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Where The Blue Moon Swallows The Desert Rose

Episode 1

By AmourrroPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

When two worlds cross paths. It's hard to say, what's right and what's wrong. To each party their universe is the only one that they know.

Are their struggles the same as ours? Is their love the same as our love?

It was a sultry afternoon, the suns rays burned down and dried up sand even more. A young woman sat under the near by trees basking in the cool shade.

An unlikely encounter was coming her way.

Rose, had found herself caught inside a peculiar relationship. With none other, than the prince of Egypt.

"Who are you?" Rose questioned.

"I'm- uh...I'm Ami" the man said.

"Ami? I've never seen you around here before" Rose said gently. "Also, why are you hiding behind that wall?".

Ami looking a bit peeved glares at Rose, "Can you shut up! Please, thank you."

Rose flushed in the face by his sudden hostility stands up and paces towards the man crouching behind the wall.

"Who do you think...!", he grabs her waist and quickly covers her mouth as she continued to muffle insults.

"Are you crazy woman? If they find me and you, they'll surely arrest you, so just be quiet please".

Rose stops struggling after a few seconds, once she see's how serious the expression was that sat upon his face. Clutching her waist tighter and covering her mouth a bit more firmly. Rose then inhaled the faint vanilla musk that exuded from his clothing. It took hold of her hair and wrapped itself freely as if it were a winter coat.

He was handsome, ohm very handsome Rose thought to herself. Then he looked down at her; finally meeting with their eyes. Just inches away from one another's faces.

You could almost feel the universe gasp too.

Under his hand, he felt her young supple skin heat up. As he slowly removed his hand he saw just how beautiful she was. With golden tan skin and long wavy hair, paired with two green eyes. The prince touched her lips with his thumb and in a deep breathy voice he says,

"My God, I must know your name..."

Rose now flustered she wiggles her way out of his strong grip. His chest muscles bulged through his top and his veins laid proudly upon his big hands. The prince, is very mighty in both looks and strength.

She had thought to herself for a second that she would've liked to be held my him in the lonesome of the night.

"My name is Rose" she said

"My Rose, I'll build a garden for you someday" he said with that serious expression again.

There was shouting in the distance and the prince quickly stood up. Helping Rose up as well, he tells her "I have to go now, when can I see you again?" with eager eyes.

"umm- I " Rose stuttered and before she could finish the prince took off shouting back.

"I'll see you tomorrow!"

Rose sat on the wall staring at the Red Sea for the next hour. She wondered how strange that man was, and whether or not she should be afraid that he planned to see her again.

Though, in a way, she hopes he will come tomorrow. Her heart began to flutter at the idea of him actually coming back to see her.

"What will he do?" she thought to herself.

"What will I do!?" with sudden realization that, she is already wedded to be with...


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