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What comes after forever?

Two souls with the same desire fall in love after Earth is attacked by galactical gods.

By VeloPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
What comes after forever?
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

"Till death do us part" The embers from the fire threatened to land in Andi's eyes at any minute. She refused to close them, her two big beautiful brown eyes stare unphased as sparks of fire flirt for her attention. She refused to acknowledge them and instead focused on who was in front of her.

Andi looked into Harlem's eyes and repeated the phrase just recited to her.

"Till death do us part."

They exchanged their necklaces. Andi traded her heart shaped gemstone necklace for Harlem's Air Force dogtag.

Harlem's face caught a shaft of sunlight that exposed the unshed tears that refused to fall. Andi softly touched Harlem's soot covered checks, leaned in and smiled weakly. It did not matter that there was no ceremony or pastor nor ordained friend to marry them. Harlem and Andi were officially wedded and their verbal vow to be lovers for life solidified that more than any marriage license ever could. Andi's smile grew bigger and she crushed her mouth to Harlem. As the fire surrounded them the smoke in the air filled their lungs. Andi's heart shaped locket dangled from Harlem's chest and the bell inside chimes as the couple deepen their first and last kiss as newlyweds.

Ablaze with fire, from one too many forest fires, Planet Earth 41 had burned to the ground. The only survivors were those who relocated from Earth 41 to the moon twenty years earlier. These individuals were wealthy enough to afford the last seats on the exclusive spaceship before NASA determined the trip back and from the moon as high-risk. Those on the moon watched in horror as Earth 41 exploded like aluminum foil in the microwave. What was formerly one massive space rock became trillions of space rocks floating in different directions at different speeds across the multiverse. Millions of lives including Andi and Harlem's were casualties. Only the acts of God Mars and Goddess Venus could cause a destruction as drastic as this. The tedious war between siblings Mars and Venus started shortly after the first humans of opposite sex walked on Earth number 1. That was billions of trillions years ago. Thankfully the Creator of all, Jehovah, found a pleasing solution to the ceaseless war its' strongest children are in. Jehovah knew its children Venus and Mars would never stop fighting. This is because Jehovah refused to change the nature of its creations without their consent and the two are immortal and evenly matched in terms of their strengths and wits. Jehovah

offered all other species fatally affected by Mars and Venus the option to be reincarnated or to live life as spiritual guardians in their chosen realm. These two options were presented separately to Harlem and Andi. Jehovah loves all its creations equally and finds them to be unique in their special way. Jehovah celebrated those who never grew tired of being reincarnated and those who chose to spend eternities in its realm equally. However, in all of Jehovah's time have it found two lovers who loved each other as much as Andi and Harlem loved each other. Unknowingly to each other, Andi and Harlem shared the same final death thoughts. Secretly, Jehovah hoped that they both chose the same option so that they could be together again and it could fulfill their final wish.

Space expands and closes. The two beings who were once called Harlem and Andi now travel through separate dimensions towards the same destination.

Jehovah looks at the spirits formerly known as Andi and Harlem happily.

The two have met each other again.

Jehovah promises to let them know tonight that it heard and fulfilled their past lives' last desire. While the conscious minds of formerly Andi and Harlem will not remember, their unconscious selves will.

Andi and Harlem's love lives five-ever.


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