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Trollhunters: The Descend into Ragnarök


By The Bobcat WitchPublished 3 years ago 43 min read

Breathing heavy, Ashka quickly grabbed her items or at least what’s left of them, “Did they fucking tear up my bag? How did even get in the locker?!” Looking at what used to be her black canvas bag now a pile of shredded fabric, “Did they use a knife or let an animal destroy it? Fuck this. Fuck all of this! I should’ve stayed in that god damn alleyway…AGGHHHH!” Slamming her fists into the metal repeatedly until they left a dent, a sharp radiating pain shocked her back to reality causing her to drop down to the floor. Softly whimpering for a few minutes, she got up and gathered herself and what was left of her dignity.

Walking out she made sure she wasn’t seen by anyone, didn’t want to have raise suspicion on why she was covered in blood and bruises to strangers. Reaching her destination, she realized that there’s only one way into her apartment room without going through the front entrance, “Crap, if the apartment building owner finds out that I’m squatting here then I’ll be homeless again. I’ll have to go from the back and use those trees as ladders, again” Making sure no one is around she looked up to the nearest tree to her window, grimacing at how difficult this assignment is going to be on her semi-broken body. “I hate everything.”, she grunted through the pain as she climbed up to the last nearest branch.

Looking down and realized that she was 25 feet up n the air she started to feel tingly, “Come on Ashka you can’t be suddenly afraid of heights now!”. Shaking her head, she looked forward and started to reach her foot to settle on the eave, “Come on.” Suddenly her other foot slipped off the branch, “Shi-”. Closing her eyes as she braced for a quick death sentence but was instead met with strong arms wrapping her body. “You know asking for help wouldn’t kill you, right? And why are you climbing up a tree?”, her rescuer said in a gruff voice.

Slowly opening her eyes, seeing a being practically covered up and ready to go hike Mt. Everest her eyes caught the glimpse of those ethereal blues underneath the ski goggles. “Jim? How did you…did you follow me all the way here? Why are you wrapped up like a burrito?”.

“My skin is sensitive to the sunlight, enough to turn me into stone so I raided the lost and found. I didn’t trust that you were going to make it all the way. And besides, you may not know this yet…but it’s the Trollhunters’ duty to protect both magical and non-magical beings.”, he said as he started to walk in the opposite direction of Ashka’s home. Ashka turned red with embarrassment as she realized that he was holding her bridal style and started to try to wiggle away but hissed in pain. “I wouldn’t move, you’re seriously injured. Let me help, I’m taking you to a close friend of mine who can mend those broken ribs. Grunting in protest Ashka crossed her arms, “Hmph, fine. I’ll allow the assistance.” Jim looked at her and chuckled, “So stubborn, why don’t you let anyone help you?”. Ashka closed her eyes but before she could speak another voice echoed in her ear, “You’re just a bother. No one can trust you to do anything right!”. She shook her head and let out a short breath, “Because I’m not used to kind people. It’s hard for me to trust anyone and…Woah!”. Jim jumped up to the nearest rooftop with ease, “I’m sorry you had to go through that, but you can trust us. I’m not forcing you to trust us but at least consider.” He smiled down at her with a cheesy grin causing Ashka to blush and hide her face, “I’ll-I’ll try my best.”.

As they went from rooftop-to-rooftop Ashka piped up, “Hey, by the way why aren’t taking me to the hospital instead? I’m sure they have actual medical equipment to help me and didn’t you say your mom is a doctor?”. Jim started to slow down his running and halted for a moment, “Yea, my mom could give you all the help you need and then some but she’s going to ask you a bunch of questions about those scars. I know I have some too but I’m sure you don’t want to talk about them today or for a while at least. You can tell me at your own pace...we just kind of just met anyway.”

Ashka now realizing that looked away, “Yea, um…sorry for hindering you and-”. Ashka suddenly started to cough in pain, covering her mouth blood splatter lightly in her hand. “Crap! We got to move quickly before your lung fills up with blood. Put your arms around my neck, I’m going to go full speed.”, Jim exclaimed with a troubled voice as he helped put Ashka’s arms around him. Ashka didn’t have time to complain as he went full throttle and leaped over two rooftops, his eyes glowing red as Ashka looked at them with concern.

“Hope you die!”, another harsh voice echoed in her thoughts. Closing her eyes, and hoping just hoping that she wouldn’t make it.

“We’re here Ashka.”, Jim huffed out. Opening her eyes, she saw that they were standing in front of a bookstore, “A bookstore? I’m confused.” After she said that she noticed her soon-to-be boss in the store through the window. “Crap, he’s going to see me and fire me!”, she said to herself.” “Um, Jim-”, Ashka was cut off by Douxie as he ran out of the store to meet them. “Hey, Jim! Who do we-Ashka?! Love, what happened to you?!”, Douxie said in distraught. Nari came running out from the store, “I sensed a dyi-Oh! Ashka you are bleeding!” Ashka groaned in exhaustion, “How do y’all know each other?”

“Old friends, buts let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s get you inside.”, Jim aspirated as he walked forward. Everything got blurry for Ashka suddenly, “Hey...Jim…I don-”. Ashka stopped talking and everything went cold for her. “ASHKA!”, Jim shouted out. “Hurry! Put her on the table in the healing room upstairs, I will get some medicine. Hurry!”. Jim rushed upstairs as fast as he could.

In Ashka’s Consciousness

Ashka’s eyes slowly blinked open, only seeing darkness. “Where…where am I? Jim? Douxie? Nari?”, she asked the void but only echoes filled her ears. She began to walk but couldn’t feel her feet causing her to tumble from disorientation. Then the echoes began to get louder and louder till it was nothing but screams. Cowering she covered her ears and started to scream for it to stop. Then silence filled the air, numbness began to overtake her body. “ me.”, she cried. “Where are you?”, a voice from the void asked. “Where…I don’t know.”, she whimpered out. “Who are you?”, another voice hissed out at her in a nasty tone. “I’m…I’m…I don’t know!”, she began to cry as her tears felt as if they were starting to freeze on her face.

“So cold.”

“Let the numbness take over.”

“Slip away.”

“Slip away.”

“Become nothing.”

“Don’t trust no one.”

“I’m right behind you.”

Fear swallowed her up as she heard the last voice, it sounded familiar…too familiar. “No. You’re dead, I killed you! You son of a bitch!”, she suddenly screamed out as she turned around and a looming shadow enveloped in a yellow light was standing right behind her. She scrambled away tried to get further and further away, but to no avail, at every corner, she was surrounded like a rabbit being hunted by a pack of dogs.

“You can’t run from your past little pest.”, the shadow hissed at her. Ashka fell to the ground frozen in fear. Suddenly she felt an insufferable pain tear into her body, into her soul. “I’ll remind you that the phantoms of your past will always be there reminding you of how cheap your life is. How I will remind you of what you did to your family!”, the dark shadow screamed at her as she screamed in pain.

“You…none of you were family! All of you used me and killed my baby brother with no remorse!”, she cried out. Her throat clenched up, it felt as if there was some force choking her. “You killed him! You did this to him! It’s your fault you little bitch!!”, the shadow screamed out and lifted her up in the air by her throat. She began to gasp for air and felt a searing pain envelop her back. “You are nothing but a tool for your own demise. An object of worthlessness, something to bend to anyone’s will! Could you not remember any of your sins?”, the shadow continued to violate her thoughts.

“You’re slipping slowly away into the abyss and there is no one to give you a hand. And at the bottom, I am the only one waiting for you. Understand that no one, not even this troll boy would give you the time of day! You are used up! Broken like how we broke your brat of a brother to pieces! Let me show you how you let him die again!”, the shadow cried out in deranged laughter. Ashka cried out as images of a broken body of a baby flashed in her mind, over and over again. Blood splattering everywhere. Crimson raping her mind.

Ashka was thrown a few feet. Laying there, her eyes red and glazed over as if she’s been dead for days.



“I’m sorry.”



“I’m sorry.”

She kept mumbling those words until the shadow vanished, then a bright burning green light flashed upon her fisheyes. Overwhelming the darkness it asked her a question, “Have you ever tried to hold on to your humanity?” Ashka didn’t respond. “When they told you that you are a monster, a demon that deserved punishment?” Still no response. The deep green glow got bright but smaller, then warped into a glowing green orb as it went up to her jaded face. It gave off a cold feeling but didn’t faze her one bit as it gave her slight frostbite on her cheek.

“When they took away your loved ones leaving you to rot in the dark? I have chosen you. You are remarkable. Just like me, you have an icy heart. But you are losing your mind, my sweet child.”, the voice whispered in a sinister tone. “You know, in the beginning, I just wanted what I believed was right. And I believe in you. I am giving you a chance, a compensation for the evil that was brought upon you.”, the orb said now sounding female. Ashka sat up slightly, “Who are you?” The orb giggled, “A family friend.” The orb began to release a cackle as Ashka’s body begin to float, “What’s happening?! Where am I?!”, she screamed rather hoarsely. “Home. The primordial void.”, it said as it came at her full force and vanished in a plume of smoke.

Smelling like frostbite and death. Suddenly the void began to open, pouring in sizzling molten rock and an avalanche of snow. Releasing a wall of steam blinding her with light and heat.

“Ashka!”, a voice called out in distraught. She could barely hear it over the sound of sizzling and hissing. “Ashka! Wake up!”, it kept getting louder and louder. “Wait…is that…Jim? Jim!”, she recognized the sound of his voice. It filled her with sudden warmth as she began to feel her legs and arms again. She started running towards his voice, but not sure where or how she was running as she was still floating in black ink. “JIM!”, she cried out feeling suddenly emotionally attached to his voice. “ASHKA!”, he shouted. Not realizing that a wall of molten rock was coming down on her from above. Looking up she screamed out in fear, then awoke on an orange crystal table.

Her face soaked in tears she looked around and notice Jim laying his head on the table next to her head asleep, only wearing his normal clothing. Suddenly feeling a warmth covering her body, it was blankets of all kinds. Thick, fluffy, quilted, and a pillow beneath her head. Then a heavy feeling on her hand, it was Jim’s. She smiled at his kind gesture, but then realized how close he was. “Don’t get close. Please.”, she squeezed out from her lips.

A black cat laying next to her raised its head from being awakened by her stirring. “Ah, I see our sleeping beauty has awoken.”, it yawned. Ashka closed her eyes back, “A talking cat with a British accent? Yep. Still dreaming.” “Archie, what was that?”, Douxie asked as he yawned and stretched from where he was sitting. Jim woke up and with a big yawn, “What’s with all the noise? Can’t a troll get some sleep?”. Ashka giggled at that statement, Jim’s ears twitched from her voice. “Ashka? Ashka!”, Jim bolted up and grabbed her in one quick swoop. Hugging her tightly. “Ashka! You’re finally awake!”, Douxie jolted up coming over to them. “Ack!”, Ashka piped out as Jim was holding her.

“Wah-what time is it?”, sensing something was off. Jim stopped hugging her and pulled away, “It’s 10:30 pm.” Ashka sighed, “Oh, we missed out on hanging out today. Sorry about that.” Jim and everyone looked at each other with worry. “Ashka, it’s 10:30 pm on a Thursday.”, Douxie said. Ashka sat back down on the table, “I’ve been asleep for 3 days!?”

3 Days Earlier

“ASHKA!”, Jim shouted out. “Hurry! Put her on the table in the healing room upstairs, I will get some medicine. Hurry!”. Jim rushed upstairs as fast as he could. Getting to the room Jim laid her on the long clear quartz table, feeling her body suddenly start to become cold. “Why is her temperature dropping so rapidly?!”, he shouted as he took off some of his layers to wrap her up in. “I’m not sure…her lips are turning blue! She’s losing air…wait no she’s breathing fine.”, Douxie exclaimed as he went to open one of his magic books. Looking at her he noticed her breath and lips are lightly coating in frost, “What in Deya’s grace is going on…”

Nari came running in and looked at Ashka’s still body, “Her soul is not there.” Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. “What…what do you mean not there? Like is it in the shadow realm...”, Jim asked suddenly looking at Ashka with fear. Douxie piped up, “Let’s not worry about that right now. We need to fix those ribs before they cause any more life-threatening damage!” He waved his hand over her body; a blue glow began to emit from it.

His face turned slightly pale, “Oh dear…this looks worse on the inside. The two broken ribs have partially punctured her right lung, her cheekbone fractured from a hard impact…her body is holding on to so much stress. She’s very malnourished also which doesn’t help…but she’s slowly dipping into…hypothermia.” “Her body is shutting down”, Jim said as he stood back in distraught. Nari gasped in shock, “Oh no.”

Douxie shook his head to focus, “Come on, let’s get the healing started.” He flipped to the correct page he needed; with quick delicate movements, he drew a symbol in the air. “Sanitatem corporis, inebriabo animam!”, he shouted as the symbol burst in a fine glowing powder. Falling on her body like glitter it started to react, but not what the group expected. Her body started to violently shake as if she was having a seizure, Douxie ran over to her to hold her down. “Crap! Jim come help me, keep her from biting her tongue off!” Jim ran over quickly and held her tongue in place. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry Ashka.”, he said as he kept her jaw still. Thrashing about, her body movements weren’t her own. Growling, trying to bite at Jim...her eyes turned emerald. “She isn’t having a seizure! Something’s trying to control her!”, Douxie shouted. “This is bad! There’s green smoke spilling out from her mouth!”, Nari shouted with fear as the room began to fill up with cold stale dark green smoke.

Jim let go of her mouth as the smoke began to overwhelm his senses, the air began to freeze like liquid hydrogen. Everyone jumped back as the frost crept closer and closer as it devoured everything in ice. Shivering heavily Jim gritted his teeth, “This isn’t Ivar’s power. This is much colder…ah shit!” Jim hissed as the frost lightly touched his foot leaving a burning sensation like the sunlight. “We need to be on guard and ready, try not to hurt Ashka as much as possible.”, Douxie shouted as he got ready to do whatever he could to stop this winter-not wonderland. Feeling cornered by the creeping cold, Jim suddenly felt the overwhelming sense of déjà vu, and pure helplessness. “I…I’m not strong enough…I wasn’t strong enough…”, he with faltered breath. “JIM THIS IS NO TIME TO BE HAVING COLD FEET…MOVE!”, Douxie shouted as he began to throw fireballs at the frost.

He shook his head and focused, “Well what should I do? I don’t have the amulet anymore and I don’t control fire or magic.” Douxie had to think fast, but Nari piped up as her hands started to glow gold. “Jim, you can call to her! A familiar voice, yes?!”, Nari frantically shouted. Jim thought about it for a second and then from the bottom of his lungs called out to her. “ASHKA! ASHKA! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY! I WANT TO SEE MORE OF YOUR AWESOME DRAWINGS! ASHKA STAY WITH US! PLEASE!”, he screamed desperately. At the beckoning of his voice frost stopped and the fog has frozen itself in midair, then suddenly rewound itself into Ashka. “Well, that was…interesting…life-threatening but inters-”, Douxie was suddenly cut off by a hellish voice echoing throughout the room. “Du kan ikke stoppe var uunngåelig!”, it hissed at the group.

Nari coward behind Douxie, with absolute terror written on her face. “Nari, what’s wrong? Can you understand this language?”, Douxie asked with concern. “This language…this voice…it can’t be…”, Nari said as she shook with fear and disbelief. “Still stillhet! Jeg vil regne ned alle smerter, alle brudd som kan tenkes, over deg ... Jeg vil paradere den kalde kroppen din fra hvert hjørne, fra alle riker, og mate din sjel til den tøffeste skitten i hele Hel hvis du prøver å gripe inn. Spesielt alt i forhold til Jotun! Å snakke med din dårlige trollgutt! Helheim vil seire!”, the entire building shook as the voice hissed and sputtered ancient words. Nari bit her lip and gathered up her courage, slamming her hands down on the floor with a bright burning golden light. “Yggdrasil, bro over de ni verdener ... Jeg ber deg forvise denne onde tilbake til Helheim!”, she shouted as golden veins of light quickly ran across the floor and into the quartz table. The light spread into Ashka’s body then slowly dimmed away. The only sound that filled the room was Ashka’s soft breathing.

Jim’s face was full of disbelief, fear, worry, unsettlement and distraught. His mouth opened with words that he couldn’t understand, “I…I understood that.” Nari looked at Jim with worry, “Ah, that I’m not sure how to explain.” Everyone just stood there, the air filled with so many questions. “Hold on, too many mysteries and questions happening all at once.”, Douxie shouted.

Jim slowly walked over to Ashka’s resting body, looking at her chest rise. Sighed in relief seeing her breathing, but his eyes got big when he lightly touched her skin and noticed it covered in bruises and frostbite. “Her skin is ice cold!”, he shouted. “We can talk about all of this after we warm her up and heal her! That’s our top priority!”, Douxie said as he started to wave his hand over toward Ashka, his magic reached over to her, and the table started to glow with a warm orange color. “I’ll get some fire crystals from the storage chamber!”, Nari piped up as she scurried out.

Jim went and grabbed some more blankets and pillows from the side closet, wrapping her up in the warm safety of the blankets. Suddenly, Jim’s phone was going off to which he completely forgot it was even there. “Ah, it’s Toby. Why would he-oh crap! I forgot that we were supposed to meet up with him later!”, he said as he answered the phone. “Hey, Tobes…I can explain-” “WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?! IT’S MIDNIGHT AND I’VE BEEN CALLING AND-”, Toby shouted. Jim winced at the sudden loud sound that went into his sensitive ears, “Toby, calm down. I’m sorry for not answering but a lot has happened in the last sixteen hours. We are fine, I promise you we will explain everything at lunch tomorrow.” “Well, I sure hope so! I got to go to bed because we have class tomorrow, I gather that you nor our new friend will be wanting to go to class so I will get any assignments that you both will miss. Just send me Ashka’s class schedule.”, Toby said with a yawn. “I expect every adventure-inducing detail, tomorrow buddy!” And with a click, he hung up.

Jim sighed, “Well at least he isn’t to upset that he was left out in the action.”. Nari came back in with an arm full of cherry-colored crystals, “Archie is back from visiting Charlemagne.” She laid them down around Ashka’s blanket-wrapped body, “Where did you get all of these blankets?” Douxie piped up behind a pile of more blankets he was holding, “Ah, I manifested them love! We don’t have a lot of these just laying around.”

Archie flew in, “Good evening everyone…what…what did I miss? And who is the girl underneath all of the blankets?” “You’ve missed quite a lot, we can all go to the next room to discuss everything and the next step to all of this icy mayhem.”, Douxie said as he manifested one more pillow and put it next to Ashka. Nari stepped over by her, “I can stay here and watch over her, just to make sure she doesn’t freeze over.”. Douxie patted Nari’s head, “Well alright then love…that’s probably a good idea.” Jim walked over and brushed the damp greyish blonde hair out from her sleep-deprived eyes, the dark circles under her eyes and pale cold skin made him wince in pain.

“She’ll be alright mate. We’ll figure out what’s going on soon enough.”, Douxie said as he rested his hand on Jim’s broad shoulder, well he struggled slightly. “Geeze, I know you are a half-troll but think you could stop growing? You’re already taller than me!” Jim chuckled slightly, “Heh, can’t help you there…I just don’t want to lose anyone else.” “I know Jim, and you won’t, we’ll make sure of it.” They walked out and into the next room, and as they left Nari touched Ashka’s now warming forehead with tenderness. “Who would have thought that after the Ginnungagap tragedy that Aurgelmir’s children would be alive. Barely hanging on, but surely alive. Don’t worry your majesty we will help restore you.” She touched her forehead with hers and a soft golden glow enveloped Ashka. Her face looked slightly disturbed but then faded into an idyllic expression.

In Douxie’s Workshop

The group walked into the next room that was filled with old leather books, magical items, cursed objects, and a workbench cluttered with unfinished projects. “I see that you’ve been busy the last 2 years.”, Jim said as he picked up a purple gem resembling a cluster of grapes. “I wouldn’t eat that if I were you, it causes gastrointestinal bleeding in both humans and trolls alike.”, Douxie exclaimed as he turned his back to grab a book. Jim slowly put the crystal back with wide eyes. “So, before I ask you any questions…what do you think is going on?”, Jim asked as he turned around to face Douxie. The mage opened the book in his hands and let out a big sigh, “She’s not human.” Jim stood there as if Douxie was a changeling. “Excuse me? I…I just thought she was cursed or something…what is she then?”, Jim asked as he talked frantically with his hands.

“Her body has gone through what looks like years…centuries of torment. I can’t figure out what she is or what happened to her, but she has no heart, Jim. Her body is riddled with dark shadow magic…nothing like what Morgana had or the Arcane Order.” Jim collapsed on the nearest chair and put his head in his hands. “Her body looks like it’s covered in frostbite, her soul is so badly damaged I’m not sure if I can truly help her out.”, Douxie exclaimed as he closed the book and looked for another one. Then Jim remembered something, the Ivar incident, “Douxie do you know anything about Jötnar? Jotunheim? Cause man do I have something to add to this chaos.” Douxie stopped what he was doing and quickly went to the opposite of the room to a separate bookshelf, pulling out an old leather-bound book. “Go on.”

“Well, Toby and I went on our usual early morning patrol until everything got covered in this sapphire blue ice, nothing like the ice we saw earlier. Boulders of snow came flying at us suddenly! Then an ice troll to which he said his name was Ivar and he’s apparently, he is a Jötnar from this realm called Jotunhiem. Coming from beyond the grave to warn me about a greater threat to mankind and all magical creatures, Midgard, and such forth. And he told me how to stop it by finding the two beings that breathe fire and ice, and so forth.”

Archie flew over on Douxie’s shoulders, “That sounds like Bellroc and Skrael…but that also doesn’t make sense.” Douxie flipped a page, “What also doesn’t make sense is that …the Jötnar were the very first trolls to ever exist, created by…Ymir...the creator of Worlds. The Jötnar were wiped out by the Aesir gods after Ymir fell. How can something more powerful than…wait.”, he said as he vigorously flipped to another page. “Oh…oh, no.”, he said as he sat the book down to show them, a picture riddled with gold, black and red accents displayed a scene so gruesome that it would make Gunmar blush. “A battle of the gods, trepidation, and chaos will ensue upon all of the nine realms...Ragnarök.”

Jim looked at him with confusion, “Ragnarök?” Archie flew over to Jim, “Yes. It starts with a 7-year winter and then the end of all creation.” Jim sat up quickly, “Wait…didn’t the Arcane Oder already try to do that?” “Yes, but they did that with their selfish desires in mind. And it seems though that it was a part of a far bigger plan by something that is far more powerful and far more unavoidable.”, Douxie said as he sat in the opposite chair looking ever more exhausted.

“Ashka was there during the fight with Ivar, or at least I sensed her. I think Ivar knew too.”, Jim said as he looked through his memories. “I believe that whoever talked through her earlier was not from Asgard, from what the books say they’re too full of themselves to associate themselves with Midgard. Perhaps…eh I’m not too sure…but what I can say is that she’s a part of this like it or not.”, Douxie said as he leaned back into his chair. Archie went to him, “Looks like we got another ‘the world and all that we know is going to end again’ adventure, no?”

“Oh, Deya.”, both boys exhaled.

Back in the Healing Room

After the glow dissipated Ashka’s skin suddenly started to show more bruising as if her old scars started to reopen and become very irritated. Nari gasped in shock, “Oh dear, I couldn’t have done that with my power…right? No, these are old, but it shows signs of freshness. Who could have done this to you?” Nari examined her through n through, noticing heavy scarring on the back of her neck she slightly turned Ashka over to look. Lifting the back of her shirt she let out a cry of disbelief and heartbreak at what she saw and quickly ran off to tell the others.

As the group was just about to drift off in a small nap Nari came bursting in causing everyone to jump. “AH! Nari what’s with the loud noises?”, Jim said as he gradually grabbed his back from the sudden jerking motion. “Ashka’s body is covered in wounds!”, she shouted with tears starting to pool in her eyes. They all ran back to the healing room in a rush, seeing the poor girl’s body covered in nasty bruises. “Wah-what happened Nari?!”, Jim growled. “Hey now, I don’t think Nari did anything to cause this, so calm down.”, Douxie said putting him between the upset Trollhunter and the frightened forest girl. Jim closed his eyes, “Sorry Nari. Guess we’re all tired.” Nari walked over to Jim and put her small hand on his arm somberly, “It’s okay Master Jim, I can understand your concern. Her bruises appeared suddenly, and I knew I had to tell you both immediately. Especially since I saw what was on her back…”

“What do you mean?”, Douxie said.

Nari went back over to Ashka’s resting body and turned her over to show them her back, everyone gasped in shock. Jim couldn’t believe what he was seeing, his eyes turned red with anger as he saw the old charring of Ashka’s skin revealing the vertebrae slightly. The rest of her body was covered in thick slashes of knife cuts and a singular gunshot wound near her right kidney. The rest of her scars were still hidden from her clothing, Jim wanted to roar in anger but didn’t want to disturb Ashka. “What could have done this to her…who could have done this to her?”, Douxie said as he covered his mouth at the wretched sight.

Nari went to the far-left cabinet to grab some gauze, “Douxie do you have anything that will help ease the pain for her?” Douxie went to the opposite shelf and dug around, “I’m not sure, I’ve never seen something so extensive and them still being alive and functioning.” He grabbed what looked like a soft pastel blue cream, “This is Argenti cream it has aloe, vitamin D, fish oil, and a healing enchantment. Hopefully, this will do some good for her.” Nari grabbed the cream, but then stopped what she was doing, “Um, perhaps you both could go back to the next room for a moment. The scars extend past what men can see...”, she said awkwardly. Jim turned bright indigo, “Ah, right…just let us know when you’re done.” He walked out and grabbed Douxie before he could respond, Archie followed suit chuckling.

Thirty-Five Minutes later

“Alright, it is done. There was more than I anticipated, so much scarring I’m surprised that she even lived through what she endured. It must have been awful.”, Nori said with worry. Ashka’s body was wrapped up in gauze from her neck to her torso, then part of her right arm, thighs, and right calf. “Gracious me!’, Archie said as he flew over to Ashka. Nari moved the warming crystals closer to her. Jim looked upon her wrapped up body, “I think I’m starting to understand why she’s so distant with people.”

“Who could have done such a thing to a young girl?”, Douxie said. “The world is a cruel one.”, Archie said as he laid next to Ashka’s right side purring. Jim pulled a chair next to Ashka’s left side of her head, “Let’s keep her warm as much as we can, she needs time to heal and wake up. Nari, could you go get the rest of the blankets and pillows, please?” “Yes!”, she said as she drugged out every possible blanket she could. “I’ll make some warm drinks for everyone. What would everyone like?”, Douxie said with a shimmer of cheer.

“I’ll have a toasty chamomile tea please, I need to unwind after today.”, Archie said with a purr as he curled closer towards Ashka. “Oh, could I please have a white tea with rose and-” “With lavender and two spoons full of ambrosia?” Douxie said as he finished Nari’s sentence, she nodded her head and smiled thankfully. “How about you Jim?”, he asked the focused Trollhunter. “Nothing for me, I have to keep an eye on her. To make sure nothing else happens to her or us.”, he exclaimed as he rested the back of his hand on her forehead to make sure that her body temperature stayed normal. “Well alright then, let me know if you change your or mind.”, the mage said as he walked out to make the drinks. Jim grunted in response as he watched Ashka’s chest move rhythmically.

“This is probably the most sleep you’ve had in a while, huh?”, Jim asked Ashka with no response other than her soft breathing. Suddenly she started to grumble a little and turned over to face Jim, slightly startling him. Seeing her face full of peace and somber made Jim smirk a little, “Wish I could sleep like that. Nightmares are a wonderful thing, I’m sure you could understand.” Ashka moved her hand trying to grab something and met with Jim’s large troll hand. “Ah!”, Jim said as she grabbed it with a small squeeze. “Um, okay. Your hand is so tiny, ha-ha!”, he chuckled. He squeezed back in response.

Douxie suddenly returned which made Jim jump. “Here you guys go! One chamomile tea for Archie, one flowery ambrosia tea for the lovely lady, and even though you said no I still made something for you. A special concoction for the weary Trollhunter.”, Douxie said as he handed them out. “You really shouldn’t have Douxie.”, Jim said as he grabbed the drink with his free hand. “Bah, you need your sleep honestly.”, Douxie said as he noticed Jim holding onto Ashka’s hand. “Plus, I could watch everything, and I’ll let Toby know that you both won’t be going to class for another day. Get your bearings together, no?”, Douxie picked up his cider. Jim went ahead and took a sip of his, “Wow! Douxie this is good! What’s-”, Jim collapsed, resting his head next to Ashka’s. “Some lavender, chamomile, and a ton of valerian root.”, he said as he rested a blanket on Jim’s shoulders. “Get some rest old friend.”

Douxie walked over to the chair nearest to the fireplace and sat down sipping on his drink slowly. “Master, I don’t know what to do know. With you and many others gone, I am at a loss. Fighting Norse gods, the possible connection with Ymir and with our new friend who could be in the middle of this mess. I just don’t think I could…we could do this again...I miss you.”, Douxie said with a whisper of sorrow. Silence.

In Jim’s Consciousness

“Jim! Watch out!”, Claire shouted as a ball of lava came hurdling at him. Dodging it swiftly but still wasn’t quick enough as it nicked his left forearm. Growling in pain as Bellroc cackled in sadistic delight. “Foolish Trollhunter! You can’t stop me! Half-human? Half troll? HA! All I can see is 100% burnable trash!”, they screamed in rage as they hurled more lava at the Trollhunter team. Dodging as quickly as they could and with the help of Claire’s shadow magic, Jim was able to get behind Bellroc. But they were one step quicker than Jim, as they swiftly turned around Bellroc’s spear met Jim’s chest and face slicing it like butter. Splashing red crimson across the black lava rock. “Ahahahahaha!”, they cackled. “AUGH!”, Jim screamed in agony, blinded slightly from the blood. “JIM!”, Claire screamed out as she teleported by him. Putting herself in the mouth of the lion, protecting her boyfriend. “Don’t you dare step any closer you freak!”, she shouted ready to throw her shadow magic at them.

“Claire…no…stop.”, Jim grunted as he could barely see her. “This is hilarious, a human protecting a half-troll monstrosity! You may have stopped Skrael, but you can’t stop me, weak human girl.”, they cackled as they swooped forward with their spear in hand. Claire shouted as she ran forward launching an overflow of dark magic trying to slow them down. “Claire…please.”, Jim cried out as he knew what was about to happen. His tears stung his face as they mixed with his blood. “It’s going to be okay Jim. Trust me. You’ve always said that the Trollhunters promise is to protect all creatures alike, but who’s going to protect the Trollhunter?”, Claire said as she smiled. The spear began to slowly rip through the deep purple magic.

Time itself began to slow down for Jim as he heard the spear tear into Claire’s amethyst armor and ripping out on the other side. Her screams of pain and agony echoed into his ears, forever mentally scarring him. “CLAIRE! NOOO!”, he roared screeching for her, then he found her blood-soaked hand. “Jim…shhh…it’s okay…”, she whispered as Jim whimpered in sorrow. “James Lake Jr…I have loved you…forever and always…no matter what timeline…human or troll…I will always love you.”, she whispered into his ear.

Then silence fell as everything went red, Jim slowly got up. Huffing and puffing he grew bigger and bigger. Until he was at least as big as Aarghaumont, roaring in fury he charged Bellroc. Despite his size, they weren’t quick enough to avoid his monstrous grasp as Jim grabbed their throat. “You’re…still…weak Troll…hunter.”, they gurgled out as they turned into ash. Suddenly everything went black, Jim went back to his normal troll size. “Wha-what’s going on?”, he said almost trying to grasp for air.

“You couldn’t save the one you loved the most.”


“No! Shut up!”, he growled baring his teeth screeching for the voice. A shadow appeared draped in deep green in front of him, growled in response to the strange figure.

“Weak.”, it hissed out throwing Jim a few feet. Grunting in pain he snarled out, “SHUT UP!” Jumping up at the shadow he slashed at it with his razor-sharp claws, but only making more and more appear. “You call yourself the Trollhunter? You couldn’t even save Vendal, Draal, Nomura, or your beloved. You couldn’t even save yourself! You caused her death! All of them!”, the shadows screamed at him. He collapsed and covered his ears, “LEAVE ME ALONE!”

“You think you can save that girl?”

“You can’t, she’s already gone.”

“Broken, just like you.”





Jim screamed in agony, but then amongst the chaos, he heard a small desperate voice, familiar to him. “Jim.” He stopped as tears still began to fall down his face, “Huh?” The shadows disappeared as he looked around trying to find the source of the voice, then his eyes focused on someone running in the distance. His face changed from fear to confusion as he couldn’t believe who it was, it was Ashka running. “Ashka?” “Ashka!”, he shouted as he got up after her. She seemed as if she couldn’t see him but can hear him shouting her name. “Jim?”, she said. He began to run after her, but to no avail only seemed to be getting further and further away.

“Crap! Ashka! Hold on!”, he shouted as he began to run on all fours. Trying to find him she went in the opposite direction, and she cried out, “Jim! Where are you?”. Tears began to fall down her face as she ran, Jim kept running after her. He suddenly saw something bright above her, a waterfall of lava was about to fall upon her as she ran. “ASHKA! WAKE UP! YOUR DREAMING! WAKE UP!”, he screamed in a panic. Then everything went white.

Back into Reality

Nari finished putting up the extra blankets. Douxie sat at his chair flipping through the leather book, “Hey, Nari. Do you possibly know anything that occurred today?” Nari froze slightly but took a deep breath. “Yes. I wanted to wait till they were asleep.”, she said as she sat in front of Douxie in a chair much larger than her. “Well feel free to explain because I don’t have an inkling of what’s going on.”, he said as he took a sip of his drink. “She is one of Ymir’s children.”, she said bluntly. Douxie spit out his drink and slightly choked, “What!?” Nari shook her head yes. “I sensed it; her heart isn’t missing but it is cold. She was made by the flames of Muspelheim, her heart, her core…is a heartstone.”, she explained. “What do you mean? Like an actual heartstone? Is that even possible? he said leaning in with interest. “Did you think it was possible for a human to become the Trollhunter or become a troll?”, she said as she continued to explain “Yes, it is. The first heartstone to be exact. She has a sibling, a brother made from the frost of Niflheim. They are both the key to Ragnarök.”, she exclaimed.

“So, she has a brother? What is his name?”, Douxie asked. “Snæbjörn. I do not know where he is, all that I know is that if she is still alive that means that he is too. Somewhere.”, she said with hope. “How do you know this Nari?”, he asked. “Stories passed down, but I have met Snæbjörn once a long time ago.”, she said with sadness. “You met him? When?”, Douxie asked. “Before the Ymir fell, I was born in the realm of Alfheim, the home of the light fae. He would visit often, he was fascinated by the light magic we produced.”, she said as she started to cry slightly. Douxie came over to her to console her. “He’s still alive…I thought he was dead for so long. We need to reignite her heartstone before it’s too late!”, she started to shout. “Shhh…”, Douxie cupped her mouth with his hand. “I’m not sure either of them is ready for that amount of information. We’ll worry about this later, and I promise we will find him. Now go rest, love.”, saying this as he rested his hand on her head. Nodding away she fell asleep in her chair.

Douxie started to nod off, “Fuzz buckets.” He slowly started to close his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

August 26th/Thursday/10:30 pm

Ashka grumbled in her sleep, her face contorted to worry and despair. She suddenly woke up with a jolt, laying on a warm table. Her face soaked in tears she looked around and notice Jim laying his head on the table next to her head asleep, only wearing his normal clothing. Suddenly feeling a warmth covering her body, it was blankets of all kinds. Thick, fluffy, quilted, and a pillow beneath her head. Then a heavy feeling on her hand, it was Jim’s. She smiled at his kind gesture, but then realized how close he was. “Don’t get close. Please.”, she squeezed out from her lips.

A black cat laying next to her on the other side woke up, “Ah, I see our sleeping beauty has awoken.”, it yawned. Ashka closed her eyes back, “A talking cat with a British accent? Yep. Still dreaming.” “Archie, what was that?”, Douxie asked as he yawned and stretched from where he was sitting. Jim woke up and with a big yawn, “What’s with all the noise? Can’t a troll get some sleep?”. Ashka giggled at that statement, Jim’s ears twitched from her voice. “Ashka? Ashka!”, Jim bolted up and grabbed her in one quick swoop. Hugging her tightly. “Ashka! You’re finally awake!”, Douxie jolted up and coming over to them. “Ack!”, Ashka piped out as Jim was holding her.

“Wah-what time is it?”, sensing something was off. Jim stopped hugging her and pulled away, “It’s 10:30 pm.” Ashka sighed, “Oh, we missed out on hanging out today. Sorry about that.” Jim and everyone looked at each other with worry. “Ashka, it’s 10:30 pm on a Thursday.”, Douxie said. Ashka sat back down on the table, “I’ve been asleep for 3 days!?”

Nari came in with a bowl of what looked like a bowl of what looks like hot glowing orange crystals. “53 hours to be exact, you were out cold for a long time. We had to keep you warm with what we had.”, the little forest girl exclaimed as she started to hand a rock to her. It felt warm, comforting, and soothing to the touch.

“I thought that I just had a few broken ribs?!”, she said but got interrupted by a loud rumbling sound. Then she began to feel weak and dizzy, “Um, do we have any possible food? If not it’s not too much trouble.” Jim held on to her as she struggled to stay still from her not eating for 53 hours. Douxie went over to her and sat down on the table with her. “We might have a few things but honestly I think a pizza might suffice.”, he said. “Okay, I’ll take what y’all want.”, she said as she leaned over more towards Jim.

“Hey, what happened while I was knocked out?”, she asked Jim. He looked off to the side to try to summarize everything. “Um, well…you basically became the exorcist. Almost froze us to death and…” Jim’s voice trailed off in her ears as she realized that she was practically half-naked, “Wah-what the hell? Why am I-” She stopped midstance, and thought to herself, “They…they saw everything…the scars.”

She grabbed the rest of the blankets to pull them around her back as she still was leaning in on Jim, “Jim…you…you saw them, didn’t you?”, her face downcast. Jim lifted her head up, “They were getting irritated, and we had to help you. We aren’t going to pry, but please remember that we are here to help you. We’ve been through a lot in our pasts as well, so we won’t judge you or anything. No matter what.” Ashka looked away as she realized that he was holding her head up, “Dude, what are you doing? What are you saying?” Her face blushed, but then she looked up into his eyes and began to break down. Tears began to fall as Jim put her head into his shoulder as she began to wail louder. Everyone stopped talking and let her cry out. Her cries began to dwindle to mere hiccups, “Can *hic* I *hic* have *hic* some *hic* water *hic* please.”

Somewhere in the realm of Helheim

A very over-exaggerated expiration echoed through the halls of the dead. “UGGHHHH!”, a gruff voice let out from the prison chambers. A tall being with amber skin nicked with frostbite was sitting cross-legged in the furthest cell. “Oi! Bitch face! You know that frost can’t do shit to me right? Why don’t you just let me out? This is borrriiinnnngggg!”, he yelled out. Laying down he looked up at the frozen grey bricks.

His hair was at a short-medium length but shaved at the sides, color ranging between red, orange, and fuchsia. The left side of his face revealed a scar exposing scaled sunset skin underneath reaching to the mid of his cheek. Pinkish purple horns that looked like they belonged to a devil protruded from his forehead. His ears were at a slight point and were decorated with golden earrings, his teeth sharp as one on his lower jaw was protruding out like a tusk. His torso was chiseled as his lower body was covered by raggedy pants. A tail resembling a very long ox tail whipped around with irritation.

“Listen here zombie bitch. You won’t be able to find her and keeping me here will only make me-”, he was cut off by a loud irritated voice. “Oh, would you just shut up! Don’t you ever stop talking?!”, the female voice shouted from beyond the walls. “Um…no.”, he said smirking. “Whatever. I already found her, so you won’t have to worry about being stuck here for too long. I’ll end your suffering as soon as I snuff out what’s left of your dear sister’s heartstone!”, the voice cackled. He suddenly shot up with fury, “You can’t do shit! I know my sister, she’ll reignite her flame and burn you to ash you motherfucker!”, he screamed as his fuchsia eyes flashed with rage.

“Silence Snæbjörn!”, the voice rattled. Snæbjörn flipped off the voice, “Eat shit.”

Sitting back down he put his head in his arms. “Ashka hold on…I’ll get out of here soon enough and I’ll come to get you.”, he whispered.

“I promise.”

Back at the Bookstore

Ashka suddenly sneezed just as she was about to eat her slice of pizza. “Bless you.”, Archie said as he took a bite out of his anchovy pizza. Everyone was sitting around the fireplace, including Toby.

“Wow, I can’t believe those girls did that to you. And the fact that I practically missed the spook show, so not cool.”, Toby said as he ate his slice of pepperoni pizza. “Yea, honestly though I’m used to people doing that to me.”, Ashka said bluntly as she ate. Toby’s eyes widen, “Well, don’t worry. It won’t ever happen again as long as the mighty Trollhunters are here to put a stop to it!” Ashka chuckled, “The mighty Trollhunters…hm, okay.”

Jim was eating a handful of light, pink-colored crystals resembling celestial stars. “What are those?”, Ashka asked entranced by its beauty. “Rose quartz clusters, since I can’t eat pizza, I chose these because they taste just like strawberry sherbet.”, Jim said as he handed her a unique piece. “The matrix in this one looks kind of like a star, too pretty to eat to me.”, he said with a mouthful. She took the crystal and admired the pastel pink colors dancing in delight. She put it in her pocket, “Thank you, I’ll keep it safe.” Douxie walked over and handed Ashka some olive-toned ointment, “Most of your serious aliments healed but you have to do your part to help further it along, love.” Ashka let out a slight sigh of annoyance, “I’ll try my best. What’s this stuff anyway?” “A mixture of aloe and some other magical properties”, Douxie said as he began to clean up.

Jim suddenly piped up, “Ashka, is the only place you can live in that abandoned apartment room? I mean is there any other possibility for you to stay somewhere safer?” Ashka turned beet red, “Well…um…yea, but no I don’t have any of place to call home.” Douxie stopped, “Wait, you’re telling us that you live in an abandoned apartment room?” Ashka shook her head sheepishly. “I…I just can’t afford an actual place to stay. I’m hanging onto college by mere scholarships and grants alone. Over 20 years I’ve taught myself to survive. Jumping from one foster family to another until I aged out. Lived under bridges, in trees, and abandoned buildings. So, yea, I struggle but I survive.”, she said with an aggressive bite of her pizza.

“Ashka, you don’t have to ‘just survive’. You now have people who care about you, more than you know.”, Jim said as he got up. She looked up at him as he held out his hand to her, she hesitated but grabbed it willingly. Looking at her new friends, Douxie, Nari, Archie, Tobes, and Jim. Blushing slightly, “Okay. I’ll try my best.” Douxie walked over to her, “Why not just live here at the bookstore? It’s closer to the café and the college, also you won’t be alone. You’ll have Nari, Archie, and me!” “Well, I do like cats.”, she said as she scratched Archie’s chin causing him to purr. “It’s a deal then and we’ll make sure that you take care of yourself as well.”, Douxie said as he shook Ashka’s hand. Then tears began to fall down her cheek. “Thank you.”

“Alrighty then love, let’s go get your belongings as…ah wait it’s 1 in the morning…um let’s wait till after your classes later today. Say 4 o’clock?”, Douxie said. “Crap, I forgot that we have to catch up on the days we missed.”, Jim said as he grabbed his horns. “Professor Shit face is going to kill us.”, Ashka said with dread.

4:00 pm Friday after classes

“My god! I thought that he was going to keep giving us unnecessary assignments!”, Ashka shouted. “At least we were able to get the chancellor to back us up, and we’ll just work together to get this, and the project done.”, Jim said as Toby quickly caught up. “I wonder where those girls went. I didn’t even see them in gym class.”, Toby said. “Not sure, just glad that when couch saw how looked all bandaged up, he cut me out of gym.”, she said as she looked upon the apartment coming up on their right. “We’re here.”, she mumbled.

She quickly moved to the back and was about to climb till she heard Jim clear his throat. “Ehm, you know that I can…”, Jim said trailing off. “Ah, sorry I forgot. Could you possibly help-”. She was cut off as Jim scooped her up and jumped in one large movement. Climbing into the windowless room, Ashka went and started to gather her art. “Wow. You weren’t kidding when you said this place would be too small for me.”, Jim said as his horns scrapped the ceiling. “Yea, I think this use to be some type of utility closet.”, she said as she went through her stuff. Jim sat on her bed and looked through her drawings. Pictures of bears, wolves, mountains, flowers, just lots of nature.

“These are really good! But did you see all of these on your travels?”, he asked as he suddenly noticed a drawing of something familiar. “Yea, I stayed in Yellowstone for a while until the rangers came and found me. It was nice and quiet.” Jim focused on the one specific drawing, “Hey...this is a troll…”, Jim said with confusion. “Yea, he mostly stayed in the mountain, and I only caught glimpses of him passing through. Did you notice why I wasn’t as freaked out when I saw you or Ivar? That’s why, I’ve seen enough within my 20 years.”, she said flatly. “I knew you were there!”, he said almost hitting his horns on the ceiling from jumping up. “Yea, I never had the chance to talk to you about it.”, she said. “To be fair, a lot unfolded from that point on.”

Ashka went to grab her phone, “Hey is it okay if I play some music in the background?”

“Yea, I don’t see a problem with that.”, Jim said as he helped close the next box Ashka slid over to.

*Empyre by Lightworker plays*

“This is actually really good.”, Jim said as he closed the third box. “Where you expecting unintelligible sounds and high-pitched screams?”, Ashka chuckled as she continued to fold her clothes. “Well, kind of?”, he shrugged. “I do listen to that but not around people.”, she said with a small smirk.

I left my soul to the world

Where they bled it dry of desire

Tear through the fabric of who I am

Maybe you will find something to revive

I'll spend my life making up for my mistakes

The debt I've reaped I will always pay

It's time to change

From the wreckage, you molded me

An orphan lost in damnation

Ashka sang along as Jim eagerly listened. “Her voice sounds so beautiful but heartbreaking.”, he thought to himself. Then he noticed some of her clothing were so tattered that he thought that it was rags. “Ashka? Your clothes look like they went through a shredder or maybe actual Shredder!”, he said as he lifted a very tattered black bleach-stained shirt. “I’ve had these since I been wandering the states.”

“What? We’re getting you new clothing.”, he bluntly said. “What? You don’t-”, Jim stopped her. “No ‘you don’t have to’ or anything. I want to do this for you.”, he said as he put the rag of a shirt back into the box. Ashka rolled her eyes but smirked a little.

Twenty minutes later

“Alright, Jimbo! You guys finished up there yet?”, Toby shouted from below. “Yea! Do you have that thingy that Douxie gave us ready to go?”, Ashka piped out. “It’s called a pocket shadow portal!”, he shouted back. “Is it ready though?!”, Jim shouted back. “Yeah, it’s ready!” As the portal began to open, they began to throw boxes of stuff through the tear in space. “There we go!”, as Jim tossed the last box. “Are you sure you don’t want to go through the portal thing? It’ll probably be quicker.”, Ashka asked. Jim froze slightly, “No…I don’t like portals.” “Okay, that’s understandable. Let’s get the frick outta here then.” Jim nodded and scooped up Ashka again, she let out a yelp of surprise as he jumped down.

“Alright let’s head back to Douxie and from there get you new clothes.”, Jim said as he let Ashka down. “I guess, I could just wear a trash bag. Waterproof, mess proof, you name it!”, she said jokingly.

“Um…no.”, Toby said.

As they toddled over to the bookstore Douxie greeted them at the door. “Hey! I put your stuff in the upper room near my workroom. Go ahead and make yourself comfy.”, he said as he followed them in. Ashka went up the spiral staircase to her new room. “Oh…wow, how did you make it bigger on the inside?”, Ashka asked as she was slightly overwhelmed by the size and design. There was a skylight above her new bed, the walls painted with murals of a snow scene with wolves running in the distance.

As the wolves ran and the snow swirled, they magically turned into stars and galaxies, explosions of purples, sapphires, magentas, and emeralds danced across the walls. “A mage never tells his secrets.”, Douxie chimed as he tossed a key towards her. “Here’s the key to your room, I think you would probably want privacy and whatnot.” Ashka looked a little shocked, “Oh! Thank you, I appreciate it.”

A large cherry wood wardrobe stood tall against the wall adjacent to the door. “Will this take me to Narnia?”, she asked as a joke. “Ha, no sorry it’s just a normal wardrobe waiting to hold your clothes.”, Archie laughed as he climbed onto her big fluffy pillows on her bed. Jim came in and sat down on her bed as well as he watched her go through her new room. “Jim! Do you see this mural! It’s amazing! And this wardrobe! Huge!”, she said which wonder and excitement. Jim smiled warmly, “Yea it’s amazing.” “Oh! And there’s a big skylight that I can watch the rain and look at the stars!”, she continued to tell Jim. “Oh wow! Yea, you can see the stars from there, probably the space station too. But what’s that over there in the corner?”, Jim asked with suspicion. Ashka looked over to the far-right corner with confusion but turned into even more confusion. Hearing small chirps and cries as she got closer to open it, pulling out a small pup. “Y’all got me a PUPPY!?”

“Yes, but not any normal puppy my dear friend. Would you say that its fur color looks a tad odd?”, Douxie asked. Looking at the fur it was the color of taupe, grey-brown and the size of its paws were tremendously large for its size. “No…no way…Y’ALL GOT ME A WOLF!?”, she said with tears starting to roll down her face. “Thank Jim, he was the one who mentioned how much you like wolves. You did draw them a lot, and it’s something for you to care for while also learning how to take care of yourself.”, Nari said as she squeezed beside Douxie. Ashka looked at Jim with the most teary-eyed face he's ever seen. She gently put the pup down in the pile of blankets and took a deep breath. Running at Jim to tackle him in a hug Jim let out a big grunt, “Oof!” Jim turned indigo as she mumbled beneath her embrace, “Thank you.”

“Ah, your welcome. I wasn’t expecting a hug from someone who probably doesn’t entirely enjoy them.”, he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. “Well, I guess some things have to change.”, she said as she let go and went back over to her new fur baby. “What are you going to name him?”, he asked.

“Logi”, she grinned as the pup licked her face.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

The Bobcat Witch

Stay-at-home mom trying to get her dream career going so she doesn't go crazy. Enjoys taxidermy, and reading H.P. Lovecraftian reads while not watching Ms. Rachel and Bluey.

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