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A rainy day that was anything but normal

By Christina EpperlyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

For months now everyone wants to know everything that happened on the worst day of my life. It's the last thing I want to talk about, but no one seems to respect that. Now that I've given my testimony in court and it's now in the hands of the jury who is locked up in a hotel somewhere. I'm going to tell everyone what happened here in this blog post. Then as soon as this post is published, I'm never going to talk about it ever again. No matter how much money I'm offered. After this I'm going back to making blog posts and videos about fashion, shopping, makeup, and travel. Just like I always have. Without any more introduction here is my story of the day that everyone is obsessed with. The never-ending rain had kept me locked inside for two weeks. It wasn't hard to stay inside after all I worked from home and anything I needed I had delivered. I didn't get lonely easily after all I had the company of my five hundred thousand followers and my two dogs and two cats. The incident that you all want to know about happened on one of those rainy days. It had started out normal but the one thing that was different was an intense feeling of loneliness. When these feelings would come up every now and then I would normally deal with them by talking to my friends, calling my dad, or evening sending messages to my followers to make their day. However, that day the feelings felt more intense than normal. I needed to see someone in person. I didn't want to make anyone drive in the rain, so I sent a text to two of my neighbors. My neighbor Trish responded right away she said that she would love to hang out, but she had a dentist appointment that she had been putting off for too long. I texted Dave as well. He didn't respond right away so I started working on a video. I was doing a video about redecorating my office. I had asked my followers for ideas on how to redecorate my and one of them suggested I decorate my whole office in my favorite color. I liked the idea it was simple but cute. For the past five weeks I had been making my basic office into a green wonderland. I had the walls painted with light and dark green stripes, I had green carpet put in, I got green light bulbs for every light in there and many more green items that would take me forever to list. I was taking some pictures of me standing in my green room underneath a bright green light bulb when Dave got back to me. Now, all of you probably know everything there is to know about Dave by now, especially with the around the clock news coverage but let me tell you what I knew about him or at least thought I knew about him before that day. He was always friendly and outgoing he was the kind of neighbor that would always stop to chat. He hosted a few neighborhood parties as well. I considered him to be a good friend of mine. He was a personal trainer, but it was common knowledge that he didn't need to work. He came from a wealthy family and could do whatever him wanted. He had a passion for fitness, and he wanted to be a fitness influencer. He would express his frustration with growing his social media following but being in that line of work myself, I did not see anything unusual about his rants. When he texted me back telling me to come over I was thrilled that my loneliness was about to be gone. I finished up taking the pictures in my green room and walked right over to his house without any hesitation. He answered the door with his normal friendly smile and welcomed me in. He asked me if I wanted coffee. I said that the answer to coffee is always yes. We sat at his kitchen table just talking about life and the rain. I've hung out with him before, and his behavior was no different than it had always been. After about an hour of talking I had to use the bathroom. On my way out of the bathroom I decided to use some Chapstick that I had in my pocket. I accidentally dropped the cap to the Chapstick tube, and it landed at the bottom of a door across from the bathroom. When I went to pick up the lid my long green fingernails went under the door just slightly and I head a gasp coming from the other side of the door. Without thinking about it I just opened the door. As soon as I opened the door my eyes locked on to a woman sitting on the bed handcuffed with her legs taped together. That is a picture I will never be able to erase from my mind. It's like it has been tattooed there. She was wearing black leggings and a white sweater. Her light brown hair was in her face, and she had mascara smeared all around her eyes. I looked at her in shock and she just looked at me with helpless eyes. I was frozen in fear then I slowly closed the door and my heart started pounding. I slowly walked back down to the kitchen. I decided to text my friend Hope because she was known for responding to texts right away. I told her not to ask questions, but I needed her to send the police to this address. Then I followed that text up with one that said it's a kidnapping I don't know if there are any weapons here. When I entered the kitchen, I kept staring at my phone. This was not unusual for me, so Dave did not say anything other than asking me if I wanted some cake that he had in the fridge. I said yes. It was then when Hope texted me back with a simple ok. I sat there with Dave eating cake and doing my best not to look freaked out. It felt like a year, but it was only a few minutes when text message popped up on my phone that simply read “Done.” I quickly responded with thanks. I kept Dave talking about random topics while I waited before I knew it there was a knock at the door. I made sure I got to the door before he did and as soon as I saw the officer, I ran out the door and yelled she was upstairs. Dave tried to run towards the stairs, but the officer grabbed him before he could make it. I had kept my cool for so long but now I was a mess another officer asked me exactly where the room was. I gave her directions, and she went up the stairs with another officer behind her. I stood outside the door refusing to look at Dave. Everything had happened so fast. I didn’t hear Dave say anything. I kept hoping that I would not hear him say anything. I got my wish and Dave stayed quiet. A while later the officers came down with the woman. She did not say anything to me at first, she just hugged me. Later, I would learn as all of you have. That the woman was a fitness influencer named Paula that Dave had wanted to do a collaboration with, but she had turned him down. It all seems so unreal even to this day. Dave wasn't used to getting rejected but I never imagined that it would cause him to do the unthinkable. There you have it my side of the story. This post has been anything but normal but I will sign off like normal.

I hope you are having a happy day - Cassie May


About the Creator

Christina Epperly

Hello There ! I'm a blogger, writer and bucket lister! My bucket list has over 300 items on it. I am big believer in enjoying the little things in life. I also love collecting toys.

John 3:16

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    Christina EpperlyWritten by Christina Epperly

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