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View from the Background

My second offering for the Story Every Day Challenge as initiated by LC. Story #2/366. 2nd January. Prompt: Write about an introvert.

By Paul StewartPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
View from the Background
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Allison was always able to slip into the background. She was not unpopular and was included in things. However, her best friend, Leanne was the complete opposite. Leanne thrived with an audience and loved being the centre of attention. Allison felt this was fair as Leanne was, by all accounts, a remarkable girl. Great hair, sparkling personality and an infectious laugh.

Allison preferred to observe. There were times when people would assume she was rude or dismissive. The truth is, one Leanne knew better than most, Allison was the most humble and loyal person she knew.

The others in their group would complain about her. Leanne was always quick to defend her though.

Rather than being dismissive or rude, from the background she could see everything. Not just what was happening in front of her. The bigger picture.

One day, Georgina, one of their group, was talking to Leanne about plans for a party and suggested Allison should sit this one out. "We don't need to invite her, do we? She would probably prefer to be at home, than watch us all having fun, dancing and drinking while she sits in the background."

Leanne just looked at Georgina. She did not want to discuss this. Again.

"We're not leaving her out, Georgie" Leanne replied. "But why not? Would anyone really miss her?" Georgina laughed.

"You don't know what you're talking about." sighed Leanne. "Just drop it"

"You always defend her. Why?" Georgina pressed. Leanne zoned out a little.

Leanne didn't want to talk about it. Leanne was in a better place now. Leanne didn't want to explain how she owed Allison her trust, loyalty and life.

Leanne didn't want to open up about the time that she almost...if it hadn't been for Allison. Allison's watchful observance had been the lifeline Leanne didn't know she needed until it was almost too late.

Leanne often thought about that day. About the time she almost...

About the stress she had been under, all the pressure from her family, the lecturers. About how sick of it all she felt. About how she may have jumped, had Allison not reached out.

"Allison's invited" she insisted, snapping out of it.


Thanks for reading!

Author's Notes: 2nd of January, day two of the Story Every Day challenge as initiated by the talented LC. The prompt I took for this one was because it is World Introvert Day - write about an introvert. I know there's no big twist, scary stuff or anything like that. But, felt this was an important little tale to tell?

You can find out more about the challenge and the prompts LC provided to help, by clicing on the links below.

You can also check out my first effort of the month here:

MysteryYoung AdultMicrofictionLovefamily

About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Kristen Balyeat5 months ago

    You are amazing at telling an entire story in a micro. This is absolutely phenomenal. Keep 'em coming!

  • Mackenzie Davis5 months ago

    You absolute master, Paul. I can't get over how you perfectly paced this little micro fiction to imply Leanne's past struggle and her high esteem of Allison. Seriously, this is the kind of friendship I crave, to have someone like Allison be so in tune with my unspoken life that she can pull me back from the ledge (literally). Seeing how Leanne defends her is marvelous here. She clearly understands how Allison works, that clearly she wouldn't be happier left out of a more extroverted get-together. Clearly Allison enjoys that kind of thing, but just doesn't manifest her enjoyment the same way that Georgiana seems to think she ought. And Leanne knows that. She isn't saying to invite Allison because of selfish desires of comfort. She's aware that Allison would want to go. That Georgiana (and perhaps the rest of the group) is the one who doesn't want her there because of her different behavior. I think there's way more nuance to this relationship than first meets the eye. Grand work, pal. You get people. And now I want to see this in a film. Or novel.

  • What it takes sometimes for our eyes to be opened & see someone in a completely different light. I disagree with Zara completely on Leanne. This isn't transactional. It's eyes, mind & heart that have been opened. And since Allison seems to like being part of the group, not telling her about what others have said seems to me to be her way of protecting/defending her. It might take time, but eventually the rest of the group will begin to see, too.

  • Zara Blume5 months ago

    This was interesting. I hate everyone in this story accept Allison, although I know that wasn’t your intention. I just found Leanne to be a selfish twat. It seemed like she was friends with Allison based on what she got out of their transactional relationship. And if people were talking about my friend behind their back, that’d be the last time they ever spoke to me. For one thing, I love my friends. If you have a problem with them, we have a problem. For another, I don’t associate with two faced people. They’re trash. I hope Allison gets away from that entire circle and finds people who love her company. People who give as much as they take, and listen as much as they talk. I’ve never in my life met an introvert who didn’t have meaningful things to say. They just don’t like small talk or gossip, because it’s worthless. They like real conversations.

  • I'm sorry Paul, I started crying after reading this. I felt so connected to Allison. I too have reached out to many Leannes because I saw what others didn't see. They've even said that if it weren't for me, they would have long been gone. Their words, not mine. I'm Allison but they're not Leanne. I feel beyond empty because I've been pouring from an empty cup for way too long. When will this end? I'm so sorry for my rant Paul. I'll stop now

  • Well done, Paul.

  • Shirley Belk5 months ago

    Nailed the difference between intros/extros in such a beautiful story!

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    If only! Call me bitter, but in real life, I suspect Allison would have been dropped the minute the clouds cleared. But this version I enjoy much better. I like Leanne a lot.

  • Rachel Deeming5 months ago

    Excellent, Paul. I loved this because the quiet ones get overlooked and yet they can be the bedrock on which we stand. Good on you, Leanne!

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    Thank phuck for the Allison's of this world!

  • Grz Colm5 months ago

    World introvert day! 🌎 woohoo! Partaaaaeeee (in our heads!) I liked this little friendship analysis! ☺️😺👏

  • Lana V Lynx5 months ago

    Empathy can be expressed in so many ways. Loved this story!

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