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An upset in Upper Crest

By Nakia PalmerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The life we once knew was no more! The Upper Crest regime had taken the lives of most of our friends who refused to live life on its terms and those who were taken into captivity went through volatile processing. I remember hearing Johnathan speak of it with such revulsion. He told me that the peoples' shoes were replaced with metal boots, which made it hard, if not impossible to run. And if you thought of running, Upper Crest guards would, at the push of a button, send 2000 volts of electric shock through your way of those damned metal boots! The thought of it all really pissed me off!

Johnathan, my husband, was one of the lucky ones to have escaped the enclave. The buildings were tall...some flat and comprised of one or two windows, if any at all. Dashers--dark, gruesomely, bird-like creatures-flew rapidly across the bleak-painted skies as messengers. They were tasked as watchers over the land who reported daily to Upper Crest of any odd findings, occurrences, or even the presence of forgotten "Mislings" roaming about. Effective immediately, all men were to be separated from women, and modern-era chastity belts and cages had to be worn at all times.

Sex as the world once knew of it had ended. And unless the Upper Crest's Ruler, The Honorable Peak-Pinnacle Parker, deemed you suitable for his enjoyment, well the end of humanity would cease. As for little boys and girls age infancy through the age of 18 years, they were separated from their parents and taken into hiding to receive grooming, training, and preparation as a new breed militant, Upper Crest Army--Ultimate Protectors of the Kingdom of Upper Crest. And that's when the unthinkable happened.

My husband and I were outside playing with the kids on the day that the sirens went off. It was storming and we figured it to be nice out and free of any third-eyes as they normally flew on better days. "Finally!" I thought aloud! "What's that, honey?" Johnathan asked. "I'm just glad that they get a chance to play outside for a change...even if it is short-lived!" We both glanced over at the children, both taking turns going down a dilapidated slide. Rust covered the metal and half of the railing was broken! We were careful to watch over them to make sure no one got hurt. It was all that was left of the playgrounds. We really did try to make the best out of our given situation. We had piled leaves at the bottom of the slide to make for a softer, more enjoyable landing. Nora and Jack laughed hysterically! "Shhhhhhhhh! Not so loud, you guys! We have to be very careful!

"Squawk!" "Squawk!"

"Oh no! It was those damned Dashers! They've spotted us!"Hurry! Grab the children, he shouted!" I remember looking back as I ran frantically towards the woods. My husband pulled an automatic from beneath his coat and started shooting at them! I couldn't look back! I was too scared!He managed to throw a slender, black velvet case at me. "Shit!" I yelled! I dropped one of the twins while trying to reach for the case. Both the case and my daughter hit the ground! I hurriedly placed one hand over her mouth to shelter her screams of pain. There was no time for my nurturing abilities to kick in. We were in survival mode!

Listen to me, Nora, I know that you are in pain, but I need you to suck back those tears and RUN! The kids were old enough to run, but I feared that they weren't fast enough to keep up with me! We were racing against time. We ran in the opposite direction from what the red markings on the trees would suggest. We ran just as we rehearsed for the last nine years because Johnathan, knew that this day was coming.

Fifteen minutes later, we found ourselves deep into the woods, or at least what was left of it from all of the bombings! "Fifty feet forward, twenty feet to the left...fifty feet forward, twenty feet to the left...fifty feet forward, twenty feet to the left!" I kept repeating the directions in my head. I did not want to forget them. I was too afraid that I would. I just knew that they saw us! And I feared for my husband...would he make it back to us! Did they capture him? Did they kill him?

I wanted to break down and cry...scream! But I continued walking and counting until I made...fifty feet forward, twenty feet to the left! I brushed the leaves off from under our feet to reveal an old brown, metal doorway. "Jace," I beckoned, " you must keep watch while I try to unlock the door from the outside!"

"I will, mom, but please hurry!" As we made our way into the bunker room, I was surprised to see that it was filled with remnants of the old world! There were cases of water and multiple bed spaces and crawl spaces, even enough food to last for several months. But over in the corner, rested a family...could it be? that you?

I could not believe my eyes! I thought they had died along with the others or were being held captive. Spencer used to work alongside Johnathan! They served in the military together and were well versed on Upper Crest's plans for our world.

"Oh my goodness...are you guys alright?" I asked!

"We should be asking you all the same thing," replied Sam!

I broke down! I couldn't hold in another tear! "I think they have Johnathan! I don't know what to do! I have to leave the children here...I have to go back out there to search for get..."

"Listen to me, Cara! The fact that you all are here tells me that things have taken a turn for the worse! Johnathan and I knew this would happen...did he happen to give you a case?

"A what? I asked delusionally!"

"A long, slender, black velvet case...did he give that to you?"

"Yes! I have it right here!" I managed to pull the case from underneath my shirt! Spencer snatched it from me, and without any questions, he opened it, removed a heart-shaped locket from its grasp, and placed it around his neck!

"I'll explain later," exclaimed Spencer! Right now, there are urgent matters that I must attend to!"

And within seconds, Spencer was gone! Just like that, the necklace harnessed some type of energy, some sort of magnetic power that forced him to leave us become invisible. I did not know what to make of it! All I knew was that I needed my husband back, and Sam wanted hers back too!

"Were all of these bed spaces part of their plan to upset Upper Crest and overthrow Parker's authoritarian dictatorship" I wondered! Regardless, I felt safe in knowing and harnessing a hope that Spencer and perhaps my Johnathan were out working towards ending this terrible war that we were embarking upon!"


About the Creator

Nakia Palmer

I am an avid writer and reader. I enjoy life and manage to creatively intertwine my life experiences in most things that I write. It's therapeutic! I am thankful for all of my gifts, creative energy, and you. Thank you for reading my work!

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    Nakia PalmerWritten by Nakia Palmer

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