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Wild horse named Spirit

Spirit was part of a herd of wild horse

By Ekombe hauPublished 3 days ago 5 min read
Wild horse named Spirit
Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the American West, where the land stretched out like a golden sea under the endless sky, there lived a wild horse named Spirit. Spirit was not an ordinary horse; he was born free, under the watchful eye of the great mountains and the whispering winds of the plains. His coat was the color of the sunlit sand, his mane and tail a cascade of flowing silver that shimmered in the daylight.

From the moment Spirit took his first steps on the soft grass of the prairie, he knew he belonged to the wild. His spirit was as untamed as the storms that swept across the plains, and his heart beat in rhythm with the pulse of the land itself. He ran with the wind, his hooves thundering across the earth, feeling the joy of freedom coursing through his veins.

Spirit was part of a herd of wild horses that roamed the open range, led by an old and wise stallion named Thunder. Thunder's mane was streaked with gray, and his eyes held the wisdom of many seasons spent under the stars. He had seen the changing landscape, the encroachment of humans with their fences and their rules, but he had always found a way to lead his herd to safety and freedom.

Under Thunder's guidance, Spirit learned the ways of the wild. He learned to find water in the driest of creeks, to navigate the treacherous terrain of rocky hillsides, and to listen to the warnings of the coyotes that prowled the night. But most importantly, Thunder taught Spirit the importance of family and the bond that held the herd together as one.

As the seasons passed, Spirit grew strong and agile, his muscles rippling beneath his sleek coat. He became known among the herd for his speed and his courage, always ready to defend his family from predators or rival stallions. But despite his prowess, Spirit was also known for his gentle spirit and his willingness to protect the weakest among them.

One fateful summer, when the sun blazed hot in the sky and the grasses shimmered with heat, a new challenge emerged for Spirit and his herd. A band of humans had arrived in the valley, their wagons creaking with the weight of supplies and their voices carrying on the wind. Thunder sensed danger in their presence, a threat to the delicate balance of their lives.

The humans began to erect fences, stretching wooden posts across the land that had always been open and free. They spoke of building a settlement, of bringing order to the wilderness that Thunder and his herd had called home for generations. Spirit watched from the safety of the hills as the humans worked, his heart heavy with uncertainty.

One evening, as the sun dipped low on the horizon and painted the sky in shades of orange and purple, Spirit stood on a ridge overlooking the valley. He could see the flicker of campfires in the distance, hear the distant murmur of voices carried on the breeze. He knew that Thunder was gathering the herd, discussing their options and weighing their next move.

That night, under the cover of darkness, Thunder led the herd away from the valley. They moved swiftly and silently through the hills, following ancient trails known only to them. Spirit ran at Thunder's side, his senses alert for any sign of danger. They traveled for many days and nights, crossing rivers and climbing mountains, until they found themselves in a place where the humans had not yet reached.

Here, the land stretched out in all directions, untouched and untamed. The grasses waved in the wind, the rivers flowed clear and cold, and the stars shone brightly in the night sky. Spirit felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that they had found a temporary refuge where they could live in peace.

But Thunder knew that their journey was far from over. He spoke to Spirit of legends passed down through generations, of a land where horses and humans once lived in harmony. He spoke of a time when the wild and the tame walked side by side, respecting each other's boundaries and sharing the gifts of the land.

With Thunder's guidance, Spirit began to understand that not all humans were a threat. Some, like the ones they had encountered in the valley, sought to control and dominate the land. But others had hearts as wild as his own, seeking only to live in harmony with nature and the creatures that called it home.

As the seasons turned and the years passed, Spirit grew into a leader in his own right. Thunder had passed on to the Great Herd in the Sky, leaving Spirit to protect and guide the herd through changing times. He learned to navigate the challenges posed by encroaching civilization, forging alliances with humans who understood and respected the ways of the wild.

One day, as Spirit stood on a hill overlooking the valley where he had once roamed freely, he saw a figure approaching. It was a young woman with eyes as bright as the morning sun and a smile that spoke of kinship rather than conquest. She carried no ropes or fences, only a quiet respect for the land and its inhabitants.

The woman approached Spirit slowly, her hand outstretched in friendship. Spirit stood his ground, watching her with cautious curiosity. But as she drew near, he sensed no threat in her presence, only a deep reverence for the wild beauty that surrounded them.

"Hello, Spirit," the woman said softly, her voice carrying on the wind like a gentle melody. "I've heard stories of you and your herd. My name is Emily, and I've come to learn from you, to understand the ways of the wild horses."

Spirit regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and caution, but something in Emily's demeanor touched his heart. He sensed a kindred spirit in her, someone who saw the land not as a conqueror but as a steward.

Over time, Emily became a part of Spirit's world. She learned to move with the herd, to read the signs of the land, and to appreciate the freedom that came from living in harmony with nature. Together, they explored the vast expanse of the wilderness, forging a bond that transcended words.

As the years passed, more humans came to the valley, drawn by the beauty of the land and the stories of Spirit and his herd. Some sought to capture and tame the wild horses, but many others came with open hearts and a desire to learn. They worked together to establish protected areas where the wild horses could roam freely, respecting the ancient bonds that had been forged between horse and human.

Spirit became a symbol of resilience and freedom, a reminder of the untamed spirit that lived in all creatures great and small. His story spread far and wide, inspiring others to protect the wilderness and its inhabitants for generations to come.

And so, in the heart of the American West, where the land stretched out like a golden sea under the endless sky, the spirit of Spirit and his herd lived on. They ran with the wind, their hooves thundering across the earth, a testament to the enduring power of wildness and the beauty of a world where horse and human walked together as equals.

Fan FictionFable

About the Creator

Ekombe hau

Fictional stories writing and types of good narrative, histories science etc.

content creator in vocal media

lover of music

musical instrument Drummer

Master of psychology and counselling

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    Ekombe hauWritten by Ekombe hau

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