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Adonis Complex

Guilty Pleasures Are The Most Fun.

By Dream Of RenPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Chapter 1: The Card

I never considered myself a "bad girl". In all actuality, I thought the notion of such was stupid -- immature. It wasn't until I headed into my first year of university that all of those things changed.

Before then my life was ordinary-- as ordinary as it could be. An average young woman who kept her eyes on the prize, studied and placed well enough to get into a good college.

My boyfriend was like minded, well liked by most of his peers and by all conventional standards handsome. We were happy, genuinely and truly. I had no reason for my actions, no logical reason anyway.

You could consider it a calling, more like a longing. It started with a glace, I suppose. He walked by me and I just knew. He would be trouble. His style was rough, yet appealing. His hair was wild and slicked and he was well built -- I could tell as much from just a single glance.

Our eyes met and my heart fluttered, but not in the same way it would when I'm with Jin. No, this was much different. The sensation was wild, enough to make my body tingle from the electricity of butterflies -- from between my thighs. I could feel it in my body, and though I tried to look away I was a moth to a fire.

Still, I believe it to be a passing fancy. We were just two people passing on the street. We'd never spoken and I didn't even know his name. I imagined that we would likely never see each other again in a town so big, filled with thousands of people.

That's why I was surprised to reconnect with him a few minutes later.

"Hey." A deep masculine voice sounded off behind me. I was staring at my phone at the time so I was confused for multiple reasons. The first was that I didn't expect anyone to pay me any mind. At age eighteen I dressed conservatively wherever I went. Habit, I suppose.

The second reason I was started was his proximity! He was so close, in fact so close that I could feel the warmth of his body and a wafting scent which pleased my senses to no end.

"I said...hey." He repeated himself, this time drawing closer as he peered over my shoulder at my phone.

*Rude..* I immediately thought.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes. You were staring at me." He said.

*Very direct...* I thought.

"Really? I was? Hmm." I replied as I cut my eyes at him.

"Mhm. I thought you might have seen something you like." He replied. I could feel his warmth lingering close to me, dangerously so for my comfort, so I turned to face him.

That was a mistake.

His eyes were so engaging that, for a moment, I lost myself in them.

"I-if I wanted something from you, I'd say as much. I don't even know your name." I recovered before things got awkward.

"Heat." He said.

"Heat? What?"

"The name is Heat. Now you know my name, so... tell me what it is you want from me." He said as he drew closer. It wasn't unusual to be packed close to one another in a subway car, still this was...

"That's your name? What kind of weird nickname is that?" *Just stop talking, end it already.* My thoughts and words ran counter productive to each other, my feelings reigned supreme and they suggested that a little talking wouldn't hurt.

"Mhm. It's because I have a habit of causing the heat to rise." His eyes reminded me of a hungry wolf as he glanced down the length of my body. Normally I'd roll my eyes and dismiss any man who reacted this way on reflex. Today, I had to force a reaction.

"Yea. Right." I said, feigning disinterest, even though my heart was now pounding from excitement.

*D-did he just make a pass at me? I should just make things clear -- I'm with someone.* This is what I thought but...

"I can prove it. Just stand next to me. I won't even touch you." He said, it was more of a command than a statement and one I felt strangely compelled to obey.

"No." It was the only word I could think of, it sprang forth from my mind and I spoke. Still his gaze never faltered and his mood never changed. He simply started at me. In those eyes I found both fire and comfort. I could feel a sense of wild energy that flowed into me. His attitude, his gaze, it was like candy -- tasty to consume.

Then he smirked.

"What? " I asked, I thought perhaps I've looked like a deer in headlights.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He replied as he continued to smirk.

"No. What's so funny? I'd like to know." I asked.

"What's funny is that you believed me when I said I wouldn't touch you."

I suddenly felt warm, flush in the face as my heart began to race. It took a moment for me to realize the situation. His hand was pressed against my outer thigh, causing me to curse the fact that I was currently wearing a dress.

"H-hey! What are you doing!?" I reached to push his hand away, but he simply moved it further up and took a single step closer to me. We were now chest to chest, face to face as I felt the tip of his fingers gently trace along my hips.

"I think you know.." Heat said as he gazed at me, the same eyes that swallowed all of my restraint.

My heart was thumping wildly as he bit his lip and his eyes fell downward to my bosom.

"Hey. I can tell you're a joker but this isn't the time to play around.." I said. Despite this I was kicking myself for no longer attempting to move his hand.

"If you want me to stop....all you have to do is make a scene..." He leaned in totally, his cheek grazed my own as he whispered into my ear.

I contemplated it. Yet..I couldn't bring myself to do it!

"There are people around." It was all I could offer, a flimsy excuse at best.

"They can't see. I'm shielding you. See?"

I gasped inwards as I felt his fingers gently glide against my ass and cup me. It was so sudden, so firmly aggressive that I felt my heart leap.

"See? No one's watching.." Heat continued to whisper, this time as his hand slid downward and traced along the bare skin of my inner thigh. I gripped his shoulders on reflex all while shooting him the most displeased gaze I could muster. He smirked again and all resistance left me.

His breath gently tickled the nape of my neck and I found myself wanting to reach out and touch him in return.

*But it's not right. I can't do this.* I thought, though I knew where my true desires lay...

Soon his fingertips found their way upwards and brushed against my panties which were, by this time, moistened.

Rather than use his fingers, Heat simply allowed pressure from his hand to fall onto me. He rubbed my lips gently above the soft fabric of my undergarment.

I could feel a warmth radiating upwards throughout my body as fire and water met in a symphony of lust.

He nudged me in that moment, the gentlest of nudges, which put such a pleasurable pressure on my clit that my legs grew weak.

The softest moan imaginable issued forth from my body, I was so surprised by it that I reflexively moved to cover my lips. Heat chuckled. Then he smiled, took a step backwards and handed me a card.

Just as quickly as the situation progressed, he was gone -- leaving only a single business card for me to ponder.

It read, "Adonis Group."


About the Creator

Dream Of Ren

I'm an ecchi / Adult Content Author. I focus on 18+ fiction, generally featuring fantasy or fiction. I also do other genres...

My Succubus System (Advanced Chapters)

Ren's Den (Original Light Novels)

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    Dream Of RenWritten by Dream Of Ren

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