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Unraveling the Mysteries of Black Magic: Can Your Photo be Manipulated? Insights from Sadhguru

In a world steeped in diverse beliefs and practices, certain cultures uphold the intriguing notion that a person's photograph contains hidden geometry that can influence their life.

By godwin domiPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

This belief suggests that the energy and destiny of the individual depicted in the image can be harnessed for both positive and negative purposes, including the practice of black magic. In a thought-provoking video, the renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru delves into this enigmatic concept and explores the possibilities of whether one's photo can indeed be used for black magic. Let's embark on a journey through Sadhguru's profound insights to unravel the mysteries that lie within our pictures.

The Power of Hidden Geometry:

At the core of the belief in black magic lies the idea of hidden geometry associated with photographs. According to this ancient wisdom, every image captures a unique and intricate geometrical pattern, which in turn influences the energy of the person it portrays. Whether taken intentionally or spontaneously, these pictures are believed to hold the potential to shape an individual's life journey.

Sadhguru elucidates that black magic practitioners, using their understanding of this hidden geometry, can manipulate the energy emanating from a photograph. They may intend to enhance a person's life positively or cause harm, making the concept of photographs a potent tool in the realm of black magic.

Dual Nature of Intentions:

The same photograph can be subject to two drastically different intentions. While many share pictures of their loved ones, seeking blessings and positive energies, it is disconcerting to realize that these very images can be misused for malevolent purposes. Sadhguru emphasizes the delicate balance between the positive and negative energies that an image can invoke.

The duality of intent prompts individuals in cultures that embrace these beliefs to exercise caution and guard their photographs against potential misuse, especially by those harboring ill intentions.

The Tradition of Avoiding Photographs:

In India, a country steeped in spiritual practices, certain sadhus and sannyasis have historically refrained from having their pictures taken. This age-old tradition finds its roots in the awareness these spiritual seekers possess regarding the vulnerability associated with their image's hidden geometry.

The fear of possible exploitation by enemies or malevolent individuals prompts them to resist having their pictures taken, as they aim to safeguard themselves from becoming susceptible to black magic or any form of ill-intended manipulation.

Aesthetics and Selfies:

Sadhguru expresses his reservations about the prevailing trend of taking selfies and the extensive sharing of personal pictures. For him, this practice contradicts the essence of spiritual aesthetics, as he believes that an image exudes its own energy, which can be influenced by the intentions of others.

The act of capturing one's own image and broadcasting it widely raises questions about the consequences of disseminating personal photos into the digital realm and potentially exposing oneself to external influences.

Safeguarding Yourself:

In the quest to shield oneself from potential misuse of a photograph's geometry, Sadhguru offers a compelling solution. He suggests creating placebo pictures alongside authentic images, effectively rendering it difficult for malicious individuals to determine which picture truly represents the individual.

By employing this technique, individuals can reduce their vulnerability to malevolent intentions and retain a degree of control over how their image is perceived and utilized by others.

The belief in hidden geometry within photographs unveils a realm of possibilities regarding black magic and the manipulation of energies associated with individuals. Sadhguru's profound insights compel us to contemplate the potential implications of sharing our photos, especially in an era dominated by digital connectivity.

Whether we choose to embrace these beliefs or not, the understanding of the unseen forces at play within images encourages us to exercise caution and introspection when it comes to sharing pictures of ourselves and our loved ones. The power of a photograph extends beyond its visual representation, and by acknowledging this, we can better protect ourselves from unwanted influences and safeguard the sanctity of our personal energies. As we navigate through the ever-evolving landscape of technology and spirituality, let us remain vigilant and conscious of the energies we project through the very images that represent us.

Young AdultMysteryHorrorAdventure

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Comments (3)

  • Godman Mawududzi Domi11 months ago

    Helpful insight

  • Sadhguru is such a wonderful person

  • This is so true.

GDWritten by godwin domi

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