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True love

A Cinderella story

By DESOLA OWOLABIPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Love is an incomparable feeling of deep affection and care towards someone or something. It is a selfless and unconditional emotion that brings joy, fulfillment, and meaning to life. Love embodies empathy, understanding, and forgiveness. It is a powerful force that can heal wounds, strengthen relationships, and create lifelong connections. Love encompasses kindness, compassion, and the willingness to sacrifice for the well-being and happiness of others. It is a profound and transformative experience that transcends boundaries and brings out the best in us. Love is the foundation of human connections and the essence of what it means to be alive.

This is Cinderella type of story.

It’s cliche but we love that right

Sit back and enjoy the wonderful story

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a young and kind-hearted girl named Ella. Ella lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters, who treated her poorly and forced her to work as their servant.

Despite her difficult circumstances, Ella remained hopeful and kind. She found solace in the beauty of nature and the companionship of the animals in the kingdom. Ella was known for her enchanting singing voice, which could make even the birds stop and listen.

One day, the King announced a grand ball, inviting all the eligible young ladies in the kingdom. Ella's stepsisters were overjoyed at the thought of attending, but Ella knew that it was an impossibility for her. Her stepsisters mocked her dreams and made her promise to stay home and clean instead.

As Ella sadly watched her stepsisters prepare for the ball, she found comfort in the kindness of her animal friends. Suddenly, a gentle voice spoke to her, and she turned to see a beautiful fairy godmother before her. The fairy godmother promised to make all of Ella's dreams come true and transform her into the belle of the ball.

With a wave of her wand, Ella's rags turned into a magnificent gown, and her worn-out shoes transformed into sparkling glass slippers. The fairy godmother warned that the magic would wear off at midnight, and Ella must leave the ball before then.

With a grateful heart, Ella arrived at the ball, turning heads with her beauty and grace. Even the Prince himself was captivated by her presence. They danced all night, and Ella felt like she was living a dream.

As midnight approached, Ella felt a pang of sorrow. She knew she had to leave the ball, and in her haste, she dropped one of her glass slippers. Ella fled the castle, just as the spell wore off, turning her gown back into rags and her slippers back into ordinary shoes.

Back at the castle, the Prince was determined to find the mysterious maiden who had captured his heart. He commanded that every young woman in the kingdom try on the lost glass slipper, and whoever it fit would become his wife.

Ella's stepsisters tried to squeeze their feet into the slipper but to no avail. When it was Ella's turn, her foot slid effortlessly into the slipper, as if it were made for her. The Prince recognized her as the enchanting maiden from the ball, and they were married soon after.

Ella's wicked stepmother and stepsisters were filled with regret for how they had treated her. They begged for forgiveness, and Ella, being the kind-hearted soul she was, forgave them and invited them to live in the castle.

And so, Ella lived happily ever after as the Princess, her dreams of love and happiness fulfilled. She used her new position to bring kindness and compassion to the kingdom, reminding everyone to always be true to themselves and never stop believing in the power of love and goodness.

Short StoryFantasy

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