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Meet Lockett

By Dena MoorePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
end of plain, vanilla

Hi, my name is Lockett, and I am so HAPPY you are reading my story. Now before you throw this down or burn it because you don’t know what HAPPY really is, thought all happiness disappeared or that it is only something in fairytales, keep reading. If you absolutely HATE my story when finished, you will be able to turn it in for a free dose of your daily fix by calling the number on the last page, no strings attached, because I love and care about you. You may as well go ahead, read, call and then spread the word about the freebies, free is always good.

When I was born, my Great-Great-Grams, Nana-Grams, stole me away from my parents. I know, right! She was a villain, a thief and keeping me from keeping all the mandated injections to keep me safe, quiet, relaxed, the perfect, always smiling baby. From her journals, Nana-Grams wrote about our life on the run. My Nana-Grams could really get around fast, even though she was an old, blue-haired gal. Nana-Grams had loads of feisty, loud friends and from all the stories none of them cared that I cried, fussed or threw tantrums, someone was always wrapping their soft and warm arms and heart around me. I know this sounds truly unbelievable. There were so many adventures, laughs, scary moments, and celebrations that never ended when one of Nana-Grams friends passed away.

Don’t STOP reading, I know this sounds like a fairytale, so different from the world you know and have lived in where everyone is quiet, wearing only neutral colors and no emotions. You are probably even getting anxious reading that second paragraph. Take a deep breath, do me a favor and wrap your arms around yourself or the security pet you have with you. Now breath the calm hum you have been taught, except this time……part your lips to show your teeth and try moving your lips around as you breath out. I know this is unusual to the training of never opening your mouth unless you have something really important you need to communicate.

Right now, you probably feel like you need to rescue me and help me escape from Nana-Grams and her friends. Keep reading so you can find me and help others that may be in danger. As a little girl I remember almost all of Nana-Grams friends. I want to help you, so you know there are escapees still out here, part of a sacred group that believe they are do-gooders. They will do anything to make sure you feel like you belong to a family, that you are loved, hugging and hugging you until you feel like you might just burst. They think they can spread the warm spirit of love and wanting and wipe and hug away tears of disappointment. Making you participate in the games and challenges, so you know what it is like to soar with the joy of a win, or put away your disappointment, shake the winners hand and actually try harder when you lose.

I hear stories of your world where everyone is a winner, or is it everyone is a loser? Maybe you will be able to explain it to me.

Nana-Grams is always helping friends and even people she doesn’t know. I grew up having to help her, whatever it took to feed people, make cards and gifts, write little notes, or take care of sick friends. In all my rebellion, I so wanted to run away, get back to my parents and the plain, vanilla world. That is until the day Nana-Grams got sick, turning yellow and pale pink. All of a sudden, friends, people that I had barely met or helped came to us, feeding us, making cards and gifts, leaving me little notes that made me laugh and smile and most of all, bringing Nana-Grams back from her deathbed. I laughed, I cried, I prayed, I rejoiced. I understood.

I had a family, a tribe Nana-Grams had introduced me into, my life had meaning through all those I had helped. Nana-Grams and her friends, my dear family circle had given me life instead of just existing. They knew it would go against the new world outlook with all the calming drugs. They remembered the old world where sadness and pain help you get better and improve by overcoming. That being a part of something bigger and having the responsibility to do a part to improve and be there for others was far better with all the joy, pain and even hardships than living in and among the plain, vanilla world.

Please don’t panic and pop a pill, you deserve something better. We want you; we need you and we will hold you as you learn to cope and handle pain, hardship, and loss. Best of all we will show you love, the crazy sound of laughter, silliness that comes with no judgement and best of all color, something you have only read about in stories that weren’t destroyed.

What you are feeling bubbling up in your throat is want. Your muscles are constricting because they haven’t been used very much or not at all. All your life you have felt like there should be something more but took a pill so the feeling would go away. You are more, more than you ever know. Let us surround you with a warm, inviting, loving family, friends and acquaintances that will be there as long as you join in and even when you don’t. Be a part of something spectacular, let that little part of you that would edge up wondering, what if, free.

Your fear is real. The worries about hardship and sadness will come true. What you have no idea about is the greatness of joy, happy and peace that is experienced because of the hardships, sadness, or grief. We are here to help, hold, encourage and love you because we are all family through the wonderful, good, bad, and ugly.

If this bored you, turn to the last page now and we will give you your fix for the day, pill of choice.

Good, you are still here, I would say “be brave”, but in the plain, vanilla world bravery is unknown.

If the urge to pop a pill is overwhelming, then you are one of the chosen, one of the sacred few with a hint of feelings left. Nana-Grams left thousands of signature name tokens to start the revolution rescue. Turn to your right, I am here to hold you and give you a token heart locket, the signature name gift from Nana-Grams first rescue, then baby named “Lockett Heart”. Our mission is to share the gift of happiness. This pamphlet is yours to place in a special place to help others escape the nothingness.

Make the Epic Choice, embrace the revolution rescue. Call the number and get your supply of rescue tokens. Live Love Happy is the call of the new world.

xoxo - Lockett

Short Story

About the Creator

Dena Moore

I have lived a wonderful life, that has also been filled with hardships, trials, tribulations, and life-threatening situations, yet, through the past 50 years though my True Happiness is never shaken.

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