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Don't Gush Your Cream for Me!

That can be suicidal.

By Roscoe ForthrightPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

"When having sexual intercourse with a woman, a man should emit semen only two or three times in ten." …. "In spring, a man may permit himself to ejaculate once every three days, but in summer and autumn he should limit his ejaculations to twice a month. During the cold of winter, a man should preserve his semen and avoid ejaculation altogether. The Way of Heaven is to accumulate Yang essence in winter. A man who follows this guideline will live a long and healthy life. One ejaculation in cold winter is one hundred times more harmful than an ejaculation in spring." -from a Taoist book, “The Plain Girl”, Book Two of Huangdi Neijing written c. 100 BCE

Whether or not any of this is factual, or most religious thinking around gushes of semen are factual--- who can say? Many religions go to extremes. A Jewish prohibition against jacking-off is clearly stated in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 151:1) - "It is forbidden to discharge semen in vain. This is a graver sin than any other in the Torah".

Wow! Shoot a little cream and you are a eternal goner!! One burst of splooge gets you straight to Hell.

Mormon leaders have recent, surprisingly archaic views about jacking-off. A short recent Mormon history from 2018:

The BBC stated in an article that in the LDS Church "pornography and masturbation are banned," and quoted two Mormons who said they were taught masturbation was "satanic" and "just below murder."

A first-hand account of an experience with masturbation interviews growing up in the LDS Church was published by KUTV. In it Kip described his experience as a 13-year-old of confessing masturbation to his bishop. His bishop then had him confess to his father and then mother. Much later, a different bishop gave him the paper "Steps In Overcoming Masturbation" attributed to the LDS apostle Mark E. Petersen, which recommended aversive techniques such as imagining bathing in and eating worms while masturbating in order to stop. Kip stated that all of this made him feel he was disgusting and awful for masturbating and he reported feeling depression and self-loathing.

Another first-hand experience with masturbation interviews was published by KUTV in which a woman stated that during her teens three separate bishops had asked her sexually explicit questions during one-on-one interviews including about masturbation, and that these contributed to her repulsion and shame for her body.

And the Catholics: Catholics teach us masturbation is always morally wrong. The Catholic Church says that masturbation is a grave sin, a mortal sin, by which we reject God’s offer of life. Onan shooting seed in the sand (instead of into his brother's wife pussy, which was the approved recepticle.)

Early Protestants were no kind and gentle group. Martin Luther saw masturbation as a sin more terrible than heterosexual rape since such rape was considered to be "in accordance with nature", while masturbation was "unnatural". Luther also viewed masturbation and coitus interruptus the same act as killing children before they have a chance to be born, therefore, for him, masturbation was basically the same as abortion.

Taoists take it in moderation. Both meditative and marital arts Taoists say that masturbation can cause a lowered energy level in men. They say that ejaculation in this way reduces "origin qi" from the dantain, the energy center located in the lower abdomen. Some maintain that sex with a partner does not do this because the partners replenish each other's qi. Some practitioners say males should not practice martial arts for at least 48 hours after masturbation, while other recommend no martial arts for up to six months, because the loss of Origin Qi.

The majority of scholars among Muslims forbid masturbation stating that it is an immoral act and argue using the verse in the Quran, "And those who guard their private parts save from their wives which their right-hands own – so there is no blame upon them. " They don't mention girls getting themselves off. (Do they truly believe girls don't do that sort of thing?)

Some Taoists strongly discouraged female masturbation. Women were encouraged to practice massaging techniques upon themselves, but were also instructed to avoid thinking sexual thoughts if experiencing a feeling of pleasure. Otherwise, the woman's "labia will open wide and the sexual secretions will flow." If this happened, the woman would lose part of her life force, and this could bring illness and shortened life. (So it's bad for the girls too!)

Hinduism and Buddhism are less pointed on the subject, and do not really consider jack-off significant one way or another. Though they don't give it a hearty, big cheer.

If any of these religious doctrines and centuries-old philosophies matter to you, you probably should not be jacking-off.

Wiccans and NeoPagans don't mind some splashing semen now and then.

As for me and my girls, we will continue to beat the meat several times each week, for as long as it enjoyable.


About the Creator

Roscoe Forthright

Erotic filmmaker and novelist. I use x-rated heterosexual short films as a tool for spiritual enlightenment. Laugh all you want. This actually works for many people. Fucking is universal! And very popular!

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