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6 Symptoms of Venereal Diseases in Women that Often Go Unnoticed

Find out the symptoms

By Faizal Haris LubisPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
6 Symptoms of Venereal Diseases in Women that Often Go Unnoticed
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Venereal diseases or sexually transmitted infections are diseases or infections that are generally transmitted through unsafe sex. Spread can be through blood, sperm, vaginal fluids, or other body fluids. There are several symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women that are often not realized. Find out the symptoms of several venereal diseases in women here.

What are the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women?

1. The appearance of sores on the genitals but not painful, could be an early symptom of syphilis

Syphilis or lion king is a sexual disease caused by infection with the bacteria treponema pallidum. The initial symptoms of syphilis are the appearance of lesions or sores on the genitals or in the mouth. This wound may not hurt, but it is very easy to spread infection.

This wound or lesion will last for 1.5 months and then disappear by itself. It should be noted that the lesions are very contagious, touching the lesions can cause someone to become infected.

If syphilis is not treated, the infection will progress to the next stage within 4-10 weeks after the lesions disappear. In the next stage, flu-like symptoms such as fever, joint pain and headaches will appear. Sufferers can also experience hair loss to the point of balding.

2. Gonorrhea does not show any symptoms at the start of infection

Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Some sufferers of this disease do not show any symptoms, so it may not be known at all if they are infected. The following are symptoms of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea in women.

• Vaginal fluid that is watery and yellow or green in color.

• Frequent urination.

• Burning or pain when urinating.

• Pain in the lower abdomen during or after sex.

• Bleeding during or after sex, or excessive bleeding during menstruation.

• Itching around the genitals.

Gonorrhea infection can also affect other parts of the body if there is contact with sperm or vaginal fluids. Other parts of the body that are at risk of getting gonorrhea are the rectum, eyes and throat.

3. Changes in vaginal fluids can be a sign of chlamydia symptoms

Chlamydia is a type of sexual disease caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. This disease is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Some people have no symptoms at all, so transmission can occur without realizing it.

In women, chlamydia can cause symptoms, such as:

• Vaginal discharge is not normal.

• Burning or pain when urinating.

• Heavy menstruation.

• Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.

• Pain during sexual intercourse.

• Pain in the lower abdomen

4. Boils can be a sign of chancroid symptoms

This sexually transmitted disease is caused by the Haemophilus ducreyl bacteria. The initial symptoms of this sexually transmitted disease are small boils on the genitals which will appear after 1-14 days of a person being infected with chancroid. The day after, the lump will turn into a wound.

Apart from the appearance of sores, some people infected with chancroid will experience swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. In some people, this swelling can develop into an abscess.

5. Be alert if a lump appears in the anus

Donovanosis, also called granuloma inguinale, is caused by the klebsiella granulomatis bacteria. The spread of this disease usually occurs through vaginal or anal sex and is very rarely transmitted through oral sex.

This disease will slowly eat away at the genital tissue. If affected by this disease, sufferers will experience several symptoms such as:

• Lumps appear around the anus and genitals.

• Layers of skin slowly peel off, then the lump will enlarge due to the inflammation process. The skin is not painful in this phase, but it bleeds easily.

• The sores can extend to the groin, sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant odor

To avoid diseases which are often caused by bacteria and fungi, you should use a feminine antiseptic before and after sexual intercourse. Choose a feminine antiseptic that uses povidone - iodine to repel fungi and bacteria that cause venereal disease.

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About the Creator

Faizal Haris Lubis

im unemployed for now.

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