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The Many Adventures of Bingus and Bunny

Wherein Bingus Tries To Tame The Moon

By Aaron RichmondPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Many Adventures of Bingus and Bunny
Photo by Sam 🐷 on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there lived a bumbling wizard named Bingus. Bingus had always been fascinated by the moon, and had long dreamed of taming it. They spent countless hours studying spells and incantations, pouring over ancient texts and consulting with wise elders. Finally, after years of hard work and determination, Bingus had a plan.

On a cloudless and starry night, Bingus hiked up a nearby mountain, where they had a clear view of the moon. They took out their wand and began to chant their spells. The moon glowed brightly, and Bingus felt a thrill of excitement and triumph. But just as they were about to complete the final spell, the moon slipped out of their grasp and began to rise higher into the sky.

Bingus was devastated. They slumped on the rocky ground, staring up at the moon as they hummed to themselves, feeling quite gloomy. Contemplating giving up their dreams, they heard a rustling in the bushes.

Out popped Bunny, a mischievous and cheerful rabbit. Bunny saw the sadness in Bingus' eyes and immediately knew something was wrong. They hopped over and offered Bingus a pint of iced cream. Bingus refused. But after a bit of coaxing, Bingus finally ate. To Bingus' surprise, the iced cream was delicious and they found themselves starting to feel better.

In that moment, Bingus realized that they didn't need to tame the moon to be happy. They had a friend who cared about them and brought them joy. They thanked Bunny for their kindness, and together they watched the moon rise higher and higher into the sky, feeling grateful for each other's company. And if they had a bowl of iced cream to share, that made everything just a little bit sweeter.

Bingus and Bunny shared the bowl of iced cream, and the flavors danced across their tongues as they ate. The iced cream was cold and creamy, and it melted slowly in their mouths. Bingus was surprised at how much they enjoyed it. They had always been a juice person, never really venturing into the world of desserts. As they savored the iced cream, they couldn't help but think that they had been missing out on something truly magical.

As they ate, Bingus and Bunny chatted. Bunny told silly jokes and made goofy faces, trying to get Bingus to laugh. And it worked - soon Bingus was chuckling, then giggling, then full-on belly-laughing. Bunny was pleased to see Bingus happy, and kept telling jokes and doing silly things to keep the laughter going.

As they watched the moon sink lower in the sky, Bingus couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment as they saw the moon slowly slipping out of reach. They had spent so long studying and preparing to capture the moon, only to have it escape them once again.

Bunny noticed the change in Bingus's expression and knew that something was wrong. They hopped over and nudged Bingus gently. Bingus looked up at Bunny and sighed.

"I've been trying to capture the moon for so long," Bingus said. "But every time I try, it slips away from me."

Bunny looked up at the moon and then back at Bingus. "Well, why do you want to capture it?" they asked.

Bingus thought for a moment. "I don't know, really. I suppose I just always thought it would be an impressive thing to do."

Bunny tilted their head to one side. "But you don't need to capture the moon to be impressive. You're impressive just the way you are. You're a powerful wizard who's studied and worked hard. And you're kind and funny and a great friend. That's way more impressive than capturing a moon, if you ask me.

"Bunny," Bingus said. "You always know just what to say."

Bunny smiled. "That's what friends are for."

And so they talked about their dreams and aspirations, and Bingus realized that there was much more to life than just achieving a goal. There were friendships to be made, experiences to be had, and joys to be discovered.

As the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the horizon, Bingus and Bunny decided it was time to make their way down the mountain. They slowly stood up, stretching their limbs after the long night of sitting on the rocky ground. The air was crisp and fresh, and Bingus felt invigorated as they started to make their way down the winding path that led back to their cottage.

Bunny was hopping ahead, playfully darting from one patch of grass to another. Bingus watched their furry friend with amusement, happy to have such a lively and playful companion. They couldn't help but smile as they saw Bunny pause to sniff at a patch of wildflowers, their pink nose twitching with delight. Bingus found themselves beginning to open up about their life as a wizard.

"I always dreamed of taming the moon," Bingus said wistfully. "But I've been studying spells and incantations for so long, and I still can't seem to get them right. And now I don't know what else to do with all that I've learned."

Bunny listened with a sympathetic ear, nibbling on a carrot and nodding in understanding. "It's tough being a wizard, I imagine," Bunny said. "Always trying to achieve the impossible."

Bingus thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. "You're right," they said. "I think I need to take some time off and just enjoy life for a while. And maybe, just maybe, the solution will come to me when I least expect it."

And as they made their way down the mountain, hand in paw, Bingus and Bunny knew that they had each other, and that was worth more than any magical feat.

Short Story

About the Creator

Aaron Richmond

Words weave, worlds unfold,

Growth, knowledge, imagination,

Aaron's artistry flows.

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