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By Beauty EtukudoPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

When I saw my husband's younger sister, I wanted to turn back, but she got out of the car, knelt on the road, and asked me to accompany her to the hospital.

I was astonished when she told me that my husband's only brother had been critically ill for a year and had been shouting my name because he wanted to see me.

In my mind, I was like, "What does the rich have to do with the poor?" but after much pleading, I accompanied her to the hospital with Junior. When I arrived, I saw my husband's brother sleeping on the bed, he was as skinny as a skeleton, and I had heard he had cancer.

His sister woke him up and told him I was there; as soon as he heard that, he began shaking, crying, and pleading for forgiveness. I assumed he was begging due of the physical pains they put me through, but NO, my husband's brother was the mystery behind my pains 😭.

He began explaining how he had loathed me since the first time I met them; he claimed his hatred did not end at the dinner table; he said he disliked me not because I came from a poor family, but because I was a threat to him.

I was confused! A threat? How?

He claimed he had long plotted to assassinate his only brother, my late husband, so he would get all of their father's possessions, which he wasn't willing to share, especially because my husband was the senior.

Hmm, what a world? Men's hearts are desperately wicked. Who can tell? 🤔

He claimed he murdered his parents and intended to kill me if I had taken the oath they gave me, but my husband defended me.

He stated that because my husband refused to allow him to kill me, he decided to kill him. My mouth was open, but I couldn't say anything. I sat in the medical chair, filled with shock and anxiety. Tears streamed down my cheeks unexpectedly. He continued, "I was looking for you to kill your child. But I realized that I had cancer.

He concluded with the phrase "please forgive me".

I sat there, unsure how to respond to him.

Where should I start?

Is it the public shame I experienced during their parents' burial? 🤔.

What about the pain my child and I experienced following my husband's death? 🤔

I sobbed my eyeballs out that day. Even my baby joined me in crying, not knowing what the problem was.

My husband's sister consoled me and then brought me to their family home.

I learned that his brother had sold my late husband's house and my possessions.

I eventually forgave him. He died two days after I had forgiven him.

So his family left everything to my son Philip junior, including their parents' firm and wealth.

We now live in luxury, but something is lacking. 🤔🤔

I miss my late husband and wish he had never died.

I've never seen where my husband was buried. I'm going to ask my sister-in-law to take me to his cemetery so that junior and I can pay him one more visit. 😭😭

May my late husband’s soul rest in peace.

Some people can be so cruel that they will go to great lengths to inflict you grief. I never imagined a brother would kill his own brother over their parents' property. Even went so far as to kill their parents in order to acquire their properties. Be cautious and prayerful in life, because you may never know the source of your problems.

Thank you for reading; I love you always 💃.

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About the Creator

Beauty Etukudo

A student of NOUN who developed a writing skill on the hospital bed. I learnt to turn my tears into ink and encourage souls out there with my stories. I love to write about life experiences, both mine and the ones people told me. WELCOME.

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  • Yannick Simo3 months ago

    Woah!! I am shocked, what a world. Enjoyed your story keep up

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