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The Weight of Woe


By Tomos JacksonPublished 11 days ago Updated 9 days ago 4 min read

This follows "The Path of Duty"

Edith awoke the next morning. Light streamed through her window, and the sounds of bird song filled the air. She brushed away the hair that had fallen over her face as she slept. Her pillow, still moist from last night’s tears, reminded her of her grief. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stared out at the city of Avonar.

The city stretched beneath the hill on which the King's hall rested, already bustling in the late morning. The distant calls of the marketplace, the peal of bells from ships docking at the great stone bridge, all signaled life continuing below. Avonar, "The Golden River," now felt more like a curse than a blessing to Edith. It was this prosperity that had drawn their enemies to their gates and determined her fate.

Sadness threatened to overwhelm her again, but she pushed it back. Nothing would change if she did nothing.

Edith rose and approached the cabinet. She felt a reluctant thrill at the array of dresses and jewelry. Such variety and luxury had been absent in the Offereiad. For a moment, she lost herself in trying on different dresses, giggling like a child as she admired her reflection.

She was pulled from her reverie by a knock on the door and a voice. "Lady Edith? Are you awake yet? I have brought you breakfast."

Edith blinked, surprised, "Umm... yes, enter please." Another forgotten luxury, breakfast brought to her room.

The door opened and Edith couldn't stop a smile crawl across her lips at the delicious smell of bacon, eggs, sausage with toasted bread and butter. Her mouth watered.

"There you go my lady, I hope you like it."

"Thank you..." Edith eyes flicked from the plate to the maid. She paused, "Hilda?"

Hilda's round face and rosy cheeks beamed at the recognition, "Indeed lady Edith, I'm ever so pleased you remember me. Its been such a long time since you left I'd thought you might have forgotten me."

Edith laughed and moved over to hug the young maid who had been her care taker when she had been but a child. "How could I forget you Hilda, its so good to see you again."

"Oh that is very good of you to say Lady Edith." She said.

"Come and sit here by me," Edith offered, gesturing to the bed, "tell me everything that has happened."

Hilda sat down while Edith pulled up a chair and began to dig into her breakfast.

"Oh there is not much to say really. After you left your father was kind enough to keep me on. I've been doing menial tasks, but I'm ever so grateful."

"I'm so pleased to see you still here Hilda." Edith said between bites, smiling, "We had such fun times, I'll never forget."

Hilda smiled. "You were ever so much trouble, m'lady. I've never seen such an energetic girl."

Edith's smile turned wistful. "Do you remember that baker lad who used to deliver bread? We had such fun with him. I used to sneak away his bread so he was short on delivery." She laughed at the memory.

Edith thought for a moment, "In fact, I recall he became our regular delivery man after that." Edith grinned at Hilda, but she didn't return the grin, instead she seemed remarkably saddened at the story.

Edith pushed her food aside and went to put her hand on Hilda's. "Hilda? What is the trouble? Have I said something to offend you?"

Hilda forced a smile through, though Edith could tell she was barely holding back tears, "Oh no my lady its nothing you said." She sniffed and the tears began to leak from her eyes. "I'm sorry my lady, I don't mean to be like this."

"Hilda, please tell me what is wrong, can I help?"

Hilda patted Edith's hand, "You are very kind m'lady, but sadly there is nothing you can do for me."

"Tell me Hilda, what troubles you so?"

Hilda took a deep breath, "That baker lad's name was Oswin. He was my husband."

Edith felt a shock and gasped, "Oh Hilda I'm sorry to make fun..." The shock turned to chill. "Was?"

Hilda nodded and the tears began to well up again

"We married soon after you left my lady. We were married for three years and had a son. We named him Oswin after his father."

Hilda began to sob openly now, no longer able to restrain her tears, "When your father went to war with the Southerners, he was enlisted as part of the fyrd, doing his duty to his lord. He died in the battle. I'm left to care for our son alone."

Hilda burst into tears and Edith pulled her close, hugging her while she wept into Edith's shoulder.

After a few minutes Hilda recovered enough. "I'm sorry my lady, I didn't mean to break down so. Its just... its just still so fresh. And now I must care for little Oswin by myself. Your father was kind enough to let me keep my work though."

Edith gripped her hands firmly and looked up into her maid's tear streaked eyes, "I'm so sorry, Hilda. If there's anything I can do, please tell me."

"You are too kind my lady. But you are already helping."

"I am?"

"Why yes. Your marriage to the Southerner will stop them attacking the city." Hilda's eyes beamed at Edith, "thanks to you, me and my son will be safe from them."

Edith felt a shudder run up her spine. She was right.

"Everybody in the city was so pleased to hear that you were coming back to save us my lady."

Edith's response was hollow. "It's ok Hilda..."

To be continued in "Destiny Whispers P1"

Young AdultSeriesLoveFantasyfamily

About the Creator

Tomos Jackson

Stories have always been a source of inspiration. I aim to reproduce that in my own writing. Developing ideas of one's potential by reading it in the lives of others can be a powerful force to encourage bettering ourselves in the real world

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    Tomos JacksonWritten by Tomos Jackson

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