myself to ignore my feelings for Michael and soon after he got with Lacey.

I can never forget when he introduced us to her. In high school it was almost unheard of for a guy to date an older girl even though it was only by a few months. She oozed confidence and fun, something I never really did. Even though I was jealous I loved having Lacey around. She helped us all grow up a little, and I had to stop myself from crying before entering Michael’s house. When he got married his parents retired to the Bahamas and they gave him and Lacey their house. It was ten times the size of my little shack and I always wondered if this could have been my life if I hadn’t become the vessel.

“Mikey? Where are you?”

I could hear stumbling, and crying from upstairs and I climbed three steps at a time, worried my friend had lost it.

Back in the day my parents were planning a trip to a cabin in the mountains. They wanted me to go but Michael begged me to stay and play with him. My parents caved and that’s how he saved my life. They died on that trip, never making it to the cabin.

I took a deep breath as I entered his room.

“She’s gone.” He whispered. He looked a mess. He was on his bed, furniture turned over, and he was clutching a beer bottle.

“Mikey how did you get alcohol, what the heck?”

I rushed to him and he just kept saying, “She’s gone.” Over and over again.

“Mikey, I know you’re upset about Lacey but you’ve gotta keep it together for your daughter.”

“She’s GONE!” He yelled. “They’re both gone.”

The second part was practically whispered but my senses are sharp.

“What do you mean Mikey? What happened?”

“The babysitter took her. Cops are looking, but since I’m on leave I can’t help. They won’t let me do my job. The babysitters address and profile was FAKE. Nessie I’m a DANG cop and I couldn’t even notice a FAKE background I just-“ He had sat up during his rant and then plopped back down, tears running freely.

“Days ago I had my family, and within hours I’ve lost them both. I don’t know what to do. My boss says he’ll take care of this personally but how can I ever face my team again? I’m a failure. I couldn’t save my wife, and now I can’t save my baby.”

“Stop Michael. First of all, sit up” he cooperated thankfully, “second, you need a shower, I can smell you from when I walked in, and third once that’s done we can hang posters. I’ll help. Sitting here wallowing won’t get you anywhere, so saddle up and let’s get to work.”

He looked at me with hope for half a second and darted to his bathroom.

I know I shouldn’t have but I thought about him while he was in there. I quickly started making copies on his little office printer, and by the time he was done I had a stack for each of us.

He pulled me in for a hug, unsure of what to say I just hugged him back, once again wishing it could have been us.

“Let’s go.” I said, and off we separated. By the time we ran out it was getting close to the time for the ritual. I shot him a text letting him know I had to do some thing but that I’d try to find my way back to him to set up more flyers.

When I reached my village I saw how packed it was with witches from all over the world. So few knew what was going to happen, just that I would be the vessel and I was often gifted flowers or small trinkets as I started to get ready. I had to wear a navy blue dress, which reminded me of the night sky. A silver star was embroidered over my belly where my baby would soon be and I teared up a little thinking about the loss of Eliana. I sent a prayer to the moon goddess to watch over Michael and my friends.

I wasn’t sure if Michael would make it without me, but I knew he would at least try. That gave me the strength to go on. Alice helped me prepare myself and we talked about baby plans. It filled me with joy.

“It’s about time V, good luck!” She hugged me tightly and I made my way through the crowd of witches to stand in the middle of the village. The eldest witch of the group stood next to me and raised her hands to the sky.

“Let us all pray for the safety of the next generation, may the Moon Goddess bless this ceremony, and bestow on each and every one of us the power to do what is right and just for our kind!” I felt the power well up within me and I shared a smile with Alice before I followed the elder into our town hall, which was unrecognizable. There was a curtain covering the stage and the ceremonial circle was drawn on the ground. I walked to stand in the center, awaiting my instructions.

“Vanessa Eleanor Haynes, do you swear to be a caring vessel, a mother to your child, and an icon for our kind?”

“I do.” Our voices echoed in the room and she came close to me, placing star marks over my body.

“Do you vow to protect this new life by shielding yourselves from the humans and losing contact?”

“I do.” She placed a mark on my forehead and I sighed in relief feeling the magic taking over me.

“And do you swear to never speak of this ritual unless told?”

“I do.”

I felt the spell take hold of me and when I turned to face the curtain that’s when I heard the crying.

There was a baby here, but not just any baby, Eliana.

“What is this baby doing here?” I asked, the power running strong through my veins.

“A sacrifice is required in order for the ceremony to work.” The head witch stated matter of factly.

“What?!” Anger began to seep out of me and I thought about how we could escape. I couldn’t do this to Michael, to Lacey. “Can’t we use a different baby? Does it have to be her?” My voice trembled with my frustration.

“She was marked upon birth for this occasion, we thought you would enjoy having a peace of him to keep.” The witch said, confused as to why I was upset.

“But she is not rightfully mine.” I stated, pointing out they had kidnapped an infant.

“Ah, but she will be. You see that’s how this works. You both get marked, and that locks the spell in. She’s doesn’t feel pain if that’s what you’re worried about. Right now she’s asleep, and when you start the incantation she will simply disappear into you, creating the life you’ve been wanting all these years, and from the man you love, no less.”

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the weight of the situation. The spell was already started, there was no spell I could cast that would undo it, but I couldn’t do this to my friends, not after what they went through. I thought quickly, a plan forming in my head.

“Can I hold her while I say the spell?” My voice broke, true fear taking hold of me.

The elder nodded, smiling the same friendly smile I had always known.

I approached Eliana slowly and I saw how she had grown even in the last couple of days. She was so small, and I carefully brought her into my arms.

“I’m sorry, sweet girl.” I whispered to her, and I saw her fingers twitch, which reminded me how strong she had already proven to be.

I looked up at the witches I had known all my life and felt my heart break. This was not how I wanted this night to go, but there would be no turning back after this.

“Unseen!” I yelled as I disappeared from their sight. I knew it wouldn’t take long for them to find a spell to spot me so I darted out of the tent and shouted, “Lift!” as I immediately took towards Alice’s shack.

I could hear witches shouting behind me, but I didn’t have time. Alice could sense me as I entered, which came in handy for once.

“Alice, I don’t have much time. The witches aim for me to sacrifice a child I know to become the vessel and I cannot. I am so sorry my friend. Please forgive me.” I didn’t wait for her to respond I simply took back off to the sky, because I knew where they would go first.

When I reached Michael’s house I saw he was sprawled out on his bed, still in his clothes from earlier. I knocked my old secret knock on his window, afraid the witches would be here any second.

He stumbled to the window, confused when he didn’t see anything, and when I landed I whispered, “Be seen and drop.”

Michael jumped at the sound of my voice, still looking out the window. “Jesus, Nessa how did you-“ but he stopped short when he saw the bundle in my arms. “You found her.”

“Michael we haven’t got much time. I need you to grab the fullest diaper bag you have and we need to go.” His brow furrowed, not understanding.

“Nessa, I don’t- “

“Mikey please don’t ask just grab the bag, PLEASE. You are in danger and if we don’t get out of here they will take us all away.”

He took a good look in my eyes and then dashed to his closet, grabbing two bags, and then coming over to me.

“I trust you. You wanna take my car?”

“We can’t.” There was a knock on the door and I grabbed Michael’s hand. “I’m sorry but just trust me. Unseen! Lift!” He gave a little exclaim when we began to float, but I tugged him out the window, and we began to fly away. To where I wasn’t sure, but I worried about the friends I was leaving behind, and the state of my coven.

“Nessa... I’m very confused right now, but what I know is that you saved my baby.” He couldn’t see my face, but I felt him squeeze my hand. I was crying again, not because of the cold wind, or the stress of everything, but because suddenly I could feel the spell I put on myself loosen, and a pull so strong came over me.

“Let’s try to find a motel, I’ve got plenty of money.” He said and I nodded, feeling exhausted.

We landed nearby and I did a quick appearance spell on all three of us, not wanting anyone to know where we are.

The clerk was kind, we explained how we’d had car trouble, and had been brought here by a friend, she even gave us a discount on the room.

“What a beautiful family you all make!”

I smiled, but Michael stayed quiet as we made ourselves up to the room. Unfortunately there was only one bed, but we were thankful there was a roll away crib.

I changed my clothes with magic, and Michael showered in the bathroom, leaving me alone with my inconvenient thoughts.

I couldn’t tell him about our bond, but I had to come clean. I just didn’t know how he would react.

When he came out his hair was wet and his abs clung to his shirt. I had to look away before he caught me staring.

“Okay, Nessie, start talking.” He didn’t sound mad, but the weight of the situation didn’t leave much room for other emotions.

“I’m a witch. I belong to a coven of witches. I have powers, as you’ve seen, and I found Eliana in my village.”

I tried to meet his gaze, but he looked at me as if I were a stranger and it hurt.

“What was she doing there?”

The tears came back and I met his angry gaze. “Please Mikey I didn’t know. If I had I wouldn’t of agreed so many years ago, I had no idea, please don’t hate me for this.” His eyes softened as I broke down, unable to take the thought of him hating me.

“Woah, Nessa, relax.” He came to sit beside me, his scent overwhelming my senses. “Just tell me what happened.”

I nodded, trying to keep some distance between us.

“There’s a ritual in my family. It happens once every few hundred years. I volunteered when I was fourteen, offering myself up to the coven as the next... vessel.”

“Vessel?? What does that mean?” He was so beautiful when he was confused, but I continued on.

“I never knew the way the ritual works, just that I had to be eighteen and a virgin, and when it was over I would be pregnant. That’s all anyone knows except for the elders. Michael I swear if I had known I wouldn’t have volunteered.”

“How does the ritual work Vanessa?” I hated when he used my full name.

“A baby is chosen at birth and marked, whereas the vessel is marked at the beginning of the spell. It... it can’t be undone. The marks are permanent. It binds us with a link that witches can track and if we stay in one spot for more than a a couple days, they’ll find us and then...”

He grabbed my arms and tightened his grip. “Then what, Nessa?!”

“They’ll force me to continue the ritual and when I do, Eliana will disappear, and I’ll be pregnant.”

He let me go like my flesh burned him.

“You can’t just undo the spell? Just not complete it? I don’t understand. Basically they want you to absorb my baby?”

I started to cry again wishing I could make this easier.

“I’m so sorry Mikey. I would give anything to undo this.”

He did something that surprised me, he pulled me in for a hug, cracking the spell to hideous feelings, deepening my pain.

“Do... do you have a plan?”

I nodded, not being able to look at him.

“I think that if I wait until I’m not eighteen anymore, the spell will fade, because it can’t work if I’m too old.” I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

“That’s a whole year on the run Nessie.”

“I know, but with the power of magic I believe I can make it work. I believe I can save all of us.”

He thought it over for a second and then sighed looking to his daughter.

“We don’t have a choice. I can’t lose her.”

“I know.” I grabbed one of his hands and he sighed again, the stress of our future clearly weighing him down.

“You took a great risk turning your back on your family, stealing my little girl away, and not completing the ritual. That was very brave of you.” He rubbed circles on my hand and I pulled away, suffocating on my thoughts of him.

It was too soon.

I had to ignore it.

Eventually we fell asleep, me on the couch, him on the bed, and we started a routine. For weeks we were on the run, changing our appearances, our story, our surroundings. At one point we flew to Paris and I used magic to get us a luxury suite. We had our pick of the beds. Michael had been growing his facial hair out to help cover up his identity, and for weeks we were actually making it work.

Things started to go wrong at the halfway mark.

Six months into our running away I could tell that no matter how many spells I put on myself to dull the bond, nothing was working. His very presence was starting to get to me, and I knew he was feeling something as well. It had started with simple hand holding, or rubbing circles on my back. Lately he’s been rubbing my sides whenever my shirt comes up, or I find him staring at me if my clothes are tight.

I don’t know how much longer we can hold back, but I worry it’s too soon. I couldn’t do that to Lacey.

Two more months we lasted.

It was a normal day, me changing our looks, feeding the baby, and then us flying to a new hotel. This one was a little nicer than we were used to, at least since Paris. I used magic to get us a room, and he gave me that disapproving look for it, but I wanted a bath. I had been craving a jet tub bath.

We got in and settled and then he froze, as if his thoughts realized something.


“Hmm?” I had responded thinking about our food options.

“What were the requirements of the spell?”

I had sighed, tired of this conversation. “I had to be eighteen and a virgin.”

“So are you still a virgin?” He asked, my face going best red.

“Well duh.” I furrowed my brow at him and he got a weird look on his face.

“Would it break the spell if you weren’t one?”

My eyes went wide and I finally turned to face him, only for him to be inches from me. My body suddenly on absolute fire.

“I don’t know.” I said simply, because I didn’t. “You would think, but I worry I only had to be a virgin to be marked, and that’s already happened.”

He thought about it for a second and then looked back at me with a gaze that set my heart ablaze.

“What if you got pregnant? Would that stop it?”

I blinked slowly, trying to think about it. “Maybe, and if nothing else it would certify that I can’t do the ritual until after my birthday which it will cancel out. You know that’s not a bad idea... I think I saw a sperm bank when we flew over I-“ but he cut me off, kissing me directly on the mouth. That broke the last of my control and the bond solidified, filling me with memories of a life where our souls first met, bringing me down to my knees. “Why did you do that?!” I cried.

He looked taken aback, as if he was seeing me for the first time. “Did you put a spell on me?”

“No, the spell I put on myself is now broken. This is our natural bond. I tried to hide it. I didn’t want you to... You had Lacey! I couldn’t...” I tried to walk away, but he still had hold of my wrist. “Let me go, Michael.” Instead he tightened his grip.

“How long has this bond been here?” Facing the door, I sighed.

“Since we were born. When I agreed to become the vessel I put a spell on myself to keep the bond at bay. It worked since you brought Lacey into your life. The more you think about it, the weaker it made my spell, and I tried. I tried so hard.” Tears fell down my face and he gripped me even tighter.

“Why?” I could tell he was crying, the bond letting me feel his emotions.

“Because you deserve better. Because of me we’ve spent eight months on the run, you could have lost your daughter, the only thing left of your wife! Because of me you had to give up your dream job of being a cop, you’ve wanted that since we were six! Six years old!” I snatched my arm out of his and went to the door. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me flush against his body, a small moan escaping my lips.

“You saved us, Nessa. You saved my daughter, you saved my life, and I know if you could have saved Lacey you would have done that for me, for her, because I know she was your friend, too. Don’t hold back anymore. Let me give you this.” His hands moved over my belly and up to my breasts. Another moan left me and even if I wanted to pull away I don’t think I could have.

“Okay.” was all I managed to whisper out and he picked me up and carried me to the bed, my legs wrapping around him in the process.

“Let me make love to you.” He whispered in my ear, and I clenched at his clothes, the fire building within me.

He hungrily nipped at my neck, leaving spots all over it, and then somehow I wasn’t wearing clothes anymore. I didn’t know if he had done it, or if I had, but when he took my nipple in his mouth all other thoughts left, and it was just me and him. The way he went slow, left heat along my body, and I felt myself feeling things I had only dreamed about.

“Michael.” I whispered his name, so close to the edge already with just his touch and mouth.

“Cum for me, baby.” He said in my ear and I cried out, suddenly worried I would wake the baby. He must have seen my worry because he kissed my neck and then went to check on her. “Maybe you could do some soundproofing?” He asked, smirking at my still shaking legs.

I nodded and whispered, “Quiet.”

A bubble formed over her roll away crib and he climbed back on top of me, settling his head in between my legs. “What about you?” I asked, my voice so soft.

“I’ll get my turn.” He smiled up at me, and then he spent hours turning my world upside down. He filled me to no end and if I wasn’t pregnant I imagined a couple more days of that and I would be. I had heard that soulmates had more intense experiences, that no matter what you could fill the other to the brim, but I had never imagined the amount of pleasure, the pure ecstasy I laid in.

We spent a few weeks like that, hotel hopping, soundproofing the crib, and spending hours making love.

“When this is over, I can get back to the police force, we can get married, and raise our little ones.” He paused, his eyes suddenly worried. We were laying in bed, and I’d lost track of day and night. “Would our kids be magical like you?”

I giggled, wishing I could live in this moment forever. “Maybe? Maybe not? We won’t know until they’re older.” He nodded, still concerned, but I kissed his furrowed brow and it relaxed.

“You’ve been protecting us this whole time, I just hope one day I can make it up to you.”

“Don’t stress it, I would do it again one hundred fold.”

He pulled me back on top of him and then carried me into the shower, showing me just how flexible I can get. When we turned the water off I heard Eliana crying. I hurriedly dressed, but when I exited the room, the three elder witches stood around her crib. I tried to blast them with a spell immediately but she reflected it, knocking a painting off the wall.

“No, please.” I hated that they were looking at her like she was a prize, it angered me.

“You thought you could elude us? Just because you’ve burst your cherry and found your disgusting human mate you think that breaks the spell? Stupid girl.”

Blood drained from my face as they picked up Eliana, earning a shout from Michael.

“Put her down you old crone!”

She smiled at him and lifted a finger, but I’d seen her use this spell on plenty of riff raff. I stepped in front of him, “If you hurt him in any way shape or form I will kill myself, and you won’t get your vessel.”

She looked me up and down and I gave her the Look. I could tell her intentions were to lure me out with the baby, but there was an ace up her sleeve. I couldn’t tell what it was, but I stood my ground.

“We’ll see you at home.”

They grabbed hands and with one final glare they vanished.

“No!” We yelled into the room. I burst into tears, worried for Eliana and if Michael would hate me after this.

“Hey, Nessie, we can’t give up. We have to get her back, and then we can get back to the plan. We only have a couple more months. We can make it. I believe in us.” I could tell he was just trying to make me feel better, but there was hope in him, which gave me hope. I nodded slowly and felt a power rise in me.

“Michael... there’s something you need to know. It’s possible they’re going to try and take me out, and use Eliana with another witch. We have to ensure they still use me, it’s the only way.”

“I’ll protect you, no matter what.” We packed as quickly as possible and flew back to his house. Things were a mess, the witches had definitely been here and tore the place apart.

“I need to get to my village, you should stay nearby but you can’t come in. You’ll be too easy of a target.” He shook his head at me as he tore up a floor board in the bedroom, revealing a couple guns.

“I’m coming with and you can’t stop me. Magic crones or not that’s my daughter and I can’t lose you both.” He cocked the gun, and despite us being in a hurry I pulled him in for a kiss.

“Please forgive me.” His eyes widened as I kissed him again. “Sleep.”

He fell against the bed, and I pulled the blanket over him. He couldn’t risk me, but I couldn’t risk him.

I snuck my way in, the sun long gone from the sky. I quickly hurried my way towards my old house, happy to see Alice was home. She sensed me as I entered, rushing down the stairs and pulling me in for a hug.

“V, if I know you’re here they’ll know, you have to leave.”

“I’m not leaving without Eliana. That’s my soul mate’s daughter.” She bit her lip, trying to think of a plan. I’d never been more thankful for Alice’s quick thinking and loyalty to me.

“Okay... what if I pretend to kill you and try to take your place? We can surprise the elders and take them down when they least expect it.” I nodded, knowing they would fall for it.

“Perfect let’s go.”

“Go where?” The head elder appeared in the living room, holding Eliana in her arms. “You know for being human she is quite cute, which means it’ll be even better when the ritual is complete. “ she smiled evilly and Alice turned to me with a wink.

“Yes that’s right Elder Jane, I was going to lure her to you but now it seems there’s no need to run.” She smiled evilly and Jane nodded.

“Glad to see your loyalties are with us Alice. You’ve always been one of the strongest.”

Alice laughed wickedly and pointed her hand at me. I played the part beautifully pretending to be scared and betrayed.

“I want to do it, Elder Jane. I’ve long wished for her demise. I’ll be the perfect vessel, not this traitor.”

Elder Jane lit up, “Yes, marvelous. I love that idea.”

Alice winked again and shot a spell at me. I felt myself crumple to the ground and my eyes were frozen open. We used this spell for freeze tag and it was perfect to give me the dead look.

“Well done, Alice.”

“NO!” Michael’s scream echoed throughout the village and I watched, frozen as he barreled towards Jane, snatching Eliana and running in the opposite direction.

“Alice let’s get him!” Jane darted after him and Alice released the spell before she left the room, moving quickly as to not look suspicious. I went invisible and followed, noticing Michael had run into a nearby store. They couldn’t sense him like I could and luckily he was good at sneaking around. I found him in the office, looking at the cameras, waiting for them to strike. He froze as I entered the room and he stared at me,

“Be seen.”

As I appeared before him he let out a cry of relief. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. Alice is on our side she’s probably leading Jane away from us.”

He nodded, holding his daughter tightly.

“Can you get us away?” He asked, worry evident.

“I’ll do my best. I won’t let anything happen to you guys.”

“Those are big words for such a small witch.” Jane entered the room, flicking her wrist causing me to fly across the store. She then pointed her finger at Michael and he crumpled to the ground screaming in pain.

“No! Please! Please! I’ll do the ritual just please stop hurting him!” I climbed out of the boxes I had fallen in and she laughed.

“You are such a weak witch. You were never meant to be the vessel.”

Alice came in her hands tied behind her back, and blood on her face.


“She will have the honors of killing you, or she dies. It is up to you.”

I screamed out my anger causing the room to shake and Michael had crawled towards me, Eliana still in his arms.

“Alice, kill her.”

Alice was shoved towards me and I noticed her leg was messed up too. She limped her way towards me, winking, and I got a sneaky suspicion I knew what she was going to do.

“No, please, Alice, please don’t do this, please.”

“Sorry, V.” I saw the spell forming on her lips and I screamed, so loud I thought the world would end. I looked up and everything around me was frozen except for Elder Jane.

She looked to me and glared.

“You’re pregnant.” She spat out.

“Wait, what? How do you know that?”

She looked over to Eliana and the moon symbol that had plagued her forehead since the spell started was gone.

“You broke a spell we thought unbreakable. Congratulations on being the vessel. Your child will be powerful, more powerful than imagined.” She motioned around the room and sighed.

“What? How can this be? I thought Eliana was marked for the spell?”

“Having life inside you is what finalizes the spell.”

“Excuse me? So there’s no need to sacrifice a baby?! You mean this whole thing could have been avoided by me having sex?!” I was livid, wanting answers more than anything.

“No you insolent child. It has to be a child from your soul mate. The problem is, they’re usually mostly human. Humans hate us! They burn our kind and call us monsters! Your ancestor was MURDERED, hunted down and slain by her own soul mate when he knew she was to give birth to a powerful being. They deserve everything that happens to them!” She was seething with rage and I felt the power of my unborn child settle over me.

“You’re wrong. Humans are just people without powers, we should be helping them not destroying them! We might be witches but the core of our beliefs comes from doing no harm. You are no elder of mine!” I flung spell after spell at her and even as she deflected I could feel the time freeze coming undone. Alice would complete her spell and kill herself, Michael would fall unconscious. I had to stop Jane before things started up again. She fell to the ground and while she struggled to stand I stuffed something in Alice’s mouth and put something soft under Michael. Jane was up on her knees, her hair red with blood.

“You are nothing. You will never understand your own kind.”

“I’ll never understand your kind, that’s for sure.” And I flung one more spell at her, severing her life line and unfreezing time.

I dropped to my knees, no more energy left, I grabbed my stomach, barely awake and mumbled, “The baby.” I could hear footsteps, but then everything went black.

I awoke in a sense of panic, worried about Eliana, and the child I’m carrying. Michael was there calming me down as I struggled to get free and I realized Eliana was safe in his arms. I breathe a sigh of relief and looked at him.

“Mikey I’m pregnant.” He nodded, kissing my forehead.

“I know. Alice heard you as you fainted and she saved us, all of us. They... the other elders apologized. They didn’t know about the other way for the ritual either. No one but Jane knew. They want to make you an elder Nessie.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but release some tears.

“They don’t want us dead?” I asked, almost in disbelief.

“No, silly. They want to thank you.” Alice chimed in from the door. “Glad to see you alive. I owe you since you saved my life.”

She came over and hugged me gently.

“I don’t understand though. I thought everyone would side with Jane?”

She shook her head sadly. “No, everyone can feel the power coming off of you. They can’t deny you’re the vessel, and Eliana is still fine. That’s enough proof for them.”

“You should be the elder instead Alice.”

She looked at me wide eyed and shook her head. “I don’t know, V, what if I’m not good enough.”

“Alice we wouldn’t be here without you. You deserve this more than me, plus. I now have two babies, I would like some time with them.” I smiled at my family and she nodded, smiling back at us.

“I’ll go tell them of your decision. I’m glad we made it.” She hugged me again and once she left Michael kissed me on the forehead.

“I was so scared I lost you.” He took my hands in his and he kissed my knuckles. I shivered, wishing more than anything we were back in a bed together.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll always be with you, no matter what.”


About the Creator

Celestia Morelle

When I write, I connect with a part of me that otherwise doesn’t exist. She’s a flame that I spend hundreds of thousands of words trying to grasp. I hope you feel her too when you’re reading. I turn the sirens voice into art, for she is me.

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