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Time's Price

The Consequences of Altering History

By Rio Vijey Published about a year ago 5 min read

Part 1: The Time Traveler

It was the year 2175, and time travel had become a reality. The world was a very different place from what it was in 1914 when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, an event that would set in motion the outbreak of World War I. And yet, even in this far-off future, the consequences of that event could still be felt. The scars of the Great War and the conflicts that followed it had shaped the course of history, and had led to a world that was both vastly different and hauntingly familiar.

One man, a time traveler named James, had made it his mission to go back in time and change the course of history. He had studied the events leading up to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and believed that if he could prevent it, he could prevent the Great War and all the horrors that followed. He knew that it was a risky proposition, but he was willing to take that risk. For James, the possibility of saving millions of lives was worth any cost.

James had spent years studying the art of time travel and had built a device that allowed him to travel back in time. He had chosen to travel to Sarajevo, the city where the assassination had taken place, on June 28th, 1914, the day that the Archduke and his wife had been killed.

As he stepped out of the time machine, James took a deep breath and looked around. He was standing in the middle of a crowded street, surrounded by people dressed in early 20th-century clothing. He felt a sense of excitement and fear at the same time. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for.

Part 2: The Plan

James had a plan. He knew that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand had been carried out by a group of Serbian nationalists known as the Black Hand. Their leader, Gavrilo Princip, had fired the fatal shot that had killed the Archduke and his wife. James intended to prevent Princip from carrying out the assassination by any means necessary.

He had studied the layout of the city and knew the route that the Archduke's motorcade would take. He planned to position himself near the Black Hand members and prevent them from getting close enough to fire the fatal shot.

As James walked through the streets, he felt a sense of unease. He knew that any small action he took could have a ripple effect on the timeline, and he had to be careful not to do anything that would cause unintended consequences.

As he made his way towards the route of the motorcade, he saw a group of men gathered in a small alleyway. He recognized them as members of the Black Hand. James knew that he had to act fast.

Part 3: The Encounter

James approached the group of men cautiously. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, but he knew that he had to prevent them from carrying out their plan.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," James said, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible. "Do you know what time it is?"

The men looked at James suspiciously, but one of them pulled out a pocket watch and told him the time.

"Thank you," James said, and then quickly grabbed the watch from the man's hand. He threw it down the alleyway, hoping to distract the men.

The distraction worked, and the men began to search for the watch. James used the opportunity to move closer to them, trying to get in between them and the motorcade.

As he got closer, he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Excuse me, sir," the voice said. "You dropped this."

James turned around to see a young woman holding the pocket watch, James was surprised to see the woman standing there holding the watch. He had not anticipated this, but he quickly regained his composure and realized that this could be an opportunity to distract the Black Hand members further.

"Thank you, miss," James said, taking the watch from her. "You're a lifesaver."

The woman smiled at him and walked away, and James turned his attention back to the Black Hand members. He noticed that one of them, a young man who looked to be in his late teens, was holding a pistol.

James knew that this was Gavrilo Princip, the man who would fire the fatal shot that would start the war. He needed to stop him, but he had no weapons of his own.

He looked around, searching for something that he could use to disarm Princip. He saw a nearby fruit vendor selling apples and grabbed one.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the vendor shouted at him.

But James didn't have time to explain. He threw the apple at Princip, hitting him in the face and causing him to drop the gun.

The other Black Hand members turned to see what had happened, and James used the confusion to grab Princip and pin him to the ground. He could hear the sound of the motorcade approaching, and he knew that he had to act fast.

Part 4: The Consequences

James held Princip down as the motorcade passed by. He felt a sense of relief as he realized that he had prevented the assassination, and therefore, the outbreak of World War I.

But as he looked up, he saw that the people around him were staring at him in shock and disbelief. They had seen him throw the apple, and they had seen him tackle Princip to the ground.

The police arrived on the scene, and James knew that he was in trouble. He had disrupted the course of history, and he had no idea what the consequences of his actions would be.

He was arrested and taken to a nearby police station, where he was interrogated by the authorities. They accused him of being a member of the Black Hand and of being involved in a plot to assassinate the Archduke.

James tried to explain his actions, but the police didn't believe him. He was eventually charged with treason and sentenced to life in prison.

Part 5: The Aftermath

Years passed, and James remained in prison. He had lost all hope of ever being released, and he knew that he had made a terrible mistake.

As he sat in his cell, he thought about the consequences of his actions. He realized that he had not only prevented the outbreak of World War I but that he had also changed the course of history in other ways.

Without the Great War, there would have been no Treaty of Versailles, no rise of fascism, and no World War II. The world that he had come from, the world that he knew, would never exist.

He also realized that he had made the same mistake that many before him had made. He had tried to change history without fully understanding the consequences of his actions.

In the end, James realized that the only way to truly change the course of history was through education and understanding. He had to teach others about the mistakes of the past and work towards a better future.

As he sat in his cell, James made a promise to himself that he would dedicate the rest of his life to spreading knowledge and understanding. He knew that it was a small gesture, but he hoped that it would make a difference.

And so, James spent the rest of his life as a prisoner, but he never lost hope. He believed that one day, the world would understand the importance of education and understanding, and that they would learn from the mistakes of the past.

HistoricalSci Fi

About the Creator

Rio Vijey

As a lifelong lover of storytelling, I am thrilled to begin my journey as a writer. I have a vivid imagination and a passion for exploring the depths of the human experience through fiction.

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