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Kept Back

Which isn't always such a bad thing!

By Doc SherwoodPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Hurrying into the empty changing room, I flung out of my stockings and underskirt and the rest of my school uniform all in an anxious flurry. It was bad enough being the only boy in gym class, the last thing I needed was to be late on top of that!

I tugged my tee on over my head, then heaved my petticoat out of my bag, fluffed it hard a couple of times, then carefully stepped into the leg-holes of the knickers inside. Dragging the whole thing up and into place with both hands round the elastic waist gave me the very familiar feeling of being snug but not very comfortable, and also a dread of ending up terribly exposed due to the lightness of my flimsy skirts. I wished, wished, wished I'd been allowed to wear shorts at this school. A boy could only ever feel silly in one of these!

The sports hall so smelled of girls, unsurprisingly since everyone in it was one except me. Even our gym teacher never looked any older than eighteen, although her tight-fitting sweater was a painful reminder she was already a lot more grown-up than me. She came into the room in a cloud of perfume that got me quite hot and prickly about the face, even at a distance. This became worse when her first announcement started with my name.

At once I stood, and smoothed down my petticoat.

"Right," said the teacher. "It's looking like the only boy in the class is also having the most trouble. We've decided to keep you back a year."

The girl next to me giggled, covering her mouth. I flushed deeper still.

"But I'm way too big to have PE with the class below me!" I protested fitfully, dreading the embarrassment of this.

"You are, but you're also very behind," our teacher pointed out.

I had to admit I sure felt like it, in my little flippy PE-petticoat which showed my pants all the time! Our teacher continued: "This lesson you'll report to the smaller gym, and meet the Monitor of the class below. Off you trot now!"

Since there was nothing else to do, I gave our teacher a clumsy curtsey and blundered out of the sports hall. As I did so I heard some continuing titters from the girls, and my face burned more than ever.

Shyly tiptoeing into the smaller gym I took my first breathless look at the Monitor. Oh, she was pretty. My heart lurched painfully in my chest on sight of her and I felt so bashful, especially having to appear before her in this little schoolboy petticoat. Her waterfall of golden tresses and adorable little snub nose made her the kind of girl who appeared in my dreams. As with the girls in my year however, her gym kit was real enough, and it included a pleated short skirt which happened at that time to be inside-out because she was just landing from scoring a net. 

Seeing girls’ knickers at all was a rarity when you were used to going to a boys’ school. Since starting here, the few times it had happened they'd been white ones like the ones I wore. So the Monitor's silky red panties were a first, in all kinds of ways…!

My face was just about the same colour. I was definitely learning a lot of new things about girls at this school which had them!

"Wow, red ones...!" I breathed to the Monitor. It maybe wasn't the best way to make a first impression! She however didn't blush as I'd expected. She just replied smugly: "Bet yours are white."

Which kept me very much the same colour as her underwear!

"Why are you so pink?" she sang out in a mischievous, searching voice. Like she didn't know! Even if she'd never met a boy before, she must have been well aware I was blushing because I’d seen her knickers. There was just something about her that told me that, and so I squirmed. Not that I was about to tell this little Miss Prim-and-Proper anything she already knew! So instead of answering her question I blurted something about how if she was the Monitor then she must have been told I was coming.

It didn't make me feel any more at ease though. This girl was so obviously of a different station in life to mine that it was excruciating just to guess at what she thought of this awkward, crimson-faced older boy still on PE petticoats who had suddenly stumbled into her perfect life.

"So can you play?" she demanded, and added: "I'm really good."

Her voice was so serious I wasn't even sure whether she was teasing me or not! When her beautiful blue eyes found out mine, my heart jolted again.

In those first weeks of being kept back for gym, I quickly learned that the Monitor's skirt spent half its time inside-out. I also began to fall for her and her silky red knickers in a big way. But that's another story...!


About the Creator

Doc Sherwood

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    Doc SherwoodWritten by Doc Sherwood

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