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The Walk


By Matthew LieburnPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Walk
Photo by Carl Campbell on Unsplash

It was a hot summer day; Joe had just worked an 11-hour day and was on his way home. A week away from the one-year anniversary of his wife’s death, he was going to stop and get his 16-year-old daughter something. He had picked a couple photos and was thinking a locket.

After arriving at Dragart’s Jewelry he went inside, where he was greeted by a skinny man in his early 20’s, at least 20 years younger than Joe. After such a long day at a local factory in northern Wisconsin, Joe felt dirty in such a clean store. It took about a half an hour, and he had settled on a nice gold heart shaped locket. It was not the most expensive locket, but Joe thought it was pretty. It has an etched flower in the center with a small diamond in the center of it. Surrounding the flower are other flowers with a paisley theme etched in, there are ten blue sapphires placed in the cover. Not exactly his goth daughters’ style, but he knew she would like it in a few years and his wife would have loved it. The man helping him offered to put the pictures in and wrap it, Joe accepted.

After Joe got home from work he said hello to his daughter, who spent most of her time upstairs, having two bedrooms and a bath to herself. He threw a pizza in the oven and headed to the shower. Having cleaned up, he grabbed a few slices of pizza and settled into his recliner and turned on the news.

CNN News: ’Today NASA made an announcement that three large rogue asteroids have been spotted heading towards Earth. Scientists believe they will be close enough to see, but not close enough to cause any problems here on earth. They are predicting sometime next week. Viewers should be able to see them with the naked eye, but if you have binoculars or a telescope you can get a much better look, according to NASA spokesperson. In other News scientist fear a new outbreak of Covid, far deadlier than previous strains. Government officials are suggesting District shopping times to help stop the spread. How it might work is: dividing cities and rural areas into districts. Your district would have a set time to do your shopping, for example Saturdays from 8am to 11am, during that time your district would be allowed to get your groceries, and other clothing and household needs. Viewers are encouraged to continue to wear masks and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Vaccines are Now Available at your local McDonald’s and Taco Bell’s with a free value meal of your choice, as well still available at all Pharmacies. The UN continues to host talks between the Vatican and Palestine to form a united world religion. As talks continue it looks as if most 1st world countries have agreed to join into this union, uniting the planet as never before. Of course, fanatical Christians continue to riot over this union, gathered in cities worldwide. In the United States, however, it seems to be worse; rioters are burning buildings, killing peoples of minority, and looting. These fanatical religious zealots are primarily white males and with some privilege. Government officials have started pushing for national guard or military intervention. Cities nationwide are still under an 8pm curfew until further notice. Gas prices conti…’ and Joe turned off the news and started an episode of ‘Ozark’. Trying to binge the series before the new season came out. He soon fell asleep, having never actually seen his daughter.

The next day at work he placed the locket in his toolbox for safe keeping. Having the only key, he knew it would be. Which it was, until the anniversary of Maggie’s Death. The dreadful day finally arrived, and Joe headed off to work like normal, but knew it was going to be anything but normal. Still being on mandatory overtime he was planning for a long hot day. Temperatures have been a record high, peaking at over 100 degrees in the mid-afternoon.

Shortly after lunch there was a loud sound, a deep rumble off in the distance, Joe thought it sounded like a group of loud horns extremely far off. He looked around and everyone had stopped and were looking for an explanation. Right then the floor buckled, and Joe lost balance. He landed hard on his side; the concrete floor hurt as he slammed his arm into it. Having never been in an earthquake Joe was not sure what was happening. All he knew is he could not stand up. He felt like he was getting tossed around in a cement truck. There was noise everywhere, clanging from tools falling, large sheets of metal, even car alarms. After what seemed to be an eternity the floor settled back down.

The first thing Joe noticed was the floor looked like gravel rather the the newer concrete floor it was moments ago. Upon standing he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, but he seemed to have full motion. Looking around he saw Carl with a large shelf laying across his back. Joe rushed over yelling for help on his way. Getting to Carl’s side he noticed he was not moving. He gently touched his shoulder asking if he was okay. Carl did not move, and Sandy was soon at Joe’s side.

Sandy said, “I think he is dead!” in a high-pitched squeal. Joe put his hands to Carl’s neck when he saw a small pool of blood forming by Carl’s mouth. He instinctively pulled his hand away. Grabbing for his phone from his back pocket he tried to dial 911. A small box appeared on his screen saying ‘cellular network not available for voice calls’. Joe saw that he has no signal on his phone. Shoving it back in his pocket he started heading towards his leads desk. On his way he saw that Carl was not the only one seriously injured. He reached the phone and quickly grabbed it, putting it to his ear he heard nothing. Hitting the button several times to try and get a signal. That is when he remembered he had to hit ‘9’ for an outside line. Trying that there was still nothing. Throwing the phone in frustration, he looked around.

Most of his coworkers were starting to get up and move around when suddenly there was another quake. He was thrown forward into the desk where he was able to stabilize himself. This one did not seem to last like the first quake did, but still was very frightening. That is when his mind flashed to his daughter. Envisioning the second floor of their house after such a disaster. He set into motion to head home. Ignoring his coworkers cries he went and grabbed a handful of granola bars he kept in his toolbox, when he saw the locket, he grabbed it too. He grabbed his half gallon stainless steel water jug off the floor.

Maneuvering to the door he found it stuck. Putting his weight into it he realized just how sore his shoulder was, but he did manage to get it open. He scrambled across the parking lot and started to get in his car when he saw it. A four-foot wall going across the road heading south, toward home, toward his daughter. Taking a quick look in the car and seeing nothing useful he sighed and started toward home on foot. He figured he was looking at a 12 hour walk in the best of conditions.

It was slow going when all he could think about was his house in ruin and his daughter laying there dead. He saw a lot of damage but not a lot of people for the first couple hours. When he finally made it to the highway there was a large group walking south toward the city. Many of them were bloody. Many cars were littered across the highway, many empty, many not. Joe had to swallow back some vomit. Already covered in sweat, temperatures in the upper 90’s, he knew he had little if any fluid to spare.

The crowd being ahead of him, Joe decided to take a short rest in some shade. Daring not drink any of his dwindling water, after a few minutes the crowd no longer in sight. Knowing there is little chance of making it home by morning he forced himself to get moving.

After walking for at least an hour he heard a voice; “whatcha got in that jug?”

Joe turned and saw a middle-aged man, 6 foot and in good shape. With brown hair and an equally brown smile, the man stepped forward and grabbed at the jug. Joe knowing that he was about halfway home, needed the less then quarter full half gallon jug.

Joe pulled back and demanded: “back off!”

“Nope,” the man said through a grin; “you are going to give that to me.” Just then he rushed Joe and Joe reflexively swung the jug. It connected squarely with the mans head making a solid thud. The mans momentum continued him forward crashing into Joe. Joe pushing the man off him scrambling to his feet, anticipating another attack, he could feel his shoulder strain, The man just lay there a pool of blood starting near his head. Then Joe did start to vomit.

Joe could not believe what had just happened, he frantically looked around and did not see anyone. He started yelling for help, but no one came. He crumpled to his knees and started to cry. After he collected himself, he rinsed his mouth and finished the water in too few gulps. And looked toward home, toward his daughter. He tossed the jug to the side and stood up. He started heading home.

As he started walking, he remembered the locket and he took out the box and unwrapped it. Throwing the wrapping and the boxes on the highway behind him. He opened the locket and looked at the photo of his wife. He whispered a quick prayer and shoved it in his front pocket, determined to make it home to his daughter. He felt he made remarkable time, traveling made easier in the cool of night, where vehicles could hide their dead.

He made it to his street and rounded the corner relieved to see it looked intact. In a few minutes he would be home, and the sun should be rising. He felt as if his adventure was over, but in his heart, he knew it was just beginning. He made it to his house and raced in and up the stairs, finding it empty. His heart sank, and he raced down the stairs. He frantically searched the house only to find nothing.

He finally opened the basement door and called “is anyone down there?” Then he heard shuffling.

“Dad, thank God!” as his girl raced up the stairs and hugged him. He only felt a moment of relief before the ground began to shake, but not like before. It was almost a vibration and sounded like a large group of trains barreling down on them. They ran outside and looked to the sky, toward the sound. They saw a giant craft on the horizon being followed by trails of smoke and fire. They watch as the ship slowed and eventually stopped. Joe looked around and saw only about half of his neighbors on the street watching, he wondered if the other half ever made it home.

His racing thoughts were interrupted by a tremendous boom, followed by a defining voice: “People of Earth, you have suffered a global catastrophe and we are here to help. Remain calm and we will start sending aid to your cities.”

Joe simply mumbled, “Oh S!%*.”


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    MLWritten by Matthew Lieburn

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