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Trollhunters: The Descent into Ragnarök

The Heart Unfolds

By The Bobcat WitchPublished 3 years ago 28 min read

Ashka stretched amongst her pillows and blankets, looking up still in disbelief. “I can’t believe this is still all real”, she sighed. “It’s all fake love.”, a voice hissed from somewhere. Ashka looked around, “Huh?”. No response. Suddenly the silence was broken by the cries of Logi toddling over to her. “Alright, I’ll pick you up. You can sleep with me once you get bigger, I don’t want to squish you in my sleep.”, she said as she picked him up to hold him. A vibrating sound came from her desk spooked her as it was just her phone. “Oh, it’s just Jim.”, she said.

“Hey! Do you want to meet up at Douixe’s café in a bit to discuss the project?”, Jim asked.

“Sure, just let me take a shower first and I’ll be out in a bit. Is it okay if I bring Logi? I don’t want to leave him by himself.”, she asked as she looked through her wardrobe.

“Of course, I wouldn’t suspect otherwise.”

After finishing talking, she still couldn’t pick something out. “Come on, Ashka! This isn’t anything special just homework! What do you think Logi? A pair of black overall shorts with a grey top? Or maybe have color this time? A smoky blue long sleeve with a pair of nicely bleached pants?”, she asked the wolf pup. Logi rand up to the lighter fair and barked. “Ah, I was hoping for the latter, but it’s your call. Let’s get you some breakfast. A milk and meat mix sounds good?”

As she stepped in the shower she sighed in delight as the hot water hit her back, “Man, when was the last time I had a hot shower?”

“They should’ve just let you wither away.”

“Wha-ow!”, Ashka hissed as a sharp pain shocked her head down to her slight exposed spine.

Poor sweet girl…she thinks that they care about her!”, the voice cackled.

“Shut up!”, Ashka growled back as she held her head. Logi upon hearing Ashka ran up to the bathroom door crying. “Ah…it’s okay Logi! Everything is fine.”, she shouted

“I need coffee.”

15 fifteen minutes later

Jim walked over to Douixe’s café, sitting at one of the outside tables. Douxie came out with a glass of water, “Here you go, would you like something to eat?” “Nah, I’m not entirely hungry.”, Jim responded as he took a big gulp of water. “You waiting on Ashka I presume?”, he asked Jim as he sat down on the opposite side. “Yea, we have a project over Icelandic myths. And maybe talked more of what occurred this past week, probably tell her more.”, Jim said. “Hm? That’s quite a coincidence, and that would be fair on her part.”, Douxie said.

“Hey guys!”, Ashka said as she appeared around the corner. “Oh, hey love! Sleep well in your new room?”, Douxie asked. Jim’s eyebrow slightly twitched at the word love, but he brushed it off. Logi barked in her arms. “Sorry, Logi! Good morning to you too.”, he said. “Oh, I slept well! The bed is so soft!”, Ashka said as Douxie let her sit down where he was sitting. “That’s good! I tried to make it as soft as a newborn chick’s feathers. Would you like anything?”, he asked. “You chose, anything strong and cinnamon. Please!”, she replied as she sat down her stuff.

“Alright, so what exactly did you want to research over? Elves?”, Jim asked as he began to munch on his ice.


Jim choked on his ice and slightly blushed, “Wha-what.”

“Yes. Trolls. Because well I want to learn more about what encounter I had with Ivar, also I want to learn more about you. If-if that’s okay?”, she asked.

“Well, I like vespas and I really love cooking and-”, Jim was cut off by Ashka’s giggling. “Heh, yea that sounds good to me. I would probably like to learn more about you to if that’s okay?”, Jim asked. “Sure, that seems fair.”

“Hey, where’s Toby?”, Ashka asked realizing that the orange haired boy wasn’t around. “Oh, he and ARRRGGGHHH one of our troll friends went with his fiancée’s family out of town this weekend since he already got caught up with most of everything. His project with his partner is nearly finished.”, Jim said as he finished his ice. Ashka looked stunned, “Wait…so Toby is engaged?! By whom and how did he finish all of that and why didn’t y’all chose to be partners?”, Ashka asked as she got up in a frenzy, still holding on to Logi in her arms.

“A high school sweetheart, her name is Darci. Also, it would leave you out, so Toby decided to chose someone who was obviously much more book smart for a change. And with that nearly has everything put together, lucky bastard.”, Jim said with a chuckle.

“See, I knew you would mess something up.”

Ashka winced and shook her head, “Well, alrighty. Sorry about that though, I didn’t mean to separate you guys.”, she said with a soft tone. “You didn’t! Honestly, I would be doing more than half the work. This will be different and that’s okay.”, Jim responded.


Jim sighed pulling Ashka back into reality, “I would probably like to learn more about trolls too. Hence on what Nari mentioned Monday, I want to learn more about myself.”

“What did she say?”, Ashka asked with curiosity.

Before Jim could answer that Douxie came back with a large cup of coffee, “Your cinnamon latte with 4 ristretto shots, my lady. I steamed the milk with dark cinnamon powder for you.” “Oh! Thank you! It smells soooo good!”, she said as she gave it a whiff. Taking a sip her eye’s lit up with life, “Oh. My. GOD! This is delicious!”

“Great! Have you guys decided on what to research?”, Douxie asked as he grabbed the water glass right before Jim was going to take a bite out of it. “Yes, we’re going to research about Icelandic trolls and their beginnings.”, she responded as she took a swallow of her coffee.

Douxie slightly taken back, “Really?”

Jim shrugged, “Yea, honestly I only know what Blinky told me from the books. I’m sure there’s much more to it.” Douxie nodded in agreement, “You’re probably right and with what happened earlier this week it would be wise to talk to him.”

“Alright, so where do we go from here?”, Ashka asked finishing her coffee in one big swig.

“New Jersey.”, Jim said as he quickly grabbed the mug and bite into it as Douxie gave him a look of ‘seriously dude?’.

“What.”, Ashka said completely taken back.

Forty minutes later

“So, this portable doorway will take us all the way to New Jersey? Instead of it being a possible 5-day trek it’s only take 5 minutes?”, Ashka asked as Douxie prepped the portal. “Yes, and instead of using shadow magic I’ll be using what I like to call safe teleportation magic. Using a spell that I will cast over this field, creating a fairy ring. Nari showed me this a few times, it’s safer but still a little rusty on my part.”

“Awesome. I can’t wait to meet the famous Blinky!”, Ashka said looking up at Jim with excitement. “I’m sure he’ll be excited to meet you too. Especially anyone who would listen to him whole heartedly.”, Jim said with a smirk. Grabbing their bags, Jim insisted tat he carry hers. “You’re still injured, let me help.” Ashka sighed and let him help, despite her protest. Hearing Logi whimper in Douxie’s arms, Ashka turned around and waved gently towards the crying pup.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Logi for you.”, Douxie said as he soothed the wolf. Ashka nodded her head as they walked towards the fairy ring. “New Jersey ut eos inpace!”, Douxie shouted. A blue portal began to open. As they walked in, silence came out as nothing was heard for a moment. Douxie sighed as he closed the portal, “Alright boy, let’s see if we can utilize that cuteness of yours to get me more service, hm?”

New Jersey/12:40 pm/New Trollmarket

“Blinky! Blinky!”, Bagdwella shouted amongst the scurrying trolls trying to get through the day. Blinky obviously was in the middle of diffusing a small argument. I don’t think it was right for Ms. Hidila to take the gnome traps with out letting you know, but they were hers to begin with. I’d say-Ms. Bagdwella, as you can see, I’m in the middle of something. What is it that is more important than-”. Blinky was cut off by Bagdwella. “There is a mysterious portal opening up in the middle of Trollmarket!”

“Great Deya!”, Blinky shouted as he quickly followed Bagdwella.

As the portal opened with a brilliant blue glow, Jim stepped out with Ashka right behind. “You were so excited a moment ago, what’s wrong?”, he asked Ashka as she held on to Jim’s jacket behind him. “Well…I don’t know.”, she mumbled slightly trembling. “What if they don’t like me?”, she asked. “They’ll like you. Trust me.”

Hearing the trolls draw near, murmuring at the sight of what to them looked like a large troll halfling and a small human female appearing out of nowhere.

“Who is this odd troll with this human?”

“The troll smells familiar.”

“It must be Master Jim, but who is that girls?”

“She smells inhuman.”


“What is she?”

They all whispered to each other, Ashka whimpered at the voices. Noticing her severe discomfort, Jim held onto her tighter. “All of you be quiet! Where is Blinky?”, he slightly growled in demand. A light grey blue troll was pushed out front, with his signature 4 arms and 6 eyes. He trembled slightly at the sight of the much larger aggressive troll in front of him, but his senses came back to him when he noticed the familiar smell. “Jim!”, he shouted as he ran forth with laughter picking him up, but accidently grabbing Ashka in the troll hug. “Aagh!”, she squeezed out. “Great Deya! Who is this?”, Blinky said as he was startled.

“Hey, Blinky! It’s great to see you. This is Ashka, she’s a new friend of mine.”, Jim said as he stepped to the side for Ashka. “Hello.

“Goodness she’s so tiny compared to you! You’ve grown so much! What brings you to New Jersey, Master Jim?”, Blink asked as he gestured to shake her hand. Complying she grabbed Blinky’s hand as he used all his hands to shake vigorously.

“Well, I was able to get into college thanks to the mayor. We have a pretty hefty project due in a class about fae creatures, Ashka here chose trolls. I also have some serious matters to discuss with you about-”, Jim was cut off by Blinky.

“Getting a higher education, I see! I’m proud of you, Master Jim! We can get into the thick of it after a nice feast! It’s lunch time!”

“Blinky wait! This is really-”

“Jim, we haven’t seen you in years! Let’s catch up, also Ms. Ashka here can really see how a troll really eats!


“It’s okay Jim. It’s practically lunch time and I’m starving!”, Ashka said with a small smile.

Blinky laughed in agreement as Jim is picked up by trolls and carried away as well as Ashka to much of her surprise.

As the feast was being prepared, they were brought to their sleeping quarters.

“Ah, it’s only going to be a day visit.”

“Oh, what’s the harm in staying the night? It’s only Saturday.”

“He has a point, but um…why is there only one bed?”

“Oh my god…I didn’t even notice. Blinky, we aren’t…”

“Mt apologies, I assumed since you both are at a st-”

“Don’t even finish that sentence.”

“Well, there are no other accommodations right now I’m sure you both can work something out.”

10 minutes later

“No, you take the bed! I can sleep on the floor; I’ve slept in far worse places!”

“No! I’m a troll, I can sleep on the floor! It’s practically made for me!”

Bickering for at least another five minutes till Ashka threw a pillow at Jim’s face, “I’m going to sleep on the floor, and you can’t stop me!” Sticking her tongue out at him as he threw the pillow back, but she dodged it. “Ha! Missed!”, she said with pride. Sudden he got on all fours and began to charge at her at half speed. “Ah! You can catch me!”, she said as she began to evade his chase. “Stop running and let me get you!”, Jim said laughing. Ashka suddenly tripped on the pillow that was left on the floor, “Oof!” She crumpled in slight pain.

“Take the bed, please.”, Jim said as he picked her up.

“Okay.”, she said defeated.

“Let’s head to the tavern.”

As they walked into the tavern Jim noticed the name above the entrance, Draal’s Tavern. He smirked a bit as they walked in, Ashka was still holding onto Jim. “Master Jim! Ms. Ashka! Welcome!”, Blinky said as he pushed them forward eagerly. They were greeted with warmth, laughter, joy, and sweet, savory scents that would cripple even the meanest troll. Jim was snatched up by the smells, “Great Deya! I haven’t had food smell this good in forever!” Dishes, bowls, baskets, and cups full of multi variety of socks, rocks, crystals, and many other things. It was a plethora of rainbow food. “Ms. Ashka I was able to get what people of New Jersey would define the best food around for a human, the Cuban sandwich, Italian hotdogs, and Neapolitan pizza!”

Jim sat down as Ashka sat next to him as they ate. “So, Tell me about yourself Ms. Ashka.”

Jim looked at her mid sock and she turned slightly pink. “Ah, um-I like art and music.”, she said as she wiped her mouth clean. “Ah! Someone who enjoys the fine arts! Lovely! May I ask how old are you my dear?”

“19, but will be 20 in Octo-”

“Oh! Jim is two years older than you! Do you perhaps”

“Blinky! Are you okay?”, Jim asked concerned. Blinky laughed uncomfortably, “Ha-ha! Never better! My adoptive son suddenly appearing after 2 years of no contact to only show up and ask for help with a SCHOOL PROJECT! But other than that, I’m totally fine.”, he said as he fiddled with his hands. Sitting in awkward silence, a troll suddenly came by to drop off an extra plate of troll food. Ashka was amazed by it, “Oh! Um-what’s this?” Blinky drew his attention to the curious girl, “Oh, why is this here? No troll here eats silfurberg! Where did they get this?”

Ashka picked up a piece, “Silfurberg?”

“Calcium carbonate originating from Iceland. You can have it honestly.”, Blinky said with kindness ignoring Jim all together. Ashka decided to pop one in her mouth, swallowing it whole. “GREAT GORGUS! I didn’t mean for you to eat it!”, Blinky shouted as him and Jim witness what happened.

“Interesting, it doesn’t taste bad.”, she said as she swallowed another. “Ashka stop! You’ll make yourself sick!”, Jim said as he pulled the bowl away from her. “Okay, but honestly after that pizza some of this wouldn’t hurt me one bit.”, she said as she swallowed her last piece. “I’ve decided to head back to the room, I’m going to get a head start on the project, so we won’t be behind anymore. I’ll let you both do some serious catching up, you both need to reconcile.”, she said as she got up.

Walking out with a little pep in her step, a troll whispered to Jim. “She’s got some fire in her.”, she said as Jim nodded slightly astonished at Ashka.

In Blinky’s Library

“I’m sorry that I just dropped in like this, I’m still trying to recover from what happened. I’m not even sure if I’ll ever be.”, Jim said as he slumped over the reading table. Blinky came over to him and held him, “It’s okay, Master Jim. We all have our darkest moments, and we struggle to get through them ourselves. It takes time to heal wounds, but you can’t do this by yourself. That’s why we are the Trollhunters not the Trollhunter, we have each other as a helping hand.”

Jim sighed, “Yeah, I know I’ve been pretty distant to all of you lately about this…I’m sorry. I just don’t know how to deal with it.”, Jim said as he held onto his mentor.

“Talk. Perhaps with someone who may understand your loss, a new set of ears I’d say.”, Blinky said with a smile. Jim smiled back, “Thank you, Blinky.”

“Alright, let’s discuss other matters. Like Ms. Ashka for instance.”

“Blinky, we aren’t-”

“Not that, but the fact that she smells quite unusual for a human and the fact she ate a rock!”

“Well, you got me there. But there is something to all of this and I need you help. Have you heard of the Jötnar? Ymir, perhaps?”, Jim said as Blinky stopped and stared at him like he was insane. “The Jötnar were annihilated by the Aesir along time ago, before Vendal was born. They were the first trolls to exist, much bigger and tougher than Gunmar or even Gatto in some cases. How did you hear about-”

I was visited by the ghost of one, his name was Ivar.”

Blinky suddenly ran to his books, tossing them around frantically. Grabbing what looked like a very weathered, leather-bound book. Opening it he revealed the contents to Jim. “Before there was soil, or sky, or anything green, there was only the gaping abyss of Ginnungagap. The frost of Niflheim, and the billowing flames from Muspelheim crept toward each other until they met in Ginnungagap. Amid the hissing and sputtering, the fire melted the ice. The drops formed themselves into Ymir, Creator of Worlds.”, Blinky said as he read on.

“Blinky, what does that have to do with-”

“I’m getting there!”

He continued, “After Ymir was created, he used the forests of Niflheim to create frost giants, ice trolls if you will. Then he scooped up the fires of Muspelheim to create the fire giants, fire trolls as much as the same. But he desired something more, deeper, more special. He took both frost and fire and formed two singular boulders of pure onyx within his hands. Crying upon the stones they turned into a brilliant orange, the color resembling a bright cloudless sunrise.”



“So, Ymir is the one whom created the first heartstone?”

“Yes, I’m not finished yet. So, hold your questions, Master Jim.”, he said as Jim closed his mouth. “As he continued to mold the heartstones they became two beings. One was much taller than the other, having adopted the same color as the stone for his hair. Skin like sandstone, two small purple horns crown his head. One singular tusk on his lower right jaw, a tail much like an ox grows out from him whipping about. Great Deya, he sounds vile!”

“Blinky, I look scarier than he does.”

“Well, I doubt it. Anyway, Ymir breathed upon him, bringing life into his lungs. “’Your name shall be Snæbjörn, my bear of the frost.’” The other being smaller with golden yellow hair resembling summer buttercups, skin like a newborn lamb. Eyes such a vibrant colors of fire it would bring you to your knees upon her sight. Horns like a ram crown her, as a singular tusk protrudes from her lower left jaw.”

“Well, there you go! She looks nothing like that.”, Jim stated with a snark.

“I’m not finished.”

“Ymir breathed life into her lungs and said this, “’I shall call you Ashka, my ash amongst snow.’” After a thousand years the Aesir attacked Ymir. Exactly three distinct gods killed him, his body created land as his blood flooded the earth. The goddess of death desired the heartstones that kept Ymir’s two children alive, so she attacked them. Snæbjörn casted Ashka out of Ginnungagap to protect her but he was captured soon after and locked away until the sister was found.”

They both sat there in silence.

“Everything from there is lost in translation. I don’t know this language 100%, my boy. But it seems we’re quite entangled in this mess.”, Blinky said as he broke the silence. Jim ran out.

“Master Jim! Wait!”, Blinky shouted as he ran after him.

Back in the sleeping quarters Ashka was sitting on the bed going through notes, simply lost in thought. She pulled out the cloudy white crystals from earlier out of her pocket and began to eat pieces of them. “This is odd, I don’t understand why this tastes so good. “Jim barged right in as she was talking to herself, “WHAT IN THE JESUS CHRIST?!” She fell right off the bed as Jim said, “You’re not human.”



Ashka sat there in silence as she tried to get her heart to stop pounding, but then realized…there was no beat. “We have to get you to the heartstone. Right now.”, Jim said as he scooped her up. “Don’t do that with out letting me know first, geeze and where are we going?”, she asked him as he ran swiftly. “The heartstone, the life force of all trolls. And that exact life force lives in you, but something is wrong with it.”

“I’m confused-oh wow…why hadn’t I notice this before?”, she said as they got to the large orange crystal in the middle of Trollmarket. “Lay here next to it.”, he said as he put her down by it.

“Ok, but I still don’t know-oh, this feels nice. Like a hug almost, I feel like my energy is coming back to me. I need to take my shirt off, I’m still bandaged but it feels like I need to.”, she said as she took it off. Jim turning violet as Blinky covered his eyes, “Oh my!” Suddenly she began to feel hot as her hair color began to brighten to a brilliant gold color, her eyes no longer dull but full of life and color. Her skin became bright as her scars began to change color. From an ugly irritated purple to the colors of a sunrise, her body weight began to balance itself.

“Jim, what’s happening to me?”, she asked concerned but with a hint of joy as her height changed, becoming two feet taller than she was before.

“I thought the descriptions said she was smaller, she almost my height!”, Jim stated as he compared himself to her, she giggled a bit. “Well, she is a giant, my boy.”, Blinky said chuckling at the sight.

“I’m a wut?”, Ashka said with a comical tone. Her ears began to grow to a point, a singular tusk grew out as two rams’ horns sprouted from her head. “Ow…that hurts. Hey…my headaches are gone!”, she said as she touched them. Jim looked at her, “Wow…you’re beautiful.” Not realizing he said it out loud Ashka blushed a brilliant red, “Huh?”

“N-nothing.”, Jim said with embarrassment.

“So, this is really the Ashka in the legends? The child of Ymir.”, Blinky said with excitement and wonder.

8:30 pm

“So, the child of Ymir, huh?”


“Honestly, this is great. I have relatives, a brother for crying out loud! And look at me! I’ve never felt so rejuvenated!”

“Yea, I wasn’t like that when I changed. It was more, “Oh god!””, Jim said laughing.

“So, do you want to talk about you past? Your human past, if not yet that’s okay.”

They bot laid there in the bed, Ashka took a deep breath and sighed, “Yea, I should probably talk it out.”

“I was told by someone that it takes time to heal wounds, but what helps it is talking to someone. We all have our darkest hours, but you can’t find your way out of the dark by yourself.”, Jim said turning over to look at her. Ashka nodded, “Yea, well…it’s pretty fucked up so if you want to back out feel free.”

“I won’t.”

Ashka took another breath, “As far as I could remember…I was being tossed around in foster care. Apparently, I was a difficult child…no one could control me. It wasn’t until I was 12 years old…when I was put in my last foster family. None of them were there to adopt but to use, they slithered in like snakes looking at us to see which one would be perfect. They pretended to be a very loving and supporting family…it was all a ruse.”, tears started to trickle down as she began to go deeper into her past. Jim grabbed her hand, “It’s okay.”

She took a breath, “The family used children as mules, and or sell them for money. I refused to do any of it, I fought but was overpowered. They locked me in a closet for days, no food, no water, and no light until they could break me. Surprisingly enough it didn’t affect me but made me more aggressive. I violently attack them when they would try to go near me, but it didn’t stop them as they would beat me repeatedly like a dog. I still didn’t waver. It was until I turned 15 that they adopted another foster child…a 2-year-old boy. Someone that they could groom into their reigns, he had no name. But I named him Zeke, I sometimes called him Zekey Zeke just to make him giggle. They saw how much I loved him, so they used that to their advantage.”

“Where was social services in all of this?”, Jim growled.

“You think kids who were being sold, used and abused could ‘speak up’? No, if they…if we spoke or utter a word to anyone they would torture us then kill us if we didn’t die from the abuse. We all were trapped like circus animals, put on display so the ring masters could get what they want. They threatened me by using Zeke against me. I had to do so many horrible things to protect him. After a year of torture, they decided to sell him since he started to behave like me, he loved biting. When I heard the news I broke, I took him and ran as far as I could…but they caught up to us. Shot us repeatedly, I tried…I tried to shield him, but the bullets went through me. I laid there in a pool of blood as I held onto his cold body. He-he wasn’t crying…I lost him as I was dragged away from him.”, she cried as Jim squeezed her hand.

“After I was thrown back into the closet to bleed out, everything began to feel hot. The desire to burn everything down felt so strong. Everything began to feel unbearably hot…I can’t remember what happened but…I woke up outside of the building. It was on fire; everything was on fire. And I ran, I ran as much as I could until I was able to find a place here.”, she said as she sniffled. Jim scooted over and held her tightly, “I’m-I just don’t know what to say other than I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that for so long, Ashka.” She held him back, “It’s ok-”

“No, no it’s not.”

Jim looked into her sorrowful eyes, “You are loved Ashka. We love you so much, human, or giant. We are here for you; you can trust us. I deal with guilt and loss as well from my past, so I can understand the nightmares, the need to be distant. We all can.”, Jim said with a comforting smile, tears were still trickling down her face making her eyes sparkle.

“Ever since I left, I’ve had these desires, the wants to just end it all. These nightmares are just too much for me to handle alone. I can’t do this anymore, Jim! I’m sick of letting my past control me! Even though that bridge is burned there is still the soot marks that remain that haunt me.”, she said as she cried out. Beginning to tremble as she buried her head into his chest. Letting out a muffled wail. He let her cry until she couldn’t cry no more.

Her cries began to waver as she started to take deep breaths, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make your jacket wet.” Jim went ahead and took it off, leaving his white shirt on. “It’s okay, you needed it.”

“I’m ready to do some deep cleaning and letting go of everything.”


“Letting go of my human past, learning more about the Ashka…the child of Ymir and the sister of Snæbjörn. I wonder if he would be okay with me calling him Björn? I want to learn more, I also want to learn how to fight!”, she said with fire, sitting up.

“Ha-ha, I could definitely help you with that. And I think he wouldn’t mind.”

“What time is it right now?”, Ashka asked. Jim pulled out his phone, “10:15 pm, 7;15 pm back home.”

“I’m usually up at this time. You can sleep while I do my part of the project, I still need to talk to Blinky about other things tomorrow. Remember…you are taking the bed.”, Jim said as he got up.

“Yeah, yeah.”

Back in Helheim

“Achoo!”, Snæbjörn sneezed echoing throughout the prison.

“Wait…this-this feeling...I feel like my body has been rejuvenated…Ashka, you did it. You-”

“You brat! What did you do to her?!”, the voice hissed at him. Looking down he smirk, “Oh, nothing but having hope in my little sister…something you can’t understand Hela. But since she has regained her true self…you might want to go cower in your icy corner.”, he said as he stepped back looking up with a wicked smile. He pulled back his right arm, releasing a palm strike with a powerful storm of ice against the metal bars. Cracking and screaming under pressure they finally released and crumbled.

“SEE YA LATER BITCH! I’LL BE BACK AND WE WILL BRING DOWN THE AESIR!”, he shouted with frost leaking from his mouth. And he took off leaving jagged ice crystals in his wake, killing off any draugrs that try to stop him.

“Don’t worry…this won’t stop me.”, the voice whispered.

1 hour later

Jim was sitting against the bed writing away while digging through some books Blinky gave him. Ashka was sleeping soundly, her scars glowed in the dark lighting the room up in a beautiful array.

“Am I really a troll or just a human turned into a troll by Merlin? I really have to talk to my mom about this.”, he said quietly.

“But why hasn’t she told me anything?”, he said as he put his head in his hands out of frustration.

“James Lake Jr…”, a voice echoed out from the amulet as it glowed brighter and brighter in his pocket. A blue ball of light appeared around him calling his name.

“Ka-Kanjigar?! It’s been so long! What’s wrong?”, Jim asked almost full of excitement to see an old friend.

“I sensed something was troubling you, ever since a dark cloud appeared in you I nor Deya could speak to you. You have been worried that your mother has kept something important from you, also I can see that you are worried about you friend over there, am I wrong?”, Kanjigar spoke as the blue light hummed.

“Sorry about that. A lot has happened sense the silent 2 years, and yea I am worried about what my mother will say and Ashka. I’m worried about her. What if-”

“What if what? What if you turn out to be half troll? What if the daughter of Ymir turns out to be the key to ending all living things? You’ve been through hell and back, human, and half-troll, you are James Lake Jr. The first human Trollhunter, nothing can stop you. And I’m sure that if she turns out to be the bad guy, she wouldn’t want that. Sensing her spirit, her heartstone…it glows with warmth.”

Jim looked down, then walked over to Ashka. Looking at her with softness, then taking a breath. “Well, you aren’t wrong about her. But my mother…she could have kept something so large from me. If she…”

“You kept being the Trollhunter and having troll friends from her. But that doesn’t mean that she isn’t wrong, we have our reasons to protect our kin.”

“Yea, but what was her reasoning?”

“That’s for you to ask her yourself, Trollhunter. Remember, always put yourself in their shoes. Approach with respect and rationality.”

Jim walked back where he was and sighed with a slight chuckle, “Honestly, if I am actually part troll it wouldn’t surprise me much.” Kanjigar floated back over to Ashka’s sleeping form. “So, of all the people…all of troll kind you chose Ashka the daughter of the great Ymir?”

“Huh?”, Jim said with a slight blush. Ashka moved around to face Jim.

“Jim…what…who are you talking to?”, she asked half asleep.

“Ah…um, the Trollhunter before me.”

“Oh, okay.” Ashka began to doze off again until she noticed the blue orb in front of her face. “Oh, you weren’t kidding. Hello there Mr. Ghost orb.”

“Good evening, Ms. Ashka. My name is Kanjigar the Courageous, I’ll get going hence you have a lot on your plate. Remember what I said Jim, also Deya will come by and visit you some time soon.”, Kanjigar said as he vanished in a puff of blue smoke.

“Oh, okay then.”, Jim said as he got up to sit on the bed.

“He seemed nice.”, Ashka said as she laid on her back.

“Hey, Ashka.”


“I think I’m ready to talk about my past now.”

Back in Arcadia

“Alright! Alright Logi! We can go for a walk, just let me finish this last part.”, Douxie said to the whiny pup. The mage was put together what looked like an elixir of some kind, as he gently tapped on a container a small pink liquid dripped out into the container below. Releasing a poof! of purple smoke, the smell was overpowering as it filled the room of clove. Douxie, Archie and Loki all ran out coughing from the irritating smoke.

“Douxie, are you trying to make condensed thanksgiving?”, Archie asked coughing. Logi was whining as he scratched at his face, “Ah, we need to wash your face before it gets in your eyes!” The mage scooped up the pup and began to give him a good bath.

Logi whined as he was scrubbed down.

“I agree, he did the same thing when I spilled gribble potion all over myself. Don’t worry it’s almost over.”, Archie said as he watched from a distance.

“I can’t believe I messed up that perfectly good serum. I’ll have to start all over again.”, Douxie said with disgruntlement. Drying off Logi with vigor causing the poor pup to become a fluff ball, Archie laughed in the background upon seeing the sight in front of him.

“Alright, let’s go ahead and go for a walk, shall we?”, Douxie said as he patted the pup on his head. He barked with joy as he ran to the door.

As they walked out, Archie suddenly smelled something in the air and hissed, “What is that awful smell? It smells like lavender but fueled by power lust.”

Douxie covered his nose, but almost quickly fell backward as a medium built old man stood at there door. Loki snarled at the stranger as Douxie got his magic ready to attack, Archie transformed ready to blow his flame.

“Hush, now children I cam here only to warn you. I have no time to fight as I could easily snuff you out.”, the stranger hissed. Douxie noticed right away as there were two ravens circling nearby…and that the stranger had only one eye.

“No way…you can’t be…”

“Indeed, I am, the All-Knowing Father. I came here to warn you humans to stay out of this fight. I honestly would rather not deal with pesky kids in the way of my plans, so this is your only and final warning.”, Odin hissed out as his ravens flew down upon his shoulders forming into one two headed raven. Douxie chuckled with pride, “Sorry to break it to you old man, but your threats mean nothing. You can’t stop the Trollhunters, and I should be threating you! Lay a finger on Ashka and you’ll lose another eye.”

Odin raised his hand as he was about to strike them down right then and there but something bright was in the sky, looked like a falling star. They both looked up as a manic laughter emitted from the object.

“SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS! BJORN, THE SON OF YMIR IS HERE TO KICK ASS!”, he cackled as he hit the pavement with sheer force, leaving a crater the size of an 18-wheeler in the middle of the road. Douxie cringed at the sound of the cracking rock, “Oof.” Bjorn popped back up with no injuries, “ALL KNOWING MY LEFT BUTT CHEEK, BET YOU DIDN’T SEE THIS COMING!”, he shouted as he was about to blast the god with ice spikes. He quickly vanished out of the way, disappearing into a thick black smoke.

“Remember what I said.”, he hissed out right before he vanished.

Bjorn’s ice spikes went through the smoke and nearly made the team into a shish kabab.

“Hey! Watch where you throw those things!”. Douxie shouted as he put a shield up to protect them from getting injured.

“Ah…sorry…wait how are you?”, Bjorn asked with confusion. Douxie stepped forward with irritation, “My name is Hisirdoux Casperan, Merlin’s successor, this is my familiar Archie, and this is Logi my friend’s wolf. And who you might be?”

“My name is Snæbjörn, but you can call me Bjorn. I’m looking for Ashka, my sister. I sensed her presences here so-”

Douxie gasped as he relaxed his position, “You’re-you’re Ashka’s brother!”

“Great Deya!”, Archie said as he went back to his feline self. Logi waltzed over to Bjorn happy as a clam, asking him to pick him up. The tall Jötnar scooped the small creature up, “And you are quite adorable, much friendly than that nasty Fenrir.”

“So, this brute is Ashka’s actual brother?”, Archie said with distaste.

“Oi! Cat dragon, watch it. This brute has feelings too, and yea where is she?”, Bjorn asked looking around.

“Not here, went with our friend Jim to-”

“She’s with a boy?!”

“Well, yes but he’s the Troll-”

“A TROLL?!”, Bjorn shouted with irritation, started to pace back and forth leaving an icy trail from his emotional distress. Douxie sighed as he looked at Archie, while Logi was being petted vigorously out of comfort.

“So, here’s the plan, my dudes. We can go wherever my precious little sister is and rescue her from these trolls.”, Bjorn said as he talked with his free hand. Douxie chuckled, “You’re quite eccentric, aren’t you? They’ll be back soon, and she is perfectly safe with Jim.”


Suddenly Nari came out from the store, “Douxie, I heard a bunch of… Snæbjörn?” Bjorn stopped freaking out and nearly fell from the sight that behold him. “N... Nari? Is that you?”

Nari started crying as she ran to him, Bjorn put Logi down as he quickly lifted her up from her waist. Spinning and laughing, “I can’t believe it, you’re here alive and thriving!”

Nari just giggled with tears running down her face, “Douxie here took care of me for many centuries. I learned so much while here in Midgard, I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.”, he said as he leaned her down to his face and kissed.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

The Bobcat Witch

Stay-at-home mom trying to get her dream career going so she doesn't go crazy. Enjoys taxidermy, and reading H.P. Lovecraftian reads while not watching Ms. Rachel and Bluey.

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    The Bobcat WitchWritten by The Bobcat Witch

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