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Dinner, Chapter 15

The Lawn

By Mercedes ChanttooPublished 23 days ago 18 min read

The three ladies entered the autoride, the soft microfibre seats welcoming their rejuvenated bodies with a gentle embrace. The interior lights cast a warm, ambient glow, creating an intimate atmosphere. The layout featured three chairs around a central axis, allowing them to face each other comfortably. The chairs glided smoothly around the axis, adding a playful element to their ride. Emma, unable to resist, scooted her chair around to be next to Lyra, their laughter echoing softly in the confined space as the autoride whisked them towards the golf club.

As they settled in, the gentle vibration of the autoride's movement was almost soothing. Vix, engrossed in her swipe, finally looked up, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I can't believe you two had a sleepover and left me high and dry in the garden house," she said, her voice carrying a mock tone of indignation, though a sly smile played at her lips.

Lyra, her cheeks tinged with a soft pink, protested. "I went home, Vix. You saw Mike pick me up!" The faint scent of Emma's perfume, which Lyra had found and put on after her shower, mingled subtly with the clean, high-tech aroma of the autoride's interior.

Without missing a beat, Vix quipped, "Then why are you wearing Emma's dress?”

“You are too,” countered Lyra.

“And, you're wearing her fragrance. And..,” Vix said, pausing for effect, “it's clear you've got on her favourite sexy red undies — I can see them through that dress." The sudden revelation made Lyra blush even deeper, her face now a rosy hue.

Emma laughed, the sound bright and melodious. "Vix, you and your overactive imagination. Lyra came back this morning, and we just decided to be twins for the day." She shifted in her seat, the fabric creaking under her.

Vix sighed dramatically, then smiled. "Alright, I'll give you that. But I don't want to be left out." She looked up from her swipe, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the screen. "But I'll have to take a rain check. The Martian is coming in on a skimmer and will be in town in half an hour."

Lyra and Emma's faces fell with visible disappointment. The faint hum of the autoride seemed to underscore their sudden change in mood.

Vix continued, her voice a sultry blend of longing and anticipation. "While I'd relish the thought of you ladies lavishing me with affection all day, I cannot resist the Martian savouring my renewed, silky smooth skin. After our night of hot tub indulgence, I can't deny him my treacled and jellied body!" She leaned in closer, her eyes dancing with desire, and wafted her hand as if to cool herself off.

"And let me tell you," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "while 'little Tom' has his charms, the Martian's tentacle is an entirely different level of ecstasy." Her provocative comparison made Lyra's face flush a deeper shade of red, the heat rising in her cheeks.

The autoride came to a smooth stop, the doors sliding open with a soft hiss. All three ladies stepped out, the fresh air a stark contrast to the climate-controlled interior. They watched as the autoride whisked away, its sleek form quickly vanishing around a corner.

They waited a few minutes for a two and a one, and Vix took the opportunity to give her two friends some extra attention. She pulled Lyra into a warm, intimate embrace. Lyra could feel the softness of Vix's bosom pressing gently against her own, the sensation comforting. As they held each other, Lyra became acutely aware of Vix's nipples pressing into her own breasts.

Vix's voice was tender and genuine as she thanked Lyra for a delightful evening, planting soft kisses on both of her cheeks. "I really enjoyed the new Lyra, the new liberated Lyra," she murmured, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

With a playful grin, Vix lifted Lyra's chin, her gaze meeting Lyra's. "I think your boob radar is going off again," she teased, her voice a sultry whisper.

Lyra's eyes widened in protest, and she quickly rebutted, "Vix, I wasn't even thinking about that!"

But Vix cut her off with a wag of her finger. "Now, now, Lyra. You can't play with these," she said, provocatively cupping her own breasts. "They belong to the Martian at the moment." Despite Lyra shaking her head, Vix's laughter filled the air.

Turning to Emma, she planted a kiss on her lips, the gesture filled with affection. "Catch up again on Monday?" she suggested, grinning. "Though I’m not sure I'll be able to walk." Emma playfully smacked her on the bum. "Just don't get my dress messed up," she warned, her tone light.

Vix laughed, stepping into her autoride as it arrived. "Don't worry, this dress won't be staying on long enough to get as dirty as me." With a final wave, her autoride whisked off, leaving Emma and Lyra standing together.

Emma took Lyra's hand, her touch gentle yet reassuring. "Don't pay too much attention to Vix and her innuendos, she's just messing around."

Lyra, still slightly flustered, insisted, "I genuinely wasn't staring at her boobs. It's just that her nipples were... Well, they were poking me."

A pause hung in the air as Lyra recalled her unexpected arrival back at Emma's house that morning. She blushed, then blurted out, "It was the same with you when I arrived this morning." Lyra added in a whisper, "Yours were almost poking through your top."

Emma chuckled warmly, "Oh, so you were paying attention after all."

Lyra issued a hushed apology, "I’m sorry, I thought you were having, you know... S... E... X... when I... I think I disturbed you?"

Emma raised an eyebrow. "And what made you think that?"

Lyra hesitated before confessing in the quietest of voices, "Well, I saw... I saw that you were... aroused. You know, under your top. Your special place looked ready."

Emma laughed, her expression softening as she pulled Lyra in for a hug. "There's no need to be sorry. It's just our Saturday morning ritual. Me and Tom can catch up later. You're a lot of fun to be with too, even with a slight hangover." Emma kissed Lyra on the forehead, "Nothing to worry about, babe!"

Another autoride arrived, the sleek RedCorp logo emblazoned on its side. Lyra's face drained of colour at the sight. Emma, noticing her discomfort, sent it away without hesitation. "What's wrong?" she asked gently, her eyes filled with concern.

Lyra hesitated, her eyes darting away. "It's nothing," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Emma squeezed her hand tighter, her grip a silent promise of support. "Lyra, you can tell me. Whatever it is, I'm here for you," she encouraged softly.

Lyra took a deep breath, her voice steady and clear as she began to speak. "I've recently been involved in a negotiation with RedCorp for a multi-billion credit research deal for my company."

Emma's eyes widened in surprise. "A multi-billion credit deal? Lyra, that's incredible!"

Lyra managed a small smile, but her eyes were still filled with anxiety. "It was... but then I found out more about their plans."

Emma scooted closer, her interest piqued. "What plans? What did you find out?"

Lyra sighed, her shoulders squaring as she gathered her thoughts. "We were deep into negotiations on the contract, and they kept insisting on changing the phrasing of a standard line in the contract. It happens all the time, but it was in a passage about dual use, and it just triggered something in me."

Emma nodded, her eyes encouraging Lyra to continue.

Lyra took another deep breath. "So I put a team onto it, and they found a whole web of interactions. RedCorp was actually fronting a big consortium who were trying to develop our battery technology for battlefield drone applications."

Emma's admiration deepened, her voice filled with wonder. "You mean they wanted to use your technology for the military?"

Lyra nodded, the weight of her decision evident in her eyes. "Yes, and I couldn't let that happen. No matter how much funding it would have brought to my company, I couldn't allow my work to be used for something so destructive."

Another autoride arrived, this time without any recognizable logos. The doors slid open with a soft, welcoming chime. They stepped in, the interior a continuation of the sleek, modern design, but with a more intimate feel. The double seat in the back was deep and plush, inviting them to relax.

As they settled in, Emma turned to Lyra, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Lyra, you have this incredible ability to see through complex situations and make the right decisions, even under immense pressure. Your dedication to doing what's right, regardless of the personal cost, is truly inspiring."

Lyra blushed slightly, but her eyes shone with gratitude. "Thank you, Emma. That means a lot coming from you."

Emma put her arm around Lyra, drawing her closer in the deep double seat. The soft, dense fabric was cool against Lyra's skin, contrasting with the warmth of Emma's embrace. "You are one of the most brilliant and principled people I know, Lyra. Wow, just wow. You’re like a Greek goddess, you know the one for strength and wisdom."

Lyra's head rested on Emma's shoulder, the gentle hum of the autoride and the rhythmic motion of the journey creating a cocoon of comfort around them. Her heart swelled with warmth and gratitude. "Thanks, Em, but I think that’s two different goddesses" she whispered.

Emma continued, she couldn’t stop herself, her voice tender and full of pride. "Then you’re two goddesses all in one, no three, let’s throw in the goddess of courage too,” she gushed. “Your intelligence, and your unwavering commitment to doing the right thing are qualities that I deeply admire. You inspire me."

Lyra's eyes glistened with emotion, but she held her head high, feeling a renewed sense of strength and purpose. "That’s still only two goddesses,” Lyra noted. She kissed Emma on the cheek, “I couldn't do it without your support, Em. You make me feel like I can conquer anything."

"Just don't you go getting frisky with me," she teased, her tone light and affectionate, "given your recent 'adventures' in the back of one of these."

Lyra exclaimed, "Emma!" Her protest was half-hearted, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Sorry," Emma said, her voice sincere. "I'm just jealous. Being close to Vix for a few minutes has that effect." She pulled Lyra in even closer, her breath warm against Lyra's ear. "You know you’re my favourite, LyLy."

Lyra settled her head back on Emma's shoulder, the gentle hum of the autoride and the rhythmic motion of the journey creating a cocoon of comfort around them. Her heart swelled with warmth and gratitude, their bond stronger than ever. "Thanks, Em," she whispered.

“Hmm..” Emma pondered, “I do wonder who the goddess of Dirty Girls is?” Her musing was left unanswered as the autoride moved smoothly through the city, carrying them towards the club.

The autoride pulled into the drop-off point, teeming with people getting in and out of their rides. The golf course was immaculate, with neatly manicured fairways and vibrant greens surrounded with meadow flowers. The flowers' colours became more vivid and varied as the distance from the fairways increased, creating a beautiful gradient of blooms.

Lyra and Emma sauntered past the main clubhouse, their hands intertwined, and made their way towards the summer pavilion for lunch. They paused briefly as a flotilla of small automated mowers crossed their path in formation, following a path through the flowers onto a nearby fairway.

On reaching their goal, they neatly staggered themselves into formation. The familiar sound of the blades accelerating could be heard as they set off, filling the air with the smell of freshly cut grass. Following the flotilla was a robot tasked with identifying weeds; a soft frying sound accompanied by wisps of smoke indicated it was diligently carrying out its job.

Arriving at the pavilion, Lyra and Emma spotted Mike and Tom seated at a table. Lyra took a seat next to Mike, her eyes searching his face for any sign of acknowledgment.

Emma wrapped her arms around Tom, who was already seated, and kissed his neck. "Hey babe, couldn’t you wait for us?" she asked playfully. Empty plates were strewn around the table, and the men were enjoying some kind of liquor.

Tom looked up, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry babe, it’s already three – and that’s a really late lunch. I thought your 'M' had become an 'N'." He glanced at the countdown on his watch, “We have to tee off again soon.”

Emma chuckled, replying, "It's OK, Tom. We’ll probably get something light in the lounge. We just lost track of time down by the river."

Tom, trying to sound nonchalant, asked Emma if she could join him inside. Emma's eyes sparkled with mischief as she turned to face Mike and Lyra, "Uh-oh, what have I done wrong now? Is someone going to punish me?" Her voice carried a playful, sing-song quality, a grin tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite her light-hearted tone, curiosity burned within her, wondering what Tom wanted to discuss in private. With a quick wink at Lyra, Emma followed Tom, leaving Mike and Lyra in an uncomfortable silence.

Mike broke the silence with a casual remark, "I didn’t hear you go out this morning," knowing full well that he had left the half-naked Lyra sleeping in the back of the autoride.

Lyra, incensed but keeping her cool, asked calmly, "How could you?"

Mike, feigning innocence, replied, "You were sleeping. I tried to wake you up, but you told me to leave you alone." He lied, hoping her memory was vague. "I got you a pillow and a blanket," he added, continuing the fabrication.

Lyra ignored the blatant fibs. "How could you burst in on me and my friends like that?"

"Oh, that. I was worried about you. You’ve been acting so strange lately," Mike responded, his tone defensive.

"Me?" Lyra whispered, incredulity lacing her voice. "Me? Are you serious? Me, who you’ve been ignoring for months?"

"What do you mean?" Mike retorted in hushed tones. "We’ve had sex, like, three times this week."

Lyra sighed deeply, her frustration evident. "Mike, it's not about sex. It's about intimacy. I’m not some fembot you can turn on and off when you please."

Mike, glancing around to ensure no one could overhear, responded in a low voice, "Hey, you were the one who was all over me. You started all this." He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And besides, you spend so much time at work. When do you ever have time for me? You’re always buried in your projects, and I’m left waiting for scraps of your attention."

Lyra's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and sadness as she leaned in closer, still keeping her voice low. "I wanted to connect with you, Mike. But you don’t see me. You don’t hear me."

Mike's expression hardened, his jaw clenching as he fought to keep his voice steady and quiet. "See, this is what I mean. You’re so focused on your work that you don’t even notice how much effort I put into trying to be with you. Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with your career, things would be different."

Lyra's frustration boiled over, her voice trembling with emotion. "I’m passionate about my work, Mike. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend time with you. I need you to be present, to see me as a person with feelings and needs, not just a body."

Mike leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed defensively. "Well, maybe you should look in the mirror. You’re so busy being the big shot CTO, working 28 hours a week when most people manage with 4 to 8. You’ve forgotten how to take care of me."

Lyra's eyes narrowed, her resolve firming. "I don't work those hours because I enjoy being away from you. I do it because I'm dedicated to my job and our future. I’m just making sure we have everything we need."

Mike scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, maybe if you weren't so tight with money, we could actually enjoy life a little more."

Lyra's voice was steady, unwavering. "It's about priorities, Mike. And right now, my priority is making sure we have a future. But that doesn't mean I don't want to enjoy life with you. I just need you to meet me halfway."

Mike's eyes flashed with anger. "You know what? It's not just about the money. It's about how you embarrass me in front of my friends. You made a huge deal about the cost of Ace, like I was some irresponsible idiot throwing money away."

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise. "Mike, that wasn't my intention. I was just surprised. Spending fifteen hundred creds on an upgrade without discussing it with me first is a big deal. We need to be on the same page about these things."

Mike's voice rose slightly, a mix of frustration and defensiveness. "But the way you did it, Lyra, right in front of everyone. You made me look like a fool. You could have talked to me privately, but no, you had to make a scene."

Lyra took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, Mike. That was never my intention. But you need to understand that communication is key. We can't make big decisions like that without consulting each other."

Mike's anger seemed to deflate slightly, but his expression remained tense. "It was just an upgrade, Lyra. We spent more on the charitable donation because I won. The big spend was years ago on the base unit, which we discussed. This wasn't some reckless splurge."

Lyra's frustration was evident as she responded, "I get that, Mike, but it's still a significant amount of money.”

“It’s not Lyra, it’s not. It’s ten minutes at work. And then you go and lend it out, as if it’s nothing,” Mike snapped, his voice a harsh whisper.

Lyra became acutely aware of the glances from nearby tables, the curious eyes of fellow patrons drawn to the hushed intensity of their conversation. She tried to reign herself in. “But it wasn't about the cost itself; it was about feeling like we're not on the same team. We need to talk about these things, not just make decisions in a vacuum."

Mike's anger seemed to deflate slightly as he noticed a group of golfers passing by, their laughter infiltrating the space between him and Lyra. "If you want to be on a team, Lyra, then you need to be a team player. I don’t need to be constantly coached, judged or second-guessed."

Lyra reached out, placing her hand on his, her voice softening to a barely audible murmur, “I’m sorry Mike, I want to be on a team. I want to be on a team with you."

Mike moved his hand away, “Well, maybe you need to think more about that, when you have time.”

As they sat there, the sounds of the golf course and the distant hum of the automated machines provided a serene backdrop to their conversation, a stark contrast to the emotional turbulence that hung heavy between them.

Lyra couldn't help but wonder if things would really change. Had she just apologised to Mike for him being an inconsiderate dick? Had she just apologised twice?

At the bar, inside the lounge, the air was thick with the scent of aged whiskey and polished wood. The ambient sound of clinking glasses and soft chatter created an intimate backdrop. Emma leaned against the bar, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"What's so secret, babe?" she asked, her voice a playful whisper as she traced her fingers along Tom's arm.

Tom looked around, ensuring they were out of earshot. "What are you up to?" he asked, his tone half-serious, half-teasing.

Emma tilted her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

Tom leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. "With Mike and Lyra, he says she's become a sex-crazed monster since the two of you were having a cosy chat at poker night."

Emma chuckled softly, her hand sliding down to rest on Tom's thigh. "Oh, and does he like that?"

Tom's expression softened slightly. "Not really the point, but yes. But what are you up to?"

"Nothing, babe," Emma replied, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Tom's leg. "Lyra's just feeling a bit stressed with work, and to be honest, Mike's being a bit of a dick about it."

Tom sighed, his hand moving to rest on Emma's waist. "Mike obviously has some issues, but do you really think you should be getting involved? You’re not giving Lyra blow job lessons or anything, are you?"

"He told you that?” Emma asked with incredulity. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear. “I'm not getting involved, Tom, I'm just helping Lyra through a tough patch. And no, I’m not giving her lessons." Turning to a whisper she added, “Besides, I’ve only got power over one willy, and I’m sure you would have noticed if I’d been giving lessons, you naughty boy.”

Tom's grip tightened slightly on her waist. "I'm just saying don't get too involved. We don't want an Alex situation again."

Emma pulled back slightly, looking into Tom's eyes. "I know you're worried, babe, but it's just you and me. No Lake House, no Alex, just us two. And, you know, maybe Ace when you fancy turning up the dial."

Tom's eyes softened, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You know I like to touch the dial. I'm just worried if Lyra turns into a monster, she'll steal our mojo. Then again, if you need a willy to help out, you know, with any lessons you aren’t giving?"

Tom gasped, coming to a realisation, “So, that’s why ‘little Tom’ was out, you were showing Lyra your technique?” A big smile spread across his face, as if he’d broken some secret code.

Emma laughed softly, her hand moving to cup Tom's cheek. "No, Vix stole it out of the drawer, she said was missing the Martian. As for lending your willy for lessons… Not gonna happen, babe. You’re just going to live with the reward you got yesterday."

“Fuck me, Em. That was fantastic. I’ve been thinking about it all day,” he said, glancing at his countdown.

“Oh, are you thinking, the Greens Room?” Emma said in her most seductive voice.

“Ah man,” Tom glanced at his watch again. “Fuck, haven’t got time, babe. You know I want to.”

“Don’t think I’ll forget this,” Emma whispered. “A woman spurned…”

Their conversation was wrapped in the warmth of their touch and the intimate ambiance of the bar. Still, there was an undercurrent of irritation in Emma’s voice 一 she was in control, she didn’t need Tom interfering with her approach. With a final kiss, Emma ordered some drinks, and light snacks for a window table, and they headed back outside.

As they approached the table, their laughter cut through the tension. Emma glanced at Lyra and Mike, sensing the strained atmosphere. She raised an eyebrow but decided to let it be for now.

"Hey, I ordered some drinks and snacks inside," Emma announced, her voice light. "Let's have a lazy afternoon." She reached for Lyra’s hand, guiding her up from her chair.

Lyra hesitated for a moment, her eyes meeting Emma's. She forced a smile, appreciating the distraction. "Thanks, Emma. That sounds nice."

Tom, oblivious to the tension, clapped Mike on the shoulder. "Ready to hit the greens again?"

Mike forced a smile, trying to shake off the remnants of the argument. "Yeah, let's do it. Catch ya' later, ladies."

Emma led Lyra towards the lounge, glancing back to see Tom and Mike heading for the golf course. She squeezed Lyra’s hand gently. "You okay?"

Lyra sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Just Mike. I’m glad he’s off playing their silly games. I needed a break."

Emma nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "We don’t need silly boys, LyLy. Let's just enjoy the afternoon."

Emma guided Lyra to a window table, the sunlight streaming in, casting a warm glow over their faces. She handed Lyra a mocktail, the cool condensation from the glass a welcome contrast to her heated emotions.

“I’ve got an idea,” Emma said. Lyra looked at her with a blank stare, waiting for more information. Emma took a deep breath. “You’re not going to like it, but that’s tough, dirty girl, because we’re doing it anyway.” Emma reached across to push Lyra's chin up, and close her mouth.

Lyra blinked, surprise and curiosity mingling in her eyes. “What are you planning?”

Emma leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You’ll find out soon enough. Just trust me.”

The look on Lyra's face showed a mix of apprehension and intrigue. She took a sip of her drink, nodding slowly. “Alright, Em. I trust you.”


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Mercedes Chanttoo

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