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A Secret Romance. Chapter One

This is the first chapter of a world war 1 inspired story based round Manfred Von Richthofen (more commonly known as the red baron) and a women called Sofia. This is a story that is highly sexual in placed so please only read if your 18 and over. Although there are some things relevant to things going on during ww1 this is more fiction romance based.

By Alixzandra WisemanPublished 4 years ago 29 min read
A Secret Romance. Chapter One
Photo by Michel Bosma on Unsplash

Chapter One. Old Friends.

Sofia bathed in the hot spring water, hidden within the woodland south to the town of Velu that was about a six minuets drive from the hidden air base of the widely regarded for their strength war effort of Jasta 2.

The air base itself was hidden in buildings that had once been empty and unused farm buildings only a few months before they were perfectly located as they stood within the edge of a field which was on the other side of the small wood that had begun to be used as easy hiding spots to for military training.

Sofia was unaware of anyone that could be around her as it was late in the day, yet she became aware of the birds that had filled the woodland air with their merry song yet were now silent, singing no more and although Sofia was now aware of the silence she distinctly heard the sound of someone dismounting from a horse nearby. It was clear this unknown person was close enough to be able to see her, but was well hidden in the over grown woodland as this unknown person was dormant to her own keen eyes which had begun searching in an alarmed alert observation of her surroundings.

It alarmed Sofia that someone maybe around her as she rushed to the bank of the hot spring were she had been bathing, grabbing the towel that lay on a large rock along with her clothes. Quickly covering her slim pale body within the safety for her towel, she slipped her hand towards the rock once more reaching out for her beholla pistol as she began to observe her surroundings more carefully than before.

Hearing a twig break behind her, she spun around looking to wear the sound hand originated, but although she could now see the horse, whom the sound had originally come from, she did not see its rider and this made Sofia even more uneasy than before.

She had been used to the skill of spying, as it had been her career earlier in the year, yet here at this moment in time she felt as though she was the one being spied upon, they prey of a possible traitor.

Sofia continued searching for the creator of the sound who clearly had abandoned their horse, as she once again turned carefully looking aware that who ever was observing her was aware of the landscape around them let alone their own abilities of stealth. Turning this way and that as Sofia moved silently on the muddy bank careful not to make a sound as her towel remained tightly warped round her body keeping her modesty secure.

Once again hearing another twig break as she spun round again but only to be faced with a man in front of her, not just any man, a hero to the German people and member of Jasta 2.

He stood in front of Sofia fairly average in height with a strong athletic build of body. His uniform was clearly well maintain even under the harsh conditions and limits within the war, this man was none other than Manfred Von Richthofen.

Sofia couldn't help but feel a far more vulnerable in his presence and although she knew him well enough, she was rather unsettled by him stood before her in her present situation.

As teenagers during the summer months they had often spent many warm days hunting on his families estate, Sofia's grandfather who was a aristocrat like the Richthofen's family had been friends with Manfred's father for many years, it was not uncommon for Sofia to spend her teenage summers at the Richthofen's estate. Although most of the women took a rather dim view of Sofia being allowed to hunt with the men, Manfred's own mother having rather loudly stated that it was 'unbecoming of a young women to go hunting, specially as it was a man's sport.' However this did not stop the then teenage Sofia, in fact she was a keen shot and often gave Manfred a challenge to his own hunting skills, which often resulted in the pair arguing in a rather unsightly fashion.

Yet here Sofia stood in a woodland barely dressed, pointing her pistol at one of the rising stars of Jasta 2 who was much loved for his heroic skill, her heart seemed to have stopped at the sight of him knowing how loved he was by the people who cheered those on during dark war times. “Manfred!” Sofia gasped, her voice timid and somewhat shocked to see him stood before her.

At first she did not lower her pistol she was unsure of his views towards her during this dark time of her own life, let alone with this raging war that surrounded them and their homeland. Sofia could not help wondering if Manfred believed the propaganda of the press with their scandalous claims of Sofia being no more than a traitor to the state and to the Kaiser, and while she knew she was still going though the trails to clear her name it had yet to become fully public how she had escaped London. It had been this other spy that Sofia worked along side that had tried to frame her, but it was clear to Sofia that the Kaiser himself did not believe that she was a traitor, yet the press did love a good spin o their cruel delude insights with twisted truths of propaganda and Sofia had been easy pray when she returned to Germany. She herself knew that she was no traitor and the trail was to be held soon were the press would learn the truth, but that still did not comfort her about how Manfred may perceive her.

Manfred seemed to stand starring at the young women before him, amused by the pistol pointed directly at him to which the sight of it did not make him flinch. He gave the slightest hint of a devilish smile which seemed to stretch out from the corner of his lips, but did not blossom in to a full smile. “You at least know my name, that is a good thing. It most mean that you mind has not been broken by everything in your currently situation.” He began, clearly thinking that Sofia maybe somewhat unhinged from her recent weeks of never ending torment of the press, trails and investigations. Let alone the torment she must have undergone when fleeing London and finding her way safely back to her homeland.

But Manfred continued to stare down the barrel of her pistol, he was completely unaffected by the sight of the gun pointed towards him as it was a daily risk he faced, even if the guns were usually attached to aircraft, one gun is no different from another. He merely titled his head so he could look round the pistol to see Sofia more clearly. “Are you planning on shooting me then?” He asked as he continued looking rather amused by the whole situation that had unfolded before him. “What is my crime if you are to shoot me? To come upon you in a moment of immodesty? Or is it that you work for the British Government?” Manfred continued yet with slow steady and deliberate movements he removed a silver cigarette case from the pocket of his heavy leather jacket, placing the white cigarette between his lips as he began striking the match in order to light it with glowing ambers. For a moment enjoying the inhale of tar and smoke before pulling the cigarette from his lip as it rest neatly between his first and second fingers of his left hand, while his lips releasing a cloud of smoke with a sigh of contentment as he glanced up to the tree tops. “There, that is much better. If I'm to die, I would rather die with some dignity.” He said as he looked back at the women stood in her towel before him.

Sofia slowly lowered her pistol knowing in many ways she had no reason to point it at him yet she still looked at Manfred intently watching every move he made and although she was not afraid in his company, she was rather more insulted that he seemed to believe the propaganda of the press. “I am no traitor.” Sofia hissed with a cold sharpness that seemed almost bitter and filled with a deep soulless rage clearly evident to her voice. “I do not work for the British government, you of all people most believe me.” Sofia continued as she finally lowed the pistol down fully to her side.

For a moment she wondered if Manfred remembered her from their teenage years that almost now seemed otherworldly, and although it had not been long ago since they had seen each other at one of the honorary balls they had both attended by invitation. But even still that had been some four or five weeks before, Sofia knew that though the stress she was under it was taken a toll on her once elegant beauty, shouldn't not help but wonder if she had changed so much since the last time he had seen her.

“Has my face changed so much since you last saw me?” Sofia finally plucked up to ask after a few moments silent, her voice became a little less cold in its tone, as she wonder if Manfred had ever paid any attention to her looks or if he considered her like another male friend of his company as though she had truly lost her lady-like appeal by hunting and becoming a German spy rather than a nurse like so many of the women of her family rank.

Sofia could not help but to continue to look at Manfred rather fearful by the fact he seemed to believe the propaganda of her being a traitor, but she knew if the Kaiser himself believed her a traitor, then Sofia would be unable to visit the hot springs with its tranquil surroundings, let alone be away from the nearby town without her armed guards around. “If I'm a traitor to the state, how is it I'm allowed to walk around freely? And why am I not locked permanently within a cell?” Sofia asked as she walked past Manfred looking him directly in the eye as she spoke, making her way to gather her clothes from the rock where she had abandoned them earlier, and with her back turned to Manfred she began to dress not caring if he saw her naked form from behind.

Manfred did not answer her question, he merely continued to smoke the cigarette that rested neatly between his lips and in no way was he about to openly admire the young women's naked form, to him standing leering at her like some eager commoner was not only rude and highly insulting but was against his natural charm and personal honour. He was a gentlemen and a gentlemen he would remain, as he turned away to offer Sofia some dignity of which she seemed to lack in her current form of an undressed manor, which in someway he thought it may be her way to torment him to see how loyal a man he was, let alone a friend.

After sometime Manfred turned back towards Sofia seeing that she was now dressed and with another drag from the cigarette that resting in-between his fingers before releasing another small cloud of smoke. “Well, shall we share a stiff drink? And you can tell me all about your adventures?” He said warmly, merely wishing to spend time with an old friend he knew could truly respect the horror's he faced everyday, let alone the horrors she herself had faced. As he carefully watched Sofia, still waiting for her to respond as she sat brushed her long blond hair.

It was somewhat alien to Manfred to see her seem so out of place from the normal aristocrat surroundings she was so commonly in. Manfred knew he was almost a god within the air, a god of the sky in his powerful crate that could glide so high through the clouds, but once he was on land he was merely a man of flesh and blood. A man that favoured food, drink and civilized conversation rather than his god like qualities of strength and flying success which seemed to be his heroic temple.

Sofia merely turned to face Manfred once again as she began pinning her long hair out of her face, she was somewhat bemused by how he knew where to find her as though he had been spying on her a lot longer that perhaps she had noticed. “First, tell me how you knew were I was? Then you can buy me that drink, that's if we can get served! Many of the local public houses will not serve me as their owners believe the propaganda of the press.” Sofia said knowing that many of the places that would happily serve Manfred and his fellow officers, would not serve her food or drink, whether it was a small hotel, public house or café.

Too many people believed that she was a traitor and until her name was clear of such charges against her, she had very few places she could go. She continued to look towards the man before her as if remembering him in his teenage years, yet his uniform then was as always well maintained but now he held a few medals for his collective skill set. It was strange to remember how he, his siblings and friends would cause practicable jokes as teenagers, the more dangerous the joke the more enthusiasm would overwhelm them.

Sofia remembered during the hunting trips of that bygone time that she had often been the target for his boyish jokes, often causing her to become quick with her argue towards him and her to pull her own pranks in retaliation upon him.

Although Sofia knew Manfred so well, with them having both spent many summers together and also being only a few months apart in age, Manfred being older than Sofia by only three months, she couldn't not help but feel rather alien to him now.

Sofia continued to keep her distance from him and in some strange way she found it odd that they were now twenty-three years old, living in a world that seemed so out of reach from their teenage summer bliss. It was a world that not only had the common headlines of either one of them or the trenches along the war front, but a world were bombs exploding was a normal sight of daily events, were friends and family that were once loyal to one and other now quickly turned into hated liars, turning those who were loyal into what seemed like traitors, and everyone moaned at least one member of their family.

It was then that Sofia notice Manfred cough as though he was in shock by her own long standing silence, while her eyes continued to question him being there, let alone his state of being. “If I brought you into what passes for a public house in the current state of affairs, we would find ourselves served. I, nor anyone in my company, would be asked to pay the high rising fees as it is seen more as an honour to have a hero of the skies in an establishment and they would lavish their top shelf spirits upon us, it is as though they can show off that they have the more respectable officers in their establishments.” Manfred boasted as if his was glad of his rather new found fame with his ego now knowing no bounds. It was no secret to Sofia that she had almost forgotten what it was like to sit in the comfort of a public house and drink to Manfred and other friends good health, although she was not about to admit this to Manfred as it was only four weeks ago that she had been sat in a public house with friends drinking to one of his victory's along with the sad news of the death of Oswald Boelcke.

Manfred slowly removed a flask from his belt as he began to unscrewed the cap before taking a quick swig from the liquid inside, once again replacing the cap and tossing it towards Sofia, who quickly grabbed it one handed and began to unscrew the cap for herself. She couldn't help noticing that he was watching her like a hawk just as much as she was watching him, and although this was rather an unsettling feeling to her to be watched so closely, the fact that it was Manfred watching her in this manor made her even more unnerved as she looked away realizing that she was probably making Manfred feel just as uneasy.

“Besides who says that I knew where you were? I came upon you by chance Sofia. I work my magic in the air and stunning as you are, not even I could make out your features from above.” Manfred continued after he had paused for a moment to clearly observe Sofia a little more carefully.

Deep down Manfred did not believe Sofia was a spy for the British government and he felt that there was not a lot of balance in their exchange of words, let alone their own standing between each other. He was a German hero, he was a member of one of the most watched Imperial German Air Service squadrons, his loyalties were beyond reproach and yet the lady stood before him did not stand on such solid footing within the Imperial German intelligence core as she had once stood so strongly within that footing.

Sofia knew that although she was disgraced as a spy, she still had to ad-hear to the contracts she was assigned to follow and knew that all the secrets she was sworn to keep she could not share them in anyway, not even with Manfred, which limited her on what she could tell him but this order was purely for her own safety as well as the safety of others.

“In short, working for the Empire, I'm not fully allowed to say what I've done in detail, but what I can say is I worked in Britain as a spy for the Empire's intelligence core, but the person I was working with who is the true traitor tried to frame me, let alone tried to have me arrested in London. Thankfully I was able to flee Britain and found my way back to our beloved fatherland.” Sofia seemed on edge while she was talking about how she had not seen the turn coat spy that she had been working along side, talking about it made every cell in her body boil with rage that she had not seen the traitor sooner and now risked her own life being called a traitor.

She did not notice the last time she had seen Manfred, how well he had kept his good looks through the war. But his eyes seemed more horror filled than ever before, as though his taste for blood was not quite fore-filled. Sofia looked at the now unscrewed flask in her hand, she knew it would contain some form of liquid and the odour that seemed to come forth from the flask was quite intense, with one mouthful and a grimace from the bitter taste she gasped in a cruel hiss. “Brandy.” She exclaimed, she had never liked brandy, although it was common for men to drink and she had drunk it before in the company of her Grandfather, she had never enjoyed it's burning taste. But in the bitter air of the soon setting sun of winter, the taste of brandy was warming to the heart to maintain some defence against the cold.

Manfred could not help but snigger at Sofia's reaction to the contents of his flask, although he had not meant for her to show such bitterness from its contents, as he observed her re-screw the cap of the flask tossing it back towards him as he caught it.

“I'm not stunning, you would have to be blind to think that of me.” Sofia replied, she almost seemed numb to her own beauty as though she had grown accustom to refusing her own beauty and to acknowledge herself as beautiful, as though the years of hunting in her teenage youth had made her more masculine, but this alone in Manfred's mind made Sofia that little more special. With a deep sigh Sofia looked across the lake of the hot springs, as steam was clearly rising from the water. “The final trail is tomorrow, to see if I'm truly a traitor or not. My grandfather refuses to speak with me until it is said in the papers one way or another, he will not believe my own words. Yet the Kaiser himself believes I'm no traitor as he knows I did speak of my concerns regarding the spy I was working along side, I had noticed things were not quite right with him.” She continued turning back to look once more at Manfred. “Anyway, now that the great Freiherr Von Richthofen has found me, and his loyalties are never questioned, yet mine currently are. To what do I owe this pleasure of your company? Besides any public house that will sever you will not sever me, even if I was with you.” She finished as she watch Manfred's brow arch somewhat in disbelieve at her, that she could truly believe he did not trust her or believe she was innocent, let alone that she thought herself unattractive.

Manfred could not help but feel almost in disbelieve by her own words as though they were cruel poisonous venom from her lips, and as a moment seemed to pass between them, he burst in to a hearty laughter while tucking the sliver flask back into his belt. He gently shook his head as he looked at Sofia once again amused by her own statements. “Madame, don't pretend you do not pay attention to what stares back at you when you look within the mirror. Spy or not you are not a good enough liar to try and sell me on the fact that you are not stunningly beautiful.” Manfred began before turning away from Sofia and walking to a nearby fallen tree, sitting himself down before removing his own luger P08 pistol from his belt and beginning to clean the weapon, as he glanced down at his boots making note that they would need polishing upon his return to his chamber as the mud from the woodland was clearly ruining his perfectly polished boots.

It was then that Manfred looked towards Sofia once again then to the space beside him on the fallen tree as a gesture for her to sit beside him. “Come, sit beside me and rest. Tell me what I can do for you? My word alone may not completely help you, but may comfort you, as it is you are not against the Kaiser himself, and he alone can only tip the scales if he senses something of danger to the Imperial State. But I do have friends in high places so the right words could give you that extra support.” Manfred began as he thought for a moment to himself, pausing with a grimace that fell upon his face before shrugging his shoulders as he continued to clean his pistol, Sofia sat beside him trying not to become alarmed by his kind offer, it was in all fairness a kind gesture of Manfred to help Sofia, but she knew she did not want to risk his success in any way.

“I will say that is no pun, of course. But if what you say is true and there is a rival spy that is trying to sacrifice you to save their own skin, it will take clear evidence to clear your name. You and the Kaiser are not fools and you are not foolish enough to leave such things to chance, so what evidence have you in your own defence?” Continued Manfred as he glanced beside him at the women, who seemed more low than he could have ever thought possible. He had seen her upset in their youth when they had been caught setting pranks up on one and other then being scolded by the family seniors, yet right at this moment Manfred could see the true fear and regret in Sofia's eyes, but there was also this unsettling feeling of betrayal and helpless abandonment. Sofia although remained silent while she sat beside Manfred as she began to thinking of all the evidence she did have that could clearly show that the man she had previously been working with was a traitor, let alone her own letters to the Kaiser prior to the betrayal in London becoming very apparent. “I have a few bits of evidence, enough to see me clear I hope, letters addressed to the British government that I stole from the true traitorous spy, along with a few medals he had been awarded by the British Government and their Royal family, yet he tried to seem as though he himself was working in no position to actually obtain such awards but the awards clearly were addressed to him and no one else.” Sofia replied as she looked across the steaming waters of the hot spring while Manfred seemed to remain silent busily cleaning his pistol as he listened to Sofia talking. “The Kaiser thinks very highly of you.” Sofia continued in a statement that almost seemed unnecessary to Manfred's ego. She smiled slightly to herself at how Manfred seemed somewhat able to make her focus on what she needed to prove her own innocence. “When the Kaiser discovered that we had met as teenagers he was most interested to know why I had truly signed on to become a spy for our beloved homeland. Apparently me saying for the Kaiser and for our beloved homeland was not a good enough reason in his eyes. He seems to believe that I have something to prove, truth is I did not have anything to prove when I joined the imperial intelligence core, but now I feel I have everything to prove and everything to lose.” Continued Sofia, as she looked beside her towards Manfred, who seemed rather intent in his task of cleaning his pistol. He almost seemed ignorant to the beauty of the hot springs water that steaming before him, he also seemed numb to Sofia's words but she was determined to speak as it felt like a long time since she had been able to speak and not feel judged.

“Your father wrote a few letters and sent a few telegrams to me while I was still in prison going though the first few trails. He seemed rather disappointed I had chosen to go against the more lady-like skills of war-fair, to his mind nursing in a medical ward is more lady-like and more respectable. It is as if they all assume something more than what is truth. What ever I say for the reasons I became a spy are almost ignored. Your father and mother both believe my innocence like the Kaiser and from what I gathered of the last telegram I received from you mother she had informed my grandfather of things. But like the Kaiser, your parents and my grandfather do question my affection towards someone and if that was my true reason for joining the Imperial intelligence core, as though I have to prove myself to that person or try and steal his glory.” Sofia continued still trying to make light conversation, but she could not truly admit to Manfred what had been asked of her by both the Kaiser and Manfred's own family. She know that deep down she had deep affections for Manfred, as many people in Germany did, but it was as to those closest to him and to her that all believed of some deeper secret between them.

Sofia had lied rather shamefully to the Kaiser that although her affection to Manfred were to care for him, they were only friends. But she did yes care for Manfred but far more than she could admit, either to Manfred himself, or his family let alone the Kaiser or Sofia's grandfather.

It was at this point that Sofia looked up towards the sky, it had fully become dusk now as she could see the golden glow of the winter setting sun as the trees sheltered her and Manfred from the little light that was fading fast, Sofia wondered about her own state of affairs that were to come in the following day. Yet she could not help but wonder what it most be like to fly in the great machines that Manfred flew as a daily routine, but it was not long before her thoughts once again travelled back to the uncomfortable notion that if she was found guilty in her trail the following morning, that she would be looking down the barrel of a gun and her life would be over in a short moment with one bullet. It was not the notion of death that scared her the most nor being imprisoned, but the fact she would have brought so much dishonour to her family name.

Manfred noticed Sofia's silence by now as he gazed at the beautiful women beside him, a women he had known for so many years. He had listened to her speak although he had sat silently, he had thought that Sofia being a spy she spoke an awfully lot, but then for nearly two weeks she had been imprisoned and now although she was allowed to walk somewhat more freely, she was judged everywhere she went. It was clear that it was somewhat of a comfort for her to be able to speak and not be attacked, Manfred could respect that as he imagined it must be rather uncomfortable for her to feel caged and judged by everyone everywhere she went. Yet he himself did not judge her as a traitor, merely a women sat beside him talking to him as an equal.

They both remained silent for sometime before Manfred once again turned to face Sofia. He in turn knew that he had to be honest with her as she had clearly been honest with him and with a sharp intake of breath he began to speak. “You know we will not win this war.” The words slide past his tongue and they alone could be seen as tantamount to treason as they were words not to be spoken in the proud German ranks, specially by himself with his fast increase rise to fame.

If he were saying these words to anyone other than Sofia, they could easily become dishearten, these words alone could easily dishearten the nation if it was revealed what he truly felt by the current state of things. Though he had the wisdom to keep such harsh truths to himself, but on this rare occasion it was clear he was in safe company with Sofia. “I do not know what will come of this never ending war, should the Schlieffen plan of worked this war would have been fast over but its almost crippling us all, bones can break and mend but scars like these could destroy us all.” Manfred's eyes seemed to glaze over, as though his mind had been taken back to the war front of the skis which seemed to echo behind his soulful eyes.

It was almost horrific to observe yet Sofia watched Manfred's gestures and body language as if he were the boar she was hunting. He seemed to look away from her, staring off to the distance becoming somewhat vacant of himself and the surroundings, almost as though his was in some sorrowful state relieving a horrific event from the field of battle once more in his mind. This view of him was so unnatural to Sofia that it scared her, it almost turned what seemed to be the immortal heroic pilot very quickly back into what he truly was, a man of flesh and blood.

Sofia could not help but wish to flee his presence, she felt insecure enough that she did not want her emotions of hopelessness to rub off upon the only hope of the German people. “I should leave, people will probably question you if you are away from the Aerodrome for too long, like the guards at the hotel will question me.” Sofia's voice was timid, as if scared to shatter Manfred's silence and eerie look upon his otherwise handsome face. Manfred however quickly looked at her, frowning by his own thoughts as he placed his now clean pistol beside him and reached in his pocket taking the small sliver cigarette case out before handing her a lit cigarette while another rested at the corner of his mouth. “I am in no hurry to return to the aerodrome.” He replied as the words hung heavy upon the air, his eyes shifted while he gazed meaningful at Sofia. “If you are hoping for justice, or at least fairness in the trail, then you are a fool and I've never known you to be a fool, your mind is as keen as my own if not more so!” Manfred continued before pausing once again as he watched the young women beside him, breathing in the amber's of the cigarette he had handed to her. “What do you think the outcome of the trail will be? Do you think you will be found guilty or innocent? And if guilty are you prepared to die for honour of the Kaiser that could so easily judge you wrongly?” Manfred's words seemed almost like a haunting whisper that raced though Sofia, as if theses words were some sharp cruel twist of fate.

In truth Manfred dreaded the thought of losing yet another friend during the war, but he would hate it more to know that Sofia was shot in an execution from an unfair ruling judge. Sofia had thought of nothing but death since she had returned to Germany and was put under investigation, although she wished for innocence it did not escape her that the Kaiser could easily chose to make her out come of the trail as guilty. “I may not be a fool and I may admit to the Kaiser I am not scared to die, yet deep down I'm terrified to die.” Sofia replied as she looked at Manfred with the fear now evident in her eyes. “The Kaiser is ruling the final trail tomorrow morning and it seems as though he has already chosen that I'm innocent, hence why I am able to come and go from the hotel rather more freely than perhaps would normally be allowed. But I can not lie that I'm not scared for tomorrow's outcome, the Kaiser could easily change his mind tomorrow which in turn would mean I will be sentenced to death.” Sofia continued, she almost seemed to be shaking with fear as she once again pressed the cigarette to her lips as she looked over to the lake once again. “I think what I'm most scared about is I will never have the chance to admit a childish or perhaps feeble feminine emotion.” Sofia stated as her eyes looked at the mud beneath her boot covered feet, pondering her own emotions while staring down at the military standard boots she was now accustomed to wearing, as shoes for women were becoming rather rare.

Manfred seemed to chuckle by the statement Sofia made as he continued to smoke upon his own cigarette. “Too feminine for a lady to confess? Such a silly thing for you to say. Foolishness such as that should be left for us men to use as a shield while unveiling our true emotions. My own true feelings or sentiments are a matter of well secured proportions, but if you truly feel constrained by the society that you find yourself in, then merely think of me as safe company, please at least do me that kindness as that would be an honour of our friendship. At least hold me in high enough esteem to judge your feminine statements for myself, you may have been judged by too many on-lookers and damned to be judged evermore by the country you once served, just know I will not judge you as they do, you are a friend, a very dear friend.” Manfred's words were kind, although they did speak bitter truths.

Sofia knew that even if she was found innocent the following morning that she would still be judge by many people of the state, yet there was a strange comfort to Manfred's words that although he in someway did judge her, he did not judge her in the same way as everyone else and as much as it seemed like a rather backhanded compliment, Sofia would rather have his kindness than fear losing his friendship and kindness, she would always show him the up most respect just as must as he showed her.

Sofia looked once again upon Manfred and although she had a great deal of affection and respect for him, it was sometimes hard to tell how he was as his moods were often chaotic, although he did seem to have them hidden in his otherwise strong personae which was often mistaken for him being rather cold towards others. But he was quite honestly the perfect gentlemen with such humour that could easily cause trouble. But only those who were truly close to him ever saw past the strong cold exterior of his personae that he would so widely show. “And what if it is my honour to you that makes me fear my own death?” Sofia asked, these were words that she had hiding for years, the affection shown to the men at war was almost fanatic and yet here was a man asking for honour from a women who had always been a friend to him.

Sofia stood from were she had been sitting beside Manfred, she knew if she did not leave now that she might never leave at all and with a faint smile that crossed her lips while she continued to look at Manfred before calmly saying. “I have to leave, but you will always have my respect and my affection as you are a true friend.” With this now said and before he could give any reply, Sofia was rushing off though the woodland the light fading more rapidly now as night drew closure.

Sofia return to the near by town and headed towards the grand hotel were she had been told to stay by the Kaiser so he knew that she was kept a very close eye on. The small town itself that evening seemed to be filled with those from the near by aerodrome, they all seemed to be looking for a joyful public house to amuse themselves in with the notable women they could catch for their evenings enjoyment. Some of the men were busy at the billiard table in the hotel placing wages and play a few rounds. Sofia knew what life was like for the men at war, she had often visited her brother before his death and witnessed the rather laughable attempt at a normal life during the war time mayhem. Sofia reached the hotel staircase were two guards stood waiting to once again escort her back to her room, they were careful not to let her near the rather overly crowded corridors of the hotel yet the over crowded bar was filled with the loud voices of men from the aerodrome as they were making merry and Sofia was rather glad to be heading to the third floor of the hotel. Once Sofia was safely back in her hotel room with her guards stood outside the door, Sofia slumping down against the closed, locked door of the hotel bedroom. She was deeply ashamed of her own feelings knowing that they made her weak and should Manfred ever learn of her true affections towards him it would either be a bonus to his ego or make him weak like herself, yet Sofia could not bare that thought of him becoming weak due to her affections.

As hours seemed to wander on and while the moonlight that once filled her hotel room with its sliver glow now hide behind heavy winter clouds, Sofia clambered her way into her soft hotel bed, she wondered if this was going to be her last sleep within comfortable surroundings, as she lay her head against the pillow gazing up at the dark ceiling of the room, before slowly drifting off into her sleeping state.


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    Alixzandra WisemanWritten by Alixzandra Wiseman

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