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Dirty Angel

Speared by Lance’s Lance

By Phaedra XPublished 4 years ago 12 min read
Dirty Angel
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Dirty Angel

I’m so bored. Angel thinks to herself as she checks out the next customer. A balding middle aged man slaps a huge bag of dog food on the conveyor belt.

She says, “Hello.” He just looks at her with a disgusted look on his face.

“Oomph.” Angel struggles to move the large bag.

She scans it and tells the customer the price. He snarls and says, “I thought it was on sale,” as he pierces her with his squinty eyes.

“Yes, why of course,” Angel says in her fake smile and even faker cheery tone.

“Make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen again. I would hate to tell your manager.”

Like I give a shit. Angel thinks to herself. What a shitty night, as she starts preparing for close so she could get out of there as fast as possible.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Angel,” the manager said, “we are having our electric fixed and there will be electricians here for the next two nights, overnights, so they can do their jobs while the store is closed. I just got a phone call telling me that my daughter is very sick and I have to get home. I’m going to need you to stay for a few hours tonight, until I can get another manager to take over for you. Will you be able to do this for me? I’ll pay you like a manager for these extra hours,” said her boss, Trina.

Angel leapt at the chance to make some decent money while just keeping an eye on things in the store. She was tired, but didn’t let it bother her.

Right before close, two electricians walk in and ask for the manager. Angel turned to them figuring them to be customers and asked if they needed help. When she finished her last word, she looked at them and her breath caught in her throat. One of the electricians was so incredibly hot and immensely beautiful. It looked like he just stepped off the cover of GQ or Playgirl. Lance gave her a knowing smile as he had probably come across this very often, maybe even a daily basis. I mean, just because we are women doesn’t mean that we don’t enjoy a gorgeous male body to look stare dream about at night. He held out his large hand and introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Lance and he is Tom. We are the electricians that are coming to fix all of the problems here.”

“Oh, hi!, I’m Angel. Pleasure to meet you.”

They shook hands and her hands were a bit clammy and she was embarrassed. Tom wasn’t too bad himself. He had shoulder length brown hair and a bit of a scruff on his oval face and a nice smile. Lance, on the other hand, was much more manly looking with his large biceps and square jaw. He also had a shaved head that was hidden underneath a baseball cap. Oh, Lord, that smile. It was infectious and could make any woman melt.

The manager, Trina, comes out and said, “Hello, you two. I suppose you are here for the electric?”

“Yes ma’am,” Lance said with a wide grin on his rough and sexy square manly face.

“Angel will be staying a few hours after close to assist you in case anything comes up. I have to go. I have an emergency. Another manager will be here in a few hours from now to take over,” Trina explained.

“Oh ok, I’m so sorry to hear about your emergency,” said Tom.

“Thank you,” the manager said as she ran out the door.

“Lock up behind me!” she yelled over her shoulder.

As Lance and Angel looked back at each other, Angel thought she saw a glint of something in his eyes. She just figured it was her imagination. There is no way a guy like Lance would be attracted to her. She had long brown hair back in a pony tail, she wasn’t thin or skinny by any means, but had a full chest and full hips to match. Lance was definitely out of her ballpark.

She finished her closing duties and started to get comfortable for a long few hours of “babysitting”. But at least she had something good to look at.

Angel sat in her manager’s chair and put her feet up on the desk. Before she knew it she had dozed off. Her arm started to feel tingly as Lance brushed his fingers up her arm to see her reaction. Her eyes flew open and she almost fell backwards in her chair when she saw him in front of her. He caught her and laughed heartily. Even his laugh was sexy and she felt her nipples harden at the sound.

“Sorry to wake you, Angel, I was needing you to flip the breaker to turn off all the lights so I can see where the problem is.”

Her cheeks reddened as she realized she was needed for something so utilitarian.

“Oh, yeah, sure, of course,” she stuttered.

“Thanks,” he said as he looked at her from underneath his ball cap and smiled.

She bolted up from her chair and got the job done. She then hung around a bit longer to see if she could be of anymore help- and to get a glimpse of that tight ass clad in jeans. He bent over to grab his tool off the floor and she started hyperventilating and had to excuse herself.

What is wrong with me? She thought. A solitary tear formed in the corner of her jade green eye. She was so angry at herself for acting this way and embarrassing herself. She calmed herself down and plopped down in the chair. Angel was able to see Lance and Tom from where she was and without them seeing her. Her mind started to race with the sexy thoughts of her fingers gliding down his biceps and across his chest. Then the thought of his kiss and what he would taste like. She so wanted to be kissed by him.

They stole glances of each other all throughout the night and every once in awhile a knowing grin or playful smile would come across their lips.

The second manager got there around 3a.m. And relieved Angel from her post. She was so disappointed and so very horny. As she fell into her bed, she was exhausted and drifted asleep before she could masturbate like she was planning.

As Angel was getting ready for work the next day, she was feeling down and crabby from lack of release. She knew that she would never see Lance again. Closing time came again and she slaved over her nightly rituals. Her manager walked up to her and asked, “I hate to do this to you two nights in a row, but I really need you to stay overnight again. I need to get home as my daughter is still very ill.”

“Wait, what?” Angel asked confused.

“The electricians didn’t get to finish everything they needed to do last night and the project was more extensive then they thought.”

“Oh, that’s not a problem at all!” she belted out in a tone two octaves too high.

Her manager looked at her very strangely and said, “Ok, then. Thank you so much for doing this for me.”

“It’s the pay,” Angel said, “I really like the pay I’m getting,” lied Angel.

“Well I guess it could be very helpful , maybe pick up something nice for yourself. You deserve it,” her manager bumped elbows with her as a friend would do with another friend. “I’m off, “ the manager exclaimed then hurried to her car.

At closing time- 9pm on the dot- Lance comes strolling in with Tom.

“Missed me?” asked Lance as he passed Angel.

“What would you say if I said yes?” Angel flirtatiously said.

Now it was Lance’s turn to be taken aback and then he smiled.

“I would say, that after I got home this morning, all I could think about was you,” he said shyly.

“Me? Why?” asked Angel surprisingly.

“Because, Miss Angel, you must have put a spell on me.”

Lance smiled lopsidedly, turned and walked away. Angel’s heart leapt almost out of her chest and a huge smile overtook her blushing face. Maybe after all of this, she would ask him out….maybe……or not, she was so incredibly shy.

It was about 10 o’clock by the time Angel saw him again.

“Hey there, Angel. Ummm, I don’t know how to say this, but I’m finding it really quite difficult to finish my job here,” Lance admitted.

He was standing right in front of her while she was sitting in her boss’s rolling office chair. Angel stopped her scrolling on her phone and looked up at him.

“I-I-I’m sorry, what?” she asked.

He looked down at her as he moved in closer. His hand reached back and he slid the ponytail holder out of her hair. Angel’s hair fell in a waterfall around her pretty face. Lance’s breath deepened and he stroked her hair. She could feel his body heat radiating and she closed her eyes as he kept stroking her hair. She kept her eyes shut as she ran her fingers up his shirt and traced the lines of his six-pack with her exploring digits. She didn’t want to open her eyes and discover that all of this was just a dream, but she had to. She came eye to eye with the bulge in his jeans and smiled. This was really happening after all!

He grabbed her off of the chair and pulled her toward his succulent lips. They kissed gently at first but their desperation for each other was winning out. Their tongues were dancing to an unheard song in each other’s mouths.

Lance’s hands went to work quickly and in an instant had Angel’s bra undone and discarded with a flick of his wrist. His hungry mouth salivated at the taste of Angel’s large pink nipples.

At this time, at this place, right at this exact moment, they felt as though they completed a complex puzzle and everything was right with the universe-they were exactly what each other needed.

A moan escaped Angel’s lips as his full lips suckled her tits as he massaged each breast with care. She was so, so wet and could think of nothing but his cock inside of her.

“God, Angel, I don’t know what you did to me. You drive me to the brink just by your touch.”

As if on cue, she reached for his tight jeans and popped the button and forced them off his hips. Out sprang his enormous dick and his pants fell to the floor. She took him into her juicy mouth and used her tongue to tease his beautiful member.

“Whoa, stop.” He withdrew his penis from her mouth and panted, “I don’t want to go off yet. I want to be inside you NOW!”

Angel, with one fell swoop, emptied a shelf of large dog beds onto the floor. They fell in a heap and became the bed of wild sex for the two of them. Too bad there wasn’t any video cameras to watch their naked display. Angel thought that she may have liked the added kink to having an audience. She would have to put that on her bucket list of fucking.

Off went her shirt and work pants, panties and his shirt. He then got to really see the enormity of her breasts and how they were so alert and waiting- just like Angel. Just having their skin touch was entering another level of pleasure and erotica that neither of them have felt before.

Lance’s throbbing member teased the outside rim of Angel’s pussy. He dipped it barely in and pulled back. This was done a couple more times until Angel was on the verge of a massive orgasm. He smiled to himself because he knew she was enjoying this sex play.

She wrapped her legs around his midsection and pushed him in as far as he would go. He was not expecting this and reached the apex of his limit. He came with wild abandon into her tight pussy-even tighter as she came with him.

There moans and loud ruckus got the attention of Tom, the other electrician. He was working in the back when he started hearing noises. Thinking someone was robbing the place, he ran to the front of the store and saw Angel and Lance in all their glory. Lance, glistening with sweat, and Angel, mouth agape and momentarily embarrassed.

Tom, was at a loss for words for a few seconds but then announced, “Please don’t let me stop you,” he said as he grinned slyly.

Lance and Angel looked at each other and began stroking each other again. They hadn’t had enough they wanted more. Even the rabbits looking out from their cages were jealous.

“Come here, Tom,” Angel purred.

He reddened and approached them warily. His work pants were tented up and it was impossible for him to hide his enthusiasm.

Angel got on all fours and then balanced herself on her knees. She slide Tom’s jeans down slowly and eased over his large lump. As soon as it leapt out she wrapped her mouth around it and sucked it so well.

“Ohhhh, yeah, baby. You feel so good.” He looked down at her, his hair hanging loose upon his shoulders. Tom tried, in vain, to be the voice of reason. “We really shouldn’t be doing this- Oh baby- wait we shou…Ohhhh damn baby,” Tom’s mind warring with himself.

Angel grinned as she gobbled him up even more- enjoying his moans and internal conflict. Lance spread Angel’s legs apart and lapped at her soaked pussy. She moaned and got even wetter. This is the best sex that she had ever had and she was going to be sad when “work” was over.

Lance slid his hard cock into her sopping wet vagina. This time he was more rough with her and she thoroughly enjoyed it. As he pushed into her, she pushed Tom into her throat further. They had a delicious rhythm going. All three were completely engrossed in each other.

Tom was the first to release since this was his first time tonight. He grabbed onto a shelf as he spasmed into her mouth.

“I’m gonna cum down your throat!” Tom bellowed.

“Yeah, do it. I want to taste you,” Angel encouraged.

She loved it as it ran down her throat and got all over her face and neck. It got her so excited that she mewed and then came hard again. She clenched down on her pussy so tightly that it put a stranglehold on Lance’s throbbing member. That is all he needed to shoot his load again. He grabbed onto her full hips and pushed himself so deeply that she thought it was going to come out of her mouth. She loved deep, penetrating sex.

All three lay on the floor in a heap, a panting, messy heap. They all got dressed and Lance looked at the time.

“Oh, crap, we should have had this job done hours ago. It’s time for us to go, but we will have to cum back tomorrow to ‘finish up.’”

Angel smiled brightly and said, “I was pretty sure that I saw sparks and a live wire arcing.”

“Baby, the only live wire is you,” Tom said

“I’ve got the plug for your outlet, Angel,” said Lance unabashedly with a cute smile.

Angel got wet all over again when Lance said her name.She winked at him and they walked out. She couldn’t wait to go to work tomorrow.


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