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Wherein Bingus and Bunny Meet Fred

And Make A Surprising Discovery

By Aaron RichmondPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Wherein Bingus and Bunny Meet Fred
Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. Bingus, the bumbling wizard, and Bunny, his rabbit friend, would venture to the clearing to watch the clouds dance. The clearing was surrounded by tall trees that formed a natural barrier against the outside world. Ancient and wise, their branches stretched towards the sky like outstretched arms. The leaves rustled in the breeze, creating a gentle whispering sound.

Bingus and Bunny would often lay down on the soft grass and stare up at the sky. They watched as the clouds twirled and swirled, creating intricate patterns that appeared to tell a story. Sometimes they imagined that the clouds were giant dragons, breathing fire and battling each other for supremacy. Other times, the clouds took the shape of fantastic creatures with wings and horns, soaring through the sky.

As the night wore on, the stars would start to appear, dotting the sky like diamonds. Bingus and Bunny would often play a game of connecting the stars to form their own constellations. They would point out the different shapes they saw and argue over whose interpretation was the most accurate.

One night, as they were laying on the grass watching the clouds dance, Bunny turned to Bingus and said, "Do you ever wonder where these clouds come from, Bingus?"

Bingus paused for a moment and then replied, "No, Bunny. I've never really thought about it."

"Well, I have," Bunny said, "And I think we should find out where they come from."

Bingus looked skeptical. "How on earth are we supposed to do that, Bunny?"

"We'll need a guide," Bunny said confidently. "Someone who knows these woods better than anyone else."

Just then, a tiny voice chimed in, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?"

Bingus and Bunny looked around, but they couldn't see anyone. "Who said that?" Bingus asked.

"Down here," the voice replied. Bingus and Bunny looked down to see a small fairy sitting on a nearby mushroom.

"Hello,"the fairy said with a smile. "My name is Fred, and I know these woods like the back of my hand. Perhaps I can help you find the source of these beautiful clouds."

Bingus and Bunny looked at each other, then back at the fairy. "That would be wonderful, Fred," Bingus said. "Thank you."

Fred smiled again and hopped off the mushroom. "Follow me," fae said, flitting off into the trees.

Bingus and Bunny followed Fred through the woods, as fae led them deeper and deeper into the forest. The trees grew thicker and the air grew cooler, and Bingus started to feel a bit uneasy. But Fred never faltered, always leading them onward with a smile on faer face.

Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, they came to a clearing unlike any other. In the center of the clearing was a crystal-clear pool, and hovering above the pool was a glowing orb. The orb pulsed with a soft purple light, and Bingus and Bunny could see that the clouds were emanating from it.

Fred flitted over to the pool and landed on the edge. "This is it," fae said."This is the source of the purple clouds."

Bingus and Bunny walked up to the pool and peered into the water. They could see the orb's reflection shimmering back at them, and they could feel the magic of the clouds all around them.

"How did you know about this place, Fred?" Bingus asked, turning to the fairy.

Fred smiled again. "I know a lot of places.”

Bingus and Bunny stood in front of the Orb, their eyes transfixed by its pulsing purple glow. Fred floated beside them, faer wings fluttering in excitement.

"The Orb of the Fae," Fred explained. "It holds great power and secrets beyond our understanding. But I sense that it is calling to you, Bunny."

Bunny looked up at Fred, perplexed. "Me? But why?"

"I don't know," Fred admitted. "The Orb has a way of choosing those who need it most. Perhaps there is something within you that it wishes to awaken."

Bingus looked at Bunny, concern etched on their furry face. "Are you sure you want to do this, Bunny? We don't know what will happen."

Bunny took a deep breath and looked back at Bingus. "I have to try. I can feel it calling to me, too."

Fred nodded. "Very well. But be careful. The power of the Orb is not to be taken lightly."

Bunny stepped forward, slowly reaching out a paw to touch the surface of the Orb. As soon as they made contact, a surge of energy shot through faer body, making faer fur and skin glow a little brighter.

Bingus watched in awe as Bunny's appearance shifted slightly, faer eyes glowing with a new, magical light.

"Fae/faer," Bingus whispered, trying out the new pronouns that sprouted on Bunny's buttons. "You look...different."

Bunny looked down at faerself, taking in the subtle changes. "I feel different, too. It's like I can see and feel things I never could before."

Fred smiled. "The Orb has given you the gift of Fae sight, Bunny. You can now see the world through the eyes of the Fae and perceive the magic that exists all around us."

Bunny looked up at Fred, faer new senses already picking up on the shimmering energy that surrounded the fairy.

"This is incredible," Bunny said, grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you, Fred. Thank you, Orb."

Fred nodded. "You're welcome, Bunny. But I did nothing but guide you here."

Bunny nodded solemnly, faer mind already buzzing with the possibilities of what fae could now see and do.

Bingus stepped forward, offering their hand to Bunny. "Let's go explore the world of the Fae, together."

Bunny grabbed hold, feeling a rush of gratitude and excitement. "Yes, let's go!"

As Bunny looked up at Fred, Bingus noticed something strange in the sky. The clouds, which had been dancing and swirling peacefully before, were now growing darker and more ominous.

"Bunny, Fred, do you see that?" Bingus asked, pointing up at the sky.

Fred gasped. "Oh no. That's not good."

"What is it?" Bunny asked, feeling a pang of unease in faer gut.

Fred looked at Bunny. "The Orb has awakened something. Something powerful and dangerous. We need to leave, now."

Bingus, Bunny, and Fred hurriedly made their way back through the forest, the ominous clouds following them.

As they emerged from the forest, they could see that the clouds had grown thick and heavy, and flashes of lightning illuminated the sky.

"We have to get to safety," Bingus said, grabbing Bunny's paw. "Quickly!"

They ran as fast as they could, the storm gathering in intensity around them. The ground shook with thunder, and the air crackled with electricity.

Finally, they stumbled into an old stone cottage, the door creaking shut behind them. Bingus breathed a sigh of relief and looked around. The cottage was old and musty, but it would have to do.

"We should be safe here," they said.

Bunny looked out the window, watching as the storm raged on outside. "But what about the Orb?" fae asked. "What will happen to it?"

Fred shook faer head sadly. "I don't know. The Orb has never done this before."

Bingus looked at Bunny and then at Fred. "We have to do something. We can't just sit here and wait for the storm to pass."

Fred nodded. "You're right. We have to act fast."

Bingus looked around the cottage, searching for anything they could use to help. And then they spotted it: a small, rusted bell, sitting on a shelf in the corner.

"I have an idea," Bingus said, grabbing the bell. "Fred, can you use your magic to amplify the sound of this bell?"

Fred nodded, faer wings fluttering. "I can try."

Bingus handed the bell to Bunny. "When I say go, I want you to ring this bell as loud as you can. Fred, use your magic to make the sound travel as far as possible. If we’re lucky, the sympathetic vibrations caused by the ringing of the bell will realign the cells of the orb and return it to a calmed state."

Fred looked at Bingus, incredulously. “Those are... certainly words. I'm not sure that's how it works though."

Bunny looked at the bell and then at Bingus, noticing a faint fae-glow settle around the bell as Bingus grabs it. "I'll do it."

Bingus took a deep breath, ignoring Fred's grumbles about human nonsense completely. "Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three!"

Bunny rang the bell, the sound echoing through the cottage and into the storm outside. Amplified further by Fred’s magic, the sound of the bell grew louder and more powerful as it traveled, the sound waves rippling visibly through the thick rain.

Against all odds, the storm began to calm at that moment, the clouds slowly dissipating into the sky. And then, suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and the sky was filled with a brilliant rainbow.

Bingus, Bunny, and Fred emerged from the cottage, staring up in awe at the sky. And there, hovering above them, was the Orb, glowing with a soft purple light and emitting hazy, purple clouds.

Fred stared around in disbelief, “How could that possibly have work?”

Bingus shrugged. “You have your magic, and I have mine. How does the rain fall, How are lemons yellow, and How does a magic fairy orb produce purple dancing clouds? Somethings we just have to accept. Would you like to swing by for some tea? Bunny makes a delightful Earl Grey…”

And that’s how Bingus and Bunny met Fred the Fairy.


About the Creator

Aaron Richmond

Words weave, worlds unfold,

Growth, knowledge, imagination,

Aaron's artistry flows.

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