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To Be A Mentor Chapter Two

Finding her was a bit difficult. As well as getting to her. Will she believe that they're there to help her? Or will she just think they're creeps?

By Raphael FontenellePublished about a year ago 11 min read
To Be A Mentor Chapter Two
Photo by Brandon Holmes on Unsplash

It took us quite a while to find the woman I had bitten. Or at least the hospital she is currently staying in. I think the worst of her injuries were fixed. I'm not entirely sure of that. As I haven't gotten in and seen her yet. Though from what Delaney had told me, she's pretty terrible. Part of me really hopes that she's doing better right now. That she isn't in any danger of just dying in that hospital bed. Even if Delaney said that her injures were bad, he didn't think they were that bad.

As far as he could tell and I'm terrified of what we're going to find.

At least there haven't been police in the past few days. That would be one of the worst things to deal with. I'm pretty sure they probably think I'm just a wild animal. Like maybe a giant dog or something like that. Not technically true but not technically wrong? I mean, I don't think they would be wrong. I've never really seen my shifted state ever. Or known anything about it either. And, no matter how many times I've asked, Del has never told me what I look like.

Aside from a giant pile of fluff and goofiness.

That's his own opinion and I can't say I hate it. Though it doesn't make dealing with that easier and...and I'm getting off track here because I don't want to think of what I have to do. I know that this the wrong thing to do. But I can't help but be a little bit worried. Especially since I have to explain shifting to someone who's never dealt with this before. And it's going to be so thoroughly confusing for her like it was for me. Just how in the Hell are we going to explain this to her?

I've never really thought of how I could do this for anyone else.

Mostly because no other werewolf was around to help me. Thanks to the whole hit by a bus thing all those years ago. And y'know. Exploding on impact. For whatever reason. Even the people who have been helping me didn't have enough werewolf lore. Being vampires were possibly one of the biggest reasons. My kind tend to normally stay away from vampires. I think. I'm not entirely sure of this. As I've never been around other werewolves.

Not sure if I really even would want to. Especially if they find out that I'm hanging with vampires. And my best friend, well he's more than that but whatever, is one. I'm pretty sure that breaks all werewolf codes if there are some. If there are some, I'm doing a lot of things wrong. Wish I knew before I turned someone. Also before I...well, after I got turned. After I got turned would have been extremely useful in this situation. Very useful for situations like this. What in the Hell am I going to do? What are we going to do? Just how in the Hell are we going to get into the room and find her? I turned over to Del with a raised eyebrow. I asked,"So, got any ideas on how we get to her?"

"Cuz, I doubt this place is gonna just let us walk in.",I add. I really doubt they would let us do that. Some random vampire and werewolf. Well, two random dudes from their perspective. Since we look pretty damn normal. Well for the most part we look normal. If you're not staring too close at Delaney's mouth he does. Anyway, there's no way this place is just going to let us in to visit some girl. Especially one that just got mauled by a wild animal.

"Relax, I got an idea that's definitely gonna work.",Delaney assured. Giving me the most self assured grin I've ever seen from him. It's supposed to be reassuring but, I'm never assured by it. Though I act like I do to not make him worried. And I'm a little terrified of what he's going to come up with.

Which I was right to be a little worried about, as his plan was to sneak in. His first plan was to sneak in. And I told him that it wasn't wise in the slightest bit. Thanks to the security cameras that are in a lot of hospitals. And that neither of us are all that stealthy to avoid them. Since Delaney has no idea on how to use his abilities. Like how to make himself invisible along with another person. Or turn into a bat. Something that would come in handy right about now. Also, I got no idea if werewolves can change into mundane things. Like normal dogs. Which probably would look super suspicious if either of us could manage it. Just...yeah, I don't think this would be wise.

I'm not even entirely sure that Delaney could turn into a bat or not. Something we can ask the others about if necessary. See if it's true or just some myth for the movies.

We're still not sure that would work well if we did this. Also, it would sort of expose us if we do this? I'm sure? Two animals coming into a hospital only to leave as human beings? Or at least something close to human beings. It just feels like a disaster waiting to happen. Looking at the entrance, I ask,"We are seriously not getting in are we?"

"At...yeah. We're not getting in there, Chip.",Del admitted. This was to be expected in some capacity. And from how Delaney described the lady that I attacked, neither of us look like her family. Nor do either of us want to pretend to that we're her boyfriend. I mean she might be a lesbian for all we know.

I really wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable. As the poor thing's life has already been turned upside down. Mostly by my stupid feral ass getting free from my cage. Which is another thing that I'm going to have to explain. Though, I'm not entirely sure how the Hell I got out. And neither is Delaney. Since we both checked everything and we're not sure what was wrong.

Also it's really hard to explain myself. Like why Delaney and I were there for. Well, without sounding like at total freak about the situation. Or like I was making fun of her either. As I didn't want to terrify this poor woman that I mauled. I'm just trying to genuinely help her and make her new life easier.

I mean, I guess I am a total freak. Just would rather come off as a helpful freak with a good head on his shoulders. Rather than a total jerkass if that make any sense to anyone. At any rate, we're going to figure out how to find her room. As well as how to get to her room. Delaney suggests that we climb up the building. It doesn't seem all that wise in my book. Or really all that safe. But it seems to be our only option at this point. And that I really can't think of anything else either of us can do. So, yeah. We're going to be doing this.

We walked around the building as quick as possible. Being careful to not be seen by anyone. This wasn't going to be an easy task for us. Not just because we don't want to be seen. Mostly because we aren't the world's best climbers.

I'm not at least. No claws to help me pull myself up in my human state.

It's going to be all Delaney. And I'm so glad that he's super strong. Also that I'm pretty light weight according to him. Anyway, we spot a window that we think might be the right one. Or what we hope is the right one. Otherwise we're going to be at this all freaking night. Well, for at least five hours or so. As Delaney doesn't want to be out when the sun is about to rise. For obvious reasons. Along with the fact that I need to sleep at some point.

Looking around, we make sure that no one is around us. Fearing what would happen if someone spots us scaling this freaking building. Or calling the cops. Which was something that I never want to deal with. As I have a fake I.D. And might be a missing person right about now. And Delaney's...well, as far as his family knows, he's dead. His coffin is six feet under with a bunch of sand bags inside of it. Anyway, we got closer to the building and spotted the woman I attacked.

Her face was covered with bandages from how Delaney described. As I couldn't see her too clearly from here. She was also just staring into empty space. Delaney informs,"It's kind of like she's sleep walking or something like that."

"So she's just standing there and that's it?",I ask. Unsure of what to make of what he just said. As I never did that when I was turned. Far as I can remember anyway. Was this normal? I'm not entirely sure if this was normal in the slightest bit. But, I'm glad she doesn't seem to see us. And that her room is on the second story. Cuz if she were any higher than that, we probably would have been S.O.L

With this, Delaney makes me get onto his back. And he climb up the building as fast as he can. Moving so fast that I highly doubt that we would have been spotted. It didn't take Del long to open her window and get us in. The woman had moved away from it before we got in. Walking over to her hospital bed and sitting down. Her face was sort of familiar in an odd way. Like, like I think I've seen it somewhere before. But I'm not entirely sure.

She's kind of odd to me. A red head with disturbingly bright blue eyes. Like doll colored or something. The way she was staring while she's sleeping makes them even creepier. I know she's asleep as she's not screaming in fear or anything. Sleep walking is so strange and I don't know what to make of it. Aside from me wanting to ask the guys if I did this or not. It's made getting into her room easy at the very least. Though it's going to be a bit difficult to get through to her.

I shut the window before Delaney puts me on the ground. Then we walk over to her bed as she sits there. Unseeing and unresponsive as she does so. Looking so fragile in her hospital gown. The injuries looked bad but, they seemed to be healing pretty easily. Not as bad as I imagined that they were going to be. Though that really didn't ease my guilt about any of this.

At all.

I sit down in a nearby chair as Delaney kneels in front of her. Trying to gently wake her up. None of his efforts were working in the slightest bit. And the only idea I have probably wouldn't work either. Splashing her with cold water. And it probably would be a giant mistake that would get us both caught. As she probably would scream at the top of her lungs after we did that.

Thought, I'm not sure what we can do for her. What would be the best course of action either.

As soon as I thought of something, we heard the doorknob start to turn. We hurriedly got into a corner of the room. Delaney puts me on his back and crawls up the wall carefully. Moving in a way so we could see all that was going on. A nurse walked into the room a few seconds later. She, and I'm so glad about this, didn't notice us as she checked in on the woman. Not fully snapping her out of the state she was in. Though she did get her to lay back on the bed. Then covered her with the blanket while humming a soft song. Both of us did our best to keep quiet as we watched. Right as she started to leave the room again. Me holding my breath the whole time as we watched her. Fearing she would spot us if I was breathing too loudly.

Soon as she was gone, Delaney got us down from our spot. Silently as we both could possibly move. Fearing that she was still close enough to hear our movement. We quietly walked over to the woman's bed. I searched for a pen and some paper to write on. Determined to allow this young lady to find me soon. I found them after at least a minute of searching. Quickly jotting down my information and how she could find me. Along with my cell number as well as my e-mail address.

Just as I set the paper down on the nearby table, she blinked. Eyes focusing on me a second later. Then going wide as she stared at me and realized I wasn't anyone she was friends with. Probably not the guy who tore into her the other night. We just stood there in this awkward moment of staring into each others eyes. I didn't know what else to do other than raise a finger to my lips. For whatever reason my brain thought giving a scared woman the 'shush' motion was the best. And that it wouldn't backfire on me for any reason at all.

Of course, she starts screaming at the top of her lungs. Begging for the nurse to come help her.

Delaney scooped me up before I could even process his actions. Having already opened the window before dragging me out of the woman's room. Rushing us as fast as he could away from the hospital. That poor woman's screams still ringing in my ears as we rush away from the place. Soon as we were far enough away, Del sets me down on my feet. It was at least three or four blocks away from the hospital. We stare at each other before I stated,"...well, that went much better than I expected."

For the longest moment, Del stared at me in disbelief. Almost as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Then he thought about it for a second. In a soft voice, he muttered,"Yeah, I guess it could have been worse."

"I mean we could have been caught on camera or something.",he added. I felt a little stupid for voicing it out loud. And I'm glad that Delaney went along with it. With this in mind, I turn towards the direction of the hospital. Wondering what kind of situation we just left that poor girl in. If anyone believed her that we were there. Or if she's read the note that I left for her. If so, I pray that she'll get in contact with us soon. Not just for my sake but, for her own as well.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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