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How to make Viagra nettle at home yourself. Russian Viagra: how to make it yourself at home, recipe. Garlic Natural Viagra

The best homemade Viagra recipes

By Sarfraz HussainPublished 3 years ago 20 min read
How To Make Natural Viagra

Viagra is the most effective and efficient medication to increase potency and libido. Its effect is in the main substance - sildenafil. This component dilates the blood vessels, leaving the pelvic area saturated with enough blood and oxygen. The penis is rich in blood, which causes a long-lasting erection. However, the disadvantage of this medication is significant - the price. Not everyone can buy pills for 3000 rubles.

That is why many people think about how Viagra is made at home. In this article, we will tell you what Viagra natural consists of, how to make a self-stimulating elixir, the best folk recipes for potency and libido.

Like all medicines, Viagra has many side effects and contraindications. This medicine should not be used in patients with hypo tension, cardiovascular disease, kidney, and liver failure. The drug can also not be used by men who have had a heart attack or stroke for six months or even longer.

Viagra also causes several common side effects:

  • Impaired vision and hearing (temporarily);
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Heavy redness of the face;
  • Decrease in blood pressure.
  • Erectile dysfunction mainly affects men after 40-45 years. The first signs of a decrease in intensity are the frequent "ignition canopies" in bed, a decrease in libido, insufficient stiffness of the penis to produce an intimate act. Viagra is relevant for impotence, in men over 60 years of age. In all other cases, you can try more natural ways to increase potency because you can buy the medication at any time.

    The active substance in Viagra, sildenafil, has the potential to improve blood circulation, but this component is quite allergic.

    Consumers estimate that sildenafil causes several side effects in many men, including urticaria. The homemade way to make Viagra is gentle because it is made from natural, non-toxic ingredients. How? We will describe it in more detail.

    Natural Viagra analogues

    You don’t have to swallow pills to live a satisfying sex life. There are natural aphrodisiacs that improve potency and libido. Natural Viagra is found in a wide variety of foods, including:

  • Celery, parsley, dill;
  • All kinds of nuts;
  • Garlic, onions;
  • Honey (beekeeping products);
  • The strongest aphrodisiacs are seafood (shrimp, mussels, caviar, oysters);
  • Ginseng, aloe;
  • Natural coffee;
  • Spices (ginger, saffron, cinnamon).
  • Everyone has most of these products in the fridge, so why not make yourself a power-stimulating dinner with your own hands. If you consume at least a few types of natural aphrodisiacs daily, the effect can be noticed very soon. Folk Viagra may not work in 30 minutes like a pill, but if used regularly, it will improve the intimate quality of life for both partners.

    The best homemade Viagra recipes

    Making Viagra at home doesn’t take much time. With our recipes, you can prepare a stimulating elixir quickly and easily. We describe the most effective folk recipes that are popular to this day.

    Viagra watermelon

    Many people who consume watermelon do not realize that this product is a powerful stimulant. An effective recipe is as follows:

  • Take a medium-sized watermelon, peel, and chop finely;
  • Squeeze the juice, no mass is needed for cooking;
  • Put the juice on low heat, bring to a boil;
  • Then take half a lemon juice and add watermelon to the pot;
  • Boil until the volume of the liquid is halved;
  • Cool it.
  • This cocktail should be drunk 30-40 minutes before intercourse. Take fluids prophylactically three times a day after meals.

    Ginger tincture

    The ginger tincture is considered the best way to increase the effectiveness of men. This medicine improves your metabolism and acts as sildenafil - it dilates the blood vessels, allowing blood to enter the pelvic area. The tincture preparation algorithm is as follows:

  • Take 50 gr. ginger (root);
  • Combine the roots with vodka or alcohol (400 mL);
  • Place the tincture in a glass container (jar).
  • You must require the product for 30 days in a dark place. Yes, the period is certainly considerable, but make a homemade tincture, and if you are not intolerable, such an elixir can be purchased at a pharmacy. Ginger has a positive effect on reproductive functions, which improves not only efficacy but also spermatogenesis.

    Nettle cooking

    If you want to make an effective viagra at home, look at a regular nettle. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals to improve erection. Making the broth is not difficult on its own. To do this, you need:

  • Take the nettle (dry and then chopped);
  • After taking 50 g. dry leaves and pour a glass of boiling water;
  • When the infusion is hot (no boiling water), add a tablespoon of honey.
  • Insist the broth for 1-2 hours and use an hour before the intended sex. It should be noted that such cooking has a positive effect on the duration of intercourse in most men.

    Garlic tincture

    Yes, at first it seems that garlic and sex are not compatible. Despite the special smell and taste of the product, it is a powerful erection stimulant. To make a natural tincture, you need:

  • Take 300 grams of garlic (already peeled);
  • Mix with either alcohol or good vodka (200 ml);
  • Place the mixture in a glass container (try not to use metal or plastic containers).
  • You must require an elixir for 2-3 weeks. After insertion, the liquid must be filtered through the cheesecloth. You should take 10-15 drops of the drug three times a day. It should be noted that such a tincture does not become an unpleasant, special odor. However, such an elixir is not suitable for the stronger sex with kidney or liver problems.

    Honey sbiten

    Honey has a noble effect on human reproduction. Therefore, many potency supplements contain bee products. Honey is a powerful erection stimulant. To prepare an effective Sbitn, you need:

  • Boil water;
  • Add lemon juice, honey, mint and cinnamon.
  • Boil the medicine for 15-20 minutes.
  • To eliminate a bad erection, the cocktail should be drunk cold. In addition, this drink has a pleasant aroma and taste. It is recommended to drink up to 600 ml of this cocktail a day.


    It’s never too late to buy drugs that stimulate efficacy, so you shouldn’t rush to buy. And hand-made natural stimulants can not only increase effectiveness but also improve health in general. The above recipes tend to have a positive effect on the work of internal systems (hormonal, hormonal, nervous, cardiac). Also, with the systematic use of cocktails, the mood improves the strength and power increase, which cannot be said about Viagra.

    We should also mention recipes based on alcohol or vodka. They also have a special effect on vasodilation, but such a tincture is not recommended for men who are being treated or have been treated for alcohol dependence.

    Before answering the question of how to prepare Viagra yourself at home, you need to know where this drug is made in pharmacology. Viagra is a drug that can improve the quality and duration of male erections. The main active substance is sildenafil citrate.

    This kind of cooking at home is unlikely to work. But you can find an analog to the drug if you use available natural products designed to increase men’s strength in bed. In addition, homemade Viagra is not as dangerous to health as its chemical substitutes. In addition, the products that make it up often taste good, and no one guesses you’re using the drug because of potency problems.

  • ginseng roots;
  • watermelon juice;
  • nettle leaves, etc.
  • The prescription for each natural medicine should be considered more carefully.

    What you need for Viagra at home

    Making Viagra at home is not difficult. Prepare the following products and accessories in advance:

  • watermelon;
  • lemon;
  • Juicer or Blender;
  • pan;
  • the jar on the lid.
  • Many are interested in why watermelon. The peel and meat below the watermelon, which people usually throw away, contain citrulline. It is close in composition to the main component of Viagra, sildenafil citrate.

    During enlargement, citrulline releases arginine, which in turn can relax blood vessels and speed up blood circulation in organs, including the genitals. During blood circulation, erectile properties, and penile sensitivity increase. In addition, the beta-carotene and lycopene in watermelon complement the effect of citrulline.

    How to do a remedy? To do this, you need to consider a step-by-step recipe:

    In the preparation stage, the watermelon is washed and peeled so that the white part remains under the peel.

    Cut the watermelon into slices and send them to the juicer. You can use a blender to grind watermelon cubes and then squeeze the juice. You should get 1 liter of fluid.

    Pour the juice into a saucepan and heat. Bring the product to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.

    Next, squeeze the lemon juice.

    Add it to the watermelon juice and evaporate until it is halved.

    When the mixture is removed from the heat and cooled, it must be poured into a jar or bottle with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.

    The medicine is taken every morning on an empty stomach. Only 2-3 tablespoons are enough. l. If you forget to do this in the morning, postpone your appointment until noon or drink something before dinner. Most importantly, your stomach was empty at the time. In large men, the dose is increased slightly.

    A magical plant

    In the East, the root of ginseng is called golden. It has many useful qualities, but the most important of them is to give a man sexual power. Such a Viagra at home is easy to create, even if the drug takes several days to complete.

    You need to find a fresh, preferably freshly dug plant. 1 kg of the root is enough. Before it is rolled in a meat grinder. Transfer the mass to a dark bowl and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cover the tender with gauze and place it in a dark, hard-to-reach place. Leave it for 2 days.

    After the specified period, the product is placed on fire and boiled for 4 hours. Thus, the harmful substances present during the fermentation period evaporate.

    After cooling, a spoonful of honey and small cinnamon are added to the solution. If the latter is not available, you can use lemon juice. Each time before intercourse, 30 minutes or an hour in advance, drink a few tablespoons of the resulting product. For prevention, use 2-3 spoons every morning. This handmade Viagra is effective and safe, but it has one drawback: ginseng root is not easy to obtain. Even if you manage to do this, there is no way you can use it regularly.

    Nettle leaf

    Nettle is also a kind of Viagra substitute. The recipe to correct the intensity of this effect is as follows:

  • 50 g of fresh or dried nettle.
  • 250 ml of water.
  • Honey is added to the taste.
  • Grind the leaves of the plant and pour boiling water over them. Everything is then poured into a thermos and infused for 30 minutes. For taste, add a spoonful of honey to the liquid (optional). Take a drink 30-60 minutes before the scheduled intimate meeting.

    Generally, doctors do not restrict the intake of nettles. The plant works as follows: it increases blood pressure and promotes good blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Therefore, nettle is useful not only for men - but the plant is also called female Viagra.

    Other ways to increase erection

    Often, to restore sexual strength, a man just has to start eating right. In addition, many products affect a person’s recovery of power. Auxiliary products - dried fruit.

    So men are advised to frequently use the following "desire restorers" that can replace Viagra:

  • Dried fruits: plums, dried figs, dates, dried apricots.
  • Almost all seafood.
  • Nuts - Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, seeds of some plants. It can be, for example, quince, melon, pumpkin. It is recommended to drink nuts with kefir or yogurt or mixed with honey.
  • Vegetable juices - carrots, cucumbers, beets, etc.
  • Celery mixed with chocolate.
  • However, the use of the following products must be restricted:

  • flour products;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco.
  • Start sports, live an active lifestyle, avoid stressful situations and be outdoors more often.

    As it turned out, there are safer ways to increase a man’s power. But it is worth remembering that they are effective in temporary desire problems. In order not to lose dangerous diseases, it is better to consult a doctor first and pass all the necessary tests before using this or that prescription.

    And a few more tips. When using herbal medicines to improve their effectiveness, make sure you are not allergic to them. Many home treatments have a limited shelf life and are best kept in the refrigerator. Do not expect that if you take more than the prescribed medication, it will increase the effect of the medication. This does not usually happen, but digestive problems do occur.

    Viagra is one of the most popular drugs for erectile dysfunction. However, its use causes many negative reactions in the body. The person develops headaches, ringing in the ears, heart rate problems, and difficulty breathing. Due to the many side effects and high cost of the drug, the question arises: how to make Viagra yourself at home.

    The drug is effective, but it has many side effects and contraindications

    Through its action, Viagra improves blood circulation in the male genitals. Thanks to her, you can achieve an erection and maintain it, which improves the quality of sex. After taking Viagra, the orgasm becomes brighter and stronger, the recovery time is shortened.

    During sexual arousal, more blood flows to the penis, causing it to harden and grow. This is called an erection. After intercourse, blood begins to leave the organ and the erection stops. If this does not happen for a long time, irreversible processes begin in the genitals that require medical help.

    However, not all men can take Viagra. It is forbidden for people with heart problems, anatomical abnormalities of the body, and also taking nitrates. In the latter case, a concomitant dose of Viagra leads to a sharp drop in blood pressure even to death.

    An erection is based on the release of nitric oxide. This is achieved thanks to the main ingredient in the medicine, sildenafil. The substance interacts with many medicines, so Viagra should be taken after consulting a doctor.

    It should only be taken once a day. An erection occurs after an hour. The effect of taking the drug lasts for 4 hours. The tool has one specialty: it only works in the presence of sexual arousal.

    Viagra has many side effects, so the starting dose is 0.5 tablets. Depending on the reaction of the body, it can be increased or decreased.

    List of products that replace Viagra for men

    Red meat increases the production of the male hormone testosterone

    Because sildenafil, which is part of Viagra, causes a lot of side effects and has several contraindications, it is recommended to increase the effect with food.

    With erection problems, a man needs more of the proteins needed to produce testosterone. You can get it from meat and fish products. The meat should not be fat, otherwise, the effect is the opposite. Both fish and meat are best cooked.

    Protein is also found in eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians must rely on legumes: soy, chickpeas, asparagus, lentils. Nuts should also be in the diet.

    Seafood is also good for men’s health, especially shrimp, oysters, and mussels.

    Vegetable oils, especially olive oils, have a positive effect on male performance. The vegetable diet should include turnips, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, celery, and garlic, and onions. Of the herbs and spices, basil, mint, tarragon, coriander, and parsley have a positive effect on efficacy.

    Honey, chocolate, dried fruit, and cocoa also have a positive effect. At the same time, it is better to exclude pastries and sweets.

    How to make an analog male medicine yourself

    Many popular recipes can improve your effectiveness. Their advantage over pills is that they have no side effects.

    Honey, nuts, celery, nettle, ginseng, and watermelon are used in such formulations. The easiest way is to chop the nuts, mixing them with the honey. Use the product instead of snacks.

    Many homemade Viagra recipes include the addition of alcohol, so use caution.

    About ginseng

    In the East, it is believed that ginseng roots give masculine power, allowing you to have a full sex life until old age. The plant increases libido and improves sperm quality.

    To make Viagra, you need 30 ml of ginseng extract or 100 g of dried root. It is poured into 0.5 liters of warm water, after which it is required for 2-3 days. Take the medicine before a meal 1 tbsp. l. To make the effect noticeable, you can add honey or cinnamon.

    For men, there are quite a few recipes on how to make alcohol tinctures with ginseng. This requires 20 g of plant roots and a glass of alcohol. The tool is infused for 3 weeks in a dry, warm place and then filtered. Shake the tincture before each dose. Use the product 25 drops 3 r. per day. It is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before a meal. The entrance course is 2 weeks. After this time, the break is held for 10 days, after which the treatment period can be repeated.

    Ginseng is also diluted with vodka in a ratio of 2:10. Take 15 drops a month. The minimum break in treatment is 30-40 days, then the course is repeated.

    Eastern healers talk about the miraculous properties of ginseng - its roots even look human.


    There are several options for making a drug to improve the effectiveness of nettle. The plant is consumed in dried form.

    For the first recipe, you need 50 g of nettle. You can dry it yourself because the plant is widespread. The raw materials in the thermos are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, after which they are required for a day. The resulting drug is on a drunken day. Thus, a fresh dose is prepared daily. To get a positive result in efficacy, nettle-based medicine must be used for 1.5-2 weeks.

    The second version of the recipe contained in Nettle involves making a more concentrated product. To do this, pour 100 g of nettle into a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water, keep for 12 hours. Then add 2 tbsp to the product. l. honey. The resulting portion is drunk during the day by dividing it into equal portions.

    Nettle seeds also improve the effectiveness of men. To make the tincture you need 5 tbsp. tablespoons seeds and 1/2 liter of wine or better port. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Such a drug is taken in 50 ml. 1 Number of pages per day. This dose can be divided 3 times by drinking 1 tbsp. spoon.

    They also consume nettle seeds mixed with banana pulp. Seeds require 1 tbsp. spoon. The resulting product is eaten 1 tbsp. l. per day.

    Homemade Viagra is made from the roots of a plant. They have been pre-washed and crushed. Then 2 tbsp. spoons of roots pour 1 liter of vodka. They require this kind of medicine for 3 weeks, taking 20 drops daily.


    Watermelon is incredibly good for your erection. You can eat it mass fresh or after cooking. The watermelon peel makes delicious marmalade and candied fruit.

    Marmalade needs 2 cups of granulated sugar, peels, and pulp. The shells are crushed with a meat grinder. All ingredients are mixed and then cooked on low heat until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Marmalade should turn thick and tough. It is consumed after cooling.

    Candied fruit is easier to prepare. To do this, the sliced ​​white mass is boiled in honey-sugar syrup. The ingredients should be as follows: 3 tbsp. mass, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. Sahara. The shells should become completely transparent during cooking. They are consumed after cooling.

    The combination of watermelon and honey greatly enhances the effectiveness and prolongs the duration of intercourse.

    Another folk treatment with watermelon involves the use of fresh juice from the pulp. Lemon juice is also added to it. It is recommended to drink 1 liter of this drink daily.

    This product can be kept on fire without boiling for 30 minutes. As a result, the amount of funds is reduced 2 times. They drink 5 tablespoons daily.

    Viagra for women at home

    Sometimes women need similar medications to Viagra. Usually, in this way, women try to get a brighter orgasm and improve the quality of sex. Therefore, recipes on how to make Viagra yourself at home for women are also relevant. At home, they can use the following ingredients:

  • The Spanish fly. This insect is quite common. When dried, it is often used in traditional medicine. The insect is collected and dried in May or purchased ready-made powder. For women's Viagra, take the following ingredients: Pour 20 g of Spanish fly into 1 liter of alcohol. The product is kept in a dark place for several months, after which it is consumed with meals or drinks.
  • Egg, mustard, and lemon juice. The stimulant is made from one egg, 1/2 tsp. mustard, 1 tsp. tomato paste and a little lemon juice. Season all the ingredients with hot pepper and pour 2/3 cup red wine. The mixture is kept on fire until bubbles appear, after which it is cooled slightly by drinking it a little warm.
  • These funds are easy to manufacture and their impact is not expected for a long time.
  • Viagra is the most popular and researched drug to stimulate erections. Many men use it for a purpose. There are many analogs of the drug, but not everyone knows that a stimulant can be prepared independently. Let’s think about how to prepare Viagra yourself at home and which products are suitable for this.
  • Erectile dysfunction tablet with sildenafil as the main active substance. The preparation of a chemical analog does not work and does not make sense because there are many such products on the market at affordable prices.

    Important! Homemade Viagra is designed to create a similar effect with beneficial ingredients.

    It is possible to resort to natural homemade Viagra from folk remedies because the drug itself has many side effects and some contraindications.

    If a man cannot use such pills, they can be replaced with homemade recipes.

    Natural stimulants include ginseng, pumpkin seeds, seafood, herbs, nettles, nuts, sour cream, and many more. If you combine them properly, you can get an excellent replacement for Viagra.

    Special features of handmade folk viagra:

  • does not contain chemical compounds and is therefore not part of medicines;
  • contains only known and natural ingredients, so it is safe;
  • there are no side effects because you can rule out ingredients that may have allergic or other unpleasant symptoms;
  • there are no contraindications, it can be used as much as necessary.
  • Natural Viagra does not work right away like a tablet, but its regular intake improves the body and increases sexual performance. The advantage is that the product you buy has a temporary effect, and if you wisely approach the manufacture of natural analogs of Viagra, you can gradually eliminate the problem with a weak erection.

    What else can you replace Viagra at home -:

  • ginger;
  • asparagus;
  • onion and garlic;
  • artichoke;
  • cherry;
  • avocado
  • It is enough that you use these products every day to feel an increase in strength and an improvement in effectiveness over time. Nutrition is an important factor in a good erection; certain foods help increase libido and sexual arousal.

    The seafood erection stimulator may contain the following ingredients:

  • squid;
  • oysters;
  • shrimp;
  • crabs;
  • mussels
  • To have a healing effect and increase potency, a man should add this seafood to his diet several times a week. Combined foods can be cooked together to enhance the effect, but the results are noticeable when consumed separately.

    Simple seafood recipes for men:

  • fried oysters are poured with onion and lemon juice sauce, parsley and celery root are added;
  • steamed mackerel poured with crab broth, beets or turnips are decorative;
  • mussels are baked in the oven, seasoned with celery root, garlic sauce.
  • How seafood affects a man's body:

  • increase the sensitivity of receptors in the genital area;
  • increase sexual arousal;
  • rejuvenates and tones the body by saturating it with vitamins;
  • improves nervous system function, smooths out the effects of stress.
  • Seafood can be a good substitute for heavy metals that are poorly absorbed by a man’s body, leading to the formation of toxins and toxins. It is important to rule out allergies to certain foods.

    It is generally accepted that only men suffer from sexual weakness, so only the stronger sex needs natural analogs of a drug containing sildenafil. Women also have problems in the sex industry.

    The value of homemade Viagra is its safety, effectiveness, and almost complete absence of side effects. If you take ready-made blends and tinctures correctly, you can significantly improve your sexual relationships.

    sexual wellness

    About the Creator

    Sarfraz Hussain

    I am a professional journalist and I work as a writer and reporter in a national newspaper. The purpose of my life is to help people. Useful Tips on Health Care to Improve the Lives of an Ordinary Man.

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