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Unexpected Experiment

When a missing flight is found

By Robbie NaglePublished about a year ago 6 min read

It was all over the news and all eyes were glued to the screen. Flight 8987, that took off from New York twenty years ago, suddenly landed in London. No one knew how or why, but somewhere over the Atlantic the flight just vanished all those years ago. A joint operation between a couple countries searched the area with ships, submarines, sonar, and satellites. Not a single trace of the plane and all of it’s passengers remained. There was an international funeral held for all of the people that were on the flight and many families mourned their loses.

Now, it seemed like the mystery might finally be able to become solved, or would it only become more complicated? The interview of Jason Clark, of air traffic control, replayed all evening. Claiming that an unidentified plane appeared on the radar with a request to land. He asked for their identification and noticed that it was nowhere to be found for any of that day’s flights. Following normal procedure, he reported the request to his bosses who ordered an interception of this unidentified plane. Two jets took off and forced the plane to land a bit away from the main airport until officials figured out what was going on.

It was later revealed that this was the flight that disappeared years ago. The pilot claimed that they took off only seven hours ago and were making their scheduled landing. He complied with authorities to land where they told him, even though he was very confused. Authorities worked to investigate every detail. A seemingly secret agency took over investigations. There were buses parked outside the airport to take the passengers and staff, as well as a tow for the plane into some hanger a ways off. The news feed was cut and that was the only thing that played all week.

Now it has been a few years and I finally tracked down someone that was on the plane to ask them what actually happened. I won’t reveal their name for safety reasons, but trust me that what I am about to tell you is all accurate. Something is going on that no one is telling us about. If this ends up online but no one can find me anymore, that should validate the story. I truly fear those that seem to be working behind the scenes so repost this all over so ‘they’ can’t take it down. Spread it like wildfire.

I found this person almost by chance. They had secretly emailed me in a message that looked like spam. For some reason, I just felt like I was supposed to read it. Normally I just delete all of them but this struck me, somehow. They had claimed to be a person on the flight and found out that I have been searching for anyone willing to talk.

The reason I was so desperate to search for these people is that they seemed to disappear again right after the news story went up. No one had heard about them. You would think there would be stories about reunited families. Maybe even the awkward stories from people that had moved on, thinking that their loved one was dead. It had been twenty years, after all. There had to be some trace of these people but I never found any clue. It was like the entire world was supposed to believe that we all entered a collective fugue state and that the news story was imagined.

Regardless, this person revealed a lot of dark stories that I will tone down a bit for you, dear reader. They claimed that after everyone got on the busses that they were taken to a secret underground base. The windows were completely blocked out so that they couldn’t see where they were going but it was later found out that it was underwater. This organization ran tests on the plane that no one understood and scanned all of their belongings.

The worst came after a few weeks. They were all kept under surveillance and still didn’t understand what was happening. To them, they got on their plane to London and then were forced to land somewhere and essentially kidnapped. They weren’t told the date or what happened to them. This organization began to experiment on them. First by checking their vitals but then by stress testing them through very inhumane ways. It made me sick to my stomach so I don’t think I will be repeating them here. Just know that it was very gruesome physically for some. Then they told me about the sheer mental torture they went under.

My secret friend explained that they were told that they would never get to see their families again but that they were ‘successful’. It was slowly revealed that they were randomly chosen to be test subjects for time travel. Not a single person on the flight had any clue about what this organization was plotting. They didn’t ask for subjects. They just chose at random. I feel like that is the scariest part of this entire ordeal. Obviously I feel bad for those on flight 8987, but I fear more for us.

At any point in time, this secret organization can just pick us for experimentation. I mean, think about all of the people that go missing. Are those actually kidnappers, or is it to turn us into lab rats? Is there something darker happening in our world where people are simply carted off and used for something that isn’t even being told publicly?

I am sure you’re wondering how this person got out and found me. That is surely an interesting portion of the tale. They told me that they noticed a few people missing after a number of tests. That they had died and were taken away as a result. So they came up with a plan to fake their own death and escape from this place. Through some of their stress tests, these people apparently used a drug to slow down their hearts and put them into a coma if someone became too stressed. They ended up stealing some and taking it.

It was surely a risk since they could have been cut open and have more tests ran on them, but it was worth the risk to this person. Turns out that they were just chucked into the ocean and woke back up underwater in a panic. They fought for their life and by sheer luck and willpower, ended up making it to the surface. There was, thankfully, a big fishing boat near by that happened upon them. Then the acting began. They had to claim that they lost their memory and must have been in some sort of accident.

After an extended stay in a mental hospital having even more tests ran on them, albeit far less invasive, they were released and given a place to stay. They continued to pretend like their memory had never returned but all their other mental faculties were perfect. They could never be identified because the secret agency got rid of any trace of them. So they were essentially given a new ID by the hospital before being released. They would have to have regular check ups and asked to reach out if they ever regained their memories.

Again, by chance, they happened upon me. They too were searching for what happened to the people on that plane. We apparently seemed to be searching in the same place. They were so secretive because they didn’t want to get caught and taken back to that facility.

Now I am giving voice to this story. People, there is an organization out there using us as experiments for whatever they are doing. They are running incredibly inhumane tests without a care in the world. I am sure they have powerful people backing them and I am not sure what the public can do. I am also sure I will not be around for much longer. I am sure they will come after me to find the person who escaped but I will never tell them where they are. Partly because I actually have no idea where they are, but also to keep them safe.

So please. I beg of you. Share this. Allow the masses to know the truth and let us figure out a way to fight back. I believe that if the truth gets out there, that we can do something. Let us unite against these monsters. We could be part of the next experiment, and after hearing all of the details, I do not wish that on my worst enemy.

Signing off for now,

Truth Seeker

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Robbie Nagle

Hey there. Welcome to my page. I have recently started walking out the path to writing my first novel. To allow myself other creative outlets, I’ll be using this to post some poetry and short stories that may or may not be in future novels.

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    Robbie NagleWritten by Robbie Nagle

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