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A story of Christmas friendship

By Joe PattersonPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Skön Communication on Unsplash

Friday, December 20th. James is sitting in his fourth period Spanish class waiting on his best friend Christian Walker to show up so they can goof around like they always do before Christmas break begins. “What up J?” Walker says while entering the loud and excited classroom. “What up Stretch!” James replies.

Walker takes his seat next to James as they begin to converse with each other. “So J you ready for this good ole’ holiday my boy?” “Yeah that’s one way of puttin’ it. I just hate that our break ain’t as long as it normally is. We used to get a full two weeks out for Christmas break back in middle school.”

“I hear you there.” Walker replied in a low tone. “It is crazy that we come back like just one day after New Year’s Day. I remember when we use to come back by the fifth of January in elementary school, but ever since we got to high school it’s like the breaks got shorter.” “Yeah, tenth grade just ain’t easy.” James replied sarcastically, as he and Walker both laughed.

“So what you got planned for the holiday?” Walker started. “Well I know I’m goin with my grandma to my aunts house for the big Christmas party we have every year in my aunt’s basement. Them get togethers are always the best. It’s just good havin all my family there laughing, celebrating and dancing to the music til the early morning. Definitely my favorite pass time activities.” James replied. “What about you?” He asked Walker.

“Well everybody’s meeting at my grandparents place.” Walker began. “You know how we do it, the usual. I’m just glad we’re staying local instead of having to go out of town to visit the rest of my family.” James shook his head in agreement before his eyes wandered off. “J did you ever get a new MP3 player?” Walker asked. “No.” James responded while shaking his head in discouragement.

“I can’t believe I was actually dumb enough to drop it in a bucket of water while cleaning up the house.” James continued. “Well I mean, you don’t got butterfingers.” Walker added humorously. James tried to hold on his laughter, but he could not help but laugh at himself. “How’s lookin for a new one goin?” Walker asked. “Well with all the Christmas money I’m gonna have, which is a lot, that should be enough for me to be able to get a new one.”

“Sounds good to me, but what if I told you that ain’t gonna be necessary and you can keep all that money?” Walker started. “I’d say I think you tryna inspire me to go steal something and I ain’t gonna do that because my record is clean and I wanna keep it that way, menace to society.” Walker laughed as he reached into his pocket pulling out a tiny gift bag.

Walker then handed the gift bag to James who was surprised when he looked inside of it and pulled out a brand new iPod. “YOOO!!!” James said in amazement as his eyes lit up. “Did you get me a new iPod for Christmas?” “Heck yeah.” Walker responded. “But how?” James asked. “This is one of the new joints, it must’ve costed you at least one fifty.” “Actually I got it for free.” Walker responded. “I had a bunch of reward points saved up from my apple usage over the past year and it was enough to get me one of the new iPods for free.”

James was really appreciative of what his best friend had done. “Thanks dub.” James started. “You know you’ve really become my best friend over the past year Walker. I really appreciate because even when people advised you to ignore me because I wasn’t one of the cool kids. You just stuck by my side.”

“Of course I did.” Walker replied. “You’re my boy and I don’t care how anyone else sees you. To me, you’re the coolest cat I know. You are all heart and a stand up guy, we’re brothers. Never forget that.” “I never will.” James concluded as they smiled and bumped fists.

~This story is dedicated to an old friend of mine named Fabian Walker who passed away last week at the age of 31. His friendship was truly a gift in highschool that I will always treasure.

LoveShort StoryHoliday

About the Creator

Joe Patterson

Hi I'm Joe Patterson. I am a writer at heart who is a big geek for film, music, and literature, which have all inspired me to be a writer. I rap, write stories both short and long, and I'm also aspiring to be an author and a filmmaker.

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Comments (2)

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  • Natasha Collazo5 months ago

    I’m sorry 😞 sweet tribute

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    Sorry 4 your loss Joe! This was a wonderful piece!

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