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The Yuki Onna

How an act of kindness can have miraculous consequences.

By Alicia AnspaughPublished 2 years ago 12 min read

We drove up the snowy winding road to the cozy a-frame cabin.

It was beautiful in the Rockies and Ralph, Julian & I needed this was The perfect thing to take my mind off of all of the things I didnt want to think about.

The snow had started coming down harder in heavy sheets , which made me slow down and appreciate the gorgeous countryside even more.

When I slowed down Ralph took it in stride the same way he did everything else that happened. I wish I was as laid back as him. Julian was asleep in the backseat with his arms around Ralph.

I also, honestly, wished I could stay out here for a Month and rent out our house in Denver instead.

I hadnt been back to the cabin in Evergreen since I was a kid...hmmm I remember there being a little girl that I played with back then, I breifly wondered how she was doing.

Our little gumdrop green station wagon ate the miles with ease, I had just had a tune up before driving out here.

After a few hours we finally were in sight distance of the little A-frame, it hadnt changed at all and I was looking forward to some hot cocoa by the fireplace in my flannels.

I pulled up to the front driveway and put the truck in park, running my hands over my face and through my salt and pepper hair - which I always did to clear my head after a long drive- then stretched out my shoulders, I needed to wake Julian up....he had had it just as tough as I had this past year with the divorce and his Dad's new wife. Thankfully there was no battle for custody, Jim hadnt been the paternal kind...I hadnt found this out until after Julian was born 5 years ago.

I sighed, It was good to be away and I took the moment while everyone was sleeping or calm to i did i smelled Julian's bubblegum scent that clung onto him wherever he went, Ralphs flea repellant shampoo and the sweet orange and patchouli essential oils that i sprayed in the car to reduce driving stress. It was overwhelming but comforting at the same time, and I realized how lucky I was that I had everything that i was grateful for...everything that i loved in this car and that it was mine to keep.

I felt the grin creep acrossed my face and I gave a silent thank you to whatever forces in the universe were on my side, and opened my drivers side door.

The wind had died down alittle and now the heavy snowfall drifted more then pounded to the ground, I surveyed for ice and found an odd lack of it which i was more then grateful for as I wouldnt have as much anxiety about JUlians brace on the walkway.

Julian had been born with his right foot twisted inward, clubfoot is what the doctors called it and it had been a hellish process since he was a week old to try to correct it- the doctors had wanted to proceed with surgery and I had vetoed it, they had already done enough to this kid and he needed a break.

So we would wait until he was abit older and had had time to come to terms with everything and hopefully recover from the medical PTSD that all of the doctor visits had left him with. He would start screaming and lose conciousness whenever we got close to a Doctors office now.

I stepped out and took a deep breath, and went to open the trunk to get a few bags- tapping gently on Julians window to wake him as i went, I pulled in the lightest ones so i could get the door with my free hand.

Julian's eyes were wide with wonder and they traveled from the snow to the cabin and back again before he looked at me with the pleading look that he got when it was time to put back on his brace "No Brace?", he had gotten up on his little knees and turned around to look at me over the back seat. Ralph did the same on his hind legs, his paws hanging over the seat.

I bite my lip, I needed to put that brace on...i needed to be strong...i lost my will as I stared into his big chocolatey eyes, I just couldnt do this anymore.

"Ok Honey, No Brace today." My heart felt so much lighter as he smiled brightly "Can you and Ralph head up to the door?"

"Yes Mama, I help !" he reached for the bags in my hand. He made me proud every day. My little guy was firm in helping. He was delayed in speech from all of the health issues, but he always got his message acrossed.

"Ok, Thank you baby." I handed him the smaller bag and he turned back to open his door. Ralph let out a sharp woof and looked at me with his doggy jaws hanging open until i put other bag in his teeth. Shutting his jaws and getting down from the seat to follow Julian up the drive to the cabin door. They played abit along the way but Ralph kept My baby on track.

The Big rust colored hound had been a stary that had showed up on my door about 2 weeks after Julian was born. My ex-husband wasnt keen on pets and we had fought but in the end he had admitted it would be good for Julian to have a dog and it did seem like fate.

Ralph had been a godsend during the tough times that we faced.

The snow was turning our car from green to white and so i grabbed a couple of suitcases and trudged up the drive to where my boys were waiting at the door.

My keys still worked and with alittle jiggling I got the door open, Julian and Ralph racing inside after I flicked on the lights, I stood in the doorway smelling the cedarwood my dad had built into the closets before he passed away all through the cabin. It was just as I remembered and it felt just like coming home.

I let Juiam and Ralph explore, calling at them to be careful, and went to grab the few bags left out of the trunk. Once I had those deposited in the cabins hallway, I checked for firewood and found I would need to go grab some. I had my fingers crossed that There was some in the woodpile in back of the cabin, the fire wasnt essential as we had central heating, but it was something that I always looked forward to and something i wanted Julian-and Ralph- to experience while we were here.

After trekking around the cabin, I found the woodpile stacked full from the last guests we had had and I said a silent thank you for my Mom renting this out for spare cash, I carried my pile of logs into the living room and went about starting a fire.

I had the logs and tinder in the fireplace, poured the lighter fluid on them(It was cheating but I never quite got the hang of it any other way), and pulled the matches out of the little soapstone box Mom kept on the mantle while listening to the boys jump on the bed in their bedroom.

It was starting to get dark outside as I lit the match. I felt a strange whoosh and as I placed the match on the logs and saw the flames start up heard what sounded like the tinkling of metal bells. I even looked around for an alarm or a windchime but my vision came up empty. That was odd, but I seemed to rememeber something like it from when i was really small.

I shrugged it off and was about to go make some hot cocoa and start dinner when I heard a knock at the front door.

I poked my head around the corner to check on Julian and Ralph to find them still happily jumping on the bed, oblivious to everything else.

If anyone was out in this they would have to be crazy or broke down, I trepidiously went to the front door and checked out the windows framing the door to find a figure all in white...and a gown no less with their long white hair dissheveled, I debated abit and with the second knock went on and opened the door. I couldnt leave this person out in the elements, they would freeze to death. And there was a baseball bat that Dad had always kept by the door if they became troublesome.

Large almond shaped eyes that slanted upward at the corners looked up at me through the heavy fringe of thick white bangs while tiny blueish lips moved without making a sound. it was a woman and she was slumped in the doorway looking frozen but without so much as a snowflake stuck to her.

"Oh my god!" I reached out and grabbed her, she crumpled into my arms, i noticed how little she weighed as I pulled her inside to the fire. She sank to the floor, eyes on the flames which were burning brightly now.

"Is there anyone else out there?!"

"No, Noone else" Her voice was raspy and soft.

I went to the kitchen and ran her a cup of water, on my way back to her i closed the door. As I came back into the living room I found Julian and Ralph greeting our visitor. Ralph was being friendly while Julian kept his distance shly giving the woman a once over.

"Here, its room temperature. Once your feeling up to it I have hot cocoa and tea..or if ou would like some coffee. I am about to heat up some macaroni & cheese for dinner if your hungry." I handed her one of the blue plastic cups that were always on hand in the cabin.

She took it and drank it all in one gulp, wiping at her mouth with her sleeve "Thank you" She had an accent that sound eastern but I couldnt pick out the region. She just held onto the cup with both small hands in front of her while she kneeled on the carpet and stared at the fire pensively.

I was about to shoo the boys into the kitchen when the woman got up , placing the cup on the coffee table behind her and went over to Julian who was sitting in the blue grey recliner at the far right corner of the living room- My Dad's favorite chair- with his bare feet crossed in front of him, SHe knelt down to his legs and waved her hands over them humming as she went.

I stood transfixed by the sight and the tune that she hummed which sounded so familiar.

Ralph watched her from the spot where he had laid down by the fireplace with an errily aware gaze.

As I watched her I realized that her white dress was a kimono and her feet were in traditional Geta sandals and Tabi socks.

Julians father had been a huge aficianado of asian culture, he prefered korean but was also partial to Japanese and he had made sure to pack up all of the Geisha paintings that he had collected over the years. It wasnt my thing.

Everything about this woman except for her hair could have walked straight out of the painting that I had agreed to let my ex place in our bedroom. It had struck me and I had actually listened when he had rambled on about its history.

It was called The Yuki Onna or Snow woman. Yuki Onna were one of the many kinds of Youkai or demons (Although they were more like the fey of celtic traditions ) that roamed the Japanese countryside. The Yuki Onna were said to be the spirits of woman who had died in snowstorms, they could be malicious or bring blessings.

I stood there unable to stop staring and then Julians legs began to glow, the glow became brighter and brighter until it settled in his bad leg and as I watched his bad foot began to twist into a healthy position and stay there.

She kept humming and moving her hands all over his legs and feet about an inch away from his skin. Julian starred at he while she worked and had visibly relaxed as the tune she was humming wore on. After a few more moments she nodded and stood brushing her kimono free of any imaginary wrinkles. She bowed deeply to me and without a word headed for the front door.

"Wait!!" Her movement broke me free from the trance that I had been in, Julian was fast asleep- Ralph gave the woman a nod and headed over to stay near Julian- his foot completely healthy, and I raced to get to her before she left.

She turned at the door and looked at me passively, her hands held in front of her, waiting for me to catch up.

"what did you do? is it permanent? and how can i ever repay you??" I was in shock

She looked quizzical at me "It is I who have repaid you Deborah, as I repaid your Mother when she was kind to me as you have been. "

"What?" I could feel how confused i must have looked, it matched how i felt.

"It was many seasons, and you were very small and quite sick with a high fever, there was a snowstorm much like the one tonight and your parents couldnt get you down the path to a doctor. Your fever would have killed you that night if your Mother had not been so kind to me."

I gaped at her.

"She, just like you, offered a weary traveler...a complete stranger... kindness & hospitality. She showed bravery in the face of uncertainty and trust where there was suspicion. She did the moral thing. and so I repaid her by saving you. and now I have healed your son of his malady in repayment for your generousity and bravery." She it all as if it was the most normal thing in the world

"But, it was a glass of water...tap water" I was completely flummoxed

She smiled " Yes and within that gesture was kindness, trust, hospitality, bravery and generousity." then turned to go

"Wait, you have done me such great favors twice now. I dont even know your name.."

"My name was Kamiko. I came here to these mountains so long ago and my life ended in a blizzard like tonights. I was a Shinto shrine maiden and a healer in life and I am a healer in death. When I passed on I vowed to not let these snows take another good persons life." She frowned abit

"You are truely amazing. Im so sorry that you died the way that you did but I am so grateful that are here!"

"Thank you. I will grant you one more favor for your kind heart. Your son has the gift of healing, if he is encouraged he will be a great healer of your time....your canine is your sons gaurdian spirit made flesh and will be with him for the rest of his life." She smiled at Ralph who chuffed at her

"But Ralph is a dog they dont live that long" I shook my head

"Has he aged in the years that you have had him? He appeared to you closley following your sons birth, yes?"" She gave me a smile and patient smile

I brought my hand to my mouth "Your right....I will do everything that I can to help Julian on his path. I promise you. Thank you"

She smiled and nodded to me as the front door blew open and she disappeared in a swirl of snowflakes. I went to the door and looked out but only saw the snow falling in the night...I stood there for awhile just contemplateing everything that had happened and all that I had learned tonight, finally Ralph came over and grabbed my jeans in his teeth and bagan pulling me back to the living room.

I crouched down and looked at him, seeing him in a whole new light, then patted his haed which ellicited a big doggy grin and pulled the door shut. Ralph and I padded over to my son's sleeping form and I gave Thanks for him and this miracle. Ralph turned in a circle and then curled up at Julian's feet, closed his eyes and promptly fell asleep.

I sat by the fire until morning just starring at my son until dawn's light crept through the cabin's windows. It would be a great day, but first I would need some strong coffee.

In the weeks that followed i researched japanese traditions and came up empty handed. So I had an altar made of stone from the area where Kamiko died made and erected near the cabin. it was engraved with her name and likeness. I am told that almost every traveler on that mountain stops to leave flowers or incense at her altar.


About the Creator

Alicia Anspaugh

Hello! I primarily paint & write non fiction, but I love writing the stories that dance around in my head. Thank you for reading!

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Comments (1)

  • Jessi2 years ago

    I love your writing style and how unique this story is! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Alicia AnspaughWritten by Alicia Anspaugh

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