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By Sam SagePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Brenda Smith was taking the #91 bus home from her job as a nurse. She enjoyed these little moments of peace from her hectic life. The day simply faded away.

She imagined visiting her family, playing catch with her dogs. As she stared out of the window, tiny droplets of water hit it. She looked up to the sky and saw a murky cloud formation spread like paint in a glass. The rain started in a flash, like someone turned on a faucet. She only had three more stops before home. Brenda looked through her belongings, hoping she had remembered her umbrella. She left it at home, next to the door. She gave up and sat back in her seat. The bus hurried along until Brenda pulled the string and went for the exit. The doors whooshed open and revealed a wall of water. Brenda took a deep breath and sprinted down the street towards her address.

She reached the stoop and fiddled with the lock on her home. A brilliant flash of lightning stole her attention for a moment. Her eyes fixated to the end of the street. She could see a tall figure, the same height as a man, but featureless, wearing some kind of coat. All she could make out were two glowing green orbs by the head. The orbs flickered, like they were blinking. Then, the figure started gliding towards her. Brenda ran inside.

In the security of her home, Brenda took a moment to collect herself. Still soaking wet, and now out of breath, she slumped down on the couch. Another flash of lightning, and she looked outside again. The figure was walking up her steps.

“Did I lock it?” Brenda whispers to herself. She scrambled to her feet and crawled to the front door. Carefully, quietly, she twisted the lock.



It was so quiet, Brenda could hear her own heart beating.


A knock.

“Who’s there?” Brenda shouted.

Just the howl of rain and wind.

Brenda stood up and looked through the peephole. It was the cloaked figure with green eyes.

“What do you want?” Brenda mumbled.

“I have a proposition.” The figure spoke. She could hear the voice so clearly it was like she was wearing headphones. Like the voice was in her head.

“I’m not interested.” Brenda responded.

“Grant me five minutes and I will change your life.” The figure implored.

Brenda paused. She looked around her modest home for a weapon. She selected a cast iron rod from the fireplace tools.

She carefully peeled the door open.

The figure was already looking at her in the face.

“I have seen your dreams and I can make them reality.” The figure stated.

“Who are you?” Brenda asked.

“It is not a matter of who, but where I come from. I have traveled many stars to be here.” The figure whispered.

“I’m confused.” Brenda admitted.

“My proposition is simple. Allow me access to your human consciousness for 100 years, so I may continue life, and you will live longer than any human ever has.” The figure pleaded.

“My body is not for sale.” Brenda said.

“We would exist simultaneously.” The figure clarified.

“What if I say no?” Brenda enquired.

“Then I will select someone else. Imagine what you could do with 100 more years of life.” The figure said.

Brenda allowed herself to think.

She looked at her home again.

Memories came flooding back.

“Yes. Bring those images into your mind.” The figure advised.

The memories were clearer now.

She saw everything in vivid detail: the taste of the cake from her first birthday party, the smell of chalkboard from her first day in school, the prickly blades of grass from Central Park.

The figure reached out a gnarly extremity towards her face.

Brenda’s eyes were closed, in a trance.

“Infinity awaits you…” The figure whispered.

The charcoal fingers wrapped around Brenda’s face and neck.

Suddenly, the cloak fell to the ground.

The figure had vanished.

The rain stopped.

The clouds parted.

“Excellent choice.” Brenda snarled.


About the Creator

Sam Sage

I am an actor from Chicago who loves writing. I write surreal science fiction about humanity.

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    Sam SageWritten by Sam Sage

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