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Through the Eyes of Witnesses

By Mother CombsPublished about a year ago Updated 10 months ago 6 min read

Husband POV

Officer, I don't know what you want me to say. Stella seemed ok, like her old self. There was no warning about this. None at all.

Sure Bennie has been crying a lot. He's been colicky. Most babies are, you know. Otherwise, he's a very happy baby. Doctor even said he was healthy and the colick should pass soon.

It's not like she didn't have help, either Officer, if that's what you're thinking. We have a housekeeper who comes in three times a week to help with cleaning and cooking those days; a wonderful nanny who comes in two times weekly so that Stella could have days to herself, to do what she wished; and, Officer, I helped with Bennie. I get up at night with him, change diapers, do feedings, and play with him. He's my life, just as she is.

I just don't know what to say, Officer. She's been acting normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everything seemed okay.

Nosy Neighbor's POV

Well, Officer Danning, was it? Well, I seen her this morning, cleaning her car out and throwing the trash into the can by the curb. Today's trash day for our neighborhood, you'll know. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary at first. She's been known to do it before. Mrs. Kilburn can be an odd duck at times. I mean just last week she took a box out and burned it on the grill out back. Now that I think about it, she's been doing that once a month since they moved in. Huh, things you remember in a tragedy.

Anywho, as I was saying, she was cleaning out her car at the curbside can, and that's when I noticed she was throwing out trash. I went over after she left to see what all she had thrown out. I have it here in a box, let me go get it.

As you can see, Officer Danning, she threw out the baby's diaper bag, full of diapers, wet wipes, clothes and baby necessities. I can't for the life of me see anything wrong with the items. I was going to give them to my niece who has a babe about the Kilburn baby's age, but I be supposing you wanting them now. As evidence.

I can't really tell you much more about what she did today. Sorry, Officer, but Michelle Jennings from behind me called with some juicy tidbits about Janice Heck from down the road.

FuelMart clerk POV

I don't know what you're talking about, Officer. She didn't come inside with no baby. I never even knew she had a baby. Shoot, I didn't even see the car she drove in. I was busy with other customers when she came in. I do remember her coming in, though. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen come in this dump. Plus she was dressed to the nines. I remember wishing I could afford to dress like that. But really, Officer, I can't tell you more except she bought one of those smart waters. I was busy waiting on a mute girl who was trying to get directions to the nearest Hotel without bedbugs, when the lady left. I was telling the mute how to get to the Hutchins Inn. I was almost to busy to notice the classy lady get into the Ferrari that pulled up by the doors.

Woman gassing car up POV

I was waiting in line at the pumps when she pulled in and parked her BMW at the side of the store. I seen her get out and go in. She never once looked in the backseat of the car.

I finally made it to the pump I was waiting for, and began filling my car up for the week. The temperture was already nearing a hundred by then, and I remember thinking it was too hot for anyone in their sane minds to be out, what with the heat index today and all.

I could hear a thin cry-like sound, but I never thought it was coming from the car parked over there. I never even realized it until some ladies outside started hollering that their was a baby locked in a car outside. That's when the pretty girl at the counter who was writing a note to the clerk ran outside. I thought it was her baby, until I got outside and seen the BMW on the side had a group starting to gather around. That's when I called 911.

Woman buying ice POV

My family was taking a trip to the lake today. You know with the heat being so high, it seemed like a great day to go. We'd stopped to gas up and buy some ice for all the coolers. You know, with six kids and four adults, you need a lot of ice for all the drinks and food you take to the lake. Anyways, I was getting the ice and putting it into the coolers, waiting for my husband to come out with his brother and brother's wife, when I heard an infant crying faintly. Being a mom, I knew it was a distress cry, so I looked for where the sound was coming from. Imagine my surprise to notice an infant in the BMW parked right by the ice freezers.

The poor baby was all sweaty and red-looking. He hardly was moving at all. I don't know what I was thinking, but I turned to run into the store instead of running to the baby. I was almost run over by a pretty little blonde that immediately jumped into a bright red Ferrari. When I hollered there was a baby locked in a car, a pretty young girl came running out of the store, looked around and ran towards the BMW.

I seriously thought that young woman was the mother, until she busted out the driver's side window. Huh, what she use, you asked? She used the water bottle she held in her hand, some store brand, to be sure.

Well, she had that baby out of that car, and she opened up the ice freezer. She busted open a bag of ice, and started wiping the infant down with an ice cube, trying to cool him down.

The paramedics arrived before you did. They seen the girl, too. She handed the baby over to them. No, I don't know where she went. I never seen her leave.


Police Report:

On July 2, 20__, Stella Kilburn got up and cleaned her car out, leaving only the car seat for her infant son, Benjamin Kilburn. She then proceeded with her son in the said car seat, to drive to the FuelMart convenience store, on the other side of town. Upon arrival, she left her infant son in his car seat, left the windows up, and locked the car. She then went inside the store to buy a bottled Smart Water and to wait for the arrival of an unknown person/persons. When a bright red Ferrari pulled up to the doors of the convenience store, Mrs. Kilburn immediately rushed outside and climbed in. The Ferrari then hurriedly left.

A young girl inside, who never said a word to anyone, immediately ran outside and went up to the BMW, where Infant Kilburn had been left an indeterminate amount of time. Because of this young girl's quick thinking and resourcefulness, young Benjamin Kilburn has survived with few repercussions. It is unknown who this girl is as she disappeared shortly after paramedics arrived. She is wanted in association with questioning only.


She knew she shouldn't have accepted that ride from the lady in the BMW, Frannie couldn't even tell you why she had. That lady was crazy. All she did was ignore the child in the car seat, who was bawling his eyes out back there and wanted to talk about how she and her lover were leaving the country so they could be together, but her lover hated children.

Frannie should have taken that as a sign and just left the station right as soon as they pulled in, but no, she couldn't have done the sensible thing and left right then. She just had to have water to drink, and now her face was plastered all over the news, asking anyone if they knew who the hero was.

Shit. It's not like she didn't have a good reason to lay low, either. Greco DeMarco, Dom's little brother, has been looking for her since she took out the sorry POS and ended his reign of terror. Now she needed to get a move on and put a lot of distance between her and this town. Being all over the news would hinder that and therein laid the real problem.

Well, this wouldn't be the first time she had to change her looks to evade capture by the DeMarco family, and she was sure it wouldn't be the last time. What she was sure of was that she would be able to escape them for a little while more

>>>>>>> TO BE CONTINUED <<<<<<<<

Episode 1

Episode 3

Young Adult

About the Creator

Mother Combs

Come near, sit a spell, and listen to tales of old as I sit and rock by my fire. I'll serve you some cocoa and cookies as I tell you of the time long gone by when your Greats-greats once lived.

Admin = ViM


Mike Judey Dharr Grz

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Comments (1)

  • Maureen Y. Palmer8 months ago

    this was so good! Really looking forward to reading the next part :)

Mother CombsWritten by Mother Combs

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