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Wizard Characters

Character Descriptions

By Delaney CarlsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Wizard Characters
Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash


First name? Jacobs

Jacobs is a complex character. He grew up an orphan and is a pilot, though he had to hide in old wizard dude’s academy (which didnt have anyone else, it was more like his home) where he was forced to learn wizardry. He grew up a pilot for the revolution and was very good and started getting targeted by an enemy/they found out his identity so he hid with the wizard and began using only his last name, which he barely remembered. He meets Ichriby when he returns to the revolution, she is related/friends with someone important in the revolution and the two fall in love. Though really they were forced together by everyone else saying how good they’d look together. They present a perfect couple together. Ichriby ends up pregnant, which they keep a secret. Jacobs was close with dead guy and hates old wizard dude for not helping dead guy before he died. Jacobs blames old wizard dude for dead guy’s death. Jacobs is very faithful to the revolution, though his magic is kept secret because wizardry is something the revolution fights against. Jacobs doesn’t know what the revolution is fighting for but with all of him he wants to fight for them, even if he’s left in the dark, which he often is. He gets used quite a lot for his shocking skills in piloting. He’s got some emotional trauma from the badlands (in lack of a better name) where/when his parents were killed (or maybe died from intentional plague/famine).


Marielle is an interesting character. Abandoned when young and quite messed up in the mind. She’s always known she loves girls, but never told anyone (but her guardians/parents who rejected her). She’s quite skilled at lying and conning others, a trait she developed after travelling through many places to find employment. She got hired by the ‘bad’ side, one of the enemies of the revolution. Though she’s only there because she gets paid well, she does her job well—when she wants to and it doesn’t go against her morals (which are kinda messed up). She is told to sabotage Jacobs’ position in the revolution, because he’s too important a piece to remain. She unintentionally falls in love with Ichriby, and keeps that hidden until Ichriby dies. Ichriby confides in Marielle about her pregnancy, and Marielle begins to scheme. She knows the love between Jacobs and Ichriby is forced. (When Ichriby dies, her name is written as ‘Ichriby Jacobs’ which makes Marielle mad, but she hides her anger). She and Ichriby always flirted casually, they hung out alone a lot. But they never kissed. (That’s the sad part). Marielle tries to seduce Jacobs, as that’s what her job mainly was for her missions. But instead she blackmails him into (his second) hiding. (He goes somewhere like a jungle?) When he returns, he finds that Ichriby and Marielle have gotten closer, and they’re hiding the baby (girl) from him. He kills Ichriby in his rage (accidentally, he kills her with his uncontrolled wizard magic that was forced into him (a part of him actually wanted the magic, which later led to it being more unstable)). Marielle gets so mad, she gets Jacobs sent to prison in the revolution and has to choose whether she wants to raise Ichriby’s daughter, or send her away somewhere safe. She sends the little child away to grow up somewhere (near where Jacobs was when he was a kid? Somewhere desert-y). Her life is too long in her opinion, and though she falls into deep depression after Ichriby’s death (the only thing she loved was Ichriby) she remains (somewhat) strong and lives on. She changes to work for the revolution, revealing information about the enemy she had worked for in return for protection within the revolution. She soon takes up Ichriby’s position, though is sure to point out that she is NOT replacing her in any way. She progresses past that point and on a few occasions is asked if she wants to lead the whole revolution (which is shocking, because only OLD MEN ever run it (yes the revolution is kinda sexist)) she declines and stays in a sort of second position, which ends up good because she definitely would’ve been assassinated. She does good work for the revolution and progresses it through many wars and helps form many treaties and such.


About the Creator

Delaney Carlson

I’m a cringy author uploading stories I wrote when I was like 10, so please enjoy the depressed weirdness.

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    DCWritten by Delaney Carlson

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