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Twisted Tales Of Lakeview Manor

A house that never sleep...

By Jennifer DerricoPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Enter If You Dare!

“Hey Mike, turn that up! That song is lit!” Timothy yelled up front taping Mike on the shoulder. “It’s as loud as it can go dude!” Mike yelled over the loud music while gripping the steering wheel tight. “You’re spilling beer all over my new ride bro! Sit back, we’re almost there!” Mike yelled at Timothy holding up a cup of beer he got from a party they had attended earlier that night. “Hey Mike, turn here, we can get to shutter street much quicker this way”, Stan yelled loudly over the speakers blasting from Mike’s car. “Alright man, but keep your cup down in case we run into a cop or something”, Timothy yelled to the back at his friend. “You must have forgotten that my dad is the deputy sheriff. He’s not going to bother us man. We’re just having a little fun that’s all, just lighten up and have a drink with us”, Stan pulled two beers from a cooler he had beside him on the back seat and proceeded to toss one to Timothy and Mike. “I’m good man”, Mike said loudly. “I’ll have one when we get inside”, Mike was turning onto shutter street entering the old abandoned house that’s been there for centuries. “Alright Losers, we’re here, now let’s party!” Mike announced happily as he leaped out of the driver seat and slammed the door shut. “Aren’t we going to wait for the girls to get here before we head inside?” Timothy asked while staggering from all of the alcohol he had consumed that night. “Oh heck no!” Stan responded. “They will see the car out here and come join us if they’re not too scared”, Mike added. Timothy, Mike and Stan went into the dark abandoned house creating a path throughout the cobwebs that covered the entrance of the front door. Mike instantly started to notice weird noises coming from upstairs and started to panic. “Did you hear that?” Mike asked nervously. “This house is ancient, you’re probably going to hear a lot of weird noises in here”, Stan reassured Mike. “Yeah man, this place is pretty old. It wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t hear a crack or two”, Timothy added while giggling. “No guys! I really do hear footsteps coming from upstairs!” Mike looked upstairs and noticed someone standing there with a long dress that looked like something someone would wear from the early nineteen hundred. “Do you guys see that!?” Mike said pointing towards the bottom of the stairs while shaking tremendously. “Who are you!?” Stan demanded while approaching the stairs to the woman in the dress. “Don’t get too close to whoever that is man! She could be dangerous!” Timothy yelled at Stan. Stan looked over at the guys and said, “I’m not afraid of a woman in a dress. What can she possibly do to us?” Mike laughed loudly and proceeded to approach the lady in the dress. The lady vanished into thin air and reappeared in front of them glowing with rage. Mike and Tyler ran outside hurriedly to get back into Mike’s car. Stan yelled at them to come back because he thought it was a prank from the girls who were supposed to be meeting them there. After Stan realized that this was not a prank, it was too late. The lady at the end of the stairs snatched him up and disappeared with Stan spontaneously. Mike and Timothy leaped into the car speeding off to go get help. When they arrived back to the house with Stan’s father the deputy sheriff, there were no signs of Stan or anyone ever being there. Six months later……...

It was a very humid night, the drive home seemed endless as I was headed north off of shutter street. I was headed home to Lakeview Dakota, my home town visiting my parents Hilary and David Hingsley for winter break. I was tired of cramming for exams, studying for hours at a time and getting up at peak hours in the mornings, just to get a good head start to class. I was extremely happy to be going home to my mother’s baked lemon cream cheese scones from scratch. I was deep in thought thinking about the relaxation and home cooked meals from my mom. My dad was always showing off his newly added cards to his baseball card collection, my little sister Katie showing off her new dolls and my big brother Tyler with yet another new girlfriend. I instantly snapped back into reality as I saw the sky grow darker and the street lights that were near start flickering on and off. A light mist of rain started showering my windshield and flowing gently across the street light beams. The mist finally grew into big drops of rain and thunder started to pound in my eardrums. Moments later, I saw a streak of lightening glide across the sky behind the trees nearing the highway. My eye lids grew heavy as I struggled to keep them on the road. The drive was very relaxing, even though it was beginning to storm, I felt myself drifting off. I was surfing through radio stations trying to find something decent to listen to. {“The whereabouts of missing teen Stanley Morris, has Lakeview residents concerned. The sixteen year old sophomore, was last seen entering the old Manor on shutter street in Lakeview Dakota, with two of his friends, Friday night after a school pep rally. Mike Tolbert and Timothy Sanders, reported that someone from inside of the abandoned house took him. Deputy sheriff Morris of the Lakeview Dakota police department, has conducted a neighborhood search for his missing son. This tragedy has taken Lakeview residents by storm. If you have any leads on Stanley Morris’s whereabouts, call the local Lakeview police department. As of now Stanley’s whereabouts are still unknown”} ”I grew up around Stanley, I hope they find him safe and well”, I instantly became full alerted when I felt this tremendous thud, that nearly knocked me off the road. My car jerked historically, so I quickly stomped the breaks and put the car into park. I startled for a moment in shock, then suddenly I jumped out and ran to the front end of my car to see what I had hit, but nothing was there. Without rationally thinking, I decided to go into the woods to see if whatever I had hit had fumbled in there. I had my flashlight from my cellphone turned on high beam as I fumbled through tall grass and branches that covered the dark woods. I finally saw a light flickering on and off across from an open field. I then pointed my light from my phone to that direction to see a tall figure standing there waving at me. I walked towards the figure to get a better look and they just stopped moving. So I called out to them and they were very unresponsive. I called out repeatedly but still no answer, they just stood there motionless so I began to feel uncomfortable. My uneasy nerves went into a huge panic of terror as the tall figure from the field started walking towards me. I started walking really fast so I could get to my car in time to get out of there. I looked back to see that the tall figure grew bigger and started charging at me faster. So I then started running trying to turn my phone light off at the same time. I didn’t want whoever was chasing me to see which direction I was running in, so I had to get this light turned off. My phone fumbled out of my hands onto the ground, I panicked because now it was pitch black and I couldn’t see hardly anything. I had to stop for a few seconds till my eyes got adjusted to the darkness. I hid behind a tree to stay out of sight from whoever was behind me. I caught my breath quickly and started racing towards the road to my car. I heard the heavy footsteps galloping fast behind me, so I ran full force, heart pounding until I was at my car door reaching for the handle. Once I got inside of my car everything grew calm and extremely quiet. The only thing I heard was the thunder then a loud bang. I looked back to see the tall figure with no face hitting the trunk of my car with a blade. I screamed to the top of my lungs and hurriedly pressed the lock. I turned the engine and sped off noticing that the tall figure was chasing me down the road. I drove fast and steady until I came on to a highway. I was happy to be in a safe zone with hundreds of other cars with their headlights looking like a thousand Christmas lights. I felt a sudden calmness now even though I was still shaken up from the incident. I noticed my gas light was blinking so I quickly pulled into a gas station to fill my car. I started searching for my phone forgetting that I lost it in the woods when I was running. I was only thirty minutes away from my house so I could call the cops when I got there.


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